Maritime Provinces Fishery Regulations (SOR/93-55)
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Regulations are current to 2024-12-23 and last amended on 2022-09-27. Previous Versions
Maritime Provinces Fishery Regulations
Registration 1993-02-04
Regulations Respecting Fishing in the Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island and in Adjacent Tidal Waters
P.C. 1993-188 1993-02-04
His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, pursuant to sections 8, 43Footnote * and 46 of the Fisheries Act, is pleased hereby to revoke the Nova Scotia Fishery Regulations, C.R.C., c. 848, the New Brunswick Fishery Regulations, C.R.C., c. 844, and the Prince Edward Island Fishery Regulations, C.R.C., c. 850, and to make the annexed Regulations respecting fishing in the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island and in adjacent tidal waters, in substitution therefor, effective February 24, 1993.
Return to footnote *S.C. 1991, c. 1, s. 12
Short Title
1 These Regulations may be cited as the Maritime Provinces Fishery Regulations.
2 (1) In these Regulations,
- Act
Act means the Fisheries Act; (Loi)
- angling
angling means fishing with a line to which one or more hooks are attached and that is held in the hand or attached to a rod that is held in the hand or closely attended; (pêche à la ligneouà la ligne)
- artificial fly
artificial fly means a single hook, a double hook or two single hooks that are dressed with materials likely to attract fish and to which no weight, spinning device or natural bait is attached; (mouche artificielle)
- bag net
bag net means a net
(a) that is attached to stakes or buoys,
(b) the bag of which floats with the tide or current, and
(c) that is used to catch fish without enmeshing them; (filet à poche)
- brook trout
brook trout includes any hybrid of brook trout, but does not include splake; (omble de fontaine)
- clams
clams includes bar clams, bay quahaugs, razor clams and soft-shell clams; (clams)
- day
day means a calendar day; (jour ou journée)
- Department
Department means the Department of Fisheries and Oceans; (ministère)
- dip net
dip net means a bag-like net that is
(a) fixed to a frame to which a handle is attached, and
(b) manipulated by hand to catch fish without enmeshing them; (épuisette)
- drag rake
drag rake means a device used in fishing for shellfish that is towed along the bed of the water by a vessel, but does not include a hydraulic device or a mechanical device; (râteau traînant)
- drift net
drift net means a gill net that drifts in the water, whether or not it is attached to a vessel, and includes a gill net that is not anchored at both ends; (filet dérivant)
- foreign fishing vessel
foreign fishing vessel has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Coastal Fisheries Protection Act; (bateau de pêche étranger)
- gill net
gill net means a net by which fish are caught by being enmeshed and that does not enclose an area of water; (filet maillant)
- hook
hook, in relation to angling, means a single, double or treble hook, with or without barbs, on one shank or shaft; (hameçon)
- hydraulic device
hydraulic device means a device used in fishing for shellfish whereby the shellfish are lifted from the bed of the water by the use of water under pressure; (dispositif hydraulique)
- Indian food fishing
Indian food fishing[Repealed, SOR/93-335, s. 1]
- inland waters
inland waters means
(a) all waters of a river, stream or brook set out in column I of an item of Schedule II that are upstream of the boundary or reference point, as the case may be, set out in column II of that item, including any waters tributary thereto that are upstream of that boundary or reference point, and
(b) in any case not referred to in paragraph (a), all waters that are upstream of the low-water mark at the time of low water as set out in the Canadian Tide and Current Tables published by the Department; (eaux intérieures)
- jigging
jigging means fishing by manipulating one or more hooks so as to pierce a fish in any part of its body instead of luring the fish to take the hook or hooks into its mouth; (pêche à la turlutte)
- landlocked salmon
landlocked salmon means non-anadromous salmon; (ouananiche)
- leased oyster area
leased oyster area means an area for which a special licence or lease has been granted to a person under section 58 or 59 of the Act for the purpose of planting or forming oyster beds or for the cultivation and production of oysters; (secteur ostréicole amodié)
- length
length means
(a) in relation to an eel, the distance measured in a straight line from the tip of the nose to the tip of the caudal fin,
(b) in relation to a salmon or a landlocked salmon, the distance measured in a straight line from the tip of the nose to the fork of the tail,
