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Marine Machinery Regulations (SOR/90-264)

Regulations are current to 2024-09-16 and last amended on 2023-12-20. Previous Versions

Marine Machinery Regulations



Registration 1990-05-01

Regulations Respecting the Construction, Installation and Inspection of Marine Machinery

P.C. 1990-744  1990-04-26

His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Transport, pursuant to section 338Footnote * of the Canada Shipping Act, is pleased hereby to revoke the Liquified Petroleum Gas Regulations, C.R.C., c. 1437, the Steamship Machinery Construction Order, C.R.C., c. 1490, the Steamship Machinery Construction Regulations, C.R.C., c. 1491 and the Steamship Machinery Inspection Regulations, C.R.C., c. 1492, and to make the annexed Regulations respecting the construction, installation and inspection of marine machinery, in substitution therefor.

Short Title

 These Regulations may be cited as the Marine Machinery Regulations.


  •  (1) In these Regulations,


    Act means the Canada Shipping Act; (Loi)

    approved classification society

    approved classification society means the American Bureau of Shipping, Bureau Veritas (Canada), Det norske Veritas, Lloyd’s Register of Shipping or Germanischer Lloyd; (société de classification agréée)

    assigned working pressure

    assigned working pressure means the maximum fluid pressure to which the component with the lowest design working pressure in a system may be subjected and above which the system is protected from overpressure; (pression de service effective)

    auxiliary steering gear

    auxiliary steering gear means the arrangements provided for effecting movement of the rudder of a ship in the event of failure of the main steering gear, but does not include the rudder stock, tiller or quadrant, or the component serving the same purpose as the tiller or quadrant, or, where fitted, the automatic-pilot system; (appareil à gouverner auxiliaire)


    boiler means a plant that generates steam or hot water under pressure by means of a flame, combustion gases or electrical heating elements, and includes the superheaters, economizers, valves and components necessary for the safety and operation of the plant; (chaudière)

    classification society

    classification society means a society or association for the classification of ships; (société de classification)


    component means a unit or part of a unit that is identified in rules or codes and is to be installed as part of machinery; (élément)

    component inspection certificate

    component inspection certificate means a certificate referred to in section 16; (certificat d’inspection d’élément)

    design working pressure

    design working pressure means the maximum fluid pressure to which a component may be subjected during operating conditions; (pression de service nominale)


    fluid means a gas, vapour or liquid; (fluide)

    fuel oil unit

    fuel oil unit means the facility, including pressure pumps, filters and heaters, dealing with oil at a pressure in excess of 180 kPa and used in the preparation of fuel oil for delivery to an oil-fired boiler or, where the oil is heated prior to delivery, to an internal combustion engine; (appareil à mazout)

    harmful substance

    harmful substance[Repealed, SOR/2021-135, s. 65]

    inspection certificate

    inspection certificate[Repealed, SOR/2021-135, s. 65]


    inspector[Repealed, SOR/2021-135, s. 65]


    launch means a ship that has an open cockpit or a cockpit covered by a light trunk cabin in which passengers may be carried; (chaloupe)


    length means

    • (a) in the case of a Safety Convention passenger ship, the horizontal distance measured between perpendiculars erected at the extreme ends of the deepest subdivision load line,

    • (b) in the case of a ship, other than a Safety Convention passenger ship, that is required to be registered pursuant to the Act,

      • (i) the distance measured from the fore-part of the uppermost end of the stem to the aft side of the head of the stern post, except that where a stern post is not fitted to the ship, it is the distance from the fore-part of the uppermost end of the stem to the foreside of the head of the rudder stock,

      • (ii) where the ship has no rudder stock or has a rudder stock situated outside the hull at the stern, the distance measured from the foreside of the foremost permanent structure to the aft side of the aftermost permanent structure of the ship, but not including guards or rubbing strakes, or

      • (iii) where the ship is a double-ended ship, the distance measured from the aft side of the forward rudder stock to the foreside of the aft rudder stock, and

