Contraventions Regulations (SOR/96-313)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2024-11-29. Previous Versions
SCHEDULE II.1(Sections 1 to 4)Fisheries Act
PART 0.1
Fisheries Act
Column I | Column II | Column III | |
Item | Provision of the Fisheries Act | Short-Form Description | Fine ($) |
1 | 43.4(1) | Failing to comply with any terms and conditions of a specified permission or a specified lease or licence | 750 |
Maritime Provinces Fishery Regulations
Column I | Column II | Column III | |
Item | Maritime Provinces Fishery Regulations | Short-Form Description | Fine ($) |
1 | 4(1) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
2 | 7(1) | Fishing in inland waters by a prohibited method | 200 |
3 | 8 | Fishing in inland waters with the aid of an artificial light or light from a fire | 200 |
4 | 9 |
| 500 |
| 500 | ||
| 500 | ||
5 | 9.1 | Fishing by jigging in tidal waters of Nova Scotia during specified close time | 200 |
6 | 10 | Angling in inland waters without an open season being in effect for at least one species of sport fish | 250 |
7 | 11(a) | Angling in inland waters with more than one fishing line | 200 plus 50 per line exceeding limit |
8 | 11(b) | Angling in inland waters with more than three hooks attached to a fishing line | 200 plus 50 per hook exceeding limit |
9 | 11.1(a) | Angling in tidal waters for sport fish with more than one fishing line | 200 plus 50 per line exceeding limit |
10 | 11.1(b) | Angling in tidal waters for sport fish with more than three hooks attached to a fishing line | 200 plus 50 per hook exceeding limit |
11 | 11.2(a) | Angling in tidal waters for any species of fish other than sport fish with more than five fishing lines | 200 plus 50 per line exceeding limit |
12 | 11.2(b) | Angling in tidal waters for any species of fish other than sport fish with more than six hooks attached to a fishing line | 200 plus 50 per hook exceeding limit |
13 | 12(1) | Angling for sport fish during the specified period | 200 |
14 | 12(3) | Angling in specified waters during the specified period | 200 |
15 | 13 |
| 500 |
| 500 | ||
16 | 14 | Using a gaff or spear to land a sport fish caught by angling | 200 |
17 | 15(a) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
18 | 15(b) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
19 | 16(1) | Angling in specified waters during specified close time | 250 |
20 | 17(1) | Possessing more salmon taken by angling than the specified yearly quota | 400 plus 300 per fish exceeding quota |
21 | 17(2) | Possessing more than the specified daily quota of any species of fish, except for salmon, taken by recreational fishing | 300 |
22 | 18(a)(i) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
23 | 18(a)(ii) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
24 | 18(a)(iii) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
25 | 18(b) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
26 | 19(1) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
27 | 20 | Fishing in the specified waters during specified close time | 250 |
28 | 21 | Failing to set a gill net in a straight line | 200 |
29 | 22 | Possessing, without lawful excuse, a fishing net other than a dip net | 500 |
30 | 23(1) | Possessing a jigging device or spear in inland waters or within 15 m of inland waters | 300 |
31 | 23(2) | Possessing a snare or bow and arrow in inland waters | 300 |
32 | 24(a) | Failing to remove a gill net from the water during specified weekly close time — fishing for gaspereau or shad | 250 |
33 | 24(b) | Failing to render a trap net or weir incapable of catching fish during specified weekly close time — fishing for gaspereau or shad | 250 |
34 | 25 | Fishing with a weir constructed in tidal waters that goes dry at low tide | 200 |
35 | 26(a)(i) | Fishing for gaspereau in the Gaspereau River, Nova Scotia, with a dip net within 90 m of a square net | 200 |
36 | 26(a)(ii) | Fishing for gaspereau in the Gaspereau River, Nova Scotia, with a square net within 60 m of any other square net | 200 |
37 | 26(a)(iii) | Fishing for gaspereau in the Gaspereau River, Nova Scotia, with a square net within 60 m of a dam | 200 |
38 | 26(b)(i) | Fishing for smelt or tomcod in the specified waters with a bag net, trap net or gill net within 45 m of any other bag net, trap net or gill net | 200 |
39 | 26(b)(ii) | Fishing for smelt or tomcod in the specified waters with a bag net, trap net or gill net within 90 m upstream or downstream of any other bag net, trap net or gill net | 200 |
40 | 26(c)(i) | Fishing for smelt or tomcod in the Miramichi River or Miramichi Bay with a bag net, trap net or gill net within 90 m of any other bag net, trap net or gill net | 200 |
41 | 26(c)(ii) | Fishing for smelt or tomcod in the Miramichi River or Miramichi Bay with a bag net, trap net or gill net within 180 m upstream or downstream of any other bag net, trap net or gill net | 200 |
42 | 26(d) | Fishing for smelt or tomcod with a bag net, trap net or gill net within 90 m of a bridge | 200 |
43 | 26(e) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
44 | 27 | Leaving fishing gear unattended in the water for more than 72 consecutive hours | 250 |
45 | 28(1) | Placing a shack or temporary shelter on the ice over any waters in Prince Edward Island or Nova Scotia that does not have the name and address of the owner affixed to it | 200 |
46 | 28(2)(a) | Affixing to a shack or temporary shelter letters or numerals forming the owner’s name or address that are not legible | 200 |
47 | 28(2)(b) | Affixing to a shack or temporary shelter letters or numerals forming the owner’s name or address that are less than 50 mm in height | 200 |
48 | 28(2)(c) | Affixing to a shack or temporary shelter letters or numerals forming the owner’s name or address that are in a colour that does not contrast with their background | 200 |
49 | 28(3) | Placing a shack or temporary shelter on the ice before January 1 in specified waters | 200 |
50 | 28(4) | Failing to remove a shack or temporary shelter from the ice by midnight on April 2 or by the date specified by a fishery officer | 200 |
51 | 30.1 | Fishing for burbot by a prohibited method | 200 |
52 | 30.2 | Fishing for burbot in the specified waters during specified close time | 250 |
53 | 30.3(a) | Catching and retaining in any day from the specified waters more burbot than the specified quota | 200 |
54 | 30.3(b) | Catching and retaining from the specified waters a burbot less than the specified minimum length or more than the specified maximum length | 200 |
55 | 31.1 | Fishing for chain pickerel by a prohibited method | 200 |
56 | 31.2 | Fishing for chain pickerel in the specified waters during specified close time | 250 |
57 | 31.3(a) | Catching and retaining in any day from the specified waters more chain pickerel than the specified quota | 200 |
58 | 31.3(b) | Catching and retaining from the specified waters any chain pickerel less than the specified minimum length or more than the specified maximum length | 200 |
59 | 32(1) | Engaging in recreational fishing for clams in the specified waters during specified close time | 250 |
60 | 32(2) | Engaging in commercial fishing for clams in the specified waters during specified close time | 350 |
61 | 33 | Catching and retaining in any day more clams of the specified species than the specified aggregate quota | 200 plus 1 per clam exceeding quota |
62 | 34 | Catching and retaining from the specified waters any clam of a specified species less than the specified minimum length | 200 plus 1 per clam less than minimum length |
63 | 36 | Fishing for eels by a prohibited method | 500 |
64 | 37(1) | Engaging in recreational fishing for eels from specified waters during specified close time | 250 |
65 | 37(1.1) | Engaging in commercial fishing for eels from specified waters during specified close time | 350 |
66 | 37(2)(a) | Failing to provide an opening in an eel trap at least 90 cm wide while fishing for eels from sunrise to sunset in the inland waters of Nova Scotia | 250 |
67 | 37(2)(b) | Failing to render a fyke net incapable of catching fish while fishing for eels from sunrise to sunset in the inland waters of Nova Scotia | 250 |
68 | 38 | Catching and retaining in any day from the specified waters more eels than the specified quota | 200 plus 10 per eel exceeding quota |
69 | 38.1(1) | Catching and retaining from the specified waters an eel less than the specified minimum length | 200 plus 10 per eel less than minimum length |
70 | 40 | Fishing for gaspereau by a prohibited method | 500 |
71 | 41(1)(a) | Engaging in recreational fishing for gaspereau in the specified waters during specified yearly close time | 250 |
72 | 41(1)(b) | Engaging in recreational fishing for gaspereau in the specified waters during specified weekly close time | 250 |
73 | 41(2)(a) | Engaging in commercial fishing for gaspereau in the specified waters during specified yearly close time | 350 |
74 | 41(2)(b) | Engaging in commercial fishing for gaspereau in the specified waters during specified weekly close time | 350 |
75 | 41.1 | Catching and retaining in any day from the specified waters more gaspereau than the specified quota | 200 plus 10 per fish exceeding quota |
76 | 42(1) | Fishing for gaspereau with a gill net that has a mesh size of more than 89 mm | 200 |
77 | 42(2) | Fishing for gaspereau in the inland or tidal waters of New Brunswick with a gill net that has a mesh size of less than 38 mm | 200 |
78 | 43(1) | Fishing for gaspereau in the inland waters of Nova Scotia by a prohibited method from sunset to sunrise | 250 |
79 | 44(a) | Fishing for gaspereau in the inland waters of any river in Nova Scotia with a square net that is more than 3.65 m2 | 200 |
80 | 44(b) |
| 500 |
| 500 | ||
81 | 45(a) | Failing to remove a square net from the specified waters during specified weekly close time — fishing for gaspereau | 250 |
82 | 45(b) | Failing to provide an opening that is at least 60 cm wide and 60 cm high in the wall of the square net fixture — fishing for gaspereau in inland waters of a river in Nova Scotia | 500 |
83 | 46 | Fishing for gaspereau in the inland waters of Inverness County with a trap net that is more than 15 m in length | 200 |
84 | 47(a) | Fishing for gaspereau in the Gaspereau River, Nova Scotia, with a dip net the opening of which has a circumference of more than 190 cm | 200 |
85 | 47(b) | Fishing for gaspereau in the specified section of the Gaspereau River, Nova Scotia, by a prohibited method | 200 |
86 | 47(c) | Fishing for gaspereau in the specified section of the Gaspereau River, Nova Scotia | 200 |
87 | 47(d) | Fishing for gaspereau in the specified section of the Gaspereau River, Nova Scotia | 200 |
88 | 48 | Fishing for gaspereau in the specified section of the Tusket River, Nova Scotia | 200 |
89 | 50 | Fishing for landlocked salmon by a prohibited method | 500 |
90 | 51 | Fishing for landlocked salmon in the specified waters during specified close time | 250 |
91 | 52(1)(a) | Catching and retaining in any day from the specified waters more landlocked salmon than the specified quota | 200 plus 100 per fish exceeding quota |
92 | 52(1)(b)(i) | Catching and retaining from the specified waters any landlocked salmon less than the specified minimum length | 200 plus 100 per fish less than minimum length |
93 | 52(1)(b)(ii) | Catching and retaining from the specified waters any landlocked salmon more than the specified maximum length | 200 plus 100 per fish greater than maximum length |
94 | 52(2) | Catching and retaining in any day from any combination of specified waters more landlocked salmon than the specified quota | 200 plus 100 per fish exceeding quota |
95 | 53 | Failing to affix a blue salmon tag in the specified manner to a landlocked salmon that is 48 cm or more in length that is caught and retained during specified period | 200 |
96 | 53.2 | Fishing for muskellunge by a prohibited method | 200 |
97 | 53.3 | Fishing in the specified waters for muskellunge during specified close time | 250 |
98 | 53.4(a) | Catching and retaining in any day from the specified waters more muskellunge than the specified quota | 200 |
99 | 53.4(b) | Catching and retaining from the specified waters muskellunge less than the specified minimum length or more than the specified maximum length | 200 |
100 | 54 | Fishing for mussels by a prohibited method | 200 |
101 | 55(1) | Engaging in recreational fishing for mussels in the specified waters during specified close time | 250 |
102 | 55(2) | Engaging in commercial fishing for mussels in the specified waters during specified close time | 350 |
103 | 55.1 | Catching and retaining in any day in the specified waters more mussels than the specified quota | 200 plus 1 per mussel exceeding quota |
104 | 56(a) | Fishing for oysters by diving in a leased oyster area in the inland or tidal waters of Prince Edward Island | 200 |
105 | 56(b) | Fishing for oysters in a public oyster-fishing area by a prohibited method | 200 |
106 | 57(a) | Fishing without a licence for oysters in a specified area during specified yearly close time | 250 |
107 | 57(b) | Fishing without a licence for oysters in a specified area during specified weekly close time | 250 |
108 | 58 |
| 200 plus 1 per oyster less than specified length |
| 200 plus 1 per oyster less than specified length | ||
109 | 60 | Fishing for salmon by a prohibited method | 500 |
110 | 61 | Fishing for salmon in the specified waters during specified close time | 250 |
111 | 62(a) | Catching and retaining in any day from the specified waters more salmon than the specified quota | 400 plus 300 per fish exceeding quota |
112 | 62(b) | Catching and retaining in any year from the specified waters more salmon than the specified quota | 400 plus 300 per fish exceeding quota |
113 | 63(a) | Catching and retaining in any day from the specified waters more salmon than the specified quota | 400 plus 300 per fish exceeding quota |
114 | 63(b) | Catching and retaining in any year from the specified waters more salmon than the specified quota | 400 plus 300 per fish exceeding quota |
115 | 63(c) | Catching and retaining from the specified waters any salmon less than the specified minimum length | 400 plus 300 per fish less than minimum length |
116 | 64(1)(a) | Continuing to angle during any day for salmon in the specified waters after having caught and retained the specified quota | 250 |
117 | 64(1)(b) | Continuing to angle during any day for salmon in the specified waters after having caught and released the specified quota | 250 |
118 | 64(2) | Continuing to angle during any year for salmon in the specified waters after having caught and retained the specified quota | 250 |
119 | 65(1)(a) | Continuing to angle during any day for salmon in the specified waters after having caught and retained the specified quota | 250 |
120 | 65(1)(b) | Continuing to angle during any day for salmon in the specified waters after having caught and released the specified quota | 250 |
121 | 65(2) | Continuing to angle during any year for salmon in the specified waters after having caught and retained the specified quota | 250 |
122 | 67(1) | Failing to forthwith securely lock or seal a salmon tag on the caught and retained salmon in accordance with the design of the tag | 200 |
123 | 68 | Importing a salmon into a province without the specified tag | 400 plus 300 per fish not tagged |
124 | 69 | Having a salmon to which a blue salmon tag is affixed on board any vessel for which a registration card has been issued | 400 |
125 | 70(1) | Possessing a salmon without a salmon tag affixed | 400 plus 300 per fish not tagged |
126 | 72 | Fishing for shad by a prohibited method | 500 |
127 | 73(1)(a) | Engaging in recreational fishing for shad in the specified waters during yearly close time | 250 |
128 | 73(1)(b) | Engaging in recreational fishing for shad in the specified waters during specified weekly close time | 250 |
129 | 73(1.1)(a) | Engaging in commercial fishing for shad in the specified waters during the specified yearly close time | 350 |
130 | 73(1.1)(b) | Engaging in commercial fishing for shad in the specified waters during the specified weekly close time | 350 |
131 | 73(2) | Fishing for shad in the inland waters of Nova Scotia by a prohibited method from sunset to sunrise | 250 |
132 | 73.1 | Catching and retaining in any day in the specified waters more shad than the specified quota | 200 plus 50 for each fish in excess of quota |
133 | 74 | Fishing for shad with a gill net that has a mesh size of less than 127 mm | 200 |
134 | 75 | Fishing for silversides by a prohibited method | 500 |
135 | 76 | Fishing for silversides by a prohibited method | 250 |
136 | 77 | Fishing for silversides with a trap net that has a mesh size of more than 65 mm | 200 |
137 | 79 | Fishing for smallmouth bass by a prohibited method | 500 |
138 | 80 | Fishing for smallmouth bass in the specified waters during specified close time | 250 |
139 | 81(a) | Catching and retaining in any day from the specified waters more smallmouth bass than the specified quota | 200 plus 100 per fish exceeding quota |
140 | 81(b) | Catching and retaining from the specified waters any smallmouth bass less than the specified minimum length or more than the specified maximum length | 200 plus 100 per fish less than minimum length or more than maximum length |
141 | 83 | Fishing for smelt by a prohibited method | 500 |
142 | 84 | Fishing for smelt with gear that has a mesh size of less than 31 mm | 200 |
143 | 85 | Fishing for smelt with a bag net or box net having a leader that is more than 31 m in length | 200 |
144 | 86 | Fishing for smelt in the inland or tidal waters of Prince Edward Island with a bag net that has a leader | 200 |
145 | 87 | Catching and retaining in any day using specified methods more smelt than the specified quota | 200 plus 1 per fish exceeding quota |
146 | 88 | Fishing for smelt in the specified waters during specified close time | 250 |
147 | 90 | Fishing for striped bass by a prohibited method | 500 |
148 | 91(a) | Fishing for striped bass in specified waters during specified yearly close time | 250 |
149 | 91(b) | Fishing for striped bass in the specified waters with a bow net during the specified weekly close time | 250 |
150 | 92 | Fishing for striped bass with a bow net that has a mesh size of less than 127 mm | 200 |
151 | 93(a) | Catching and retaining in any day from the specified waters using specified methods more striped bass than the specified quota | 200 plus 100 per fish exceeding quota |
152 | 93(b) | Catching and retaining from the specified waters any striped bass less than the specified minimum length or more than the specified maximum length | 200 plus 100 per fish less than minimum length or more than maximum length |
153 | 94 | Fishing for sturgeon by a prohibited method | 500 |
154 | 95 | Fishing for sturgeon in the specified waters during specified close time | 250 |
155 | 96 | Fishing for sturgeon with a gill net that has a mesh size of less than 330 mm | 200 |
156 | 97 |
| 200 plus 100 per fish less than specified length |
| 200 plus 100 per fish less than specified length | ||
157 | 99 | Fishing for tomcod by a prohibited method | 500 |
158 | 100 | Fishing for tomcod with gear that has a mesh size of less than 31 mm | 200 |
159 | 101 | Fishing for tomcod with a bag net or box net having a leader that is more than 31 m in length | 200 |
160 | 102 | Fishing for tomcod in the inland or tidal waters of Prince Edward Island with a bag net that has a leader | 200 |
161 | 103 | Fishing for tomcod in the specified waters during specified close time | 250 |
162 | 105 | Fishing for trout by a prohibited method | 500 |
163 | 106 | Fishing for trout in the specified waters during specified close time | 250 |
164 | 107(1)(a) | Catching and retaining in any day from the specified waters more trout of a specified species than the specified quota | 200 plus 100 per fish exceeding quota |
165 | 107(1)(b) | Catching and retaining from the specified waters trout of a specified species less than the specified minimum length or more than the specified maximum length | 200 plus 100 per fish less than minimum length or more than maximum length |
166 | 107(2)(a) | Catching and retaining in any day from any combination of the specified waters more trout than the specified aggregate quota 200 plus 100 per fish exceeding quota | 200 plus 100 per fish exceeding quota |
167 | 107(2)(b) | Catching and retaining in any day from the specified waters more trout than the specified aggregate quota | 200 plus 100 per fish exceeding quota |
168 | 107.11 | Fishing for whitefish by a prohibited method | 500 |
169 | 107.12 | Fishing for whitefish in the specified waters during specified close time | 250 |
170 | 107.13(a) | Catching and retaining in any day from the specified waters more whitefish than the specified quota | 200 plus 100 per fish exceeding quota |
171 | 107.13(b) | Catching and retaining from the specified waters any whitefish less than the specified minimum length or more than the specified maximum length | 200 plus 100 per fish less than minimum length or more than maximum length |
172 | 107.21 | Fishing for white perch by a prohibited method | 500 |
173 | 107.22 | Fishing for white perch in the specified waters during specified close time | 250 |
174 | 107.23(a) | Catching and retaining in any day from the specified waters more white perch than the specified quota | 200 |
175 | 107.23(b) | Catching and retaining from the specified waters any white perch less than the specified minimum length or more than the specified maximum length | 200 |
176 | 107.31 | Fishing for yellow perch by a prohibited method | 500 |
177 | 107.32 | Fishing for yellow perch in the specified waters during specified close time | 250 |
178 | 107.33(a) | Catching and retaining in any day from the specified waters more yellow perch than the specified quota | 200 |
179 | 107.33(b) | Catching and retaining in the specified waters any yellow perch less than the specified minimum length or more than the specified maximum length | 200 |
180 | 109 | Fishing other than through a man-made hole in the ice or from shore through a natural opening in the ice | 200 |
181 | 110(1) | Fishing with more than five set lines | 200 plus 50 per line exceeding limit |
182 | 110(2) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
183 | 111 | Fishing during the specified period | 250 |
184 | 112 | Fishing in Lac Baker, Madawaska County, on the specified days | 250 |
185 | 113 | Fishing during the specified period | 200 |
186 | 114(1)(a) | Catching and retaining in any day more fish of a specified species than the specified quota | 200 plus 100 per fish exceeding quota |
187 | 114(1)(b) | Catching and retaining fish of a specified species less than the specified minimum length | 200 plus 100 per fish less than minimum length |
188 | 114(2) | Catching and retaining in any day more sport fish and striped bass than the specified aggregate quota | 200 plus 100 per fish exceeding quota |
189 | 115(a) | Fishing in Nictau Lake, Restigouche County, with more than one set line | 200 plus 50 per line exceeding limit |
190 | 115(b) | Fishing in Nictau Lake, Restigouche County, using fish as bait | 200 |
191 | 115(c) | Catching and retaining in Nictau Lake, Restigouche County, any landlocked salmon less than the specified minimum length or more than specified maximum length | 200 plus 100 per fish less than minimum length or more than maximum length |
192 | 115(d) | Catching and retaining in Nictau Lake, Restigouche County, any brook trout less than specified minimum length | 200 plus 100 per fish less than the minimum length |
193 | 115(e) | Catching and retaining in any day in Nictau Lake, Restigouche County, more landlocked salmon than the specified quota | 200 plus 100 per fish exceeding quota |
194 | 115(f) | Continuing to fish in Nictau Lake, Restigouche County, on any day after catching and retaining the specified quota of sport fish | 200 plus 100 per fish exceeding quota |
195 | 117(1)(a) | Fishing for sport fish or whitefish by a prohibited method | 500 |
196 | 117(1)(b) | Fishing for smelt by a prohibited method | 500 |
197 | 118(1) | Fishing with more than five set lines | 200 plus 50 per line exceeding limit |
198 | 118(2) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
199 | 119(1) | Fishing during the specified period | 250 |
200 | 119(3) | Fishing during the specified hours of the specified period | 200 |
201 | 120(1) | Catching and retaining in any day during the specified period more fish of a specified species than the specified quota | 200 plus 100 per fish exceeding quota |
202 | 120(2) | Catching and retaining in any day during the specified period more sport fish than the specified aggregate quota | 200 plus 100 per fish exceeding quota |
203 | 120(3) | Catching and retaining in any day during the specified period more fish of a specified species than the specified quota | 200 plus 100 per fish exceeding quota |
204 | 120(4) | Catching and retaining in any day during the specified period more sport fish than the specified aggregate quota | 200 plus 100 per fish exceeding quota |
205 | 121 | Catching and retaining a fish of a specified species less than the specified minimum length | 200 plus 100 per fish less than minimum length |
Ontario Fishery Regulations, 2007
Column I | Column II | Column III | |
Item | Provision of the Ontario Fishery Regulations, 2007 | Short-Form Description | Fine ($) |
1 | 3(1)(a) | Fishing without a licence | 125 |
2 | 3(1)(b) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
| 200 | ||
| 200 | ||
3 | 3(1)(c) |
| 300 |
| 250 | ||
4 | 4(2) | Failing to comply with terms and conditions in a licence | 200 |
5 | 5(a) | Bringing crayfish or salamanders into Ontario for use as bait | 250 |
6 | 5(b) | Bringing live fish or leeches into Ontario for use as bait | 250 |
7 | 6(1) | Possessing, transporting or releasing members of an invasive species without a licence | 250 |
8 | 8(1) | Fishing in a fish sanctuary during close time | 250 |
9 | 9(1)(a) | Fishing with a hook so as to pierce or hook a fish other than in the mouth | 200 |
10 | 9(1)(b) | Fishing with a gaff | 200 |
11 | 9(1)(c) | Fishing with a snare | 200 |
12 | 9(1)(d) | Fishing with a snagger | 200 |
13 | 9(1)(e) | Fishing with a spear gun | 200 |
14 | 10(1) | Possessing specified equipment in any waters or within 30 m of any water’s edge | 200 |
15 | 10(2) | Possessing a spear for fishing in any waters or within 30 m of any water’s edge | 200 |
16 | 11 | Using an artificial light to attract fish | 200 |
17 | 15 |
| 200 |
| 200 plus 50 per fish | ||
18 | 16(a) |
| 100 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
| 100 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota | ||
| 100 plus 50 per fish | ||
| 100 plus 50 per fish | ||
19 | 16(b) |
| 100 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
| 100 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota | ||
| 100 plus 50 per fish | ||
| 100 plus 50 per fish | ||
20 | 17 | Possessing more than specified limit of fish from all zones | 100 plus 50 per fish exceeding limit |
21 | 18(a) |
| 100 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
| 100 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota | ||
22 | 18(b) |
| 100 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
| 100 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota | ||
23 | 19 |
| 100 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
| 100 plus 50 per fish | ||
24 | 20(a) |
| 100 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
| 100 plus 50 per fish | ||
25 | 20(b)(i) | Non-resident catching and retaining more than 2 walleye or sauger in the aggregate | 100 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
26 | 20(b)(ii) | Non-resident catching and retaining more than 2 walleye or sauger in the aggregate that are from different waters | 100 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
27 | 21 |
| 100 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
| 100 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota | ||
| 100 plus 50 per fish | ||
| 100 plus 50 per fish | ||
28 | 25(1) | Possessing live brook trout or live lake trout caught by angling | 50 plus 50 per fish |
29 | 26 | Possessing live fish, other than baitfish, caught by angling | 50 plus 50 per fish |
30 | 27(1) | Non-resident possessing more fish on board a fishing vessel than specified quota | 100 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
31 | 29(1) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
32 | 29(2)(a) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
33 | 29(2)(c)(i) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
34 | 29(2)(c)(ii) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
35 | 29(2)(d) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
36 | 30 | Angling within 25 m of a pound net or cage in which fish are held for culture | 200 |
37 | 31(1) | Angling with a line having more than four hooks | 50 plus 50 per hook exceeding limit |
38 | 31(2)(a) | Angling using a hook other than a barbless hook | 50 |
39 | 31(2)(b) | Angling using a line having more than one barbless hook | 50 plus 50 per hook exceeding limit |
40 | 31(3)(a)(i) | Angling using a hook other than a barbless hook | 50 |
41 | 31(3)(a)(ii) | Angling using a hook other than a barbless hook during specified period | 50 |
42 | 31(3)(b) | Angling using anything other than an artificial lure | 200 |
43 | 31(3)(c) | Angling using anything other than an artificial lure while ice fishing | 200 |
44 | 31(3)(d) | Angling using anything other than an artificial fly | 200 |
45 | 31(4)(a) | Angling for lake trout using a hook other than a single barbless hook | 50 |
46 | 31(4)(b) | Angling for lake trout using a line having more than one barbless hook | 50 plus 50 per hook exceeding limit |
47 | 31(4)(c) | Angling for lake trout using anything other than an artificial lure | 200 |
48 | 31(5)(a) | Angling using a hook other than a barbless hook | 50 |
49 | 31(5)(b) | Angling for lake trout in specified waters using a line having more than one barbless hook | 50 plus 50 per hook exceeding limit |
50 | 32 | Angling with more than permitted number of lines | 50 plus 50 per line exceeding limit |
51 | 33(a) | Angler being more than 60 m from any hole in ice through which they are angling | 50 |
52 | 33(b) | Failing to maintain a clear and unobstructed view of a line used for angling through ice | 50 |
53 | 34(1) | Sport fishing between sunset and sunrise | 100 |
54 | 35(1)(a)(i) | Sport fishing using an oversized angular dip net | 100 |
55 | 35(1)(a)(ii) | Sport fishing using an oversized circular dip net | 100 |
56 | 35(1)(b) | Sport fishing using an oversized seine net | 100 |
57 | 35(1)(c) | Sport fishing using an oversized baitfish trap | 100 |
58 | 35(1)(d) | Sport fishing using more than one dip net, baitfish trap or seine net | 50 plus 50 per net or trap exceeding limit |
59 | 35(1)(e) | Sport fishing using a baitfish trap that is not properly marked | 50 |
60 | 35(2)(a) |
| 100 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
| 100 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota | ||
61 | 35(2)(b) | Sport fishing, other than by angling, for listed species using gear other than specified gear | 200 |
62 | 35(2)(c) |
| 200 |
| 200 plus 50 per fish | ||
62.1 | 35(2)(d) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
62.2 | 35(2)(e) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
63 | 36(1)(a) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
