Benzene in Gasoline Regulations (SOR/97-493)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2018-02-02. Previous Versions
SCHEDULE 2(Section 7)
Registration Form for a Manufacturer, Blender or Importer of Gasoline
1 Company name
Company address
Type of primary supplier (check one or more):
[ ] Manufacturer
[ ] Blender
[ ] Importer
2 Name and location of each refinery and typical annual volume, in m3, of each type of gasoline manufactured at each refinery:
3 Name and location of each blending facility, typical blending material(s) and typical annual volume, in m3, of each type of gasoline blended at each facility:
(For cargo tankers, railway cars, boats, marine vessels or other mobile blending facilities, indicate only the type and number of mobile facilities and the province of operation.)
4 Each usual point and mode of importation and typical annual volume, in m3, of each type of gasoline imported:
5 Authorized official
Telephone no. (
Fax no. (
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