Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Navigation Safety Regulations, 2020 (SOR/2020-216)

Regulations are current to 2024-12-08 and last amended on 2023-12-20. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE 5(Sections 301 and 302)Prohibited Waters

  • 1 Conception Bay — Newfoundland

    Beginning at the lighted cable sign in Broad Cove, Newfoundland, in the position latitude 47°35′45″N., longitude 52°53′10″W., as shown on Canadian Hydrographic Service Chart 4566, edition dated November 23, 1962; thence in a straight line to the position latitude 47°35′45″N., longitude 52°53′37″W.; thence in a straight line to the position latitude 47°37′12″N., longitude 52°55′44″W.; thence in a straight line to the cable landing at Bell Island, Newfoundland, in position latitude 47°37′37″N., longitude 52°56′00″W.; thence in a straight line to the position latitude 47°37′37″N., longitude 52°55′16″W.; thence in a straight line to the position on the shore latitude 47°36′09″N., longitude 52°53′06″W.; thence following the high water mark in a southwesterly direction to the point of beginning.

  • 2 Random Sound — Newfoundland

    Beginning at a point on the high-water mark at the easterly extremity of East Random Head, as shown on Canadian Hydrographic Service Charts 4545 and 4546, editions dated May 6, 1983 and January 24, 1964, respectively; thence in a straight line to a point on the high-water mark at the easterly extremity of West Random Head; thence following the high-water mark in a westerly direction to a point on the shore at latitude 48°03′04″N., longitude 53°38′42″W.; thence in a straight line to a point on the high-water mark of Middle Cliff at latitude 48°03′54″N., longitude 53°40′26″W.; thence following the high-water mark in a westerly and northerly direction to the easterly extremity of Red Point; thence in a straight line to a point on the high-water mark at the westerly extremity of Brown Mead; thence following the high-water mark in a southerly and easterly direction to the point of beginning.

  • 3 Northumberland Strait — Between New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island

    Beginning at a point on the high-water mark at Cape Bruin, New Brunswick, located at latitude 46°10′58″N., longitude 63°58′42″W., as shown on Canadian Hydrographic Service Chart 4406, edition dated July 12, 1985; thence in a straight line to a point on the high-water mark at Fernwood, P.E.I., latitude 46°19′15″N., longitude 63°48′55″W.; thence following the high-water mark in a southerly and easterly direction to a point on the shore at latitude 46°18′30″N., longitude 63°46′09″W.; thence in a straight line to a point on the high-water mark at Botsford, N.B., latitude 46°10′01″N., longitude 63°56′00″W.; thence following the high-water mark in a northwesterly direction to the point of beginning.

  • 4 Welland Canal entrances — Ontario

    • (a) Lake Ontario: beginning at a point north of the Port Weller Entrance to the Welland Canal located at latitude 43°14′40″N., longitude 79°13′40″W., as shown on Canadian Hydrographic Service Chart 2063, edition dated December 2, 1983; thence in a 090° direction for approximately 0.9 nautical miles to a position located at latitude 43°14′40″N., longitude 79°12′28″W.; thence in a 009° direction for approximately 2.6 nautical miles to a position located at latitude 43°17′16″N., longitude 79°11′50″W.; thence in a 270° direction for approximately 1.7 nautical miles to a position located at latitude 43°17′16″N., longitude 79°14′15″W.; thence in a 171° direction for approximately 2.6 nautical miles to the point of beginning; and

    • (b) Lake Erie: beginning at a point south of the Port Colborne Entrance to the Welland Canal located at latitude 42°51′55″N., longitude 79°15′53″W., as shown on Canadian Hydrographic Service Chart 2120, edition dated March 7, 1986; thence in a 110° direction for approximately 0.9 nautical miles to a position located at latitude 42°51′37″N., longitude 79°14′44″W.; thence in a 191° direction for approximately 2.6 nautical miles to a position located at latitude 42°49′3″N., longitude 79°15′24″W.; thence in a 290° direction for approximately 1.7 nautical miles to a position located at latitude 42°49′38″N., longitude 79°17′36″W.; thence in a 029° direction for approximately 2.6 nautical miles to the point of beginning.

  • 5 Parry Bay — British Columbia

    Beginning at a point on the high-water mark of Albert Head located at latitude 48°23′05″N., longitude 123°28′48″W., as shown on Canadian Hydrographic Service Chart 3440, edition dated March 11, 1983; thence in a straight line to a point at latitude 48°21′12″N., longitude 123°30′54″W.; thence in a straight line to a point on the high-water mark at latitude 48°21′51″N., longitude 123°31′57″W.; thence in a northerly and easterly direction along the high-water mark of Parry Bay to the point of beginning.


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