64 | 36(1)(b) | Sport fishing for baitfish not using specified gear | 200 |
65 | 36(1)(c) | Sport fishing other than by angling for baitfish during close time | 200 |
66 | 36(2) |
| 100 |
| 100 | ||
67 | 37(1) |
| 100 |
| 100 | ||
68 | 38(1) | Using a stringer, impounding device or live holding box while sport fishing | 100 |
69 | 39(1) |
| 100 |
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
70 | 39(2) |
| 100 |
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
71 | 39(3) | Failing to keep fish in a manner that allows size to be easily measured | 100 |
72 | 40(a) | Commercial fishing for baitfish using an oversized angular dip net | 150 |
73 | 40(b) | Commercial fishing for baitfish using an oversized circular dip net | 150 |
74 | 41(1) | Commercial fishing for baitfish using a baitfish trap that is not properly marked | 100 |
75 | 41(2) |
| 100 |
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
76 | 42 |
| 200 |
| 200 |
Newfoundland and Labrador Fishery Regulations
Column I | Column II | Column III | |
Item | Provision of the Newfoundland and Labrador Fishery Regulations | Short-Form Description | Fine ($) |
1 | 8 | Leaving fishing gear unattended for more than three consecutive days | 500 |
2 | 10(1) | Fishing for, catching or killing fish in inland waters, or attempting to do so, other than by angling | 200 |
3 | 10(2) | Jigging, netting, sweeping, raking or wilfully foul hooking fish in inland waters, or attempting to do so or failing to release specified fish | 500 |
4 | 10(4) | Selling, or using for a commercial purpose, specified fish | 500 |
5 | 10(5)(a) | Setting a net or nets exceeding 46 m in length in inland waters | 200 |
6 | 10(5)(b) | Setting a net in inland waters other than a specified net | 200 |
7 | 12 | Possessing a net or trawl near inland waters without a licence | 500 |
8 | 13 | Angling in specified waters or having specified angling gear within 15 m of specified waters during the specified time | 500 |
9 | 13.1(1) | Catching and retaining in one day from specified waters more specified fish than the specified quota | 200 plus 100 per fish exceeding quota |
10 | 13.1(2) | Catching and retaining in one year from specified waters more specified fish than the specified quota | 200 plus 100 per fish exceeding quota |
11 | 13.1(3) | Possessing more specified fish than the specified limit | 200 plus 100 per fish exceeding limit |
12 | 13.1(4) | Catching and retaining, or possessing, specified fish | 200 plus 100 per fish |
13 | 13.1(5) | Fishing for, or catching and retaining, specified fish during the specified time | 500 |
14 | 13.1(6) | Catching and releasing more than four salmon in one day | 400 plus 300 per fish exceeding limit |
15 | 14(1)(a) | Using more than one line or rod and line at any time in inland waters | 200 plus 50 per line exceeding limit |
16 | 14(1)(b) | Failing to attend closely and constantly a line or rod and line in inland waters | 200 |
17 | 14(1)(c) | Using a line equipped with more than one artificial fly, specified hook or specified gang hook in inland waters | 200 plus 50 per artificial fly, hook or gang hook exceeding limit |
18 | 14(2)(a) | Angling in a specified river using a line equipped with anything other than an artificial fly with a barbless hook | 350 |
19 | 14(2)(b) | Angling in a specified river using a line equipped with more than one hook | 350 |
20 | 14(3)(a) | Ice fishing with more than three separate lines or rods and lines at any time | 200 plus 50 per line or rod exceeding limit |
21 | 14(3)(b) | Failing to attend closely and constantly a line or rod and line | 200 |
22 | 14(3)(c) | Ice fishing with a specified line | 200 plus 50 per hook exceeding limit |
23 | 21 | Angling in a specified river without being accompanied and supervised by a person who has attained the age of 17 years | 100 |
24 | 22 | Angling in a specified river during a specified period | 500 |
25 | 24 | Retaining alive a sport fish taken by angling in inland waters | 250 |
26 | 24.1 | Wilfully disturbing or molesting any fish or spawn in inland waters | 200 |
27 | 24.2 | Catching, injuring or retaining spent or immature fish or failing to immediately release such fish caught accidentally | 300 |
28 | 30 | Fishing in specified waters other than by angling | 200 |
29 | 32(1)(a) | Fishing for smelts in inland waters by specified means other than during the specified period | 200 |
30 | 32(1)(b) | Fishing for smelts in inland waters by specified means without a specified licence | 200 |
31 | 32(1)(c) | Fishing for smelts by specified means outside the waters set out in a specified licence | 200 |
32 | 32(2)(a) | Catching smelt using a net, trap net or seine in a manner that bars the passage of salmon or trout | 300 |
33 | 32(2)(b) | Catching smelt using a net, trap net or seine whose meshes exceed 38 mm | 200 |
34 | 32(3) | Setting or operating, to catch smelt, specified nets within 45 m of a net previously set | 200 |
35 | 34(1) | Fishing for, taking, catching or killing eels without a licence, or attempting to do so, other than by angling | 500 |
36 | 35 | Interfering with or impeding the passage of specified fish using nets or trap nets | 300 |
37 | 36 | Taking by fishing or buying, selling or exporting an eel that is less than 20 cm in length without a licence | 200 plus 10 per fish |
38 | 41 | Fishing for, taking, catching or killing trout or char with a specified gill net or trap net | 500 |
39 | 42 | Fishing for, taking, catching or killing trout or char in specified waters, or attempting to do so, other than by angling | 500 |
40 | 66 | Fishing for char or trout in specified waters other than with a gill net or by angling | 500 |
41 | 67(1) | Fishing for char or trout in specified waters with gill nets without a specified licence | 300 |
42 | 68(1) | Fishing for char or trout in specified waters with a gill net whose meshes are less than 127 mm extension measure | 500 |
43 | 68(2) | Fishing for char or trout in specified waters with a gill net whose meshes are less than 114 mm extension measure | 500 |
44 | 69(1)(a) | Using gill nets whose length exceeds 92 m in one berth in specified waters | 350 |
45 | 69(1)(b) | Using gill nets whose length exceeds 46 m while food fishing in specified waters | 350 |
46 | 69(1)(c) | Using gill nets whose length exceeds 366 m in specified waters | 350 |
47 | 70(1) | Fishing for char or trout with gill nets in specified waters during the specified period | 500 |
48 | 71(1) | Fishing for, taking, catching or killing trout or char in specified waters, or attempting to do so, other than by angling | 500 |
49 | 71(2) | Fishing for trout or char in specified waters by angling | 500 |
50 | 72 | Fishing for, taking, catching or killing trout or char in specified waters, or attempting to do so, other than with gill nets or by angling | 500 |
51 | 73(1) | Fishing for trout or char in specified waters with gill nets without a specified licence | 500 |
52 | 74(1) | Fishing for trout or char in specified waters with a specified gill net | 500 |
53 | 74(2) | Commercial fishing for trout or char in specified waters with a specified gill net | 500 |
54 | 74(3) | Fishing for trout or char for food in specified waters with a specified gill net | 500 |
55 | 75(1) | Fishing for, taking, catching or killing trout or char, or attempting to do so, with gill nets in specified waters during the specified period | 500 |
56 | 76 | Fishing for trout in specified waters with nets | 500 |
57 | 77(1) | Fishing in specified waters with a net or trap net within the specified distance | 500 |
58 | 77(2) | Setting a net or trap net in a manner that impedes the passage of fish into or out of specified waters | 500 |
59 | 80(a) | Failing to remove a gill net or the leader of a trap net from specified waters during the specified period | 500 |
60 | 80(b) | Failing to raise and tie a gill net or the leader of a trap net in the required manner in specified waters during the specified period | 500 |
Atlantic Fishery Regulations, 1985
Column I | Column II | Column III | |
Item | Provision of the Atlantic Fishery Regulations, 1985 | Short-Form Description | Fine ($) |
1 | 13(1) | Using or permitting the use of a vessel that is not registered or not authorized for use in fishing for a specified species of fish | 250 |
2 | 13.1 | Using or permitting the use of a vessel that is not registered or not authorized to be used to transport a specified species of fresh fish | 350 |
3 | 13.2 | Permitting the unauthorized use of a vessel to transport a specified species of fresh fish | 350 |
4 | 14(1) | Fishing for a specified species of fish without the specified authorization | 500 |
5 | 16 | Harvesting marine plants without a specified licence | 500 |
6 | 36 | Fishing with a drift net or any fixed gear other than a hand-line within a specified distance | 200 |
7 | 37(1) | Maintaining a distance of less than one-half nautical mile between a specified vessel and any previously set fishing gear | 300 |
8 | 37(2) | Operating mobile gear within one nautical mile of any previously set weir or trap net | 300 |
9 | 37(3) | Fishing with mobile gear within 400 m of any previously set fixed gear | 300 |
10 | 39 | Fishing for capelin with specified means in a specified area during the specified time | 500 |
11 | 40 | Fishing for herring with specified gear in a specified area during the specified time | 500 |
12 | 41 | Fishing for herring with mobile gear from a specified vessel in specified waters during the specified time | 500 |
13 | 42 | Fishing for herring in specified waters during the specified period | 500 |
14 | 43 | Retaining incidentally caught herring in excess of the specified quota | 500 |
15 | 45 | Fishing for herring with a specified gill net during the specified period | 500 |
16 | 46 | Fishing for mackerel with specified means in a specified area during the specified time | 500 |
17 | 47 | Retaining incidentally caught mackerel in excess of the specified quota | 500 |
18 | 49 | Fishing for mackerel with a specified gill net during the specified period | 500 |
19 | 49.1 | Fishing for shark other than with angling gear, a hand-line or longline gear | 500 |
20 | 49.2(1) | Commercial fishing for a specified species of shark from a specified vessel in specified waters during the specified period | 500 |
21 | 49.3(1) | Commercial fishing for a specified species of shark with specified gear in specified waters during the specified period | 500 |
22 | 49.3(2) | Recreational fishing for a specified species of shark with specified gear in specified waters during the specified period | 250 |
23 | 50(1) | Fishing for swordfish from a specified vessel in specified waters during the specified period | 500 |
24 | 50(1.2) | Fishing for swordfish with specified gear in specified waters during the specified period | 500 |
25 | 50(2) | Possessing swordfish less than 125 cm in length | 500 |
26 | 51.2 | Catching and retaining, or possessing, specified shellfish | 200 plus 1 per shellfish |
27 | 51.3(1) | Commercial fishing for a specified species by a specified method in specified waters during the specified time | 350 |
28 | 51.3(2) | Recreational fishing for a specified species in specified waters during the specified time | 250 |
29 | 51.4 | Commercial fishing for clams, mussels or oysters without a licence | 300 |
30 | 51.7 | Recreational fishing for clams, mussels or oysters other than by hand or with hand-held tools | 500 |
31 | 51.8 | Recreational fishing for clams, mussels or oysters during the specified period | 200 |
32 | 51.9 | Catching and retaining clams, mussels or oysters in excess of the specified quota | 200 plus 1 per shellfish exceeding quota |
33 | 52(a) | Fishing for crab in a specified area during the specified time | 500 |
34 | 52(b) | Possessing a crab in a specified area during the specified time | 350 |
35 | 52(c) | Having a crab trap on board a vessel in a specified area during the specified time | 350 |
36 | 52.1(2) | Transporting crab traps contrary to the conditions of the authorization | 350 |
37 | 53(a) | Possessing a female crab | 500 |
38 | 53(b) | Possessing a snow crab less than 95 mm in width | 500 |
39 | 53(c) | Possessing a crab part or crab meat separated from the carapace in a specified area | 500 |
40 | 54(1) | Fishing for crab other than from a vessel and with a crab trap | 500 |
41 | 54(2) | Fishing with or having on board a vessel a specified crab trap | 500 |
42 | 54(3) | Fishing with or having on board a vessel a specified crab trap in a specified area | 500 |
43 | 57(1)(a) | Fishing for lobster in a specified area during the specified close time | 500 plus 100 per lobster |
44 | 57(1)(b) | Possessing lobster in a specified area during the specified close time | 350 plus 100 per lobster |
45 | 57(1)(c) | Having a lobster trap on board a vessel in a specified area during the specified close time | 350 plus 100 per lobster trap |
46 | 57(2) | Possessing a lobster of a specified length in a specified area | 500 plus 100 per lobster |
47 | 57(3) | Possessing specified lobster parts or meat in a specified area | 500 |
48 | 57(4) | Fishing for lobster in specified lagoons of the specified area | 500 plus 100 per lobster |
49 | 58(2) | Transporting lobster traps contrary to the conditions of an authorization | 350 |
50 | 59(1) | Buying, selling or possessing a lobster less than 72 mm in length | 500 plus 100 per lobster |
51 | 59(2) | Buying, selling or possessing a lobster less than 82.5 mm in length in Newfoundland and Labrador | 500 plus 100 per lobster |
52 | 59(3) | Buying, selling or possessing a female lobster with eggs attached | 500 plus 250 per lobster |
53 | 61(1) | Fishing for lobster other than from a vessel and with a lobster trap | 500 |
54 | 61(2) | Having mobile gear on board a vessel | 500 |
55 | 61(4) | Fishing with or having on board a vessel a specified lobster trap other than in Lobster Fishing Area 41 | 500 |
56 | 61.1 | Fishing with or having on board a vessel a specified lobster trap in a specified area | 500 |
57 | 63(1) | Fishing for scallops from a specified vessel in a specified area during the specified time | 500 |
58 | 63(3) | Fishing for scallops in specified waters during the specified period | 500 |
59 | 63(4) | Fishing for scallops in the specified area during the specified period | 500 |
60 | 63(4.1) | Fishing for scallops with a scallop drag in the specified area during the specified period | 500 |
61 | 63(4.2) | Fishing for scallops in the specified area during the specified period | 500 |
62 | 63(5) | Fishing for scallops in the specified area during the specified period | 500 |
63 | 64(1) | Catching and retaining or having on board a vessel specified scallops | 500 |
64 | 64(5) | Catching and retaining or having on board a vessel in a specified area any scallop whose shell height is less than 76 mm | 500 |
65 | 66(1) | Using a specified vessel to fish for scallops in Scallop Fishing Area 27 | 500 |
66 | 68 | Fishing for scallops other than with a scallop drag, by diving, by dip-netting or with tongs | 500 |
67 | 69 | Taking more than 100 scallops in one day | 200 plus 10 per scallop |
68 | 70 | Having a scallop drag on board a vessel in a Scallop Fishing Area other than Areas 26 and 27 | 500 |
69 | 70.1 | Having a scallop drag on board a vessel in Scallop Fishing Area 27 | 500 |
70 | 70.2 | Having a scallop drag on board a vessel in Scallop Fishing Area 26 | 500 |
71 | 71 | Fishing for scallops with a specified scallop drag in a specified area | 500 |
72 | 72 | Fishing for shrimp in a specified area during the specified time | 500 |
73 | 73 | Fishing for shrimp with an otter trawl that has a mesh size less than 40 mm | 500 |
74 | 74 | Fishing for squid with specified means in a specified area during the specified time | 500 |
75 | 75 | Fishing for squid with an otter trawl that has a mesh size less than 60 mm | 500 |
76 | 87(1) | Fishing for a specified species of groundfish from a specified vessel in a specified area during the specified time | 500 |
77 | 90(1) | Fishing for groundfish in specified waters with specified gear during the specified time | 500 |
78 | 91(1) | Recreational fishing for groundfish during the specified period | 500 |
79 | 91(2) | Recreational fishing for groundfish other than by hand-line or angling | 250 |
80 | 91(3) | Catching and retaining more groundfish than the specified quota | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
81 | 93 | Fishing for groundfish with a specified gill net | 500 |
82 | 93.1 | Leaving a groundfish gill net unattended in specified locations | 500 |
83 | 93.3 | Returning specified groundfish to the water | 500 |
84 | 95(1) | Harvesting rockweed | 200 |
85 | 95(2) | Possessing any rockweed plant to which the holdfast is attached | 200 |
86 | 95(3) | Harvesting Irish moss using a drag rake in a specified portion of a specified district | 500 |
87 | 95(4) | Harvesting marine plants using a basket drag rake | 500 |
88 | 95(5) | Harvesting Irish moss with a specified hand rake in District 12 | 500 |
89 | 96 | Harvesting specified marine plants in specified waters during a specified period | 500 |
90 | 99 | Fishing for bluefin using specified means during the specified time | 500 |
91 | 106(1) | Fishing with an otter trawl in specified waters from a specified vessel during the specified time | 500 |
92 | 106.1 | Fishing with an otter trawl from a specified vessel within 12 nautical miles of the specified shore | 500 |
93 | 108 | Fishing with specified means in specified waters during the specified period | 500 |
94 | 109 | Fishing with a vessel more than 15.2 m in length in specified waters | 500 |
95 | 109.1 | Fishing with a vessel more than 12 m in length in specified waters | 500 |
96 | 110(1) | Fishing with or having on board a vessel a hoop net | 500 |
97 | 111 | Fishing for any species of fish, other than salmon, with a drift net in the specified portion of the specified area | 500 |
98 | 113 | Fishing with a gill net or trap net in specified waters during the specified period | 500 |
99 | 114 | Fishing with a gill net in specified waters during the specified period | 500 |
100 | 115 | Fishing with a gill net within 50 m of the specified coastline | 500 |
101 | 115.1 | Fishing for groundfish from a vessel 10.67 m or more in length in specified waters during the specified period | 500 |
102 | 115.2 | Leaving fishing gear unattended in the water for more than 72 consecutive hours | 500 |
Fishery (General) Regulations
Column I | Column II | Column III | |
Item | Provision of the Fishery (General) Regulations | Short-Form Description | Fine ($) |
1 | 9 | Failing to sign the specified document | 100 |
2 | 11 | Failing to carry and to produce on demand a licence, fisher’s registration card or specified fisher’s certificate | 100 |
3 | 12 | Failing to have on board a vessel and to produce on demand a vessel registration card and a specified licence | 100 |
4 | 14(3) | Failing to immediately comply with the specified request | 200 |
5 | 15(1)(a) | Altering or defacing a document | 200 |
6 | 15(1)(b) | Using or producing an altered or defaced document | 500 |
7 | 15(1)(c) | Using or producing a document issued to another person | 500 |
8 | 15(2) | Permitting another person to use one’s own fisher’s registration card | 500 |
9 | 15(3) | Permitting any person other than those specified in a license to use that license | 500 |
10 | 17(1) | Failing to notify the Minister within 15 days after the specified event | 100 |
11 | 17(2) | Failing to return the document being replaced | 100 |
12 | 17(3) | Failing to return a recovered document | 100 |
13 | 18(1) | Failing to notify the Minister within 15 days after the specified event and to return the specified document | 100 |
14 | 20 | Failing to remove the vessel registration number painted on or affixed to a vessel | 200 |
15 | 23(3) | Failing to attach the specified authorization to a licence | 200 |
16 | 25(1)(a) | Failing to immediately surrender a specified licence | 500 |
17 | 25(1)(b) | Failing to immediately remove from the water fishing gear operated under a specified licence | 500 |
18 | 25(2)(a) | Fishing during the period of suspension of a licence for any species of fish for which fishing is authorized by the licence | 500 |
19 | 25(2)(b) | Being on board a specified vessel during the period of suspension of a licence | 500 |
20 | 25(3)(a) | Fishing during the specified period for any species of fish for which fishing is authorized by a licence | 500 |
21 | 25(3)(b) | Being on board a specified vessel during the specified period | 500 |
22 | 26(1) | Operating or causing to be operated a specified registered vessel | 300 |
23 | 26(7) | Operating or causing to be operated a specified fishing vessel | 500 |
24 | 27(1) | Setting, operating or leaving unattended in the water specified fishing gear | 200 |
25 | 29 | Displaying a misleading number or name | 200 |
26 | 33(2)(a) | Failing to return forthwith an incidentally caught fish to where it was taken | 200 plus 50 per additional fish |