(c) in relation to a shellfish, the distance measured in a straight line through the longest part of the shell, and
(d) in relation to any other fish referred to in these Regulations, the distance measured in a straight line from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail; (longueur)
- longline
longline means a line to which two or more hooks are attached at intervals and that is anchored to the bed of the water; (palangre)
- mechanical device
mechanical device means any device or equipment used in fishing for shellfish that is not
(a) hand-held,
(b) a drag rake, or
(c) a hydraulic device; (dispositif mécanique)
- mesh size
mesh size has the same meaning as in subsection 2(1) of the Atlantic Fishery Regulations, 1985; (maillage)
- open season
open season means a period of time during which no close time applies; (période d’ouverture)
- province
province means, except in the definition salmon tag, the province of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick or Prince Edward Island; (province)
- public oyster-fishing area
public oyster-fishing area means any area that is not a leased oyster area; (gisement public de pêche des huîtres)
- recreational fishing
recreational fishing means fishing solely for pleasure or fishing to catch fish solely for personal use; (pêche récréative)
- Regional Director-General
Regional Director-General[Repealed, SOR/2001-452, s. 1]
- registration card
registration card means a fisher’s registration card or a vessel registration card issued under section 5 or under the Atlantic Fishery Regulations, 1985; (carte d’enregistrement)
- salmon
salmon means anadromous salmon; (saumon)
- salmon tag
salmon tag means a tag that is designed to be affixed to a salmon to identify the source and year of capture of the salmon and that
(a) is issued with a licence, written permission or other document under the authority of which the salmon was caught that is issued under
(i) the Act or the regulations made thereunder,
(ii) the National Parks Act or the regulations made thereunder,
(iii) an Act of the legislature of a province of Canada or the regulations made thereunder, or
(iv) the laws of any country other than Canada,
(b) is legible, and
(c) has not been tampered with; (étiquette à saumon)
- set line
set line means a line that is not attached to a rod or held in the hand and to which only one hook with a single point or barb is attached; (ligne fixe)
- shellfish
shellfish means clams, mussels and oysters; (mollusques et crustacés)
- splake
splake means a trout that is a cross between a male brook trout and a female lake trout; (truite moulac)
- sport fish
sport fish means smallmouth bass, landlocked salmon, salmon and trout; (poisson de sport)
- square net
square net means a net made of wire or twine and attached to a pole that is manipulated on a pivot so as to lower and raise the net in the water to catch fish without enmeshing them; (carrelet)
- tidal waters
tidal waters means, in relation to a county or province, all waters, other than inland waters, that are
(a) within that county or province, or
(b) adjacent to that county or province and closer to that county or province than to any other county or province; (eaux à marée)
- trap net
trap net means a net that is set so as to enclose an area of water into which fish are guided through an opening or openings by one or more leaders, including what is commonly referred to as a box net but not including an eel trap; (trappe en filet)
- trout
trout means Arctic char, brook trout, brown trout, lake trout and rainbow trout; (truite)
- weir
weir has the same meaning as in subsection 2(1) of the Atlantic Fishery Regulations, 1985; (bordigue)
- whitefish
whitefish means lake whitefish and round whitefish. (corégone)
(2) A reference in these Regulations to a species or group of species of fish by its common name as set out in column I of an item of Schedule I shall be construed as a reference to the species or group of species whose scientific name is set out in column II that item.
(3) A reference in these Regulations to the weight of fish shall be construed as a reference to the weight of the fish in a completely unprocessed state.
(4) A reference in these Regulations to a grid reference is a grid reference based on the Universal Transverse Mercator Grid system expressed in the North American Datum 1927 (NAD 27) used in the National Topographic Series Maps, Scale 1:50,000, published by the Department of Natural Resources.
(5) Unless otherwise provided or a contrary intention appears, a reference in these Regulations to a river, stream or brook by its proper name shall be construed to include all waters forming part of that river, stream or brook and all waters tributary thereto.
(6) The provisions of these Regulations respecting shellfish that apply to specified waters apply also to the foreshore of those specified waters.
(7) In these Regulations, all geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) are expressed in the North American Datum 1927 (NAD 27) geodetic reference system.
(8) In these Regulations, the lines connecting points or coordinates are rhumb lines, unless stated otherwise.
- SOR/93-335, s. 1
- SOR/2001-452, s. 1
- SOR/2008-99, s. 10
3 (1) These Regulations apply in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island and in Canadian fisheries waters adjacent to those provinces.
(2) These Regulations do not apply in respect of
(a) [Repealed, SOR/93-335, s. 2]
(b) fishing for marine mammals;
(c) fishing carried out under the authority of a licence issued under the Atlantic Fishery Regulations, 1985;
(d) cultivated fish found in or taken from
(i) an aquaculture area or site operated under a lease or licence issued by the Minister or under the Fisheries and Coastal Resources Act of Nova Scotia or the Aquaculture Act of New Brunswick, or
(ii) a privately owned fish pond that does not contain any wild fish and to which wild fish have no access;
(e) national parks where the National Parks Fishing Regulations apply; or
(f) a foreign fishing vessel or a person fishing from a foreign fishing vessel, except where the vessel or person is engaged in recreational fishing.
(3) Except for this section and sections 2, 4, 6, 18, 19, 22, 25 to 29, 34, 35, 39, 56, 58, and 68, these Regulations do not apply with respect to fishing and related activities carried out under the authority of a licence issued under the Aboriginal Communal Fishing Licences Regulations.
- SOR/93-335, s. 2
- SOR/97-246, s. 1
- SOR/2002-225, s. 10
- SOR/2021-101, s. 2
PART IGeneral
Licences, Registration Cards and Certificates
- SOR/2020-255, s. 10
4 (1) Subject to subsections (2) to (5), no person shall fish for or catch and retain any fish unless
(a) the person is
(i) authorized to do so under the authority of a licence issued under these Regulations, the Fishery (General) Regulations or the Aboriginal Communal Fishing Licences Regulations, or
(ii) accompanying a person referred to in subparagraph (i) and is fishing for
(A) eels with eel traps,
(B) gaspereau with gill nets, trap nets, square nets or weirs,
(C) shad with gill nets, square nets or trap nets,
(D) silversides with trap nets,
(E) smelt with bag nets, box nets or gill nets,
(F) sturgeon with gill nets, or
(G) tomcod with bag nets, box nets or gill nets;
(b) the person holds a fisher’s registration card or a provincial or territorial fisher’s certificate, as defined in section 2 of the Fishery (General) Regulations; and
(c) where a vessel is used in fishing, a vessel registration card has been issued in respect of that vessel.
(2) A person may retain
(a) shad incidentally caught with gaspereau fishing gear operated under the authority of a licence;
(b) [Repealed, SOR/96-125, s. 1]
(c) tomcod incidentally caught with smelt fishing gear operated under the authority of a licence.
(3) Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of
(a) recreational fishing by angling or with set lines;
(b) recreational fishing for clams or mussels by hand or with hand-held tools;
(c) recreational fishing for eels, smelt or tomcod with spears in tidal waters;
(d) recreational fishing for smelt with dip nets;
(e) recreational fishing for gaspereau with dip nets in waters other than
(i) the inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island, and
(ii) the inland waters of the Miramichi River and the Saint John River;
(f) fishing for oysters in a leased oyster area; or
(g) fishing for minnows with minnow traps or dip nets.
(4) Paragraphs (1)(b) and (c) do not apply in respect of fishing under the authority of a recreational fishing licence or a licence issued under the Aboriginal Communal Fishing Licences Regulations.
(5) Paragraph (1)(c) does not apply in respect of fishing for oysters in a public oyster-fishing area in the inland or tidal waters of Prince Edward Island or Nova Scotia.
- SOR/93-335, s. 3
- SOR/96-125, s. 1
- SOR/2001-452, s. 2
- SOR/2020-255, s. 11
5 The Minister, upon application for a licence or registration card set out in column I of an item of the table to this section and payment of the fee set out in column II of that item, may issue that licence or registration card.
Item | Column I | Column II |
Licence or Registration Card | Fee ($) | |
1 | Fisher’s registration card | 50.00 |
2 | Vessel registration card | 50.00 |
3 | Commercial fishing licence | 30.00 per species |
4 | Recreational fishing licence | 10.00 |
5 | Bait fishing licence | 5.00 |
6 | Shellfish replanting licence | Free |
7 | Licence to take oysters during a close time from a leased oyster area | Free |
8 | Licence to import salmon | Free |
- SOR/93-335, s. 4
- SOR/96-3, s. 1
Prohibited Species
6 No person shall catch and retain or possess Atlantic whitefish.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 3
Fishing in Inland Waters
7 (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall fish in inland waters except by angling.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person who is fishing
(a) for gaspereau, smelt or shellfish;
(b) for minnows with minnow traps or dip nets;
(c) with set lines under Parts XVIII and XIX; or
(d) under the authority of a licence that authorizes fishing in inland waters by means other than angling.
8 No person shall fish in inland waters with the aid of an artificial light or light from a fire.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 4
Jigging Restrictions
9 No person shall fish or assist in fishing by jigging in inland waters or assist in landing fish that have been caught by jigging in inland waters.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 4
9.1 No person shall fish by jigging in the waters set out in column I of the table to this section during the close time set out in column II.
Item | Column I | Column II |
Waters | Close Time | |
1 | Tidal waters of Nova Scotia. | Mar. 1 to Mar. 31 |
- SOR/2001-452, s. 4
10 Notwithstanding any open season set out in these Regulations for angling in any inland waters, no person shall angle for any species of fish in those inland waters unless an open season for at least one species of sport fish is in effect in those waters.
11 No person shall angle in inland waters
(a) with more than one fishing line; or
(b) with a fishing line to which more than three hooks are attached.
11.1 No person shall angle in tidal waters for sport fish
(a) with more than one fishing line; or
(b) with a fishing line to which more than three hooks are attached.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 5
11.2 No person shall angle in tidal waters for any species of fish other than sport fish
(a) with more than five fishing lines; or
(b) with a fishing line to which more than six hooks are attached.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 5
11.3 For greater certainty, the prohibitions set out in sections 11.1 and 11.2 do not apply to fishing for commercial purposes.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 5
12 (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall angle for sport fish during the period beginning two hours after sunset and ending two hours before sunrise.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of
(a) angling for smallmouth bass in Micmac Lake or Banook Lake in Halifax County, Nova Scotia;
(b) angling for brown trout in the Cornwallis River, Kings County, Nova Scotia or in the Mersey River, Queens County, Nova Scotia, downstream from Lake Rossignol to the dam at Cowie Falls; or
(c) angling during the period beginning on January 1 and ending on March 31 in the waters set out in section 116 or Schedule IX.
(3) Nothwithstanding subsection (1), no person shall angle in the inland waters of Nova Scotia set out in Schedule IV during the period beginning at 22:00 h on any day and ending at 06:00 h on the following day.
13 Every person who catches a sport fish by hooking it in a part of its body other than its mouth shall forthwith return the fish to the water from which it was caught and, where the fish is alive, release the fish in a manner that causes the least harm to it.
14 No person shall use a gaff or spear to land a sport fish that has been caught by angling.
15 No person shall angle or assist in angling from
(a) any bridge in Nova Scotia that spans any waters set out in column I of Schedule IV; or
(b) any bridge in New Brunswick that spans the inland waters of or forms the boundary for the inland waters of any river, stream or brook set out in column I of Schedule II.
16 (1) No person shall angle for any species of fish in the waters set out in column I of Schedule IV by a method set out in column II during the close time set out in column III.
(2) The close time established by subsection (1) is considered to be fixed separately and independently for each species of fish found in those waters.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 6
Possession Limits
17 (1) No person shall possess at any time more salmon taken by angling in accordance with these Regulations than the applicable yearly fishing quota for salmon prescribed by these Regulations.
(2) No person shall possess at any time more fish of a species taken by recreational fishing in accordance with these Regulations, except for salmon, than the applicable daily fishing quota for that species prescribed by these Regulations.
General Bait Provisions
18 No person shall use as bait, or possess for use as bait, in a province any
(a) live or dead
(i) bass, bullhead, sunfish, white perch, yellow perch or other spiny fin-rayed fish,
(ii) goldfish or other carp, or
(iii) chain pickerel; or
(b) live fish that was not taken in that province.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 7
Bait Provisions Specific to New Brunswick
19 (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall use as bait or possess for use as bait in the inland waters of New Brunswick any live fish.
(2) A person may use live fish for bait, or possess live fish for use as bait, in a body of water set out in section 116 if the fish was taken from that body of water and it is not a species of fish set out in paragraph 18(a).
- SOR/2001-452, s. 8
Gear Restrictions
20 No person shall fish for any species of fish in the waters set out in column I of an item of Schedule III by a method set out in column II of that item during the close time set out in column III of that item.
21 Every person who fishes with a gill net shall set it in a straight line.
22 No person in a province shall, without lawful excuse, possess any fishing net other than a dip net.
23 (1) No person shall possess in inland waters or within 15 m of inland waters a jigging device or spear.
(2) No person shall possess in inland waters or within 15 m of inland waters a snare or bow and arrow unless the person is lawfully hunting or trapping under the laws of a province.
24 Every person who is fishing for gaspereau or shad with a gill net, trap net or weir shall, during the applicable weekly close time for those fish set out in Schedules V and VIII, respectively,
(a) remove the gill net from the water; and
(b) render the trap net or weir incapable of catching fish.
25 No person shall fish with a weir constructed in tidal waters that goes dry at low tide unless
(a) the weir contains escape gates for the release of fish; and
(b) the person opens the escape gates before each low tide and releases any incidental catch of fish.
Spacing of Fishing Gear
26 Except as otherwise provided as a condition of a licence, no person shall
(a) fish for gaspereau in the Gaspereau River, Kings County, Nova Scotia, with
(i) a dip net within 90 m of a square net,
(ii) a square net within 60 m of any other square net, or
(iii) a square net within 60 m of a dam;
(b) fish for smelt or tomcod in waters other than the Miramichi River or Miramichi Bay with a bag net, trap net or gill net within
(i) 45 m of any other bag net, trap net or gill net, or
(ii) 90 m upstream or downstream of any other bag net, trap net or gill net;
(c) fish for smelt or tomcod in the Miramichi River or Miramichi Bay with a bag net, trap net or gill net within
(i) 90 m of any other bag net, trap net or gill net, or
(ii) 180 m upstream or downstream of any other bag net, trap net or gill net;
(d) fish for smelt or tomcod with a bag net, trap net or gill net within 90 m of a bridge; or
(e) in any case not provided for in paragraphs (a) to (d), fish with or set any fishing gear, other than angling gear, a dip net, a minnow trap or a spear, within 200 m of any fishing gear previously set.
Tending of Fishing Gear
27 No person shall leave fishing gear unattended in the water for more than 72 consecutive hours.
Temporary Shelters on Ice
28 (1) No person shall, in the provinces of Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia, place a shack or temporary shelter on the ice over any waters, unless the name and address of the owner is painted on or otherwise affixed to the shack or temporary shelter.
(2) The letters and numerals forming the name and address of the owner of a shack or temporary shelter referred to in subsection (1) shall be
(a) legible;
(b) not less than 50 mm in height; and
(c) in a colour that contrasts with their background.
(3) No person shall place a shack or temporary shelter on the ice before January 1 in any waters set out in section 116 or Schedule IX.
(4) Every shack or temporary shelter placed on the ice shall be removed by the owner by midnight on April 2, in any year, or, depending on ice conditions, by the earlier or later date as may be specified by a fishery officer.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 9
Taking Shellfish for Replanting
29 Notwithstanding any close time or size limit set out in these Regulations, a person may, under the authority of a shellfish replanting licence, fish for shellfish for the purpose of relocating them to improve their growth, condition or accessibility.
PART I.1Inshore and Coastal Licences
29.01 (1) The following definitions apply in this Part.
- family member
family member has the meaning assigned by paragraph (a) of the definition related persons in subsection 251(2) of the Income Tax Act. (membre de la famille)
- inshore family fishing corporation
inshore family fishing corporation means a corporation that operates an inshore fishing enterprise and that meets the following conditions:
(a) 100% of its voting shares are held by a licence holder;
(b) the sole director is the licence holder or, if the licence holder is a corporation, all of the shares of which belong to one individual, that individual; and
(c) 100% of its non-voting shares, if any, are held by
(i) a member of the licence holder’s family or, if the licence holder is a corporation, all of the shares of which belong to one individual, a member of that individual’s family, or
(ii) an inshore fishing corporation or an inshore fishing family trust. (société familiale de pêche côtière)
- inshore fishing corporation
inshore fishing corporation means a corporation that meets the following conditions:
(a) 100% of its voting shares are held by a licence holder;
(b) the sole director is the licence holder or, if the licence holder is a corporation, all of the shares of which belong to one individual, that individual; and
(c) 100% of its non-voting shares, if any, are held by
(i) a member of the licence holder’s family or, if the licence holder is a corporation, all of the shares of which belong to one individual, a member of that individual’s family, or
(ii) an inshore fishing corporation or an inshore fishing family trust. (société de pêche côtière)
- inshore fishing family trust
inshore fishing family trust means a trust
(a) that has as its sole trustee a licence holder or, if the licence holder is a corporation all of the shares of which belong to one individual, that individual; and
(b) for which each beneficiary must be either a member of the licence holder’s family or, if the licence holder is a corporation all of the shares of which belong to one individual, a member of that individual’s family or an inshore fishing company. (fiducie familiale de pêche côtière)
(2) For the purposes of the definition family member, common-law partnership is to be read as a person who is cohabiting with a licence holder in a relationship of a conjugal nature and has done so for a period of at least one year.
Eligibility Criteria
29.1 This Part applies to the following licences:
(a) an inshore fishing licence that is held by a licence holder that is identified as an independent core licence holder with the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada;
(b) a coastal fishing licence, other than a commercial fishing licence to fish for elver;
(c) an inshore fishing licence with “designated operator status” or “exploitant désigné” or an equivalent expression appearing on it and that is held by a licence holder referred to in paragraph (a);
(d) an inshore fishing licence that is held by a licence holder that is identified as a head of a non-core enterprise with the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada;
(e) an inshore fishing licence with “designated operator status” or “exploitant désigné” or an equivalent expression appearing on it and that is held by a licence holder referred to in paragraph (d);
(f) an inshore fishing licence held by an organization that has been issued an allocation of fish to catch for the benefit of its membership; and
(g) an inshore fishing licence held by a corporation that held such a licence before January 19, 1989, unless
(i) “designated operator status” or “exploitant désigné” or an equivalent expression appears on the licence, or
(ii) the corporation held an inshore fishing licence before January 1, 1979.
29.2 (1) A licence referred to in paragraphs 29.1(a) to (f) may only be issued to
(a) an individual or their estate or succession;
(b) a corporation, all of the shares of which belong to one individual; or
(c) an organization referred to in paragraph 29.1(f).
(2) In the case of a licence referred to in paragraph 29.1(a), (b), (d) or (g), the activities authorized under the licence must be carried out personally by the licence holder, the operator named in the licence or a person authorized in accordance with subsection 23(2) of the Fishery (General) Regulations.
(3) A licence referred to in paragraph 29.1(a) or (c) shall not be issued if, at the time of application, the applicant has transferred the use or control of the rights or privileges conferred under the licence for which the applicant is the licence holder or was the licence holder in the 12 months prior to the application or conferred under a licence that may be issued to the applicant.
(4) A licence holder that has been denied the issuance of a licence under subsection (3) or has had a licence cancelled under paragraph 9(1)(b) of the Act and did not resolve the matter that gave rise to the denial, suspension or cancellation within 12 months of the day on which the licence was denied, suspended or cancelled is never eligible to hold the same type of licence again.
(5) Subsection (3) does not apply in the following circumstances:
(a) the licence is offered as security in a financial agreement under provincial legislation;
(b) in the case referred to in paragraph (a), a creditor that is a recognized financial institution uses or controls the rights or privileges under the licence in order to exercise its rights with respect to a security;
(c) in the case referred to in paragraph (a), a creditor that is not a recognized financial institution, uses the privilege under the licence to recommend to the Minister the next licence holder or the reallocation of fishing quota, in order to exercise its rights with respect to a security;
(d) a trustee or receiver appointed under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act uses or controls rights or privileges conferred by the licence;
(e) all or part of the rights of the proceeds from the sale of the catch are transferred to any person on the vessel who is participating in making the catch;
(f) in the case of an applicant that is a licence holder, the rights and privileges under that licence or the rights and privileges to be granted if the application is accepted have been transferred to an inshore family fishing corporation of which the applicant holds 100% of the voting shares;
(g) in the case of an applicant that is not a licence holder, the rights and privileges that are granted under the licence if the application is accepted have been transferred to a corporation that would be an inshore family fishing corporation of which the applicant holds 100% of the voting shares if the licence was issued;
(h) with the authorization of the Minister, the licence holder transfers the rights or privileges under the licence in order to give effect to the following arrangements made with other holders of the licences referred to in any of paragraphs 29.1(a) to (g):
(i) an arrangement for the reallocation of a fishing quota, or
(ii) an arrangement for the reallocation of authorized fishing gear;
(i) an organization referred to in paragraph 29.1(f) has required the licence holder to provide part of the proceeds from the sale of the catch back to the organization in exchange for additional fish allocation;
(j) a liquidator of the succession, an executor or an administrator of the estate appointed upon the death of the licence holder uses or controls the rights or privileges under the licence;
(k) a person is authorized to act on behalf of the licence holder in the case of their incapacity, including a guardian, committee, Public Guardian and Trustee, tutor, curator, Public Curator, mandatary under a protection mandate or any other person who is appointed to act in a similar capacity; or
(l) a person has received an authorization in accordance with subsection 23(2) of the Fishery (General) Regulations with respect to the licence.
Requirements for Certain Licences
29.3 A licence holder referred to in paragraph 29.1(a) or (c) shall keep a registry of the crew on board the vessel on each fishing trip.
29.4 Except in the cases referred to in subsection 29.2(5), a holder of a licence referred to in paragraph 29.1(a) or (c) shall not transfer the use or control of the rights or privileges conferred under that licence.
29.5 Except in the cases referred to in subsection 29.2(5), only the holder of a licence referred to in paragraph 29.1(a) or (c) shall use or control the rights and privileges conferred under that licence.
30 This Part does not apply in respect of recreational fishing for burbot
(a) by angling or with set lines in the waters set out in Schedule IX during the period beginning on January 1 and ending on March 31; or
(b) in the waters set out in section 116.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 10
Gear Restrictions
30.1 No person shall fish for burbot except by angling.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 10
Close Times
30.2 No person shall fish for burbot in the waters set out in column I of the table to this section during the close time set out in column II.
Item | Column I | Column II | Column III | Column IV | Column V |
Waters | Close Time | Fishing Quota | Minimum Length | Maximum Length | |
1 | Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia. | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 | 1 | 10 cm | 150 cm |
2 | Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick. | Sept. 16 to May 14 | 10 | 10 cm | 150 cm |
3 | Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 | 1 | 10 cm | 150 cm |
- SOR/2001-452, s. 10
Quotas and Length Restrictions
30.3 No person shall catch and retain in any day from the waters set out in column I of the table to section 30.2
(a) more burbot than the fishing quota set out in column III; or
(b) any burbot the length of which is less than the minimum length set out in column IV, or more than the maximum length set out in column V.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 10
PART II.1Chain Pickerel
31 This Part does not apply in respect of recreational fishing for chain pickerel
(a) by angling or with set lines in the waters set out in Schedule IX during the period beginning on January 1 and ending on March 31; or
(b) in the waters set out in section 116.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 10
Gear Restrictions
31.1 No person shall fish for chain pickerel except by angling.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 10
Close Times
31.2 No person shall fish for chain pickerel in the waters set out in column I of the table to this section during the close time set out in column II.
