Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT) Privileges and Immunities Order (SOR/94-581)

Regulations are current to 2024-09-16

International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT) Privileges and Immunities Order



Registration 1994-08-30

Order Respecting the Privileges and Immunities in Canada of the International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT)

P.C. 1994-1427  1994-08-30

His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Secretary of State for External Affairs and the Minister of Finance, pursuant to section 5 of the Foreign Missions and International Organizations ActFootnote *, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Order respecting the privileges and immunities in Canada of the International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT).

Short Title

 This Order may be cited as the International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT) Privileges and Immunities Order.


 In this Order,


Convention means the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations set out in Schedule III to the Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act; (Convention)


Organization means the International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT); (Organisation)


Protocol means the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Maritime Satellite Organization (INMARSAT) signed in London on December 1, 1981. (Protocole)

Vienna Convention

Vienna Convention means the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations set out in Schedule I to the Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act. (Convention de Vienne)

  • SOR/2003-110, s. 6

Privileges and Immunities

  •  (1) The Organization shall have in Canada the legal capacities of a body corporate and, to the extent specified in Articles 2 to 6 of the Protocol, the privileges and immunities set out in Articles II and III of the Convention.

  • (2) Staff members of the Organization shall have in Canada, to the extent specified in Article 7 of the Protocol, the privileges and immunities set out in Section 18 of Article V of the Convention.

  • (3) In addition to the privileges and immunities provided to staff members under subsection (2), the Director General of the Organization shall have in Canada the following privileges and immunities comparable to the privileges and immunities accorded in Canada to diplomatic representatives under the Vienna Convention:

    • (a) immunity from arrest or detention;

    • (b) immunity from civil and administrative jurisdiction and execution, comparable to those accorded under the Vienna Convention to diplomatic agents, except in the case of damage caused by a motor vehicle or other means of transport belonging to or driven by the Director General; and

    • (c) full immunity from criminal jurisdiction, except in the case of a traffic offence caused by a motor vehicle or other means of transport belonging to or driven by the Director General, subject to paragraph (a).

  • (4) Representatives of foreign states that are parties to the Protocol shall have in Canada, to the extent specified in Article 9 of the Protocol, the privileges and immunities set out in Article IV of the Convention.

  • (5) Experts appointed to carry out a specific task for or on behalf of the Organization and at its expense shall have in Canada, to the extent specified in Article 11 of the Protocol, the privileges and immunities set out in Article VI of the Convention.

  • SOR/2003-110, s. 7

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