    • (c) in the case of a ship that is not required to be registered pursuant to the Act, the horizontal distance measured between perpendiculars erected at the extreme outside ends of the hull; (longueur)

    liquefied petroleum gas

    liquefied petroleum gas means a liquefied inflammable gas that is composed predominantly of hydrocarbons or mixtures of hydrocarbons such as propane, propylene, butane, butylene or butadene, and that has a Reid vapour pressure exceeding 276 kPa absolute at 38° C; (gaz de pétrole liquéfié)

    local steering gear control system

    local steering gear control system[Repealed, SOR/2021-135, s. 65]

    machinery spaces

    machinery spaces means machinery spaces of category A and all other spaces containing propelling machinery, steering gears, boilers, steam and internal combustion engines, generators and major electrical machinery, oil filling stations, refrigerating, stabilizing, ventilation and air-conditioning machinery, and similar spaces, and trunks to the spaces; (tranche des machines)

    machinery spaces of category A

    machinery spaces of category A means

    • (a) spaces that contain

      • (i) internal combustion-type machinery used for main propulsion or, where the aggregate of total power output is not less than 373 kW, for purposes other than main propulsion,

      • (ii) an oil-fired boiler, or

      • (iii) a fuel oil unit, and

    • (b) trunks to spaces referred to in paragraph (a); (tranche des machines de catégorie A)

    main steering gear

    main steering gear means the main steering gear power unit and actuator by which torque is applied to the rudder stock for the purposes of effecting movement of the rudder to steer a ship; (appareil à gouverner principal)

    major repairs

    major repairs means repairs or alterations to machinery that substantially alter the capacity, size or type of the machinery; (réparations majeures)

    material test certificate

    material test certificate means a certificate referred to in section 10; (certificat d’essai de matériau)

    periodic general inspection

    periodic general inspection[Repealed, SOR/2021-135, s. 65]

    periodic special inspection

    periodic special inspection[Repealed, SOR/2021-135, s. 65]

    pressure vessel

    pressure vessel[Repealed, SOR/2021-135, s. 65]

    remote steering gear control system

    remote steering gear control system means the system by which required rudder movements are transmitted to the steering gear power unit controls from the bridge or another location in a ship, excluding the steering gear compartment; (système de commande à distance de l’appareil à gouverner)

    rudder actuator

    rudder actuator means a unit transmitting torque to a rudder stock

    • (a) through an externally connected tiller, quadrant or similar component, or

    • (b) directly through an integrally housed vane or similar component; (actionneur de gouvernail)

    rules or codes

    rules or codes means rules, regulations or codes relating to the construction, installation and inspection of marine machinery, issued by an approved classification society; (règles ou codes)

    shipside door-operating mechanism

    shipside door-operating mechanism[Repealed, SOR/2021-135, s. 65]

    steering gear power unit

    steering gear power unit means

    • (a) in the case of an electric steering gear, an electric motor and its associated electrical arrangements,

    • (b) in the case of an electro-hydraulic steering gear, an electric motor, and its associated electrical arrangements and the connected hydraulic pump, and

    • (c) in the case of a hydraulic steering gear, the driving engine and connected hydraulic pump; (groupe moteur d’appareil à gouverner)

    test pressure

    test pressure means the maximum pressure to which the fluid in a component or system may be subjected during inspection; (pression d’essai)

    unfired pressure vessel

    unfired pressure vessel means a container subjected to internal or external pressure, where the pressure is produced without the application of heat from an external source or by the application of heat from an indirect source or by any combination thereof, and includes condensers, evaporators, air receivers, hydro-pneumatic tanks, hydraulic accumulators, heat exchangers and similar components, but does not include cooling or heating spaces of engines, pumps, compressors, piping and similar components; (récipient sous pression non chauffé)


    windlass means the machinery and arrangements principally employed in the lowering and raising of the anchors of a ship, but does not include the anchors and cables. (guindeau)

  • (2) The units of measurement used in these Regulations are as defined in the Metric Practice Guide published by the Canadian Standards Association.

  • (3) Unless specifically stated otherwise, all prescribed pressures are gauge pressures.


