Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Clean Fuel Regulations (SOR/2022-140)

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Regulations are current to 2024-06-19

SCHEDULE 3(Paragraph 1(4)(o) and subsections 10(1) and (3) and 25(1) and section 26)Contents of Registration Report

  • 1 The following information with respect to the primary supplier or registered creator, as the case may be:

    • (a) their name, civic address, postal address, telephone number and, if any, email address;

    • (b) their business number, if any;

    • (c) the name, title, civic address, postal address, telephone number and, if any, email address of their authorized agent; and

    • (d) the name, title, civic address, postal address, telephone number and, if any, email address of a contact person, unless the contact person is the authorized agent.

  • 2 The following information with respect to each facility at which the primary supplier produces gasoline or diesel:

    • (a) the name, GPS coordinates to the fifth decimal place and, if any, civic address of the facility; and

    • (b) whether it is gasoline or diesel that is produced at the facility.

  • 3 The following information with respect to each province into which the primary supplier imports gasoline or diesel into Canada from outside Canada:

    • (a) the name of the province; and

    • (b) whether it is gasoline or diesel that is imported into the province by the primary supplier.

  • 4 If the registered creator intends to create compliance credits by carrying out a CO2e-emission-reduction project referred to in section 30 of these Regulations, the following information:

    • (a) the name, GPS coordinates to the fifth decimal place and, if any, civic address of the facility where the project is carried out or, if the project is carried out at a location other than a facility, the name, GPS coordinates to the fifth decimal place and, if any, civic address of the equipment that is used to carry out the project;

    • (b) the type of any fuel, material input or energy source that is used to carry out the project if an application for the approval of the carbon intensity of that fuel, material input or energy source is required by the applicable emission-reduction quantification method established under subsection 31(1) or 32(1) of these Regulations; and

    • (c) if the project is one described in paragraph 30(d) of these Regulations, for each co-processed low-carbon intensity fuel that is imported into Canada for use as a fuel in Canada, whether as a neat fuel or as part of a blend, its type and the name of the province into which the co-processed low carbon intensity fuel is imported.

  • 5 If the registered creator intends to create compliance credits by importing into Canada a low-carbon-intensity fuel for use in Canada as a fuel, whether as neat fuel or as part of a blend, the following information for each province into which the registered creator intends to import fuel:

    • (a) the name of the province; and

    • (b) the type of fuel that will be imported.

  • 6 If the registered creator intends to create compliance credits by producing a low-carbon-intensity fuel for use in Canada as a fuel, whether as neat fuel or as part of a blend, the following information with respect to each facility at which the fuel will be produced:

    • (a) the name, GPS coordinates to the fifth decimal place and, if any, civic address of the facility; and

    • (b) the type of fuel produced at the facility.

  • 7 If the registered creator intends to create compliance credits by producing biogas for use in equipment to produce electricity, the following information:

    • (a) the name, GPS coordinates to the fifth decimal place and, if any, civic address of each facility at which the biogas will be produced; and

    • (b) the name, GPS coordinates to the fifth decimal place and, if any, civic address of each facility at which the electricity will be produced.

  • 8 If the registered creator intends to create compliance credits by displacing the use in Canada of a quantity of fuel in the liquid class as a fuel for a vehicle with the use in Canada of a quantity of propane, renewable propane, co-processed low-carbon-intensity propane, compressed natural gas, compressed renewable natural gas, liquefied natural gas or liquefied renewable natural gas as a fuel for a vehicle, the following information with respect to each fuelling station that supplied the fuel that displaces the fuel in the liquid class:

    • (a) the name, GPS coordinates to the fifth decimal place and, if any, civic address of the fuelling station; and

    • (b) the type of each fuel that will be supplied at the fuelling station for which the registered creator intends to create compliance credits.

  • 9 If the registered creator is a charging-network operator and intends to create compliance credits by displacing the use in Canada of a quantity of fuel in the liquid class as a fuel for a vehicle with the use in Canada of electricity as an energy source supplied to an electric vehicle by a charging station that is intended primarily for use by the occupants of a private dwelling-place, with respect to each charging station at which the electricity will be supplied, the name of the province in which it is located.

  • 10 If the registered creator is a charging-network operator and intends to create compliance credits by displacing the use in Canada of a quantity of fuel in the liquid class as a fuel for a vehicle with the use in Canada of electricity as an energy source supplied to an electric vehicle by a charging station that is intended primarily for use by the public, with respect to each charging station at which the electricity will be supplied, the name of the province in which it is located.

  • 11 If the registered creator is a charging-site host and intends to create compliance credits by displacing the use in Canada of a quantity of fuel in the liquid class as a fuel for a vehicle with the use in Canada of electricity as an energy source supplied to an electric vehicle by a charging station other than a charging station described in sections 9 and 10 of this Schedule, with respect to each charging station at which the electricity will be supplied, the name of the province in which it is located.

  • 12 If the registered creator intends to create compliance credits by displacing the use in Canada of a quantity of fuel in the liquid class as fuel for a vehicle with the use in Canada of a quantity of hydrogen as an energy source for a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle, the name, GPS coordinates to the fifth decimal place and, if any, civic address of each hydrogen fuelling station at which the hydrogen will be supplied.


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