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Regulations Prescribing Exclusions from Certain Definitions of the Criminal Code (International Sporting Competition Handguns)



Registration 1998-09-16

Regulations Prescribing Exclusions from Certain Definitions of the Criminal Code (International Sporting Competition Handguns)

P.C. 1998-1665 1998-09-16

His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Justice, pursuant to the definitions prescribedFootnote a, prohibited deviceFootnote a and cmFootnote a in subsection 84(1) and to subsection 117.15(1)Footnote a of the Criminal Code, hereby makes the annexed Regulations Prescribing Exclusions from Certain Definitions of the Criminal Code (International Sporting Competition Handguns).

Excluded Handguns

 The handguns listed in the schedule are excluded from paragraph (a) of the definition prohibited firearm in subsection 84(1) of the Criminal Code.

Excluded Handgun Barrels

 A handgun barrel that is a component or part of a handgun referred to in section 1 is excluded from paragraph (b) of the definition prohibited device in subsection 84(1) of the Criminal Code.

Coming into Force

 These Regulations come into force on December 1, 1998.

  • SOR/98-472, s. 4

SCHEDULE(Section 1)


Column 1Column 2Column 3
1BenelliMP 90 S32 S&W Long
2DominoOP 60122 Short
3ErmaESP 85A32 S&W Long
4FASCF 60332 S&W Long
5FAS60122 Short
6Hammerli-Walther20122 Short
7Hammerli-Walther20222 Short
8Hammerli23022 Short
9Hammerli230-122 Short
10Hammerli230-222 Short
11Hammerli23222 Short
12Hammerli28032 S&W Long
13HammerliP24032 S&W Long
14HammerliSP-2022 LR
15HammerliSP-2032 S&W Long
16High StandardOlympic22 Short
17ManurhinMR 32 Match32 S&W Long
18PardiniGP22 Short
19PardiniGP Schumann22 Short
20PardiniHP32 S&W Long
21PardiniMP32 S&W Long
22Sako22-3222 Short
23Sako22-3222 LR
24Sako22-3232 S&W Long
25SakoTri-Ace22 Short
26SakoTri-Ace22 LR
27SakoTri-Ace32 S&W Long
28UniqueDES 6922 LR
29UniqueVO 7922 Short
30UniqueDES 32 U32 S&W Long
31VostokTOZ 9632 S&W Long
32WaltherGSP22 LR
33WaltherGSP22 Short
34WaltherGSP32 S&W Long
35WaltherOSP22 LR
36WaltherOSP22 Short
37WaltherOSP32 S&W Long
  • SOR/2000-130, s. 1

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