27 | 33(2)(b) | Failing to return forthwith an incidentally caught fish in a manner that causes it the least harm | 200 plus 50 per additional fish |
28 | 34(3) | Wasting fish suitable for human consumption | 200 plus 50 per additional fish |
29 | 35(2) | Buying, selling, trading or bartering specified fish, or offering to do so | 350 plus 50 per additional fish |
30 | 36(1)(a) | Possessing fish – caught while fishing for specified purposes – whose species cannot be readily determined | 200 |
31 | 36(1)(b) | Possessing fish – caught while fishing for specified purposes – whose number cannot be readily determined | 200 |
32 | 36(1)(c) | Possessing fish – caught while fishing for specified purposes – whose weight cannot be readily determined | 200 |
33 | 36(1)(d) | Possessing fish – caught while fishing for specified purposes – whose size cannot be readily determined | 200 |
34 | 36(2)(a) | Possessing fish – caught while fishing commercially – whose species cannot be readily identified | 500 |
35 | 36(2)(b) | Possessing fish – caught while fishing commercially – whose number cannot be readily determined | 500 |
36 | 36(2)(c) | Possessing fish – caught while fishing commercially – whose weight cannot be readily determined | 500 |
37 | 36(2)(d) | Possessing fish – caught while fishing commercially – whose size cannot be readily determined | 500 |
38 | 37(1) | Fishing in or removing fish from a hatchery or a specified establishment or facility | 500 |
39 | 37(2) | Fishing within a 100 m radius of any specified facility | 500 |
40 | 37(4) | Fishing in a specified area | 500 |
41 | 47(a) | Failing to permit the specified observer to go on board the vessel | 500 |
42 | 47(b) | Failing to provide the specified observer with assistance | 500 |
43 | 48(a) | Failing to provide the specified observer with access to the fish landing station | 500 |
44 | 48(b) | Failing to provide the specified observer with assistance | 500 |
45 | 51 | Fishing for specified purposes without a licence | 200 |
46 | 55 | Releasing live fish into a fish habitat or transferring them to a fish rearing facility | 500 |
Pacific Fishery Regulations, 1993
Column I | Column II | Column III | |
Item | Provision of the Pacific Fishery Regulations, 1993 | Short-Form Description | Fine ($) |
1 | 5 | Bringing into the Province any live fish of a specified species | 500 |
2 | 6 | Fishing by snagging or with snares | 500 |
3 | 7 | Molesting or injuring fish | 200 |
4 | 8(1) | Using torches or artificial lights to attract or repel fish | 250 |
5 | 8(2) | Using fishing gear that has a flashing light attached to it | 250 |
6 | 9(a) | Fishing in tidal waters with more than one gill net | 500 |
7 | 9(b) | Fishing in tidal waters with a gill net that has any part of the corkline under the surface of the water | 250 |
8 | 10 | Fishing with a dip net whose mouth has an area that exceeds 1 m2 | 250 |
9 | 13 | Fishing with a gill net that is not marked as specified | 250 |
10 | 14 | Fishing with a longline other than a specified one | 500 |
11 | 15(1) | Commercial fishing with traps or ring nets other than specified ones | 500 |
12 | 17(1) | Off-loading salmon or roe herring caught by commercial fishing, other than at a specified place | 300 |
13 | 17(3) | Off-loading salmon or roe herring received from a registered vessel at a place other than a fish landing station | 300 |
14 | 17(4) | Failing to provide the specified information or to mail, keep or provide a copy of the specified form | 500 |
15 | 18(7) | Failing to comply with any condition of the specified licence | 500 |
16 | 18(8) | Taking on board salmon in an export zone | 500 |
17 | 18(9) | Taking on board roe herring in an export zone | 500 |
18 | 18(12) | Tampering with or removing a specified seal | 500 |
19 | 20(2)(b) | Using a vessel in commercial fishing without a valid vessel registration certificate | 300 |
20 | 22(1) | Using or permitting the use of a specified vessel | 300 |
21 | 23(1) | Using – to process fish – a vessel that is unregistered or for which a Category P licence has not been issued | 350 |
22 | 24 | Using a specified vessel to transport commercially taken fish | 350 |
23 | 25 | Engaging in commercial fishing or being on board a specified vessel without being registered | 250 |
24 | 26(1) | Fishing without a licence | 500 |
25 | 30 | Catching and retaining a specified species of fish with specified gear in specified waters during the specified time | 500 |
26 | 33 | Catching and retaining specified lingcod | 500 |
27 | 34 | Catching and retaining specified sablefish | 500 |
28 | 35(1) | Fishing for smelt with a specified gill net or seine | 500 |
29 | 35(2) | Fishing for smelt with an anchored gill net other than in Areas 28 and 29 | 500 |
30 | 35(3) | Fishing for smelt in Area 28 or 29 during the specified period | 500 |
31 | 39 | Fishing for, or catching and retaining, herring with specified gear in specified waters during the specified time | 500 |
32 | 40 | Failing to remove a vessel from a specified area | 250 |
33 | 41(3)(a) | Transferring herring from one vessel to another in an area designated as a herring spawning ground | 500 |
34 | 41(3)(b) | Anchoring a specified vessel in an area designated as a herring spawning ground | 250 |
35 | 44(1) | Establishing or operating a herring enclosure without a Category J or Z licence | 350 |
36 | 45(2) | Failing to comply with a specified direction | 500 |
37 | 47 | Transporting herring spawn on kelp in a specified container | 350 |
38 | 51 | Driving or attempting to drive salmon from one area of water to another | 500 |
39 | 52(2) | Fishing for salmon in specified waters | 500 |
40 | 53(1) | Fishing for a specified species of salmon with specified gear in specified waters during the specified time | 500 |
41 | 53(2) | Trolling for a specified species of salmon using a specified vessel in specified waters during the specified time | 500 |
42 | 54(2) | Fishing for salmon with a specified gill net during the specified time | 500 |
43 | 54(4) | Fishing for salmon with a specified purse seine during the specified time | 500 |
44 | 55(1) | Catching and retaining specified coho salmon | 500 |
45 | 55(2) | Catching and retaining specified chinook salmon in a specified area | 500 |
46 | 56(5) | Having on board a vessel a species of salmon for which trolling is prohibited | 500 |
47 | 57(1) | Fishing for salmon from a specified vessel in specified waters during the specified time | 500 |
48 | 57(2)(a) | Setting a gill net in the water and leaving it unattended | 500 |
49 | 57(2)(b) | Using an anchored gill net other than in specified waters | 500 |
50 | 60(2) | Fishing for salmon with a specified purse seine | 500 |
51 | 60(3) | Fishing for salmon with a specified purse seine other than in Area 20 | 500 |
52 | 60(4) | Fishing for salmon with a specified purse seine in Area 20 | 500 |
53 | 63 | Fishing for a specified species of shellfish using a specified method in specified waters during the specified time | 200 plus 50 per shellfish |
54 | 65 | Taking a specified razor, butter, Manila or littleneck clam | 200 plus 50 per clam |
55 | 66 | Catching and retaining a specified Dungeness or red rock crab | 350 plus 10 per crab |
56 | 70(1) | Catching and retaining a red sea urchin less than 100 mm in width | 200 plus 1 per sea urchin |
57 | 70(2) | Catching and retaining a green sea urchin less than 55 mm in width | 200 plus 1 per sea urchin |
58 | 71(1) | Harvesting marine plants without a specified licence | 500 |
59 | 71(2) | Failing to maintain a specified record or to make a specified return | 200 |
60 | 74(1) | Fishing for, or catching and retaining, halibut in a Subarea during the specified time | 500 plus 100 per halibut |
61 | 74(2) | Possessing halibut during the specified time | 500 |
62 | 75 | Catching and retaining specified halibut | 500 |
63 | 76(1) | Fishing for, or catching and retaining, halibut with gear other than hook and line or trap | 500 |
64 | 76(2) | Possessing halibut on board a vessel being used to fish with or is carrying a trawl net | 500 |
65 | 76(3) | Fishing for halibut from a vessel equipped with or has on board an automated hook stripper | 500 |
66 | 76(4) | Possessing halibut on board a vessel equipped with or has on board an automated hook stripper | 500 |
67 | 77 | Failing to report the landing of a halibut that bears a tag affixed by the Commission or to make it available to a specified person | 500 |
British Columbia Sport Fishing Regulations, 1996
Column I | Column II | Column III | |
Item | Provision of the British Columbia Sport Fishing Regulations, 1996 | Short-Form Description | Fine ($) |
1 | 4 | Molesting or injuring fish | 300 |
2 | 5 | Fishing for, or catching and retaining, a specified species of fish | 500 |
3 | 6(1)(a) | Angling with more than one fishing line in a lake or stream | 250 |
4 | 6(1)(b) | Angling for white sturgeon with more than one fishing line | 250 |
5 | 7 | Angling with a fishing line to which is attached a weight greater than one kilogram | 250 |
6 | 8(1) | Angling with a fishing line to which more than one hook, artificial lure or artificial fly is attached | 250 |
7 | 9 | Fishing with a dip net other than as specified one | 250 |
8 | 10(1)(a) | Using a light to attract fish | 250 |
9 | 10(1)(b) | Catching or attempting to catch fish with snares | 250 |
10 | 10(1)(c) | Wilfully foul hooking or attempting to foul hook specified fish | 500 |
11 | 10(2) | Retaining a fish accidentally foul hooked in a lake or stream | 500 |
12 | 11 | Angling from a vessel equipped with a motor in specified waters during the specified period | 250 |
13 | 12 | Angling from a vessel in specified waters during the specified period | 250 |
14 | 13(1) | Possessing more fish of a species, other than halibut, than twice the specified quota | 200 plus 100 per fish exceeding twice the quota |
15 | 13(2) | Possessing more than three halibut | 200 plus 400 per halibut exceeding quota |
16 | 14 | Possessing on board a vessel halibut taken by sport fishing | 500 |
17 | 18(1)(a) | Fishing without a licence | 500 |
18 | 18(1)(b) | Catching and retaining salmon without the specified licence | 500 |
19 | 20 | Harvesting herring spawn on kelp without the specified licence | 500 |
20 | 21 | Holding more than one licence | 500 |
21 | 22 | Failing to record a catch of lingcod or chinook salmon on one’s licence or in a specified registry | 500 |
22 | 22.1 | Altering the record on one’s licence or in the specified registry | 500 |
23 | 24 | Fishing for a specified species of fish with specified type of gear or by a specified method during the specified time | 500 |
