National Parks of Canada Domestic Animals Regulations (SOR/98-177)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2010-06-17. Previous Versions
National Parks of Canada Domestic Animals Regulations
Registration 1998-03-19
National Parks of Canada Domestic Animals Regulations
P.C. 1998-401 1998-03-19
His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Canadian Heritage, pursuant to subsection 7(1)Footnote a of the National Parks Act, hereby makes the annexed National Parks Domestic Animals Regulations, 1998.
Return to footnote aS.C. 1996, c. 10, s. 246
1 The definitions in this section apply in these Regulations.
- Act
Act[Repealed, SOR/2005-350, s. 2]
- domestic animal
domestic animal means an animal of a species of vertebrates that has been domesticated by humans so as to live and breed in a tame condition and depend on humankind for survival. (animal domestique)
- keep
keep[Repealed, SOR/2005-350, s. 2]
- keeper
keeper[Repealed, SOR/2005-350, s. 2]
- permit
permit means a permit issued under section 4. (permis)
- physical control
physical control means
(a) in respect of a horse, donkey, mule or llama, restraint by a bridle, tether or hobble, or by such means as circumstances require;
(b) in respect of a domestic animal to which paragraph (a) does not apply, restraint by a leash that does not exceed 3 metres in length; or
(c) in all cases, confinement in a container, enclosure or motor vehicle suitable for keeping the animal. (moyen de retenue)
- SOR/2005-350, s. 2
2 (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), these Regulations apply to parks and, subject to sections 40 and 41 of the Canada National Parks Act, to park reserves as if they were parks.
(2) The provisions of these Regulations that are applicable to dogs are subject to the Wood Buffalo National Park Game Regulations.
(3) These Regulations do not apply in the town of Banff.
(4) The prohibition in paragraph 3(2)(b) and the requirement in section 5 that a domestic animal be kept under physical control do not apply
(a) in any park, in respect of a dog that is involved in a search and rescue operation or training for a search and rescue operation that is being conducted under the authorization of the superintendent; and
(b) in Wapusk National Park of Canada, in respect of a dog trained in the detection of, or protection from, polar bears that is being used in the park in that capacity.
(5) The provisions of paragraphs 5(a) and (b) that require a person to ensure that a domestic animal does not chase, molest, bite or injure wildlife or become a nuisance or cause unreasonable disturbance to wildlife does not apply in respect of a dog trained in the detection of, or protection from, polar bears that is being used in that capacity in Wapusk National Park of Canada if the wildlife in question is a polar bear.
(6) Section 3, subsections 4(1) to (4) and (6) to (8), paragraphs 5(a) to (c), sections 6 to 8 and subsections 9(1) to (4) and section 10 do not apply in the Town of Jasper.
- SOR/2005-350, s. 3
- SOR/2010-23, s. 12
- SOR/2010-67, s. 26
- SOR/2010-140, s. 15
Prohibitions and Restrictions
3 (1) No person shall
(a) bring into or keep in a park any cattle, sheep, pigs, goats or live poultry;
(b) bring into or keep in a park any horses, donkeys or mules except for their own recreational use or in accordance with a licence issued to them under the National Parks of Canada Businesses Regulations; or
(c) bring into or keep in a park any llamas except in accordance with a licence issued to them under the National Parks of Canada Businesses Regulations.
(2) No person shall, except as authorized by a permit,
(a) keep a dog or cat in a park for more than 30 days in any year;
(b) bring a domestic animal into an area of a park that the superintendent has designated, by a sign or other clearly posted notice, as an area in which domestic animals are not permitted; or
(c) graze a horse, donkey, mule or llama in a park.
(3) Despite subsections (1) and (2), a person may transport a domestic animal by vehicle directly through a park if the vehicle does not stop in the park other than for service to the vehicle or for emergency purposes.
- SOR/2005-350, ss. 4, 13(F)
3.1 No person shall bring into or keep in a park a domestic animal that has an infectious disease or a disease that is dangerous to humans, other domestic animals or wildlife in the park.
- SOR/2005-350, s. 5
4 (1) The superintendent shall, on application, issue a permit authorizing the permit holder to
(a) keep a dog or cat in a park for more than 30 days in any year;
(b) bring a dog, cat, horse, donkey, mule or llama into an area referred to in paragraph 3(2)(b); or
(c) graze a horse, donkey, mule or llama in a park.
(1.1) Despite subsection 3(1), the superintendent of Grasslands National Park of Canada may, to facilitate grazing for ecological purposes in the park, on application, issue a permit authorizing the permit holder to graze any domestic animal that is a herbivore in the park.
(2) The permits referred to in subsections (1) and (1.1) expire on the earlier of
(a) the date of cancellation of the permit, and
(b) March 31 of the fiscal year for which the permit was issued.
(3) Where a tag is issued with a permit, the permit holder shall ensure that the tag is securely fixed on the means of physical control of the domestic animal.
(4) The permit shall contain
(a) the name of the permit holder;
(b) standard conditions that shall be specified by the superintendent in respect of
(i) the area and period of authorized grazing, and
(ii) a description sufficient to identify the domestic animal; and
(c) any supplementary conditions related to grazing that may be specified by the superintendent for the purposes of the preservation, control and management of the park, including the maintenance or restoration of its ecological integrity, the protection of its cultural, historical or archaeological resources, public safety and the preservation of public health in the park and the enjoyment of persons visiting the park.
(5) Notwithstanding anything in these Regulations, the superintendent shall, where it is necessary to do so for the protection of the natural resources of the park or for the safety of the public, prohibit the entrance of a species of domestic animal into the park or into a portion of it.
(6) The superintendent shall refuse to issue and shall by written notification cancel a permit if the presence of the domestic animal or the activity in question would be detrimental or is found to be detrimental to the natural resources of the park, to park property, or to the health or safety of the public.
(7) A permit applies only in respect of the domestic animal for which it is issued.
(8) A permit holder shall produce the permit at the request of the superintendent, a park warden or an enforcement officer.
- SOR/2005-350, ss. 6, 13(F)
Control of Domestic Animals
5 Every person who brings a domestic animal into a park or who keeps a domestic animal in a park shall have the animal under physical control at all times and shall ensure that the animal does not
(a) chase, molest, bite or injure any person, other domestic animal or wildlife;
(b) become a nuisance or cause unreasonable disturbance to persons, wildlife, property or facilities; or
(c) gain access to an area where the animal is prohibited.
- SOR/2005-350, s. 7
5.1 In the Town of Jasper, every person who keeps a domestic animal shall ensure that the animal does not
(a) chase, molest, bite or injure wildlife;
(b) become a nuisance or cause disturbance to wildlife; or
(c) gain access to an area where the animal is prohibited.
- SOR/2010-23, s. 13
6 Every person who brings a cat or dog into a park or who keeps a cat or dog in a park shall immediately pick up any fecal matter deposited by the animal and shall either remove the matter to a refuse container or from the park.
- SOR/2005-350, s. 7
6.1 Section 6 does not apply, in Wapusk National Park of Canada, in respect of a sled dog or a dog trained in the detection of, or protection from, polar bears that is being used in the park in that capacity.
- SOR/2010-67, s. 27
7 Where a domestic animal that a person brings into, or keeps or grazes in, a park shows symptoms of disease, the superintendent may require the person to
(a) in respect of any domestic animal, obtain a veterinarian’s statement confirming that the animal is not contagious; or
(b) in respect of a cat or dog, produce a veterinarian’s certificate or other evidence that the animal has been vaccinated against rabies, distemper or parvo virus.
- SOR/2005-350, s. 8
7.1 Before entering Wapusk National Park of Canada with a sled dog team, or with a dog trained in the detection of, or protection from, polar bears, the person who is bringing the dogs into the park shall submit to the superintendent a veterinarian’s certificate or other evidence that establishes that the dogs
(a) have been vaccinated against rabies, distemper, parvo virus and Bordetella, and that those vaccinations are not out of date; and
(b) have been dewormed not more than six months before entering the park.
- SOR/2010-67, s. 28
Removal of Domestic Animals
8 (1) The superintendent, a park warden or an enforcement officer may order a person who brings a domestic animal into a park or who keeps or grazes a domestic animal in a park to remove the animal from the park and may cancel any permit issued in respect of the animal if
(a) the animal has bitten or injured, or attempted to bite or injure, any person or other domestic animal or wildlife in the park;
(b) the person does not provide the evidence referred to in section 7 within 48 hours after the superintendent’s requirement; or
(c) the person has violated another provision of these Regulations.
(2) Within 24 hours after receiving an order pursuant to subsection (1), the person who brought the domestic animal, in respect of which the order was made, into the park or who keeps or grazes it in the park shall remove it from the park.
(3) Subject to subsection (4), no person shall bring back into a park any domestic animal removed from the park in compliance with an order issued pursuant to subsection (1) unless a new permit is issued for that domestic animal.
(4) The superintendent shall not issue a new permit for an animal removed under paragraph (1)(b) until the superintendent is provided with a veterinarian’s certificate of the renewed good health of the domestic animal or confirming that it has been vaccinated.
- SOR/2005-350, ss. 9, 13(F)
Impounding and Destruction of Domestic Animals
9 (1) A park warden or an enforcement officer may impound a domestic animal that is, in a park,
(a) at large;
(b) found chasing or molesting persons, other domestic animals or wildlife;
(c) creating a nuisance or hazard or causing an unreasonable disturbance to park residents, visitors, wildlife, property or facilities.
(2) The superintendent, a park warden or an enforcement officer may destroy any domestic animal that
(a) is at large in the park and that the superintendent or park warden has attempted in vain to capture; or
(b) that poses a danger to persons, other domestic animals or natural resources of the park.
(3) The superintendent, a park warden or an enforcement officer shall, as soon as possible after a domestic animal has been impounded or destroyed, notify its owner if the owner can be readily identified.
(4) The superintendent, a park warden or an enforcement officer may destroy or dispose of any domestic animal that was found at large in the park if it has been abandoned.
(5) In the Town of Jasper, the superintendent or park warden may impound a domestic animal that has
(a) chased, molested, bitten or injured wildlife;
(b) become a nuisance or caused a disturbance to wildlife; or
(c) gained access to an area where the animal is prohibited.
(6) In the Town of Jasper, the superintendent or park warden may destroy any domestic animal that poses a danger to the natural resources of the park.
(7) In the Town of Jasper, the superintendent or park warden shall, as soon as possible after a domestic animal has been impounded or destroyed under subsection (5) or (6), notify the person who keeps the animal, if the person can be readily identified.
- SOR/2005-350, s. 10
- SOR/2010-23, s. 14
10 No person shall remove a domestic animal from an impoundment facility in a park unless authorized to do so by the superintendent, a park warden or an enforcement officer.
- SOR/2005-350, s. 11
- SOR/2010-140, s. 16
11 A person who brings a domestic animal into a park or who keeps or grazes a domestic animal in a park shall assist in capturing the animal when requested to do so by the superintendent, a park warden or an enforcement officer.
- SOR/2005-350, s. 11
12 Notwithstanding anything in these Regulations, the superintendent may keep domestic animals in a park for use for purposes of park management.
- SOR/2005-350, s. 13(F)
13 [Repealed, SOR/2005-350, s. 12]
Coming into Force
14 These Regulations come into force on March 19, 1998.
- Date modified: