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Airport Traffic Regulations (C.R.C., c. 886)

Regulations are current to 2024-09-16 and last amended on 2009-06-04. Previous Versions

Airport Traffic Regulations

C.R.C., c. 886



Regulations Respecting the Control of Motor Vehicles, Pedestrians, Aircraft and Equipment at Airports

Short Title

 These Regulations may be cited as the Airport Traffic Regulations.


 In these Regulations,


aerodrome means an area of land, water (including the frozen surface thereof) or other supporting surface used, designed, prepared, equipped or set apart for use either in whole or in part for the arrival, departure, movement or servicing of aircraft and includes any buildings, installations and equipment used in connection therewith; (aérodrome)


aircraft means any machine used or designed for navigation in the air but does not include a machine designed to derive support in the atmosphere from reactions against the earth’s surface of air expelled from the machine; (aéronef)


airport means an aerodrome in respect of which a Canadian aviation document issued pursuant to the Aeronautics Act is in force; (aéroport)

airport manager

airport manager means the person in charge of an airport or the authorized representative of that person; (directeur d’aéroport)


animal means any domestic animal and includes poultry; (animal)


apron means that part of an airport, other than the manoeuvring area, intended to accommodate the loading and unloading of passengers and cargo, the refuelling, servicing, maintenance and parking of aircraft and the movement of aircraft, vehicles and pedestrians to allow execution of those functions; (aire de trafic)

apron traffic

apron traffic means all aircraft, vehicles, pedestrians and equipment utilizing the apron area of the airport; (trafic de l’aire de trafic)

commercial passenger vehicle

commercial passenger vehicle means any taxi, bus or other vehicle used or intended for use in the transportation of persons for compensation; (véhicule commercial pour passager)


constable means

  • (a) a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police,

  • (b) a member of a provincial or municipal police force, and

  • (c) any person or a member of a class of persons authorized by the Minister to enforce these Regulations; (agent)


cross-walk means

  • (a) any portion of a road, apron or other area designated by a sign or surface marking as a pedestrian crossing, and

  • (b) that part of a road at an intersection that is included within the connections of the lateral lines of the sidewalks on opposite sides of the road or, in the absence of curbs, from the edges of the road; (passage pour piétons)


Department means the Department of Transport; (ministère)


driver means a person who is driving or is in actual physical control of a motor vehicle or bicycle; (conducteur)


intersection means the area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curb lines or, in the absence of curb lines, of the lateral boundary lines of two or more roads that join one another at an angle whether or not one road crosses the other; (carrefour)

land side

land side means land side as defined in section 1 of the Traffic on the Land Side of Airports Regulations; (côté ville)

loading area

loading area means any portion of an airport designated by a sign and made available to the public for loading or unloading; (aire d’embarquement)

manoeuvring area

manoeuvring area means that part of an airport ordinarily used for the take-off and landing of aircraft and for the movement of aircraft associated with the take-off and landing, but does not include the apron; (aire de manoeuvre)


Minister means the Minister of Transport; (ministre)

motor vehicle

motor vehicle means an automobile, over-snow vehicle, truck, bus or any self-propelled vehicle or device in, upon or by which a person or property is or may be transported, carried or conveyed upon land and includes a machine designed to derive support in the atmosphere from reactions against the earth’s surface of air expelled from the machine; (véhicule à moteur)

over-snow vehicle

over-snow vehicle means a vehicle that is capable of being propelled or driven otherwise than by muscular power, that runs on tracks or skis or on tracks and skis and that is designed for operation on snow or ice; (autoneige)


owner, with respect to a motor vehicle, means a person who holds legal title to it or a person in whose name it is or is required to be registered by the laws of a province and includes a conditional purchaser, lessee or mortgagor who is entitled to or is in possession of the motor vehicle; (propriétaire)


park means the standing of a motor vehicle whether occupied or not, except for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading passengers or goods; (laisser en stationnement)

parking area

parking area means a part of an airport property that is designated by a sign or by surface markings as an area for parking motor vehicles; (parc de stationnement)

parking meter

parking meter[Repealed, SOR/92-120, s. 1]

parking permit

parking permit means a permit issued by the airport manager that authorizes the permit holder to park a motor vehicle in a specific parking area in accordance with the terms of the permit; (permis de stationnement)

parking space

parking space means a space for parking motor vehicles that is located in a parking area and that, in most cases, is delineated by surface markings; (place de stationnement)

pay-in-advance parking control system

pay-in-advance parking control system means a system of parking control whereby the person who parks a motor vehicle in a parking space is required, immediately before or after parking the motor vehicle, to pay a fee in respect of the period of time during which the person anticipates that the motor vehicle will remain in that parking space; (péage anticipé)


pedestrian means a person on foot and includes an invalid or child in a wheelchair or carriage; (piéton)

restricted area

restricted area means an area at an aerodrome that is designated by a sign as an area to which access is restricted to persons authorized by the airport manager; (zone réglementée)


road includes any highway, street or place designed and intended for or used for the passage of motor vehicles; (route)


sidewalk means that part of a road or apron that is constructed for the use of pedestrians; (trottoir)

special parking permit

special parking permit means a permit issued by the airport manager that authorizes the permit holder to park a motor vehicle in such place and in accordance with such terms as are specified by the airport manager. (permis spécial de stationnement)

valid identification

valid identification means a document issued or approved by the airport manager authorizing the holder to have access to a restricted area of the airport. (pièce d’identité valable)

  • SOR/92-120, s. 1
  • SOR/2006-102, s. 26


 These Regulations apply in respect of an area other than the land side of an airport set out in Schedule I or II.

  • SOR/92-120, s. 2
  • SOR/2006-102, s. 27


 The Minister may authorize any person or class of persons to act as a constable to enforce these Regulations.

PART IOperation of Motor Vehicles


  •  (1) No person shall operate a motor vehicle on an airport unless

    • (a) he holds all licences and permits that he is, by the laws of the province and the municipality in which the airport is situated, required to hold in order to operate the motor vehicle in that province and municipality; and

    • (b) the motor vehicle is registered and equipped as required by the laws of the province and the municipality in which the airport is situated.

  • (2) For the purpose of these Regulations, a provincial certificate of motor vehicle registration shall be prima facie proof of ownership of the motor vehicle.

Compliance with Provincial and Municipal Laws

  •  (1) No person shall operate a motor vehicle on an airport otherwise than in accordance with the laws of the province and the municipality in which the airport is situated.

  • (2) In this Part, the expression “laws of the province and the municipality” does not include laws that are inconsistent with or repugnant to any of the provisions of the Government Property Traffic Act or these Regulations.

Traffic Signs and Devices

  •  (1) The Minister may mark or erect or cause to be marked or erected on any airport traffic signs or devices

    • (a) prescribing the rate of speed;

    • (b) regulating or prohibiting parking and designating parking, loading or restricted areas;

    • (c) prescribing load limits for any motor vehicle or class of motor vehicles;

    • (d) prohibiting or regulating the use of any road or place by any motor vehicle or class of motor vehicles, or by persons or animals;

    • (e) designating any road as a one-way road;

    • (f) stopping motor vehicles;

    • (g) regulating pedestrian traffic; and

    • (h) directing or controlling in any other manner traffic on the airport.

  • (2) Except as authorized by subsection (1), no person shall mark or erect any traffic sign or device on any airport.

  • SOR/92-120, s. 3(F)

 Any traffic sign or device on any airport bearing the words “Department of Transport”, “Ministère des Transports”, or an abbreviation thereof, or purporting to have been erected by or under the authority of the Minister, shall be deemed prima facie to have been erected pursuant to this Part.

 The driver of a motor vehicle on an airport shall obey the instruction of any traffic sign or device applicable to that driver or motor vehicle.

Traffic Direction and Control

 No person shall, on an airport, drive

  • (a) a motor vehicle other than an over-snow vehicle, except on a road; or

  • (b) an over-snow vehicle except with the permission of the airport manager.

  •  (1) The driver of a motor vehicle on an airport shall comply with any traffic directions given to him by a constable.

  • (2) A constable may, for the purpose of ensuring the orderly movement of all traffic on an airport, direct or control such traffic.

 Every person on an airport shall produce to a constable upon demand

  • (a) any permit issued to him under this Part;

  • (b) any licence or permit he holds authorizing him to drive a motor vehicle; and

  • (c) any certificate of registration referred to in subsection 5(2).

 Every driver of a motor vehicle who is directly or indirectly involved in an accident on an airport shall

  • (a) report the accident forthwith as required by the laws of the province in which the accident occurred; and

  • (b) if any property of Her Majesty is damaged by the accident, report the accident forthwith to a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or the airport manager.

 No person shall operate or park a motor vehicle

  • (a) on an apron unless he has the permission of the airport manager; or

  • (b) in any area designated by a sign as a restricted area unless he is in possession of valid identification.

 Where an apron traffic control unit, as defined in Part IV, has been established at an airport, the operator of a motor vehicle on the apron shall acknowledge and obey any instruction received from the unit.


 No person shall park a motor vehicle in any area designated by a sign as an area in which parking is prohibited.

 No person shall, without the permission of the Minister, park a motor vehicle on any portion of an airport that is grassed or that is not intended for the use of motor vehicles.

 No person shall park a motor vehicle in a place designated by a sign as a loading area.

 No driver of a commercial passenger vehicle shall load or unload passengers at an airport except in an area designated by a sign as an area in which passenger loading or unloading is permitted.

 Where an area is designated by a sign as an area in which parking is reserved for persons who hold a parking permit or special parking permit, as the case may be, no person shall park a motor vehicle in that area unless the person

  • (a) holds a parking permit or special parking permit that authorizes the person to park in that area;

  • (b) where an identifying label or ticket has been issued with the parking permit or special parking permit, affixes the label to the lower corner of the driver’s side of the windshield of the motor vehicle, or displays the ticket on the driver’s side of the dashboard of the motor vehicle in such a manner that it is clearly visible; and

  • (c) parks the motor vehicle in accordance with the terms of the parking permit or special parking permit.

  • SOR/92-120, s. 4

 Where an area is designated by a sign as an area in which parking is permitted for a period of time, no person shall park a motor vehicle in that area for any greater period of time than that indicated on the sign.

 Where an area is designated by a sign as an area in which parking is prohibited during certain hours, no person shall park a motor vehicle in that area during the hours when parking is prohibited.


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