24 | 25(1) | Catching and retaining more fish of a specified species than the specified quota | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
25 | 26(a) and (b) | Catching and retaining more than four wild trout and hatchery trout in the aggregate | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
26 | 26(c) | Catching and retaining more than eight rockfish | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
27 | 27 | Catching and retaining more than 10 lingcod from specified Areas and Subareas | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
28 | 28 | Catching and retaining more than one white sturgeon | 200 plus 800 per fish exceeding quota |
29 | 29(a) | Catching and retaining a white sturgeon less than 100 or more than 150 cm | 200 plus 800 per fish |
30 | 29(b) | Catching and retaining a wild trout less than 30 cm | 200 plus 100 per fish |
31 | 29(c) | Catching and retaining a hatchery trout less than 30 cm | 200 plus 100 per fish |
32 | 29(d) | Catching and retaining specified lingcod | 200 plus 100 per fish |
33 | 30 | Fishing for a specified species of fish other than with specified gear or by a specified method | 500 |
34 | 31 | Fishing for eulachon or smelt with a specified gill net | 500 |
35 | 32 | Fishing for eulachon or smelt with more than one net | 200 per additional net |
36 | 34(1) | Fishing for a specified species of fish with specified gear or by a specified method during the specified time | 500 |
37 | 35(1) | Catching and retaining more fish of a specified species than the specified quota | 200 plus 10 per fish exceeding quota |
38 | 36(a) | Catching and retaining more than 75 clams | 200 plus 10 per clam exceeding quota |
39 | 36(b) | Catching and retaining more than four Dungeness crab and red rock crab in the aggregate in specified areas | 200 plus 10 per crab exceeding quota |
40 | 36(c) | Catching and retaining more than six Dungeness crab, red rock crab and king crab in the aggregate in specified areas | 200 plus 10 per crab exceeding quota |
41 | 36(d) | Catching and retaining more than 75 mussels | 200 plus 10 per mussel exceeding quota |
42 | 36(e) | Catching and retaining more than six purple-hinged rock scallops and weather-vane scallops in the aggregate | 200 plus 10 per scallop exceeding quota |
43 | 37(1)(a) | Catching and retaining a specified abalone | 200 plus 50 per abalone |
44 | 37(1)(b) | Catching and retaining a specified Dungeness crab | 200 plus 50 per crab |
45 | 37(1)(c) | Catching and retaining a specified red rock crab | 200 plus 50 per crab |
46 | 38 | Fishing for a specified species of fish other than with specified gear or by a specified method | 500 |
47 | 39(1) | Fishing for crab with more than two ring nets, dip nets and crab traps in the aggregate | 500 |
48 | 39(2) | Fishing for crab with a ring net or crab trap that does not have a specified tag, float or buoy attached | 250 |
49 | 40(1) | Fishing for shrimp with more than four shrimp traps | 500 |
50 | 40(2) | Fishing for shrimp with a shrimp trap that does not have the specified tag, float or buoy attached | 250 |
51 | 40.1 | Fishing for octopus with an octopus trap that does not have the specified tag, float or buoy attached | 250 |
52 | 41 | Fishing with a crab trap that does not have the specified section | 500 |
53 | 41.1 | Setting, operating or leaving unattended in the water specified gear that does not have a specified tag, float or buoy attached | 250 |
54 | 43 | Fishing for salmon of a specified species in specified waters during the specified time | 500 |
55 | 44 | Catching and retaining more salmon of a specified species than the specified quota | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
56 | 45(1)(a) | Catching and retaining more than four hatchery chinook salmon and wild chinook salmon that measure 50 cm or less | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
57 | 45(1)(b) | Catching and retaining more than two hatchery chinook salmon and wild chinook salmon that measure more than 50 cm | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
58 | 45(1)c) | Catching and retaining more than four hatchery chinook salmon and wild chinook salmon | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
59 | 45(1)(d) | Catching and retaining more than four hatchery coho salmon and wild coho salmon that measure 35 cm or less | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
60 | 45(1)(e) | Catching and retaining more than two hatchery coho salmon and wild coho salmon that measure more than 35 cm | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
61 | 45(1)(f) | Catching and retaining more than four hatchery coho salmon and wild coho salmon | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
62 | 45(2) | Catching and retaining more than four salmon from all waters | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
63 | 46 | Catching and retaining in a month in a lake or stream more than 10 chinook salmon that measure more than 50 cm | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
64 | 47(a) | Catching and retaining in a year more than 20 chinook salmon from specified waters | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
65 | 47(b) | Catching and retaining in a year more than 15 chinook salmon from specified waters | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
66 | 47(c) | Catching and retaining in a year more than 10 chinook salmon that measure more than 50 cm from specified waters | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
67 | 47(d) | Catching and retaining in a year more than 30 chinook salmon, other than specified salmon | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
68 | 47(e) | Catching and retaining in a year more than 10 chinook salmon that measure more than 50 cm from non-tidal waters | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
69 | 48 | Catching and retaining specified salmon of a specified species in specified waters | 200 plus 50 per fish |
70 | 49 | Fishing for salmon by a specified method or with a specified type of gear or bait in specified waters during the specified time | 500 |
71 | 50 | Fishing for salmon other than by angling | 500 |
72 | 52 | Fishing other than by angling or with a set line | 500 |
73 | 54(a) | Using more than one set line | 250 |
74 | 54(b) | Using a hook less than 3 cm measured from the point to the shank | 250 |
75 | 54(c) | Retaining fish of a specified species other than burbot | 250 |
76 | 55(1) | Fishing for, or catching and retaining, fish from 23:00 hrs to 24:00 hrs on December 31 | 500 |
77 | 56(1) | Catching and retaining more specified fish than the specified quota | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
78 | 56(2) | Failing to cease fishing after reaching the daily quota for steelhead | 250 |
79 | 57(a) | Catching and retaining more than six wild rainbow trout and hatchery rainbow trout from a lake or stream | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
80 | 57(b) | Catching and retaining more than one wild steelhead and hatchery steelhead from a lake or stream | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
81 | 57(c) | Catching and retaining more than six wild cutthroat trout and hatchery cutthroat trout from a lake or stream | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
82 | 57(d) | Catching and retaining more than six wild brown trout and hatchery brown trout from a lake or stream | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
83 | 57(e) | Catching and retaining more than six wild brook trout and hatchery brook trout from a lake or stream | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
84 | 57(f) | Catching and retaining more than six wild Dolly Varden and hatchery Dolly Varden from a lake or stream | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
85 | 57(g) | Catching and retaining more than six wild lake trout and hatchery lake trout from a lake or stream | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
86 | 57(h) | Catching and retaining more than four smallmouth and largemouth bass from a lake or stream | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
87 | 57(i) | Catching and retaining more than 25 wild kokanee and hatchery kokanee from a lake or stream | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
88 | 58 | Catching and retaining more fish of a specified species than the specified quota from non-tidal waters | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
89 | 59 | Catching and retaining in a month more than two steelhead in a lake or stream | 200 plus 50 per steelhead exceeding quota |
90 | 60(a) | Catching and retaining in a year more than 10 steelhead | 200 plus 50 per steelhead exceeding quota |
91 | 60(b) | Catching and retaining in a year more than one white sturgeon | 200 plus 50 per white sturgeon exceeding quota |
92 | 60(c) | Catching and retaining in a year more than five rainbow trout greater than 50 cm from specified waters | 200 plus 50 per trout exceeding quota |
93 | 60(d) | Catching and retaining in a year more than five rainbow trout greater than 50 cm from specified waters | 200 plus 50 per trout exceeding quota |
94 | 60(e) | Catching and retaining in a year more than five Dolly Varden and lake trout greater than 60 cm from specified waters | 200 plus 50 per fish exceeding quota |
95 | 61 | Using as bait or possessing a freshwater invertebrate at a lake | 250 |
96 | 62 | Depositing any substance into the water to attract fish | 500 |
97 | 63 | Fishing in a lake or stream by a specified method or with a specified type of gear or bait during the specified time | 500 |
Quebec Fishery Regulations, 1990
Item | Column I | Column II | Column III |
Provision of the Quebec Fishery Regulations, 1990 | Short-Form Description | Fine ($) | |
1 | 5(1) | Fishing without a licence or contrary to the conditions of a licence | 250 |
2 | 5(5) | Failing to return an Atlantic salmon or to release it in the least harmful manner | 400 |
3 | 5.1 | Fishing on an ecological reserve | 350 |
4 | 5.2 | Possessing fish caught in contravention of the Regulations | 300 |
5 | 6 | Fishing in the Betsiamites River | 300 |
6 | 7(1) | Fishing for prohibited species in specified areas | 300 |
7 | 8 | Fishing in such a manner as to pierce or hook a fish other than in its mouth | 500 |
8 | 9 | Engaging in fishing, other than angling, less than 500 m downstream from the mouth of a salmon river | 400 |
9 | 10(a) | Adjusting or attempting to adjust the flow of a dam to fish or to facilitate fishing | 500 |
10 | 10(b) | Depositing or installing any material to divert, slow or halt fish movement to fish or facilitate fishing | 500 |
11 | 11 | Possessing prohibited fishing gear | 500 |
12 | 12 | Possessing fishing gear within 100 m of water where the use of that gear is prohibited | 200 |
13 | 13(1) | Failing to affix a tag to a fish in the manner set out in a licence | 300 |
14 | 13(2) | Failing to affix a valid tag to an Atlantic salmon in the sequence indicated on a licence | 300 |
15 | 13(3) | Failing to affix a valid tag to the Atlantic salmon that they hooked | 300 |
16 | 13(5) | Possessing a fish that is not tagged in accordance with the Regulations | 500 |
17 | 13(6) | Possessing an Atlantic salmon or a sturgeon from outside the Province that is not appropriately tagged | 500 |
18 | 13(7) | Removing a tag that is affixed to a fish | 300 |
19 | 15(1) | Using or possessing bait fish in specified waters or within 100 m from those waters | 500 |
20 | 15.1 | Using a prohibited species of fish for bait | 500 |
21 | 16 | Failing to return a specified fish or to release it in the least harmful manner | 300 |
22 | 16.1 | Failure to release a fish in the least harmful manner | 300 |
23 | 17 | Letting a fish that is suitable for human consumption spoil | 300 |
24 | 18(1) | Shipping out of the Province a fish whose sale is prohibited | 250 |
25 | 22(1) | Failing to have the required documents in their possession or to produce them on request | 250 |
26 | 22(2) | Failing to produce documents within seven days after the date of the request | 250 |
27 | 24(1) | Buying or having one or more licences in the specified circumstances | 400 |
28 | 27 | Fishing for or catching and retaining a specified species of fish in specified waters using prohibited gear or method during the specified time | 300 |
29 | 27.1 | Engaging in sport fishing, other than angling, in the waters of specified Areas | 300 |
30 | 28 | Engaging in sport fishing, other than angling, for a specified species of fish | 500 |
31 | 29(1) | Fishing for bait fish with more than one lift net or more than three bait traps | 200 |
32 | 29(2) | Using more than one lift net or more than three bait traps at a time | 200 |
33 | 29(3) | Using an unidentified bait trap without supervision | 100 |
34 | 30(1) | Angling using more lines than specified, an unattended line or a prohibited line | 200 plus 50 per additional line |
35 | 30(3) | Engaging in angling and in fly fishing simultaneously | 200 |
36 | 31(1) | Fishing other than by fly fishing in a specified salmon river or in waters reserved for fly fishing | 400 |
37 | 31(2) | Fishing with a prohibited artificial fly | 300 |
38 | 31(3) | Fly fishing in a salmon river using more artificial flies than permitted | 200 plus 50 per additional fly |
39 | 31(4) | Fly fishing in waters reserved for fly fishing using more than two artificial flies | 200 plus 50 per additional fly |
40 | 32 | Using prohibited gear to land a fish | 500 |
41 | 33(1) | Sport fishing from a prohibited location | 200 |
42 | 33(2) | Sport fishing in the specified waters from a boat or any other floating apparatus | 100 |
43 | 34 | Fishing in a salmon river during close time | 500 |
44 | 35(1) | Catching and retaining more fish than the daily quota | 200 plus 50 per additional fish |
45 | 35(2)(a) | Catching and retaining more Atlantic salmon than the daily quota | 400 plus 200 per additional fish |
46 | 35(2)(b) | Catching and releasing more Atlantic salmon than the daily quota | 200 plus 200 per additional fish |
47 | 36 | Catching and retaining more Atlantic salmon than the yearly quota, according to their size | 400 plus 200 per additional fish |
48 | 37(1) | Continuing to fish for a species of fish after having met the daily quota | 200 |
49 | 37(2) | Continuing to fish in a salmon river after having met the daily quota | 400 |
50 | 38 | Possessing fish that is prepared such that it is hard to identify, count or measure | 200 |
51 | 38.2 | Possessing a specified species of fish taken from specified waters during the specified close time | 200 |
52 | 39 | Possessing more fish than the daily quota | 200 plus 50 per additional fish |
53 | 40 | Catching and retaining or possessing fish of a prohibited size | 250 |
54 | 41(1) | Failing to register an Atlantic salmon within the specified time or immediately at the request of a fishery officer | 200 |
55 | 41(2) | Failing to register an Atlantic salmon at the registration station in the specified manner | 200 |
56 | 41(3) | Failing to register an Atlantic salmon using available self-registration or remote registration procedure | 200 |
57 | 41(4) | Failing to register an Atlantic salmon using a remote registration procedure specified by the Minister | 200 |
58 | 42 | Failing to affix a valid tag on a night line and to ensure night line rests continuously on the bottom of the water | 150 |
59 | 47 | Engaging in commercial fishing contrary to the conditions of a commercial fishing licence | 500 |
60 | 48 | Catching and retaining fish contrary to the conditions of a commercial fishing licence | 400 |
61 | 49(1) | Using a fishing vessel or fishing gear without a valid identification plate affixed to the vessel or gear in the specified manner indicated in the licence | 200 |
Manitoba Fishery Regulations, 1987
Column I | Column II | Column III | |
Item | Provision of the Manitoba Fishery Regulations, 1987 | Short-Form Description | Fine ($) |
1 | 13 | Fishing without a General Fishing Permit | 225 |
2 | 13.1 | Fishing for or catching and retaining fish during close time without a General Fishing Permit | 275 |
3 | 14(1) | Possessing fish that do not comply with the size limit or that exceed the possession quota | 200 plus 100 per additional fish, up to a maximum of 1,000 |
4 | 15 | Possessing live bait fish in an area where it is prohibited | 225 |
5 | 16(1) | Possessing live fish or live fish eggs without authorization | 225 |
6 | 16(2) | Bringing into or possessing in Manitoba, or releasing into Manitoba waters, live fish or live fish eggs without authorization | 275 |
7 | 16(3) | Bringing into Manitoba for use as bait any live fish, crayfish, leeches or salamanders without authorization | 225 |
8 | 16.1(1) | Handling, transporting or disposing of fish in a way that results in spoilage or waste | 200 |
9 | 17 | Failing to release fish in the least harmful manner to the water from which it was taken | 100 |
10 | 18 | Releasing tagged or marked fish into waters of Manitoba without authorization | 100 |
11 | 19(1) | Fishing for or catching and retaining fish during close time | 300 |
12 | 19(3) | Catching and retaining fish that do not comply with the size limit or that exceed the daily quota | 200 plus 100 per additional fish, up to a maximum of 1,000 |
13 | 19(4) | Possessing fish that do not comply with the size limit or that exceed the possession quota | 200 plus 100 per additional fish, up to a maximum of 1,000 |
14 | 22(1) | Taking or attempting to take fish using a prohibited method | 175 |
15 | 22(3) | Fishing in a stocked trout lake or stocked trout stream other than by angling | 175 |
16 | 23 | Using a boat propelled other than by human or electric power | 150 |
17 | 24(1) | Possessing fish that is prepared such that it is hard to identify, count or measure | 150 |
18 | 25(1)(a) | Angling in open water using more than a single line or more than a rod and line | 200 |
19 | 25(1)(b) | Angling in ice-covered water using more than two lines | 200 |
20 | 25(1)(c) | Angling using more than two hooks attached to a line | 200 |
21 | 25(1)(d) | Angling using a spring-loaded hook | 200 |
22 | 25(1)(e) | Angling using a prohibited species of fish or the offal of a specified species of fish for bait | 225 |
23 | 25(1)(f) | Angling using a hook other than a barbless hook | 100 |
24 | 25(2) | Possessing a hook that is attached to the end of a fishing line, other than a barbless hook | 100 |
25 | 26(a) | Angling in open water without keeping the line within sight | 100 |
26 | 26(b) | Failing to stay within 50 m of the line while angling in ice-covered water | 100 |
27 | 28 | Using natural bait while angling in specified waters | 100 |
28 | 30 | Spearfishing other than while swimming and using a barbed spear | 175 |
29 | 31(1) | Spearfishing for, or catching and retaining while spearfishing, a prohibited species of fish | 175 |
30 | 31(2) | Spearfishing for, or catching and retaining while spearfishing, a prohibited species of fish using scuba gear | 175 |
31 | 32 | Bow fishing for a prohibited species of fish or bow fishing with prohibited gear or in a prohibited place | 175 |
32 | 33(1) | Fishing using prohibited gear | 175 |
33 | 33(1.1) | Fishing using prohibited gear in the specified waters | 175 |
34 | 35 | Cat33(1.1)ching and retaining in any day or possessing more than 4 L of bait fish other than suckers and ciscoes | 200 |
35 | 35.1 | Possessing more than 180 live bait fish | 200 |
36 | 36 | Fishing with prohibited gear | 200 |
37 | 38(1) | Failing to clearly mark an unattended ice-fishing shelter in the specified manner | 100 |
38 | 38(2) | Failing to remove an ice-fishing shelter on ice-covered waters by the specified date | 175 |
39 | 38(3) | Failing to remove an ice-fishing shelter from ice-covered waters when directed by a fishery officer | 175 |
40 | 39 | (a) Selling fish not taken under a commercial fishing licence | 500 |
(b) Trading fish not taken under a commercial fishing licence | 500 | ||
(c) Bartering fish not taken under a commercial fishing licence | 500 | ||
(d) Offering to sell fish not taken under a commercial fishing licence | 500 | ||
(e) Offering to trade fish not taken under a commercial fishing licence | 500 | ||
(f) Offering to barter fish not taken under a commercial fishing licence | 500 | ||
41 | 40 | Engaging in commercial fishing during close time | 500 |
42 | 42(3) | Engaging in commercial fishing for a species for which notice has been given that the annual quota has been taken | 500 |
43 | 45(2) | Fishing with a gill net whose mesh size is smaller than the minimum or larger than the maximum size specified in the notice | 500 |
44 | 51 | Fishing by means of net in any lake within 1.5 km of a stream or river mouth without authorization | 275 |
- SOR/2003-416, s. 1
- SOR/2005-111, s. 2
- SOR/2007-57, ss. 1 to 3
- SOR/2007-62, s. 2(F)
- SOR/2009-166, s. 1
- SOR/2012-198, s. 1
- SOR/2015-159, ss. 1(F), 2(E), 3(E), 4, 5(F), 6(F)
- SOR/2016-299, ss. 8, 9
- SOR/2020-86, s. 3
- SOR/2021-81, s. 1
- SOR/2021-81, s. 2
- SOR/2024-242, s. 1
- SOR/2024-243, s. 2
- Date modified: