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Oil and Gas Occupational Safety and Health Regulations (SOR/87-612)

Regulations are current to 2024-09-16 and last amended on 2023-12-15. Previous Versions

PART IIIBuilding Safety (continued)

Open Top Bins, Hoppers, Vats and Pits

  •  (1) Where an employee has access to an open top bin, hopper, vat, pit or other open top enclosure from a point directly above the enclosure, the enclosure shall be fitted with a fixed ladder on the inside wall of the enclosure and shall be

    • (a) covered with a grating, screen or other covering that will prevent the employee from falling into the enclosure; or

    • (b) provided with a walkway that is not less than 500 mm wide and is fitted with guardrails.

  • (2) A grating, screen, covering or walkway referred to in subsection (1) shall be so designed, constructed and maintained that it will support a load that is not less than

    • (a) the maximum load that is likely to be imposed on it, or

    • (b) a live load of 6 kPa,

    whichever is the greater.

  • SOR/94-165, s. 8(E)

Ladders, Stairways and Ramps

 Where an employee in the course of employment is required to move from one level to another level that is more than 450 mm higher or lower than the former level, the employer shall install a fixed ladder, stairway or ramp between the levels.

 Where one end of a stairway is so close to a traffic route used by vehicles, to a machine or to any other hazard as to be hazardous to the safety of an employee using the stairway, the employer shall

  • (a) where practicable, install a barricade that will protect employees using the stairway from the hazard; or

  • (b) where it is not reasonably practicable to install a barricade, post a sign at that end of the stairway to warn employees of the hazard.

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (5), a fixed ladder that is more than 6 m in length shall, where practicable, be fitted with a protective cage for that portion of its length that is more than 2 m above the base level of the ladder.

  • (2) Subject to subsection (5), a fixed ladder that is more than 9 m in length shall have, at intervals of not more than 6 m, a landing or platform that

    • (a) is not less than 0.36 m2 in area; and

    • (b) is fitted at its outer edges with a guardrail.

  • (3) A fixed ladder, cage, landing or platform referred to in subsection (1) or (2) shall be designed and constructed to withstand all loads that may be imposed on it.

  • (4) A fixed ladder shall be

    • (a) vertical;

    • (b) securely held in place at the top, bottom and at intermediate points; and

    • (c) fitted with

      • (i) rungs that are at least 150 mm from the wall and uniformly spaced at intervals not exceeding 300 mm, and

      • (ii) side rails that extend not less than 900 mm above the landing or platform.

  • (5) Subsections (1) and (2) do not apply to a fixed ladder that is used with a fall protection system referred to in section 13.10 of Part XIII.

Docks, Ramps and Dock Plates

  •  (1) Every loading and unloading dock and ramp shall be

    • (a) of sufficient strength to support the maximum load that is likely to be imposed on it;

    • (b) free of surface irregularities that may interfere with the safe operation of mobile equipment; and

    • (c) fitted around its sides that are not used for loading or unloading with side rails, curbs or rolled edges of sufficient height and strength to prevent mobile equipment from running over the edge.

  • (2) Every portable ramp and every dock plate shall be

    • (a) clearly marked or tagged to indicate the maximum safe load that it is capable of supporting; and

    • (b) installed so that it cannot slide, move or otherwise be displaced under the load that may be imposed on it.

  • SOR/94-165, s. 9(E)


  •  (1) Every guardrail shall consist of

    • (a) a horizontal top rail or line not less than 900 mm and not more than 1 100 mm above the base of the guardrail;

    • (b) a horizontal intermediate rail or line spaced midway between the top rail or line and the base of the guardrail; and

    • (c) supporting posts spaced not more than 3 m apart at their centres.

  • (2) Every guardrail shall be designed to withstand the greater of

    • (a) the maximum load that is likely to be imposed on it; and

    • (b) a static load of not less than 890 N applied in any direction at any point on the top rail or line.

  • SOR/94-165, s. 10(E)

 Where it is not practicable to install guardrails as required by subsection 3.3(5) or subsection 4.8(1) or paragraph 4.11(2)(c) of Part IV, cables or chains shall be installed in a manner that will prevent employees from falling from the work place.

Toe Boards

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), if there is a hazard that tools or other objects may fall from a platform or other raised area onto an employee, the employer shall, to the extent possible, install

    • (a) a toe board that

      • (i) extends above the floor of the raised area, and

      • (ii) prevents tools or other objects from falling; or

    • (b) if the tools or the other objects are piled to such a height that a toe board will not prevent the tools or the other objects from falling, a solid or mesh panel that extends from the floor of the raised area to a height of not less than 450 mm.

  • (2) If it is not possible to install a toe board on a platform or other raised area, all tools or other objects that could fall shall be

    • (a) tied in a manner that, if they fall, employees beneath the platform will be protected; or

    • (b) placed in a way that, if they fall, they will be caught by a safety net that shall be positioned so as to protect from injury any employee on or below the platform or other raised area.

  • SOR/94-165, s. 11
  • SOR/2014-141, s. 1

Housekeeping and Maintenance

  •  (1) Every stairway, walkway, ramp and passageway used by employees shall, as far as is practicable, be kept free of accumulations of ice and snow.

  • (2) All dust, dirt, waste and scrap material in a work place shall be removed as often as is necessary to protect the safety and health of employees and shall be disposed of in such a manner that the safety and health of employees is not compromised.

  • (3) Every travelled surface in a work place shall be maintained free from splinters, holes, loose boards and tiles or similar defects.

  • SOR/94-165, s. 12(F)
  •  (1) Where a floor in a work place is normally wet and employees in the work place do not use non-slip footwear, the floor shall be covered with a dry false floor or platform or treated with a non-slip material or substance.

  • (2) The floor in a work place shall, as far as is practicable, be kept free from oil, grease or any other slippery substance.

  • SOR/94-165, s. 13

Temporary Heat

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), where a salamander or other portable open-flame heating device is used in an enclosed work place, the heating device shall not restrict a means of exit and shall be

    • (a) so located, protected and used that there is no hazard of igniting combustible materials adjacent to the heating device;

    • (b) used only when there is ventilation provided that protects the safety and health of employees; and

    • (c) so located as to be protected from damage or overturning.

  • (2) Where the heating device referred to in subsection (1) does not provide complete combustion of the fuel used in connection with it, the heating device shall be equipped with a securely supported sheet metal pipe that discharges the products of combustion outside the enclosed work place.

  • (3) A portable fire extinguisher that has not less than a 10B rating as defined in the ULC Standard shall be readily accessible from the location of the heating device referred to in subsection (1) when the device is in use.

  • SOR/94-165, s. 14

PART IVTemporary Structures and Excavations


 In this Part, stage means a working platform supported from above. (plate-forme suspendue)


 This Part applies to fixed and portable ladders, to stages and scaffolds and to temporary ramps and stairs.

  • SOR/94-165, s. 15(E)


 No employee shall work on a temporary structure in environmental conditions that are likely to be hazardous to the safety or health of the employee, except where the work is required to remove a hazard or to rescue an employee.

 Tools, equipment and materials used on a temporary structure shall be arranged or secured in such a manner that they cannot be knocked off the structure accidentally.

 No employee shall use a temporary structure unless

  • (a) he has authority from his employer to use it; and

  • (b) he has been trained and instructed in its safe and proper use.

  •  (1) Before a temporary structure is used by an employee, a qualified person shall make a visual safety inspection of it.

  • (2) Where an inspection made in accordance with subsection (1) reveals a defect or condition that adversely affects the structural integrity of a temporary structure, no employee shall use the temporary structure until the defect or condition is remedied.


 Where a vehicle or a pedestrian may come into contact with a temporary structure, a person shall be positioned at the base of the temporary structure or a barricade shall be installed around it to prevent any such contact.

Guardrails and Toe Boards

  •  (1) Subject to section 3.10 of Part III, at every open edge of a platform of a temporary structure guardrails shall be installed and, subject to subsection 3.11(2) of Part III, where there is a likelihood that persons beneath the platform may be injured by objects falling from the platform, toe boards shall be installed.

  • (2) The guardrails and toe boards referred to in subsection (1) shall meet the standards set out in section 3.9 and subsection 3.11(1) of Part III.

Temporary Stairs, Ramps and Platforms

  •  (1) Subject to subsection 4.10(3), temporary stairs, ramps and platforms shall be designed, constructed and maintained to support any load that is likely to be imposed on them and to allow safe passage of persons and equipment on them.

  • (2) Temporary stairs shall have

    • (a) uniform steps in the same flight;

    • (b) a slope not exceeding 1.2 in 1; and

    • (c) a hand-rail that is not less than 900 mm and not more than 1 100 mm above the stair level on open sides including landings.

  • (3) Temporary ramps and platforms shall be

    • (a) securely fastened in place;

    • (b) braced if necessary to ensure their stability; and

    • (c) provided with cleats or surfaced in a manner that provides a safe footing for employees.


  •  (1) The erection, use, dismantling or removal of a scaffold shall be carried out by or under the supervision of a qualified person.

  • (2) Where a scaffold is erected on an uneven surface, it shall be provided with base plates that maintain its stability.

  • (3) Every scaffold shall be capable of supporting at least four times the load that is likely to be imposed on it.

  • (4) Every scaffold shall

    • (a) have a platform that is at least 500 mm wide and securely fastened in place;

    • (b) have a working surface that is even and horizontal; and

    • (c) be fitted with guardrails except on the side where the work to be performed would be hindered by the guardrail.

  • (5) The footings and supports of every scaffold shall be capable of carrying, without dangerous settling, all loads that are likely to be imposed on them.


  •  (1) The erection, use, dismantling or removal of a stage shall be carried out by or under the supervision of a qualified person.

  • (2) Every stage shall

    • (a) have a working surface that is even and horizontal and is capable of supporting any load that is likely to be imposed on it;

    • (b) be fitted with an effective means of holding the stage away from the working area; and

    • (c) subject to section 3.10 of Part III, where the stage is to be used at a height of more than 3 m, be fitted with guardrails.

  • (3) The supporting structure and the ropes or tackle supporting a stage shall have a safety factor of not less than six.


  •  (1) Commercially manufactured portable ladders shall meet the standards set out in CSA Standard CAN3-Z11-M81, Portable Ladders, the English version of which is dated September 1981, as amended to March 1983, and the French version of which is dated August 1982, as amended to June 1983.

  • (2) Subject to subsection (3), every fixed and portable ladder shall, while being used,

    • (a) be placed on a firm footing; and

    • (b) be secured in such a manner that it cannot be dislodged accidentally from its position.

  • (3) Every fixed or portable ladder shall be positioned in such a manner that it is not necessary for a person to use the underside of the ladder.

  • (4) Where a fixed or portable ladder provides access from one level to another

    • (a) the ladder shall extend, where practicable, at least three rungs above the higher level; or

    • (b) where it is not practicable to comply with paragraph (a), handholds shall be provided.

  • (5) No metal or wire-bound fixed or portable ladder shall be used where there is a hazard that it may come into contact with any live electrical circuit or equipment.

  • (6) No employee shall work from any of the three top rungs of any single or extension portable ladder or from either of the two top steps of any step ladder.

  • (7) No non-metallic fixed or portable ladder shall be coated with a material that may hide flaws.


  •  (1) Before the commencement of work on an excavation, trench or tunnel or the creation of an opening in a bulkhead, deck or similar structure, the employer shall mark the location of all pipes, cables and conduits in the area where the work is to be done.

  • (2) Where an excavation, trench or opening constitutes a hazard to employees, a barricade shall be installed around it.

  • (3) Where an employee is required to enter an excavation or trench that is more than 1.4 m deep and the sides of which are sloped at an angle of 45° or more to the horizontal, or a tunnel,

    • (a) the walls of the excavation, trench or tunnel, and

    • (b) the roof of the tunnel

    shall be supported by shoring and bracing that is installed as the excavation, trench or tunnel is being excavated.

  • (4) Subsection (3) does not apply in respect of a trench where the employer provides a system of shoring composed of steel plates and bracing, welded or bolted together, that can support the walls of the trench from the ground level to the trench bottom and can be moved along as work progresses.

  • (5) The installation and removal of the shoring and bracing referred to in subsection (3) shall be performed or supervised by a qualified person.

  • (6) Tools, machinery, timber, excavated materials or other objects shall not be placed within 1 m from the edge of an excavation, trench or opening.


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