Benzene in Gasoline Regulations (SOR/97-493)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2018-02-02. Previous Versions
SCHEDULE 1(Sections 1 and 5)Model for Calculating Benzene Emissions Numbers
1 The definitions in this section apply in this Schedule.
ARO means the concentration of aromatics in the gasoline, as a percentage of the gasoline by volume, or the modified value specified in subsection 3(1). (ARO)
BENANN means the yearly pool average of the benzene emissions number for gasoline supplied by a primary supplier during a year. (BENANN)
BENSUM means the benzene emissions number for gasoline supplied during the summer. (BENSUM)
BENWIN means the benzene emissions number for gasoline supplied during the winter. (BENWIN)
- BZ
BZ means the concentration of benzene in the gasoline, as a percentage of the gasoline by volume. (BZ)
- exp(x)
exp(x) means ex, the base of the natural logarithm, raised to the power of x, a variable. (exp(x))
- E200
E200 means the evaporative fraction of the gasoline at 93.3°C (200°F), as a percentage of the gasoline by volume. (E200)
- E300
E300 means the evaporative fraction of the gasoline at 148.9°C (300°F), as a percentage of the gasoline by volume, or the modified value specified in subsection 3(2). (E300)
MTBE means the concentration of oxygen in the gasoline, as a percentage of the gasoline by weight, after adding methyl tertiary-butyl ether (CH3OC(CH3)3). (MTBE)
OXY means the concentration of oxygen in the gasoline, as a percentage of the gasoline by weight. (OXY)
RVP means the vapour pressure of the gasoline at 37.8°C (100°F), in kPa, multiplied by 0.14504. (RVP)
SUL means the concentration of sulphur in the gasoline, in mg/kg. (SUL)
VOLANN means the total volume of all batches, in m3, supplied during the year by the primary supplier. (VOLANN)
VOLBAT means the volume of a batch, in m3. (VOLBAT)
Acceptable Range for Model Parameters
2 (1) Subject to subsection (2) and the compositional requirements of these Regulations, model parameters that are used in this Schedule must be within the following ranges:
ARO 0 to 55% by volume BZ 0.0 to 1.5% by volume E200 30 to 70% by volume E300 70 to 100% by volume MTBE 0.0 to 3.7% by weight OXY 0.0 to 3.7% by weight RVP during the summer 44.1 to 75.8 kPa SUL 0 to 1 000 mg/kg (2) Subject to the compositional requirements of these Regulations, a model parameter may be outside a range specified in subsection (1) if the primary supplier informs the Minister in writing, by an annex to the report required by section 8 of these Regulations, of the reason why the model parameter, except for RVP, is outside the range and of the volume of gasoline affected.
Modifications to Model Parameters
3 (1) If the concentration of aromatics in the gasoline is less than 10% by volume, the ARO must be set to 10% by volume.
(2) If the evaporative fraction of the gasoline at 148.9°C (300°F) as a percentage of the gasoline by volume is greater than 95% by volume, the E300 must be set to 95% by volume.
Calculation of Benzene Emissions Number during the Summer
4 The benzene emissions number of a batch supplied during the summer must be calculated using the following formula:
BENSUM = [6.73272 × exp(b1)] + [5.0784 × exp(b2)] + b3
- b1 =
- (0.0006197 × SUL) - (0.003376 × E200) + (0.02655 × ARO) + (0.22239 × BZ);
- b2 =
- (-0.096047 × OXY) + (0.000337 × SUL) + (0.011251 × E300) + (0.011882 × ARO) + (0.222318 × BZ); and
- b3 =
- 10 × BZ × {[(0.004775 × RVP2 - 0.05872 × RVP + 0.21306) × (-0.029 × MTBE - 0.080274 × RVP + 1.3758)] + [(0.006078 × RVP2 - 0.07474 × RVP + 0.27117) × (-0.0342 × MTBE - 0.080274 × RVP + 1.4448)] + [(0.016169 × RVP2 - 0.17206 × RVP + 0.56724) × (-0.0342 × MTBE - 0.080274 × RVP + 1.4448)] + [(0.004767 × RVP + 0.011859) × (-0.0296 × MTBE - 0.081507 × RVP + 1.3972)]}
Calculation of Benzene Emissions Number during the Winter
5 The benzene emissions number of a batch supplied during the winter must be calculated using the following formula:
BENWIN = [11.3998 × exp(b1)] + [7.68148 × exp(b2)]
- b1 and b2
- have the same meaning as in section 4.
Calculation of the Yearly Pool Average of the Benzene Emissions Number
6 The yearly pool average of the benzene emissions number for gasoline supplied during a year must be calculated using the following formula:
BENANN = {The sum of (BENSUM × VOLBAT) for each batch supplied during the summer plus the sum of (BENWIN × VOLBAT) for each batch supplied during the winter} divided by VOLANN
BENSUM has the same meaning as in section 4; and
BENWIN has the same meaning as in section 5.
- SOR/99-204, s. 12
- SOR/2003-318, ss. 13 to 15
- SOR/2018-11, s. 14(F)
- Date modified: