Contraventions Regulations (SOR/96-313)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2024-11-29. Previous Versions
SCHEDULE I.01(Sections 1 to 4)Canada National Parks Act
PART I[Repealed, SOR/2016-200, s. 12]
PART I.001
Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve of Canada Snowshoe Hare Regulations
Column I | Column II | Column III | |
Item | Provision of Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve of Canada Snowshoe Hare Regulations | Short-Form Description | Fine ($) |
1 | 5 | Snaring snowshoe hare without a permit | 200 |
2 | 6 | Possessing snowshoe hare without a permit | 100 |
3 | 8(3) | Failing to sign a permit on receipt | 50 |
4 | 11(a) |
| 50 |
| 50 | ||
5 | 11(b) | Using a snare other than one that is constructed of metallic wire | 100 |
6 | 11(c) | Setting a snare in a manner capable of capturing an animal other than a snowshoe hare | 200 |
7 | 11(d) | Setting more snares than the maximum number of snowshoe hares that may be snared | 100 plus 10 per snare exceeding maximum |
8 | 11(e) | Baiting a snare | 100 |
9 | 11(f) |
| 100 |
| 100 | ||
10 | 11(g) | Leaving a snare unattended for more than 48 hours | 100 |
11 | 11(h) | Snaring snowshoe hare in a closed area | 200 |
12 | 11(i) | Removing the tag attached to the snowshoe hare before the hare is prepared for human consumption | 50 |
13 | 12(a) |
| 50 |
| 50 | ||
14 | 12(b) | Failing to immediately produce for examination snares, snowshoe hares in their possession or snare permit | 200 |
15 | 12(c) | Failing to attach a tag to each snowshoe hare using specified method | 50 plus 10 per snowshoe hare not tagged using specified method |
16 | 12(d) | Failing to report, without delay, any accidental capture | 100 |
17 | 12(e) | Failing to reduce the number of snares | 100 |
18 | 13(1) |
| 200 |
| 150 | ||
19 | 14(1) | Failing to return permit within 60 days after its expiry | 100 |
20 | 14(2) | Failing to record the prescribed information on the back of the permit | 100 |
PART I.002
National Historic Parks General Regulations
Column I | Column II | Column III | |
Item | Provision of National Historic Parks General Regulations | Short-Form Description | Fine ($) |
1 | 3(1) |
| 300 |
| 300 | ||
| 300 | ||
| 300 | ||
| 300 | ||
2 | 4(1) |
| 300 |
| 300 | ||
| 300 | ||
| 300 | ||
3 | 5 |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
| 200 | ||
| 200 | ||
4 | 6 |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
| 200 | ||
5 | 7 | Polluting a watercourse | 500 |
6 | 8 |
| 500 |
| 500 | ||
| 500 | ||
7 | 12(5) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
8 | 13(5) | Carrying on a designated activity without being the holder of an authorization | 200 |
9 | 13(6) | Failing to produce an authorization on request | 200 |
10 | 15(1) |
| 100 |
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
11 | 17 |
| 100 |
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
12 | 20 | Failing to maintain an area to which a camping permit applies in a satisfactory condition | 100 |
13 | 23(1) | Failing to remove a trailer, vehicle, structure, chattel or article from the area in respect of which a camping permit was issued | 100 |
14 | 24 |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
15 | 27(a) | Allowing a fire to spread beyond the confines of a fireplace, portable stove or barbecue | 200 |
16 | 27(b) | Discarding a burning substance except in a receptacle provided for that purpose | 100 |
17 | 27(c) | Discarding an unused match or an article or substance that could cause the kindling of a fire, except in a receptacle provided for that purpose | 100 |
