Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Hazardous Products Regulations (SOR/2015-17)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2022-12-15. Previous Versions

PART 7Physical Hazard Classes (continued)

SUBPART 7Flammable Solids


Marginal note:Definitions

 The following definitions apply in this Subpart.

flammable solid

flammable solid means a readily combustible solid or a solid that is liable to cause or contribute to fire through friction. (solide inflammable)

readily combustible solid

readily combustible solid means a powdered, granular or pasty mixture or substance that can be easily ignited by brief contact with an ignition source and, when ignited, has a flame that spreads rapidly. (solide facilement inflammable)

Classification in a Category of the Class

Marginal note:Exclusions — aerosols

  •  (1) Any product that is classified in a category of the hazard class “Aerosols” need not be classified in any category of this hazard class.

  • Marginal note:Exclusions — chemicals under pressure

    (1.1) Any product that is classified in a category of the hazard class “Chemicals Under Pressure” must not be classified in any category of this hazard class.

  • Marginal note:Categories

    (2) A flammable solid that is a readily combustible solid is classified in a category of this hazard class, based on results from testing performed in accordance with the burning rate test in sub-section 33.2 of Part III of the Manual of Tests and Criteria, in accordance with the following table:


    Column 1Column 2
    1Flammable Solids — Category 1

    A solid that is

    • (a) other than a metal powder, in respect of which

      • (i) the burning time is < 45 s or the burning rate is > 2.2 mm/s, and

      • (ii) the wetted zone does not stop the fire or stops the fire for less than 4 min; or

    • (b) a metal powder, in respect of which the burning time is ≤ 5 min

    2Flammable Solids — Category 2

    A solid that is

    • (a) other than a metal powder, in respect of which

      • (i) the burning time is < 45 s or the burning rate is > 2.2 mm/s, and

      • (ii) the wetted zone stops the fire for at least 4 min; or

    • (b) a metal powder, in respect of which the burning time is > 5 min and ≤ 10 min

  • Marginal note:Fire through friction

    (3) A flammable solid that is a solid that is liable to cause or contribute to fire through friction is classified in the category “Flammable Solids — Category 2”.

SUBPART 8Self-reactive Substances and Mixtures


Marginal note:Definitions

 The following definitions apply in this Subpart.

as packaged

as packaged means packaged in the form and condition described in test series B, D, G and H of Part II of the Manual of Tests and Criteria. (tel qu’il est emballé)

explosive properties

explosive properties means the properties of a self-reactive substance or mixture that, in laboratory testing according to test series A, C or E of Part II of the Manual of Tests and Criteria, make the substance or mixture liable to detonate, deflagrate rapidly or show a violent effect when heated under confinement. (propriétés explosives)


self-reactive means, in relation to a thermally unstable liquid or solid product, mixture or substance, liable to undergo a strongly exothermic decomposition, having a heat of decomposition equal to or greater than 300 J/g, even without participation of oxygen. (autoréactif)

Classification in a Category of the Class

Marginal note:Exclusions

  •  (1) The following need not be classified in any category of this hazard class:

    • (a) mixtures or substances, or mixtures or substances as packaged, that are classified in a category of the hazard class “Organic Peroxides”;

    • (b) liquid or solid mixtures that are classified in a category of the hazard class “Oxidizing Liquids” or “Oxidizing Solids”, and contain less than 5.0% of combustible organic substances; and

    • (c) liquid or solid substances that are classified in a category of the hazard class “Oxidizing Liquids” or “Oxidizing Solids”.

  • Marginal note:Categories

    (2) Subject to subsection (3), a self-reactive substance or mixture is classified in a category of this hazard class, based on results from testing performed in accordance with test series A to H of Part II of the Manual of Tests and Criteria, in accordance with the following table:


    Column 1Column 2
    1Self-reactive Substances and Mixtures — Type AA liquid or solid that, as packaged, is liable to detonate, or deflagrate rapidly
    2Self-reactive Substances and Mixtures — Type BA liquid or solid that possesses explosive properties and, as packaged, neither detonates, nor deflagrates rapidly, but is liable to undergo a thermal explosion in that package
    3Self-reactive Substances and Mixtures — Type CA liquid or solid that possesses explosive properties and, as packaged, neither detonates, nor deflagrates rapidly nor undergoes a thermal explosion in that package
    4Self-reactive Substances and Mixtures — Type D

    In laboratory testing, a liquid or solid that

    • (a) detonates partially, does not deflagrate rapidly and shows no violent effect when heated under confinement;

    • (b) does not detonate, deflagrates slowly and shows no violent effect when heated under confinement; or

    • (c) neither detonates nor deflagrates, and shows a medium effect when heated under confinement

    5Self-reactive Substances and Mixtures — Type EIn laboratory testing, a liquid or solid that neither detonates nor deflagrates and shows low or no effect when heated under confinement
    6Self-reactive Substances and Mixtures — Type F

    In laboratory testing, a liquid or solid that neither detonates in the cavitated state nor deflagrates and

    • (a) shows low or no effect when heated under confinement, as well as low or no explosive power; or

    • (b) shows no effect when heated under confinement nor any explosive power, and either

      • (i) has a SADT < 60°C when evaluated in a 50 kg package, or

      • (ii) in the case of a liquid mixture, has a diluent that is used for desensitization with a boiling point < 150°C

    7Self-reactive Substances and Mixtures — Type G

    In laboratory testing, a liquid or solid that neither detonates in the cavitated state nor deflagrates, shows no effect when heated under confinement nor any explosive power, and either

    • (a) has a SADT of 60°C to 75°C when evaluated in a 50 kg package, or

    • (b) in the case of a liquid mixture, has a diluent that is used for desensitization with a boiling point ≥ 150°C

  • Marginal note:Exclusion after evaluation

    (3) A mixture or substance with a self-accelerating decomposition temperature greater than 75°C when evaluated in a 50 kg package need not be classified in any category of this hazard class.

SUBPART 9Pyrophoric Liquids


Definition of pyrophoric liquid

 In this Subpart, pyrophoric liquid means a liquid that is liable to ignite within five minutes after coming into contact with air.

Classification in the Category of the Class

Marginal note:Category

 A pyrophoric liquid is classified in the category of this hazard class, based on results from testing performed in accordance with test N.3 of sub-section 33.4.5 of Part III of the Manual of Tests and Criteria, in accordance with the following table:


Column 1Column 2
1Pyrophoric Liquids — Category 1

A liquid that, within 5 min, either

  • (a) ignites when added to an inert carrier and after coming into contact with air, or

  • (b) ignites or chars a filter paper, after coming into contact with air

SUBPART 10Pyrophoric Solids


Definition of pyrophoric solid

 In this Subpart, pyrophoric solid means a solid that is liable to ignite within five minutes after coming into contact with air.

Classification in the Category of the Class

Marginal note:Category

 A pyrophoric solid is classified in the category of this hazard class, based on results from testing performed in accordance with test N.2 of sub-section 33.4.4 of Part III of the Manual of Tests and Criteria, in accordance with the following table:


Column 1Column 2
1Pyrophoric Solids — Category 1A solid that ignites within 5 min after coming into contact with air

SUBPART 11Self-heating Substances and Mixtures


Definition of self-heating

 In this Subpart, self-heating means, in relation to a solid or liquid, liable to self-heat by reaction with air and without energy supply.

Classification in a Category of the Class

Marginal note:Exclusions

  •  (1) The following need not be classified in any category of this hazard class:

    • (a) a liquid classified in the category of the hazard class “Pyrophoric Liquids”; and

    • (b) a solid classified in the category of the hazard class “Pyrophoric Solids”.

  • Marginal note:Categories

    (2) Subject to subsection (3), a self-heating substance or mixture is classified in a category of this hazard class, based on results from testing performed in accordance with test N.4 of sub-section 33.4.6 of Part III of the Manual of Tests and Criteria, in accordance with the following table:


    Column 1Column 2
    1Self-heating Substances and Mixtures — Category 1A solid or liquid in respect of which a positive result is obtained in a test using a 25 mm sample cube at 140°C
    2Self-heating Substances and Mixtures — Category 2

    A solid or liquid in respect of which a positive result is obtained in a test using a 100 mm sample cube at 140°C, a negative result is obtained in a test using a 25 mm sample cube at 140°C and

    • (a) the solid or liquid is packed in packages with a volume > 3 m³;

    • (b) a positive result is obtained in a test using a 100 mm sample cube at 120°C and the solid or liquid is packed in packages with a volume > 450 l; or

    • (c) a positive result is obtained in a test using a 100 mm sample cube at 100°C

  • Marginal note:Exclusion after evaluation

    (3) A mixture or substance with a temperature of spontaneous combustion higher than 50°C for a volume of 27 m3 need not be classified in any category of this hazard class.


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