Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Airport Traffic Regulations (C.R.C., c. 886)

Regulations are current to 2024-09-16 and last amended on 2009-06-04. Previous Versions

PART IOperation of Motor Vehicles (continued)

Parking (continued)

 Where a parking area is designated by a sign or surface markings as an area in which parking is permitted only in parking spaces, no person shall park a motor vehicle in a parking space in the parking area unless the person pays for the use of the parking space in accordance with the system of parking control in effect in that part of the parking area in which the motor vehicle is to be parked.

  • SOR/92-120, s. 5

 No person who has parked a motor vehicle in a parking space that is governed by a pay-in-advance parking control system shall allow the motor vehicle to remain parked in that parking space for a period of time greater than the period of time for which a fee has been paid in respect of that parking space.

  • SOR/92-120, s. 5
  •  (1) Where an area is designated by a sign as an area in which parking is reserved for handicapped persons, no person shall park a motor vehicle in that area unless the motor vehicle is identified by a sign as a motor vehicle used for the transport of a handicapped person.

  • (2) Where an area is designated by a sign as an area in which parking is reserved for certain persons or a particular class of persons, other than handicapped persons, no person shall park a motor vehicle in that area unless the person is one of those persons.

  • SOR/92-120, s. 5

 No person shall park a motor vehicle at an airport in such a manner as to obstruct traffic.

  • SOR/92-120, s. 5

 Subject to section 28, where a parking area is designated by a sign or surface markings as an area in which parking is permitted only in delineated parking spaces, no person shall park a motor vehicle in that area unless the motor vehicle is parked wholly within a delineated parking space.

  • SOR/92-120, s. 5

 Where a person parks a motor vehicle that is longer or wider than one delineated parking space so that it wholly or partially occupies more than one delineated parking space, the person shall pay the fee that is required in respect of each parking space wholly or partially occupied by the motor vehicle.

  • SOR/92-120, s. 5
  •  (1) Where a parking area contains delineated parking spaces for normal sized vehicles and an area designated by a sign for the parking of oversized vehicles, any person who parks a motor vehicle that is longer or wider than a delineated parking space shall park it in the designated area.

  • (2) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be considered to have parked a motor vehicle in such a manner as to obstruct traffic.

  • SOR/92-120, s. 5
  • SOR/95-536, s. 6(F)
  • SOR/2002-356, s. 1

 [Repealed, SOR/95-536, s. 6]

  •  (1) The Minister may issue or authorize the issue of permits and labels for the purposes of this Part.

  • (2) The Minister or a person authorized by him may at any time revoke a permit issued under this Part.

  • (3) Unless sooner revoked, a permit issued under this Part is valid only for the period stated thereon and a label furnished with the permit is valid only during the period that the permit is valid.

 A constable who finds a motor vehicle parked in contravention of this Part may, at the expense of the owner, remove the vehicle and, if he deems it necessary to protect the vehicle or the interests of the owner, store it in a suitable place.


 No person shall drive a motor vehicle on a road at a rate of speed in excess of the speed limit indicated for that road by a sign.

 Unless otherwise authorized by the airport manager, no person shall drive a motor vehicle on an apron at a rate of speed in excess of 15 mph (25 km/h).

 No person shall drive a motor vehicle on an apron or manoeuvring area in a manner that is dangerous to persons, aircraft, vehicles or equipment, having regard to all the circumstances including the amount of traffic thereon or reasonably expected to be thereon.

 The provisions of this Part relating to motor vehicles apply with such modifications as the circumstances require to a bicycle or any cycle regardless of the number of wheels it may have.


 No person shall allow an animal owned by him or under his control to be at large on an airport.

 A constable or person in charge of an airport may, at the expense of the owner of the animal, cause any animal found at large on the airport to be confined or driven off the airport or impounded in accordance with the laws of the province and municipality in which the airport is situated.


  •  (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3) and subsection 40(4), every person who contravenes a provision of this Part is liable on summary conviction to

    • (a) a fine not exceeding an amount equal to the lesser of

      • (i) the maximum fine, if any, prescribed under the highway traffic laws of the province in which the offence was committed, as amended from time to time, and

      • (ii) in any other case, $500;

    • (b) a term of imprisonment not exceeding six months; or

    • (c) both.

  • (2) Every person who contravenes any provision of these Regulations governing the parking of motor vehicles shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $50.

  • (3) Where a person is convicted of driving a motor vehicle in contravention of this Part, the convicting court or judge may, in addition to any other penalty imposed, make an order prohibiting that person from driving any motor vehicle on any lands belonging to or occupied by Her Majesty in right of Canada for any period not exceeding one year from the date of the conviction.

  • (4) Every person who drives a motor vehicle contrary to an order made pursuant to subsection (3) is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $500 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both.

  • SOR/96-476, s. 1
  • SOR/2002-356, s. 2
  • SOR/2006-102, s. 28
  •  (1) Any person who is alleged to have contravened any provision of this Part governing the parking of a motor vehicle may, at any time within 72 hours after the expiration of the day on which the contravention is alleged to have occurred, excluding holidays, register a plea of guilty to the alleged offence and pay into court, either personally or by mail,

    • (a) where the alleged offence relates to parking in an area in which parking is prohibited, in contravention of section 16,

      • (i) $25, where the alleged offence occurred at an airport set out in Schedule I,

      • (ii) $15, where the alleged offence occurred at an airport set out in Schedule II that is denoted by an asterisk, and

      • (iii) $10, where the alleged offence occurred at an airport set out in Schedule II that is not denoted by an asterisk;

    • (b) where the alleged offence relates to parking in a loading area, in contravention of section 18,

      • (i) $30, where the alleged offence occurred at an airport set out in Schedule I,

      • (ii) $20, where the alleged offence occurred at an airport set out in Schedule II that is denoted by an asterisk, and

      • (iii) $15, where the alleged offence occurred at an airport set out in Schedule II that is not denoted by an asterisk;

    • (c) where the alleged offence relates to parking in an area that is reserved for persons who hold a parking permit or special parking permit, in contravention of section 20,

      • (i) $25, where the alleged offence occurred at an airport set out in Schedule I,

      • (ii) $15, where the alleged offence occurred at an airport set out in Schedule II that is denoted by an asterisk, and

      • (iii) $10, where the alleged offence occurred at an airport set out in Schedule II that is not denoted by an asterisk;

    • (d) where the alleged offence relates to overtime parking, in contravention of section 21 or 24,

      • (i) $15, where the alleged offence occurred at an airport set out in Schedule I,

      • (ii) $10, where the alleged offence occurred at an airport set out in Schedule II that is denoted by an asterisk, and

      • (iii) $5, where the alleged offence occurred at an airport set out in Schedule II that is not denoted by an asterisk;

    • (e) where the alleged offence relates to parking a motor vehicle in such a manner as to obstruct traffic, in contravention of section 26 or subsection 29(2),

      • (i) $30, where the alleged offence occurred at an airport set out in Schedule I,

      • (ii) $20, where the alleged offence occurred at an airport set out in Schedule II that is denoted by an asterisk, and

      • (iii) $15, where the alleged offence occurred at an airport set out in Schedule II that is not denoted by an asterisk;

    • (f) where the alleged offence relates to parking in an area

      • (i) that is reserved for handicapped persons, in contravention of subsection 25(1), $50, where the alleged offence occurred at an airport set out in Schedule I or II,

      • (ii) that is reserved for certain persons or a particular class of persons, other than handicapped persons, in contravention of subsection 25(2), $25, where the alleged offence occurred at an airport set out in Schedule I or II;

    • (g) where the alleged offence relates to a contravention of section 17, 19, 22, 23, 27 or 28 or subsection 29(1),

      • (i) $25, where the alleged offence occurred at an airport set out in Schedule I,

      • (ii) $15, where the alleged offence occurred at an airport set out in Schedule II that is denoted by an asterisk, and

      • (iii) $10, where the alleged offence occurred at an airport set out in Schedule II that is not denoted by an asterisk.

  • (2) Any amount paid pursuant to subsection (1) shall be paid into the court designated by the Minister for such payment.

  • (3) Where a payment referred to in subsection (1) is sent to the court by mail, the payment into court shall be deemed to have been made on the day on which the payment was mailed.

  • (4) Where a person who is alleged to have contravened a provision of this Part governing the parking of a motor vehicle has, in accordance with subsection (1), paid money into court with respect to that contravention, no further penalty shall be imposed on him for that contravention.

  • SOR/81-663, s. 1
  • SOR/92-120, s. 6
  • SOR/93-27, s. 1
  • SOR/95-536, s. 6
  • SOR/2006-102, s. 29(F)

PART IIPedestrians


 No person who is not in possession of valid identification shall enter upon or remain in any area that is designated by a sign or device as a restricted area unless authorized to do so by the airport manager.

  •  (1) No person, being the holder of valid identification designed to be worn on outer clothing, shall enter on or remain in a restricted area unless that identification is at all times visibly displayed on his person.

  • (2) Every holder of valid identification who fails to comply with the terms of issue of that identification shall surrender the identification to the airport manager.

  • SOR/81-663, s. 2

 Every person found on or in a restricted area in contravention of section 41 or subsection 41.1(1) may be removed therefrom by a constable but such removal shall be without prejudice toward any other proceeding that may be taken.

  • SOR/81-663, s. 3

 Where a portion of a road or apron has been designated as a cross-walk, no pedestrian shall proceed to cross the road or apron except within the designated cross-walk.

 Where a sidewalk or path is located beside a road or apron, a pedestrian shall, at all times when reasonable and practicable to do so, use the sidewalk or path and shall not walk or remain on the road or apron.

 Where there is no sidewalk or path located beside a road, a pedestrian walking along or upon the road shall, at all times when practicable to do so, walk on the left side or shoulder of the road facing on-coming traffic.

 No pedestrian on an apron shall impede, interfere with or obstruct in any way the free movement of other apron traffic except in the course of his or her employment relating to the control of such traffic.

 Where no cross-walk has been designated, every pedestrian crossing a road shall yield the right-of-way to motor vehicles using the road.

 A pedestrian shall obey the instruction of any traffic sign or device and comply with any traffic directions given by a constable to him.

Smoking and Littering

 No person shall

  • (a) smoke, carry or deposit lighted cigars, cigarettes, pipes or matches or carry a naked flame

    • (i) on an apron or any open deck gallery or balcony contiguous to and overlooking an apron,

    • (ii) in any area where smoking is specifically prohibited by a sign, or

    • (iii) in any other place at an airport under such circumstances as may or might be likely to endanger persons or property;

  • (b) throw, deposit or knowingly leave on a road, apron or manoeuvring area any glass, nails, tacks, scraps of metal, chemical substance or other material that may damage an aircraft or motor vehicle; or

  • (c) throw, deposit or knowingly leave on any airport any form of trash or garbage except in containers provided for that purpose.


 Every person who contravenes section 41, subsection 41.1(1) or (2) or section 49 is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $400.

  • SOR/81-663, s. 4
  • SOR/2006-102, s. 30
  •  (1) Any person who is alleged to have contravened any provision of this Part other than section 41 may, at any time within 72 hours from the expiration of the day on which the contravention is alleged to have occurred, excluding holidays, register a plea of guilty to the alleged offence by paying into court, either personally or by mail,

    • (a) $2, where the alleged offence relates to crossing a road or apron otherwise than at a designated cross-walk;

    • (b) $2, where the alleged offence relates to walking on a road or apron in contravention of section 44;

    • (c) $2, where the alleged offence relates to walking on a road in contravention of section 45;

    • (d) $5, where the alleged offence relates to impeding, interfering or obstructing the free movement of an aircraft on the apron or manoeuvring area in contravention of section 46;

    • (e) $5, where the alleged offence relates to failing to yield the right-of-way to motor vehicles in contravention of section 47;

    • (f) $5, where the alleged offence relates to disobeying instructions of any traffic sign or device or instruction given by a constable;

    • (g) $75, where the alleged offence relates to smoking or littering in contravention of section 49;

    • (h) $20, where the alleged offence relates to entering or remaining in a restricted area without visible identification in contravention of subsection 41.1(1); and

    • (i) $20, where the alleged offence relates to failure to comply with subsection 41.1(2).

  • (2) Any amount paid pursuant to subsection (1) shall be paid into the court designated by the Minister for such payment.

  • (3) Where a payment referred to in subsection (1) is sent to the court by mail, the payment into court shall be deemed to have been made on the day on which the payment was mailed.

  • (4) Where a person who is alleged to have contravened any provision of this Part other than section 41 has, in accordance with subsection (1), paid money into court with respect to that contravention, no further punishment shall be imposed on him for that contravention.

  • SOR/81-663, s. 5
  • SOR/2006-102, s. 31

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