18 | 27(d) | Operating without satisfactory precautions a machine or equipment that could kindle a fire | 100 |
19 | 27(e) |
| 100 |
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
20 | 27(f) | Leaving a fire unattended | 100 |
21 | 29 |
| 500 |
| 500 | ||
| 500 | ||
| 500 | ||
22 | 30(1) | Operating or using on or under a watercourse, without authorization, a motorized vessel, water-skiing equipment or subsurface diving equipment | 200 |
23 | 30(3) |
| 500 |
| 500 | ||
| 500 | ||
24 | 31 | Mooring a vessel in the approach to or in the lee of a wharf in a manner that obstructs the free flow of vessels | 100 |
25 | 33(1) | Undertaking an underwater activity without placing a clearly visible diver’s marker | 200 |
26 | 33(2) | Failing to operate a vessel in the vicinity of a diver’s marker with due caution and at a slow speed | 300 |
27 | 35 |
| 30 |
| 30 | ||
28 | 36(1)(a) | Causing excessive noise | 200 |
29 | 36(1)(b) | Unreasonably disturbing other persons | 200 |
30 | 36(1)(c) | Unreasonably interfering with fauna or a park’s natural beauty | 200 |
31 | 36(1)(d) | Threatening historic resources | 500 |
32 | 36(1)(e) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
33 | 36(3) |
| 300 |
| 300 |
National Historic Parks Wildlife and Domestic Animals Regulations
Column I | Column II | Column III | |
Item | Provision of National Historic Parks Wildlife and Domestic Animals Regulations | Short-Form Description | Fine ($) |
1 | 4(a) |
| 500 |
| 500 | ||
| 500 | ||
| 500 | ||
2 | 4(b) | Possessing wildlife killed or procured within a park | 500 |
3 | 4(c) | Possessing wildlife during a closed season for that wildlife | 500 |
4 | 4(d) |
| 200 |
| 300 | ||
| 300 | ||
5 | 5(2) | Holder of a scientific purpose permit removing taken or killed wildlife without permission | 300 |
6 | 6(1) | Unlawfully possessing a firearm | 500 |
7 | 7(1) |
| 500 |
| 500 | ||
| 500 | ||
| 500 | ||
| 500 | ||
| 500 | ||
8 | 8 | Shining a movable light having a voltage greater than 4.5 V between sunset and sunrise | 250 |
9 | 10(a) | Failing to allow a peace officer to inspect a firearm | 200 |
10 | 10(b) | Failing to allow a peace officer to inspect a firearm permit | 200 |
11 | 12(a) |
| 50 |
| 50 | ||
12 | 12(b) |
| 50 |
| 50 | ||
13 | 12(c) |
| 50 |
| 50 | ||
14 | 13(1) |
| 75 |
| 75 | ||
15 | 15(a) | Failing to ensure that a domestic animal does not cause an unreasonable disturbance to persons | 150 |
16 | 15(b) |
| 500 |
| 150 | ||
17 | 15(c) | Failing to ensure that a domestic animal does not have any contagious or dangerous disease | 150 |
18 | 15(d) |
| 150 |
| 150 | ||
| 150 | ||
19 | 17 |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
20 | 19 | Removing an impounded animal without paying the applicable fee | 100 |
21 | 21 | Keeper of domestic animal failing to assist in capturing the animal | 100 |
National Parks of Canada Aircraft Access Regulations
Column I | Column II | Column III | |
Item | Provision of National Parks of Canada Aircraft Access Regulations | Short-Form Description | Fine ($) |
1 | 2(1) |
| 500 |
| 500 | ||
| 500 | ||
| 500 | ||
2 | 2(2) |
| 500 |
| 500 |
National Parks of Canada Camping Regulations
Column I | Column II | Column III | |
Item | Provision of National Parks of Canada Camping Regulations | Short-Form Description | Fine ($) |
1 | 3(1) |
| 50 |
| 50 | ||
2 | 5(3) |
| 75 |
| 75 | ||
3 | 10(a) | Using public building for sleeping | 25 |
4 | 10(b) |
| 30 |
| 30 | ||
5 | 10(c) | Leaving personal effects on public facilities longer than required | 30 |
6 | 10(e) |
| 100 |
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
7 | 10(f) | Locating more than one portable cabin, tent or trailer on a campsite | 30 |