  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), these Regulations apply in respect of every ship as defined in Part XV of the Act.

  • (2) These Regulations do not apply in respect of a pleasure yacht or a non-passenger, non-self-propelled ship, except in respect of

    • (a) propulsion system boilers on board a pleasure yacht, where the yacht is in excess of five tons gross tonnage; and

    • (b) boilers and compressed air receivers on board a non-passenger, non-self-propelled ship carrying a crew where the ship

      • (i) may operate or ply on voyages more than 15 miles from land, or

      • (ii) does not operate or ply on voyages more than 15 miles from land and the boilers or compressed air receivers have an assigned working pressure in excess of 103 kPa.

  • (3) Despite subsection (1), these Regulations do not apply in respect of vessels to which the Vessel Construction and Equipment Regulations apply.

Construction and Installation Standards

  •  (1) Any machinery referred to in Schedules I to XV that is constructed after the coming into force of these Regulations shall be constructed and installed in a ship in accordance with the following standards or specifications in force at the time the construction is commenced:

    • (a) the standards or specifications in the rules or codes under which the machinery is being constructed; and

    • (b) the design specifications set out in each item of Part I of the applicable schedule of Schedules I to XV and the general design specifications set out in Schedule XVI.

  • (2) In the event of any inconsistency between the standards or specifications referred to in paragraph (1)(a) and the specifications referred to in paragraph (1)(b), the specifications referred to in paragraph (1)(b) shall prevail.

  • (3) Any machinery referred to in subsection (1) that has been constructed in accordance with the standards or specifications in rules or codes of an approved classification society may be installed in a ship in accordance with the rules or codes of another approved classification society.

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), major repairs to machinery referred to in Schedules I to XV that was constructed before or after the coming into force of these Regulations, including the reinstallation of components associated with the machinery following the major repairs, shall be made in accordance with the standards or specifications referred to in subsection 4(1) in force at the time the major repairs are commenced.

  • (2) Where making major repairs in accordance with subsection (1) would be impracticable or inappropriate, the major repairs may be made in accordance with the standards or specifications relating to construction set out in the regulations in force at the time construction of the machinery commenced.

 [Repealed, SOR/2021-135, s. 66]

Material Testing and Marking

 Specimen pieces of any material to be used in the construction of or repairs to machinery referred to in subsection 4(1) and required by the rules or codes under which the machinery is to be constructed to be tested prior to use shall be identified and shall, in the presence of an inspector, undergo, prior to the commencement of construction or repairs, the tests set out in those rules or codes.

  • SOR/2015-161, s. 4
  •  (1) An inspector referred to in section 7 shall, prior to the commencement of a test, be provided with evidence that shows that all the material testing equipment to be used is in correct operational condition and adjustment.

  • (2) The evidence referred to in subsection (1) may consist of current reports or certificates issued by an equipment testing organization that is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada.

 On completion of the tests in the presence of an inspector, referred to in section 7, the material shall be permanently marked in the presence of that inspector with

  • (a) the information on the material test certificate set out in Schedule XVII under the heading “MARKING — MARQUES”; and

  • (b) the Federal Identity Symbol as printed on a stamp provided by the inspector.

 An inspector shall issue a material test certificate in respect of a material in the form set out in Schedule XVII where

  • (a) the specimen pieces of the material meet the test requirements set out in the rules or codes referred to in section 7; and

  • (b) the material has been marked in accordance with section 9.

  •  (1) Notwithstanding sections 7 and 9, an exclusive surveyor to an approved classification society or a metallurgist certified by a provincial government or by any other authority having similar certification standards may witness the tests and marking referred to in those sections.

  • (2) Where an exclusive surveyor or metallurgist referred to in subsection (1) witnesses the tests and marking of a material,

    • (a) the material test certificate shall include all testing information, bear the identification symbol of the employer of the exclusive surveyor or metallurgist and be signed by the exclusive surveyor or metallurgist; and

    • (b) the permanent marking on the material shall include the identification symbol of the employer of the exclusive surveyor or metallurgist.


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