Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Northwest Territories Fishery Regulations (C.R.C., c. 847)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2020-04-01. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE II(Section 2)

PART IAreas of Great Slave Lake

Area I (West)

That portion of Great Slave Lake lying

  • (a) east of a line drawn from Point Desmarais in 61°00′48 north latitude and 116°28′12 west longitude to a point on Big Island in 61°05′18 north latitude and 116°30′06 west longitude; THENCE to a point on Big Island in 61°11′06 north latitude and 116°39′24 west longitude; and THENCE to a point in 61°12′26 north latitude and 116°41′06 west longitude; and

  • (b) west of a line drawn from Point de Roche to Slave Point.

Area I (East)

That portion of Great Slave Lake lying east of a line drawn from Point de Roche to Slave Point and west of a line drawn from Jones Point in 61°27′ north latitude and 115°43′ west longitude to Sulphur Point in 60°56′ north latitude and 114°49′ west longitude.

Area II

That portion of Great Slave Lake lying north and east of Area I (East) and south and west of a line drawn from the mouth of the north branch of the Jean River in 61°22′ north latitude and 113°33′ west longitude to the most northerly tip of Hardisty Island in 61°45′ north latitude and 114°37′ west longitude and THENCE to a fishing boundary marker on the mainland, and north of a straight line drawn between the mouth of the north branch of the Jean River and Slave Point to where the said line intersects the east boundary of Area I (East).

Area III

That portion of Great Slave Lake lying east of Area I (East) and south of Area II.

Area IV

That portion of Great Slave Lake lying between Area II and Water Area V.

Area V

That portion of Great Slave Lake lying east of the meridian of 113°30′00 west longitude and west of a line drawn from a point on the mainland in 62°04′43 north latitude 112°30′00 west longitude to a point on the north shore of Blanchette Island in 62°01′45 north latitude and 112°30′00″ west longitude, THENCE along the north shore of Blanchette Island to the most easterly point of Blanchette Island, THENCE to the most westerly point of Et Then Island, THENCE along the south shore of Et Then Island, THENCE along the south shore of Et Then Island to the most easterly point of Et Then Island THENCE due east to the mainland.

Area VI

That portion of Great Slave Lake lying east and north of Area V.

PART IIAreas of the Mackenzie River Delta and Lower Mackenzie River

Area I

That portion of the Mackenzie Delta bounded

  • (1) in the east by the west bank of the Middle Channel from the point at 67°41.5′ north latitude, 134°32.8′ west longitude to the point on the west bank of the Middle Channel at 68°13′ north latitude, 134°28′ west longitude;

  • (2) in the north by the parallel of latitude at 68°13′ north from the point on the west bank of the Middle Channel at 134°28′ west longitude to the point on the west bank of the Husky Channel at 135°06′ west longitude;

  • (3) in the west by the west bank of the Husky Channel from the point at 68°13′ north latitude, 135°06′ west longitude to the point where the Husky Channel meets the Peel River at 67°37′ north latitude, 134°52′ west longitude; and

  • (4) in the south by the south bank of the Peel River from the point at 67°37′ north latitude, 134°52′ west longitude to the point on the west bank of the Middle Channel at 67°41.5′ north latitude, 134°32.8′ west longitude.

Area II

That portion of the Mackenzie Delta bounded

  • (1) in the east by the east bank of the East Channel from the point at Point Separation at 67°37′ north latitude, 134°05′ west longitude to the point at 68°13′ north latitude, 133°47′ west longitude;

  • (2) in the north by the parallel of latitude at 68°13′ north from the point on the east bank of the East Channel at 133°47′ west longitude to the point on the west bank of the Middle Channel at 134°28′ west longitude;

  • (3) in the west by the west bank of the Middle Channel from the point at 68°13′ north latitude, 134°28′ west longitude to the point opposite Point Separation at 67°37′ north latitude, 134°10′ west longitude; and

  • (4) in the south by the parallel of latitude extending across the Mackenzie River at 67°37′ north from the point at 134°10′ west longitude to the point at Point Separation at 134°05′ west longitude.

Area III

That portion of the Mackenzie Delta bounded

  • (1) in the east by the west bank of the Middle Channel from the point at 68°13′ north latitude, 134°28′ west longitude to the junction of the Raymond Channel and the Middle Channel at 68°15.5′ north latitude, 134°25′ west longitude, then by the west bank of the Raymond Channel to the junction of the Raymond Channel and Napoiak Channel at 68°26′ north latitude, 134°24′ west longitude, then by the west bank of the Napoiak Channel to the point at the mouth of the Napoiak Channel at Shallow Bay at 68°41′ north latitude, 135°14′ west longitude, then by a line through Shallow Bay to the point at 68°59.5′ north latitude, 136°27′ west longitude;

  • (2) in the west by the meridian at 136°27′ west longitude from the point at 68°59.5′ north latitude to the Moose Channel at 68°44′ north latitude; then by the south bank of the Moose Channel to the point at the junction of the Moose Channel and the West Channel at 68°39′ north latitude, 135°45′ west longitude, then by the west bank of the West Channel to the community of Aklavik at 68°13′ north latitude, 135°00′ west longitude, then by the west bank of the Husky Channel to the point at 68°13′ north latitude, 135°06′ west longitude; and

  • (3) in the south by the parallel of latitude at 68°13′ north from the point on the west bank of the Husky Channel at 135°06′ west longitude to the point on the west bank of the Middle Channel at 134°28′ west longitude.

Area IV

That portion of the Mackenzie Delta bounded

  • (1) in the east by the east bank of the East Channel from the point at 68°13′ north latitude, 133°47′ west longitude to the Beaufort Sea, then by the coast of the Beaufort Sea to the point at 69°38′ north latitude, 132°54′ west longitude, then by the meridian at 132°54′ west longitude to the extent of the territorial sea of Canada as defined in subsection 3(1) of the Territorial Sea and Fishing Zones Act;

  • (2) in the north by the extent of the territorial sea of Canada as defined in subsection 3(1) of the Territorial Sea and Fishing Zones Act from the meridian at 132°54′ west longitude to the meridian at 136°27′ west longitude;

  • (3) in the west by the meridian at 136°27′ west longitude from the extent of the territorial sea of Canada as defined in subsection 3(1) of the Territorial Sea and Fishing Zones Act to the point at 68°59.5′ north latitude, then by a line through Shallow Bay to the point at 68°41′ north latitude, 135°14′ west longitude at the mouth of the Napoiak Channel, then by the west bank of the Napoiak Channel to the junction of the Napoiak Channel and the Raymond Channel at 68°26′ north latitude, 134°24′ west longitude, then by the west bank of the Raymond Channel to the junction of the Raymond Channel and the Middle Channel at 68°15.5′ north latitude, 134°25′ west longitude, then by the west bank of the Middle Channel to the point at 68°13′ north latitude, 134°28′ west longitude; and

  • (4) in the south by the parallel of latitude at 68°13′ north from the point on the west bank of the Middle Channel at 134°28′ west longitude to the point on the east bank of the East Channel at 133°47′ west longitude.

Area V

  • 1 That portion of the Mackenzie River bounded

    • (1) in the north by the parallel of latitude across the River at Point Separation at 67°37′ north latitude from the point at 134°05′ west longitude to the point at 134°10′ west longitude; and

    • (2) in the south by the meridian of longitude at 128°49′ west extending across the River at the confluence of the Mountain River at 65°41′ north latitude.

  • 2 Also that portion of the Arctic Red River from its confluence with the Mackenzie River to the point 16 km upstream at 67°19′ north latitude, 133°42′ west longitude.

Area VI

That portion of the Mackenzie River Delta bounded:

  • (1) in the east by a straight line joining a point at 68°40′ north latitude and 135°45′ west longitude to a point at 68°53′ north latitude and 135°45′ west longitude,

  • (2) in the north by a straight line joining a point at 68°53′ north latitude and 135°45′ west longitude to a point at 68°53′ north latitude and 136°27′ west longitude,

  • (3) in the west by a straight line joining a point at 68°53′ north latitude and 136°27′ west longitude to a point at 68°44′ north latitude and 136°27′ west longitude, and

  • (4) in the south by a straight line joining a point at 68°44′ north latitude and 136°27′ west longitude to a point at 68°38.5′ north latitude and 136°03′ west longitude, on the north bank of the Big Fish River and THENCE by the north bank of the Big Fish River from that point at 68°38.5′ north latitude and 136°03′ west longitude to the junction of the Big Fish River and Little Moose Channel and THENCE by a straight line across the mouth of the Big Fish River from the junction of the Big Fish River and Little Moose Channel to a point at 68°40′ north latitude and 135°52′ west longitude and THENCE by a straight line joining that point at 68°40′ north latitude and 135°52′ west longitude to a point at 68°40′ north latitude and 135°45′ west longitude.

  • SOR/78-720, s. 1
  • SOR/81-119, s. 10
  • SOR/81-468, s. 9
  • SOR/87-508, ss. 3 to 5
  • SOR/91-481, s. 5

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