8 | 11(1) | Using fuel, except in a public fireplace, barbecue, grill or portable stove | 30 |
9 | 17 | Entering a campground within 48 hours of cancellation of permit | 100 |
10 | 18(1) | Failure to remove articles from campsite | 50 |
National Parks of Canada Domestic Animals Regulations
Column I | Column II | Column III | |
Item | Provision of National Parks of Canada Domestic Animals Regulations | Short-Form Description | Fine ($) |
1 | 3(1)(a) |
| 100 |
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
2 | 3(2)(a) |
| 50 |
| 50 | ||
| |||
3 | 3(2)(b) | Bringing a domestic animal where not permitted without a permit | 50 |
4 | 3(2)(c) |
| 75 |
| 75 | ||
| 75 | ||
| 75 | ||
5 | 4(3) | Failure to securely fix tag on domestic animal | 25 |
6 | 5 | Failure to have domestic animal under physical control | 50 |
7 | 5(a) |
| 75 |
| 75 | ||
| 75 | ||
| 75 | ||
| 75 | ||
| 75 | ||
| 75 | ||
| 75 | ||
| 75 | ||
| 75 | ||
| 75 | ||
| 75 | ||
8 | 6 | Failure to pick up and remove fecal matter | 50 |
National Parks of Canada Fire Protection Regulations
Column I | Column II | Column III | |
Item | Provision of National Parks of Canada Fire Protection Regulations | Short-Form Description | Fine ($) |
1 | 3(2)(a) | Entering an area or highway referred to in a notice | 100 |
2 | 3(2)(b) | Smoking in an area referred to in a notice | 200 |
2.1 | 3(2)(c) | Starting or maintaining a fire in an area referred to in a notice | 200 |
3 | 4(1) | Starting or maintaining a fire | 100 |
4 | 4(2) | Using fuel not suitable for fireplace or appliance | 75 |
5 | 4(4) | Failure to extinguish fire | 200 |
6 | 5(3)(a) | Allowing a fire to spread | 100 |
7 | 5(3)(b) | Discarding a burning substance | 100 |
8 | 5(3)(f) | Leaving a fire unattended | 100 |
9 | 6 | Failure to immediately report unattended fire | 100 |
10 | [Repealed, SOR/2016-200, s. 27] |
National Parks of Canada Fishing Regulations
Column I | Column II | Column III | |
Item | Provision of National Parks of Canada Fishing Regulations | Short-Form Description | Fine ($) |
1 | 3(1)(a) | Fishing other than in accordance with a permit | 100 |
2 | 3(1)(b) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
3 | 7 | Failure to carry and produce fishing permit, salmon licence, soft-shell clam permit or lake trout endorsement | 50 |
4 | 7.1(1)(a) | Failure to register catch of salmon | 50 |
5 | 7.1(1)(b) | Failure to maintain record of catch of salmon | 50 |
6 | 7.1(1)(c) | Failure to submit record of catch of salmon | 50 |
7 | 7.3 | Failure to register daily catch in La Mauricie National Park | 50 |
8 | 9(2) | Unlawful fishing | 100 |
9 | 10(1)(a) | Catching and retaining prescribed species of fish in excess of prescribed daily limit | 50 plus 25 per fish over limit |
9.1 | 10(1)(b) | Catching and retaining prescribed species of fish outside prescribed overall length | 50 plus 25 per fish exceeding length limit |
10 | 10(2)(a) | Possession of prescribed species of fish in excess of prescribed daily limit | 50 plus 25 per fish over limit |
10.1 | 10(2)(b) | Possession of prescribed species of fish outside prescribed overall length | 50 plus 25 per fish exceeding length limit |
11 | 11(a) | Catching and retaining more than the prescribed daily limit | 50 plus 25 per fish over limit |
12 | 11(b) | Possession of more than the prescribed daily limit | 50 plus 25 per fish over limit |
13 | 11(c) | Fishing after having caught and retained daily limit | 75 |
14 | 12 | Fishing in La Mauricie National Park after having caught and retained limit | 100 |
15 | 15(1) | Fishing by a method other than angling | 75 |
15.1 | 15(2) | Possession of prohibited fishing equipment within 100 m of park waters | 100 |
16 | 15(3) | Possession of prohibited fishing equipment within limits of park | 100 |
17 | 15(4) |
| 75 |
| 75 | ||
18 | 15(5) | Possession of fishing equipment, other than inside a motor vehicle, without a fishing permit | 100 |
19 | 15(6) | Using an unauthorized artificial fly | 75 |
20 | 15(7) |
| 100 |
| 100 | ||
21 | 16 | Fishing by foul hooking | 75 |
22 | 17(a) | Using more than one fishing line | 50 |
22.1 | 17(b) | Fishing with a fishing line having more than one artificial fly or other bait | 100 |
22.2 | 17(c) | Fishing with a fishing line having an artificial fly with natural bait | 100 |
23 | 17(d) | Using hooks capable of catching more than one fish at a time | 50 |
23.1 | 17(e) | Fishing with a fishing line having more than one type of lure | 100 |
23.2 | 17(f) |
| 100 |
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
23.3 | 17(g) | Fishing with a gang-hook having more than three hooks | 100 |
23.4 | 17(h) | Fishing with a lead sinker or lead jig weighing less than 50 g | 100 |
23.5 | 17.1 |
| 100 |
| 100 | ||
23.6 | 17.2 | Fishing with a hook from which the barbs have not been removed or pinched to the shaft of the hook in prohibited waters | 100 |
23.7 | 17.3 |
| 100 |
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
23.8 | 17.4 | Possession of lead jig or lead sinker weighing less than 50 g while fishing | 100 |
24 | 18 | Leaving fishing line unattended | 50 |
25 | 19(2) | Possession of gaff-hook or tailer | 75 |
26 | 20(a) | Fishing in prohibited waters | 100 |
27 | 20(c) | Fishing in waters designated for swimming or as a marina | 50 |
28 | 21(1) | Fishing other than by artificial fly angling | 100 |
29 | 22(1) | Fishing during prohibited hours | 50 |
29.1 | 22(2) | Fishing in waters of prescribed parks during prohibited hours | 100 |
30 | 23 |
| 100 |
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
31 | 24(1) |
| 75 |
| 75 | ||
| 75 | ||
| 75 | ||
31.1 | 24.1 |
| 100 |
| 100 | ||
32 | 24(2) |
| 75 |
| 75 | ||
| 75 | ||
| 75 | ||
| 75 | ||
| 75 | ||
33 | 24(3) |
| 75 |
| 75 | ||
34 | 26(1) | Putting food for fish in waters | 75 |
35 | 31.1 |
| 50 |
| 50 | ||
| 50 | ||
36 | 34(1) |
| 50 |
| 50 | ||
| 50 | ||
| 50 | ||
| 50 | ||
36.1 | 34(5) | Ice fishing in flowing waters of Banff National Park | 50 |
37 | 35(3)(a) | Fishing in waters closed by notice | 100 |
38 | 35(3)(b) | Exceeding the extent of fishing set out in notice | 100 |
39 | 37(a) | Failure to register catch | 75 |
40 | 37(b) | Failure to maintain record of catch | 75 |
41 | 37(c) | Failure to submit record of catch | 75 |
National Parks of Canada Garbage Regulations
Column I | Column II | Column III | |
Item | Provision of National Parks of Canada Garbage Regulations | Short-Form Description | Fine ($) |
1 | 4(a) | Failure to provide and maintain sufficient containers | 50 |
2 | 4(b) | Failure to place garbage in proper containers | 50 |
3 | 4(c) | Failure to drain and wrap wet garbage | 50 |
4 | 4(d) | Failure to set out containers as required | 50 |
5 | 4(e) | Failure to remove containers within specified period | 50 |
6 | 4(f) | Failure to securely close containers | 100 |
7 | 4(g) | Failure to store garbage in approved enclosures | 100 |
8 | 4(h) | Failure to securely tie combustible rubbish in bundles | 50 |
9 | 4(i) | Failure to prepare yard rubbish | 50 |
10 | 4(j) | Failure to extinguish ashes or coals | 50 |
11 | 4(k) | Setting out bulky wastes at improper time | 50 |
12 | 4(l) | Setting out waste not suitable for collection | 50 |
13 | 4(m) | Failure to keep street, sidewalk or boulevard free of garbage | 50 |
