Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Navigation Safety Regulations, 2020 (SOR/2020-216)

Regulations are current to 2024-12-08 and last amended on 2023-12-20. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE 4(Subsections 252(2), 253(1) and 254(1))

VHF Radiotelephone Channels for Listening Watches and Navigation Safety Calls

ItemColumn 1Column 2Column 3
VesselChannel for Listening WatchChannel for Navigation Safety Calls
1A Canadian vessel that is in waters outside Canadian jurisdictionChannel 16 or channel required by state of jurisdictionChannel 16 or channel required by state of jurisdiction
2A vessel that is in waters under Canadian jurisdiction, other than the Great Lakes Basin, and that is
  • (a) outside a traffic zone; or

Channel 16Channel 16
  • (b) inside a traffic zone

Appropriate VHF channelAppropriate VHF channel
3A vessel that is in the Great Lakes Basin, other than in waters referred to in item 4, that is
  • (a) outside a traffic zone and that is required under Part 2 to be fitted with at least

  • (i) one bridge-to-bridge VHF radiotelephone installation, or

Channel 16Channel 16
  • (ii) two bridge-to-bridge VHF radiotelephone installations; or

Channels 13 and 16Channel 13
  • (b) inside a traffic zone and that is required under Part 2 to be fitted with at least

  • (i) one bridge-to-bridge VHF radiotelephone installation, or

Appropriate VHF channelAppropriate VHF channel
  • (ii) two bridge-to-bridge VHF radiotelephone installations

Channel 13 and appropriate VHF channelChannel 13
4A vessel that is in waters between the lower exit of the St. Lambert Lock and Crossover Island or between calling-in points Nos. 15 and 16 in the Welland Canal and that is required under Part 2 to be fitted with at least
  • (a) one bridge-to-bridge radiotelephone installation; or

Appropriate VHF channelAppropriate VHF Channel
  • (b) two bridge-to-bridge radiotelephone installations

Channel 16 and appropriate VHF channelAppropriate VHF channel

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