Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Oil and Gas Occupational Safety and Health Regulations (SOR/87-612)

Regulations are current to 2024-09-16 and last amended on 2023-12-15. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE(Subsection 9.3(4))

Distances from Live Electrical Parts

Column IColumn IIColumn III
ItemVoltage Range of Part : Part to Ground (V)Distance in metresDistance in metres
1Over       425  to   12,000 blank line30.9
2Over  12,000  to   22,000 blank line31.2
3Over  22,000  to   50,000 blank line31.5
4Over  50,000  to   90,000 blank line4.51.8
5Over  90,000  to 120,000 blank line4.52.1
6Over 120,000 to 150,000 blank line62.7
7Over 150,000 to 250,000 blank line63.3
8Over 250,000 to 300,000 blank line7.53.9
9Over 300,000 to 350,000 blank line7.54.5
10Over 350,000 to 400,000 blank line95.4

PART XSanitation


 In this Part,


ARI means the Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute of the United States; (ARI)

change room

change room means a room that is used by employees to change from their street clothes to their work clothes and from their work clothes to their street clothes, and includes a locker room; (vestiaire)

personal service room

personal service room means a change room, toilet room, shower room, field accommodation or a combination thereof. (local réservé aux soins personnels)


  •  (1) Every employer shall maintain each personal service room and food preparation area used by employees in a clean and sanitary condition.

  • (2) Personal service rooms and food preparation areas shall be so used by employees that the rooms or areas remain in as clean and sanitary a condition as is possible.

 All cleaning and sweeping that may cause dusty or unsanitary conditions shall be carried out in a manner that prevents the contamination of the air by dust or other substances injurious to health.

 Each personal service room shall be cleaned at least once every day that it is used.

 Every plumbing system that supplies potable water and removes water-borne waste shall be installed and maintained by a qualified person.

  •  (1) Each enclosed part of a work place, each personal service room and each food preparation area shall be constructed, equipped and maintained in a manner that prevents the entrance of vermin.

  • (2) Where vermin have entered any enclosed part of a work place, any personal service room or any food preparation area, the employer shall immediately take all steps necessary to eliminate the vermin and prevent the re-entry of the vermin.

  • SOR/94-165, s. 27(E)

 No person shall use a personal service room for the purpose of storing equipment unless a closet fitted with a door is provided in that room for that purpose.

 In each personal service room and food preparation area, the temperature, measured 1 m above the floor in the centre of the room or area, shall be maintained at a level of not less than 18°C and, where reasonably practicable, not more than 29°C.

  • SOR/94-165, s. 28(F)
  •  (1) In each personal service room and food preparation area, the floors, partitions and walls shall be so constructed that they can be easily washed and maintained in a sanitary condition.

  • (2) The floor and lower 150 mm of any walls and partitions in any food preparation area or toilet room shall be water-tight and impervious to moisture.

  • SOR/94-165, s. 29(E)

Toilet Rooms

  •  (1) Where reasonably practicable, a toilet room shall be provided for employees and, where persons of both sexes are employed at the same work place, a separate toilet room shall be provided for employees of each sex.

  • (2) Where separate toilet rooms are provided for employees of each sex, each room shall be equipped with a door that is clearly marked to indicate the sex of the employees for whom the room is provided.

  • (3) Where persons of both sexes use the same toilet room, the door of the toilet room shall be fitted on the inside with a locking device.

  •  (1) Every toilet room shall be so designed that

    • (a) it is completely enclosed with solid material that is non-transparent from the outside;

    • (b) subject to subsection (2), there is no direct access into the toilet room from a sleeping room, dining area or food preparation area;

    • (c) where reasonably practicable, there is direct access into the toilet room from a hallway; and

    • (d) if it contains more than one water closet, each water closet is enclosed in a separate compartment fitted with a door and an inside locking device.

  • (2) Where a toilet is provided as part of private field accommodation, there may be direct access thereto from the sleeping quarters for which the toilet room is provided.

  • SOR/94-165, s. 30(F)

 Toilet paper shall be provided at each water closet.

  •  (1) The employer shall provide menstrual products, including clean and hygienic tampons and menstrual pads, in each toilet room.

  • (2) If it is not feasible to provide menstrual products in a toilet room, the employer shall provide them in another location in the same work place that is controlled by the employer, accessible by employees at all times and offers a reasonable amount of privacy.

  • (3) The employer shall provide a covered container for the disposal of menstrual products

    • (a) in any toilet room that has only one toilet; and

    • (b) in each toilet compartment of any toilet room that has more than one toilet.

Wash Basins

  •  (1) Every employer shall provide wash basins in each toilet room as follows:

    • (a) where the room contains one or two water closets or urinals, one wash basin; and

    • (b) where the room contains more than two water closets or urinals, one wash basin for every additional two water closets or urinals.

  • (2) Where an outdoor privy is provided, the employer shall provide wash basins required by subsection (1) as close to the outdoor privy as is reasonably practicable.

  • (3) An industrial wash trough or circular wash basin of a capacity equivalent to the aggregate of the minimum capacities of the wash basins referred to in subsection (1) may be provided in place of the wash basins.