14 | 5(2) | Delivering waste other than in accordance with a permit | 50 |
15 | 6(1) | Conveying garbage in improper vehicle | 100 |
16 | 8 | Unlawfully discarding or disposing of garbage | 100 |
17 | 9(1) | Accumulating garbage on owner’s premises | 75 |
National Parks General Regulations
Column I | Column II | Column III | |
Item | Provision of National Parks General Regulations | Short-Form Description | Fine ($) |
1 | 5(2) | Entering closed public recreational facilities | 50 |
2 | 6(3)(a) | Failure to register prior to undertaking hazardous activity | 75 |
3 | 6(3)(b) | Failure to register immediately on completing hazardous activity | 75 |
4 | 7(4) |
| 100 |
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
5 | 7.1(4) | Unlawfully engaging in a designated activity | 30 |
6 | 7.1(6) | Failure to produce authorization for inspection | 50 |
7 | 10 |
| 100 |
| 100 | ||
8 | 13 |
| 100 |
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
9 | [Repealed, SOR/98-353, s. 3] | ||
10 | 16 | Polluting a watercourse | 200 |
11 | 17 | Obstructing or diverting a watercourse | 100 |
12 | 21 |
| 75 |
| 75 | ||
| 75 | ||
13 | 24(2) | Mooring a watercraft | 50 |
14 | 25(2) | Mooring a watercraft in reserved area | 50 |
15 | 26(2) | Mooring a watercraft for period longer than specified | 30 |
16 | 28 |
| 100 |
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
17 | 32(1)(a) | Causing excessive noise | 100 |
18 | 32(1)(b) | Unreasonable behaviour | 100 |
18.1 | 32(1)(c) | Unreasonable interference with fauna or natural beauty of a Park | 100 |
18.2 | 32(3) | Entering a Park without permission within one year following removal from that Park | 200 |
19 | 33 |
| 30 |
| 50 | ||
19.1 | 35(1) | Possession of explosives without permit | 100 |
20 | 36(3) | Entering closed area | 100 |
National Parks Highway Traffic Regulations
Column I | Column II | Column III | |
Item | Provision of National Parks Highway Traffic Regulations | Short-Form Description | Fine ($) |
1 | 3(1) | Operating a vehicle off a highway in a park without a permit | 100 |
2 | 11(a) |
| An amount equal to the amount of the fine for contravening a provincial or municipal law relating to the operation of a vehicle, applicable in the place where the contravention was committed, in the case where the contravention is enforced by means of a ticketing procedure, up to a maximum of $500 |
| An amount equal to the amount of the fine for contravening a provincial or municipal law relating to the operation of a vehicle, applicable in the place where the contravention was committed, in the case where the contravention is enforced by means of a ticketing procedure, up to a maximum of $500 | ||
3 | 11(b) |
| An amount equal to the amount of the fine for contravening a provincial or municipal law relating to the operation of a vehicle, applicable in the place where the contravention was committed, in the case where the contravention is enforced by means of a ticketing procedure, up to a maximum of $500 |
| An amount equal to the amount of the fine for contravening a provincial or municipal law relating to the operation of a vehicle, applicable in the place where the contravention was committed, in the case where the contravention is enforced by means of a ticketing procedure, up to a maximum of $500 | ||
3.1 | 11(c) | Operating motor vehicle without wearing required equipment | An amount equal to the amount of the fine for contravening a provincial or municipal law relating to the operation of a vehicle, applicable in the place where the contravention was committed, in the case where the contravention is enforced by means of a ticketing procedure, up to a maximum of $500 |
4 | 12(1) | Operating motor vehicle in contravention of provincial laws | An amount equal to the amount of the fine for contravening a provincial or municipal law relating to the operation of a vehicle, applicable in the place where the contravention was committed, in the case where the contravention is enforced by means of a ticketing procedure, up to a maximum of $500 |
5 | 15 | Disposing of waste matter on highway in a park | 200 |
6 | 16(3) | Failure to obey instructions on traffic sign or device | 50 |
7 | 21 | Failure to comply with traffic directions | 50 |
8 | 22(a) |
| 75 |
| 75 | ||
9 | 22(b) |
| 75 |
| 75 | ||
| 75 | ||
10 | 23(2)(a) | Parking in a designated area without permit | 25 |
11 | 23(2)(b) | Failure to expose attached parking permit label to motor vehicle | 25 |
12 | 23(2)(c) | Parking other than in accordance with the terms of parking permit | 25 |
13 | 23(3) | Exceeding parking period designated by sign | 25 |
14 | 26(a) | Abandoning a motor vehicle in a park | 75 |
15 | 26(b) | Parking a motor vehicle in a prescribed area for more than 48 hours without permission | 25 |
16 | 27 |
| 25 |
| 25 | ||
17 | 28(2) | Parking on a sidewalk without permission | 25 |
18 | 28(3) |
| 25 |
| 25 | ||
| 25 | ||
| 25 | ||
| 25 | ||
| 25 | ||
19 | 29 |
| 25 |
| 25 | ||
20 | 32(1) | Speeding | An amount equal to the amount of the fine for contravening a provincial or municipal law relating to the operation of a vehicle, applicable in the place where the contravention was committed, in the case where the contravention is enforced by means of a ticketing procedure, up to a maximum of $500 |
21 | 33 |
| 250 |
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
| 100 | ||
22 | 40(1) | Driving a motor vehicle in a park without adequate snow tires or chains on snow or ice covered highway | 75 |
23 | 41(1)(a) | Operating an over-snow vehicle without written permission in a park | 75 |
24 | 41(1)(b) |
| 75 |
| 75 | ||
| 75 | ||
25 | 41(1)(c) | Operating an over-snow vehicle in a park other than in accordance with specified terms | 75 |
26 | 41(1)(d) | Operating an over-snow vehicle in a park while not wearing required equipment | 75 |
27 | 41(2) | Operating an all-terrain vehicle in a park without permission | 75 |
28 | 45 | Failure to secure and bind load or place load in container to prevent escape | 100 |
National Parks Wildlife Regulations
Column I | Column II | Column III | |
Item | Provision of National Parks Wildlife Regulations | Short-Form Description | Fine ($) |
1 | 4(1)(a) | Disturbing wildlife | 200 |
1.1 | 4(1)(c) | Possession of wildlife killed or procured within a Park | 200 |
2 | 4(1)(e) |
| 75 |
| 75 | ||
| 75 | ||
| 75 | ||
| 75 | ||
| 150 | ||
| 150 | ||
| 150 | ||
| 150 | ||
| 150 | ||
3 | 4(1)(f) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
| 200 | ||
4 | 18 | Possession of firearm in prohibited area | 150 |
5 | 20(1) | Possession of loaded firearm | 200 |
6 | [Repealed, SOR/97-469, s. 24] | ||
7 | 20(1) | Possession in a Park of loaded firearm that is not encased or is not wrapped and tied | 150 |
8 | 20(3)(a) |
| 200 |
| 200 | ||
| 200 | ||
9 | 20(5) |
| 250 |
| 250 | ||
| 250 | ||
| 250 | ||
| 250 | ||
| 250 | ||
9.1 | 20(7) |
| 250 |
| 250 | ||
| 250 | ||
10 | 21(a) |
| 150 |
| 150 | ||
11 | 21(b) |
| 150 |
| 150 |
- SOR/97-161, ss. 10(F), 11, 12
- SOR/97-469, ss. 5 to 26
- SOR/98-254, ss. 4, 5
- SOR/98-255, s. 3
- SOR/98-353, ss. 2, 3
- SOR/98-383, ss. 3, 4
- SOR/2001-517, s. 10
- SOR/2003-7, ss. 1 to 3
- SOR/2007-58, ss. 1, 2
- SOR/2016-200, ss. 12 to 31
- SOR/2016-299, ss. 2, 3
- SOR/2020-86, s. 3
- Date modified: