Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Benzene in Gasoline Regulations (SOR/97-493)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2018-02-02. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE 1(Sections 1 and 5)Model for Calculating Benzene Emissions Numbers


  • 1 The definitions in this section apply in this Schedule.


    ARO means the concentration of aromatics in the gasoline, as a percentage of the gasoline by volume, or the modified value specified in subsection 3(1). (ARO)


    BENANN means the yearly pool average of the benzene emissions number for gasoline supplied by a primary supplier during a year. (BENANN)


    BENSUM means the benzene emissions number for gasoline supplied during the summer. (BENSUM)


    BENWIN means the benzene emissions number for gasoline supplied during the winter. (BENWIN)


    BZ means the concentration of benzene in the gasoline, as a percentage of the gasoline by volume. (BZ)


    exp(x) means ex, the base of the natural logarithm, raised to the power of x, a variable. (exp(x))


    E200 means the evaporative fraction of the gasoline at 93.3°C (200°F), as a percentage of the gasoline by volume. (E200)


    E300 means the evaporative fraction of the gasoline at 148.9°C (300°F), as a percentage of the gasoline by volume, or the modified value specified in subsection 3(2). (E300)


    MTBE means the concentration of oxygen in the gasoline, as a percentage of the gasoline by weight, after adding methyl tertiary-butyl ether (CH3OC(CH3)3). (MTBE)


    OXY means the concentration of oxygen in the gasoline, as a percentage of the gasoline by weight. (OXY)


    RVP means the vapour pressure of the gasoline at 37.8°C (100°F), in kPa, multiplied by 0.14504. (RVP)


    SUL means the concentration of sulphur in the gasoline, in mg/kg. (SUL)


    VOLANN means the total volume of all batches, in m3, supplied during the year by the primary supplier. (VOLANN)


    VOLBAT means the volume of a batch, in m3. (VOLBAT)

Acceptable Range for Model Parameters

    • 2 (1) Subject to subsection (2) and the compositional requirements of these Regulations, model parameters that are used in this Schedule must be within the following ranges:


      ARO0 to 55% by volume
      BZ0.0 to 1.5% by volume
      E20030 to 70% by volume
      E30070 to 100% by volume
      MTBE0.0 to 3.7% by weight
      OXY0.0 to 3.7% by weight
      RVP during the summer44.1 to 75.8 kPa
      SUL0 to 1 000 mg/kg
    • (2) Subject to the compositional requirements of these Regulations, a model parameter may be outside a range specified in subsection (1) if the primary supplier informs the Minister in writing, by an annex to the report required by section 8 of these Regulations, of the reason why the model parameter, except for RVP, is outside the range and of the volume of gasoline affected.

Modifications to Model Parameters

    • 3 (1) If the concentration of aromatics in the gasoline is less than 10% by volume, the ARO must be set to 10% by volume.

    • (2) If the evaporative fraction of the gasoline at 148.9°C (300°F) as a percentage of the gasoline by volume is greater than 95% by volume, the E300 must be set to 95% by volume.

Calculation of Benzene Emissions Number during the Summer

  • 4 The benzene emissions number of a batch supplied during the summer must be calculated using the following formula:

    BENSUM = [6.73272 × exp(b1)] + [5.0784 × exp(b2)] + b3


    b1 =
    (0.0006197 × SUL) - (0.003376 × E200) + (0.02655 × ARO) + (0.22239 × BZ);
    b2 =
    (-0.096047 × OXY) + (0.000337 × SUL) + (0.011251 × E300) + (0.011882 × ARO) + (0.222318 × BZ); and
    b3 =
    10 × BZ × {[(0.004775 × RVP2 - 0.05872 × RVP + 0.21306) × (-0.029 × MTBE - 0.080274 × RVP + 1.3758)] + [(0.006078 × RVP2 - 0.07474 × RVP + 0.27117) × (-0.0342 × MTBE - 0.080274 × RVP + 1.4448)] + [(0.016169 × RVP2 - 0.17206 × RVP + 0.56724) × (-0.0342 × MTBE - 0.080274 × RVP + 1.4448)] + [(0.004767 × RVP + 0.011859) × (-0.0296 × MTBE - 0.081507 × RVP + 1.3972)]}

Calculation of Benzene Emissions Number during the Winter

  • 5 The benzene emissions number of a batch supplied during the winter must be calculated using the following formula:

    BENWIN = [11.3998 × exp(b1)] + [7.68148 × exp(b2)]


    b1 and b2
    have the same meaning as in section 4.

Calculation of the Yearly Pool Average of the Benzene Emissions Number

  • 6 The yearly pool average of the benzene emissions number for gasoline supplied during a year must be calculated using the following formula:

    BENANN = {The sum of (BENSUM × VOLBAT) for each batch supplied during the summer plus the sum of (BENWIN × VOLBAT) for each batch supplied during the winter} divided by VOLANN


    BENSUM has the same meaning as in section 4; and

    BENWIN has the same meaning as in section 5.

  • SOR/99-204, s. 12
  • SOR/2003-318, ss. 13 to 15
  • SOR/2018-11, s. 14(F)

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