  • (4) For the purposes of subsection (3), the minimum capacity of a wash basin shall be determined by reference to the applicable municipal by-laws or provincial regulations or, if there are no such by-laws or regulations, by reference to the Canadian Plumbing Code, 1985, issued by the Associate Committee on the National Building Code, National Research Council of Canada.

  • SOR/94-165, s. 31

 All wash basins and industrial wash troughs and circular wash basins referred to in section 10.14 shall be supplied with hot and cold water.

 Where the health of employees is likely to be endangered by skin contact with a hazardous substance, the employer shall provide wash facilities to clean the skin and aid in the removal of the hazardous substance.

  • SORS/88-199, s. 19
  • SOR/2014-141, s. 14(F)

 In every personal service room that contains a wash basin or an industrial wash trough or circular wash basin, the employer shall provide

  • (a) powdered or liquid soap or other cleaning agent in a dispenser at each wash basin or trough or between adjoining wash basins;

  • (b) sufficient sanitary hand drying facilities to serve the number of employees using the personal service room; and

  • (c) a non-combustible container for the disposal of used towels where disposable towels are provided for drying hands.

Showers and Shower Rooms

  •  (1) A shower room with at least one shower head for every 10 employees or portion of that number shall be provided for employees who regularly perform strenuous physical work in a high temperature or high humidity or whose bodies may be contaminated by a hazardous substance.

  • (2) Every shower stall shall be constructed and arranged in such a way that water cannot leak through the walls or floors.

  • (3) Every shower shall be provided with

    • (a) hot and cold water;

    • (b) soap or other cleaning agent; and

    • (c) a clean towel.

  • (4) Where duck boards are used in showers, they shall not be made of wood.

  • SOR/88-199, s. 19
  • SOR/2014-141, s. 14(F)

Potable Water

 Every employer shall provide potable water for drinking, personal washing and food preparation that meets the standards set out in the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality, 1978, published by authority of the Minister of National Health and Welfare.

 Where water is transported for drinking, personal washing or food preparation, only sanitary water containers shall be used.

 Where a storage container for drinking water is used,

  • (a) the container shall be securely covered and labelled that it contains potable water;

  • (b) the container shall be used only for the purpose of storing potable water; and

  • (c) the water shall be drawn from the container by

    • (i) a tap,

    • (ii) a ladle used only for the purpose of drawing water from the container, or

    • (iii) any other means that precludes the contamination of the water.

 Except where drinking water is supplied by a drinking fountain, sanitary single-use drinking cups shall be provided.

 Any ice that is added to drinking water or used for the contact refrigeration of foodstuffs shall

  • (a) be made from potable water; and

  • (b) be so stored and handled as to prevent contamination.

 Where drinking water is supplied by a drinking fountain, the fountain shall meet the standards set out in ARI Standard 1010-82, Standard for Drinking-Fountains and Self-Contained, Mechanically-Refrigerated Drinking-Water Coolers, dated 1982.

Field Accommodation

 All field accommodation shall meet the following standards:

  • (a) it shall be so constructed that it can easily be cleaned and disinfected;

  • (b) the food preparation area and dining area shall be separated from the sleeping quarters;

  • (c) where a water plumbing system is provided, the system shall operate under sanitary conditions;

  • (d) garbage disposal facilities shall be provided to prevent the accumulation of garbage;

  • (e) toilet rooms and outdoor privies shall be maintained in a sanitary condition; and

  • (f) vermin prevention, heating, ventilation and sanitary sewage systems shall be provided.

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (3), all field accommodation referred to in sections 1.1 to 1.3 of CSA Standard A394-M1984, Guide to Requirements for Relocatable Industrial Accommodation, dated March 1984, shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, meet the standards set out in that Standard except section 2.2, clauses 4.4.1, 4.4.2 and 4.4.4, paragraph 4.4.7(a) and Appendix A.

  • (2) The installation of plumbing fixtures in field accommodation referred to in subsection (1) shall meet the standards set out in the Canadian Plumbing Code, 1985, issued by the Associate Committee on the National Building Code, National Research Council of Canada, dated 1985, as amended to January 1987.

  • (3) In field accommodation referred to in subsection (1) that is not equipped with sleeping quarters, the employer shall provide water closets and wash basins in accordance with subsection 3.6.4 of the National Building Code.

  • (4) All mobile homes provided as field accommodation shall meet the standards set out in CSA Standard Z240.2.1-1979, Structural Requirements for Mobile Homes, dated September 1979, as amended to April 1984.

  • (5) For the purposes of clause 4.12.4 of the Standard referred to in subsection (4), there is no other approved method.

Sleeping Quarters

 In any field accommodation provided as sleeping quarters for employees

  • (a) a separate bed or bunk that is not part of a unit that is more than double-tiered and is so constructed that it can be easily cleaned and disinfected shall be provided for each employee;

  • (b) mattresses, pillows, sheets, pillow cases, blankets, bed covers and sleeping bags shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition; and

  • (c) a storage area fitted with a locking device shall be provided for each employee.


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