Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations (SOR/2012-167)
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Regulations are current to 2025-01-22 and last amended on 2018-11-30. Previous Versions
SCHEDULE 4(Section 15)Annual Report — Information Required
1 The following information respecting the responsible person:
(a) an indication of whether they are the owner or operator of the unit and their name and civic address;
(b) the name, title, civic and postal addresses, telephone number and, if any, email address and fax number, of their authorized official; and
(c) the name, title, civic and postal addresses, telephone number and, if any, email address and fax number, of a contact person, if different from the authorized official.
2 The following information respecting the unit:
(a) for each responsible person for the unit, other than the responsible person mentioned in paragraph 1(a), if any
(i) their name and civic address,
(ii) an indication of whether they are an owner or operator, and
(iii) in the case of an owner, their percentage of ownership interest;
(b) its name and civic address, if any;
(c) its registration number and, if applicable, its National Pollutant Release Inventory identification number assigned by the Minister for the purpose of section 48 of the Act;
(d) if applicable, the number of other units located at the power plant in which the unit is located and, for each of those other units, the information referred to in paragraph (a); and
(e) if applicable, a statement that indicates that the unit shares a common stack with one or more of those other units, along with a statement that identifies each of those other units.
3 The following information respecting the emission-intensity referred to in subsection 3(1) of these Regulations from the combustion of fuel in the unit — other than a unit referred to in paragraph 4(d) — during the calendar year:
(a) the emission-intensity for the unit, namely the ratio of the quantity of CO2 emissions referred to in paragraph (c) to the quantity of electricity referred to in subparagraph (b)(i), expressed in tonnes per GWh;
(b) in respect of the quantity of electricity produced by the unit
(i) that quantity determined in accordance with section 19 of these Regulations, expressed in GWh,
(ii) the value determined for Ggross and Gaux in the formula set out in subsection 19(1) of these Regulations, expressed in GWh,
(iii) the gross electricity produced by the units located at the power plant for the calendar year, namely the sum of the value determined for Ggross referred to in subparagraph (ii) and of the gross electricity produced by all other units located at the power plant determined in accordance with that description of Ggross,
(iv) the quantity of electricity, expressed in GWh, that is used by the power plant in which the unit is located during the calendar year to operate infrastructure and equipment for electricity generation and for separation, but not pressurization, of CO2, based on data collected using meters that comply with the requirements of the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and the Electricity and Gas Inspection Regulations,
(v) if that calendar year is the calendar year referred to in subsection 19(2) of these Regulations for which a method of attribution was first used, a detailed description of that method of attribution and an explanation of why it is appropriate, and
(vi) if that calendar year is a subsequent calendar year referred to in subsection 19(3) of these Regulations, a detailed description of the method of attribution referred to in that subsection used for that subsequent calendar year and an explanation of why it is appropriate;
(c) in respect of the quantity of CO2 emissions from the combustion of fuels in the unit,
(i) if paragraph 20(1)(a) of these Regulations applies for the determination of that quantity,
(A) that quantity, expressed in tonnes, determined in accordance with section 21 of these Regulations,
(B) the values, expressed in tonnes, determined for Eu, Ebio and Enon-ccs in the formula set out in subsection 21(1) of these Regulations,
(C) a statement that indicates which of paragraphs (a) and (b) of the description of that Ebio was used to determine the value of that element, and
(D) the value, expressed in tonnes, determined for Es in the formula set out in subparagraph 21(2)(d)(ii) of these Regulations, and
(ii) if paragraph 20(1)(b) of these Regulations applies for the determination of that quantity,
(A) that quantity, expressed in tonnes, determined in accordance with section 22 of these Regulations and, as the case may be, section 23 or 24 of these Regulations,
(B) the values, expressed in tonnes, determined for Ei for each fuel combusted, and for Eccs, in the formula in section 22 of these Regulations,
(C) the value, expressed in tonnes, determined for Es in the formula set out in subparagraph 21(2)(d)(ii) of these Regulations,
(D) a statement for each fuel combusted that indicates which of section 23 and 24 of these Regulations was used to determine the quantity referred to in clause (A),
(E) if that quantity was determined in accordance with section 23 of these Regulations,
(I) the value of CCA in the formula set out in paragraph 23(1)(a), (b) or (c) of these Regulations, as the case may be, for each fuel combusted, and
(II) a statement that indicates which of the ASTM standards and of the methods referred to in the description of CCi in the formula in subsection 23(2) of these Regulations were used to determine the value of CCA referred to in subclause (I) or, for a sample of gaseous fuel, that indicates that a direct measuring device was used to determine that value, and
(F) if that quantity was determined in accordance with section 24 of these Regulations,
(I) for each fuel combusted,
1. its type,
2. a statement that indicates which of paragraphs 24(2)(a) to (d) of these Regulations describes the fuel, and
3. in the case of a fuel described by paragraph 24(2)(b) of these Regulations, the average daily rate at which the fuel was combusted,
(II) if paragraph 24(1)(a) of these Regulations applies,
1. the value of HHV, as described in paragraph (a) of that element, in the formula set out in subsection 24(4) of these Regulations, for each fuel combusted,
2. if the fuel’s type is set out in column 1 of the applicable table to Schedule 5, its default CO2 emission factor as set out in column 3 and, if that fuel’s type is not so set out, the default CO2 emission factor for that fuel’s type established by a body that is internationally recognized as being competent to establish default CO2 emission factors for fuels and a statement that indicates the name of the body, and
3. a statement that indicates which of the ASTM and GPA standards and of the methods referred to in subsection 24(6) of these Regulations were used to determine the measured value of HHV referred to in sub-subclause 1 or, for a gaseous fuel, that indicates that a direct measuring device was used to determine that measured value, and
(III) if paragraph 24(1)(b) of these Regulations applies
1. the default value of HHV, as described in paragraph (b) of that element, in the formula set out in subsection 24(4) of these Regulations, for each fuel combusted,
2. a statement that explains the absence of a measured higher heating value and that indicates, if that default higher heating value is established by a body that is internationally recognized as being competent to establish default higher heating values for fuels, the name of the body, and
3. if the fuel’s type is set out in column 1 of the applicable table to Schedule 5, its default CO2 emission factor as set out in column 3 and, if that fuel’s type is not so set out, the default CO2 emission factor for that fuel’s type established by a body that is internationally recognized as being competent to establish default CO2 emission factors for fuels and a statement that indicates the name of the body;
(d) if applicable, documents that establish that the captured CO2 emissions were captured, transported and stored as described in subsection 3(5) of these Regulations;
(e) if applicable, the quantity of CO2 emissions that were captured, determined using a direct measure of the flow of, and the concentration of CO2 in, those emissions; and
(f) for each type of fuel combusted,
(i) the type and, if that type is biomass, an explanation of why that type is biomass as defined in subsection 2(1) of these Regulations, and
(ii) the quantity of fuel combusted.
4 Information for the calendar year respecting
(a) the number of hours during which the unit produced electricity;
(b) if a substituted unit referred to in subsection 5(1) of these Regulations has been substituted for an original unit, the production capacity of that substituted unit;
(c) for a standby unit, the capacity factor for the standby unit;
(d) for a unit granted an exemption under subsection 7(4) of these Regulations,
(i) the emergency period for the calendar year, namely, the period that begins on the first day in the calendar year on which the emergency existed and that ends on the last day in the calendar year on which it existed,
(ii) the number of hours in the emergency period during which the unit operated, and
(iii) the information referred to in item 3 for each emergency period for, and any other period of, the calendar year; and
(e) for an existing unit referred to in subsection 14(4) of these Regulations, the percentage of CO2 emissions from the unit that are captured, transported and stored, along with supporting documents to establish the validity of that percentage.
5 A copy of the auditor’s report referred to in subsection 26(4) of these Regulations.
6 If replacement data referred to in section 28 of these Regulations was used for a day or days for a given period referred to in subsection 28(1) of these Regulations during the calendar year,
(a) the reason for which data required to determine the value of an element of a formula set out in section 19 or any of sections 21 to 24 of these Regulations was not obtained and an explanation as to why that reason was out of the control of the responsible person;
(b) the element of the formula for which data was not obtained and the date of the day on which the data was not obtained and, if that data was not obtained for a period of several days, the dates of the days on which the period begins and ends; and
(c) the value determined for that element using replacement data, along with details of that determination, including
(i) the data used to make that determination for each period of one or several days,
(ii) the method used to obtain that data, and
(iii) in the case of a determination of the value of an element referred to in subsection 28(3) of these Regulations for a given period, a justification for the given period being used as the basis of that determination.
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