Item | Column I | Column II | Column III | Column IV | Column V |
Waters | Close Time | Fishing Quota | Minimum Length | Maximum Length | |
1 | Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia. | Oct. 1 to Apr. 14 | 100 | 10 cm | 75 cm |
2 | Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick. | Sept. 16 to May 14 | 10 | 10 cm | 75 cm |
3 | Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 | 1 | 10 cm | 75 cm |
- SOR/2001-452, s. 10
Quotas and Length Restrictions
31.3 No person shall catch and retain in any day from the waters set out in column I of the table to section 31.2
(a) more chain pickerel than the fishing quota set out in column III; or
(b) any chain pickerel the length of which is less than the minimum length set out in column IV, or more than the maximum length set out in column V.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 10
Gear Restrictions
32 (1) No person shall engage in recreational fishing for a species set out in column II of the table to this section in the waters set out in column I by a method set out in column III during the close time set out in column IV.
(2) No person shall engage in fishing for commercial purposes for a species set out in column II of the table to this section in the waters set out in column I by a method set out in column III during the close time set out in column IV.
Item Column I Column II Column III Column IV Waters Species Method Close Time 1 Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia. (1) Bar clam
(1) Hand and hand-held tools, when not diving
(1) Jan. 1 to March 31
(2) Hand and hand-held tools, when diving
(2) Jan. 1 to March 31
(3) Drag rake
(3) Jan. 1 to March 31
(4) Hydraulic device
(4) Jan. 1 to March 31
(5) Mechanical device
(5) Jan. 1 to March 31
(6) Any other method
(6) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
(2) Bay quahaug
(1) Hand and hand-held tools, when not diving
(1) Jan. 1 to March 31
(2) Hand and hand-held tools, when diving
(2) Jan. 1 to March 31
(3) Drag rake
(3) Jan. 1 to March 31
(4) Hydraulic device
(4) Jan. 1 to March 31
(5) Mechanical device
(5) Jan. 1 to March 31
(6) Any other method
(6) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
(3) Razor clam
(1) Hand and hand-held tools, when not diving
(1) Jan. 1 to March 31
(2) Hand and hand-held tools, when diving
(2) Jan. 1 to March 31
(3) Drag rake
(3) Jan. 1 to March 31
(4) Hydraulic device
(4) Jan. 1 to March 31
(5) Mechanical device
(5) Jan. 1 to March 31
(6) Any other method
(6) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
(4) Soft-shell clam
(1) Hand and hand-held tools, when not diving
(1) Jan. 1 to March 31
(2) Hand and hand-held tools, when diving
(2) Jan. 1 to March 31
(3) Drag rake
(3) Jan. 1 to March 31
(4) Hydraulic device
(4) Jan. 1 to March 31
(5) Mechanical device
(5) Jan. 1 to March 31
(6) Any other method
(6) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
2 Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick. (1) Bar clam
(1) Hand and hand-held tools, when not diving
(1) Jan. 1 to March 31
(2) Hand and hand-held tools, when diving
(2) Jan. 1 to March 31
(3) Drag rake
(3) Jan. 1 to March 31
(4) Hydraulic device
(4) Jan. 1 to March 31
(5) Mechanical device
(5) Jan. 1 to March 31
(6) Any other method
(6) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
(2) Bay quahaug
(1) Hand and hand-held tools, when not diving
(1) Jan. 1 to March 31
(2) Hand and hand-held tools, when diving
(2) Jan. 1 to March 31
(3) Drag rake
(3) Jan. 1 to March 31
(4) Hydraulic device
(4) Jan. 1 to March 31
(5) Mechanical device
(5) Jan. 1 to March 31
(6) Any other method
(6) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
(3) Razor clam
(1) Hand and hand-held tools, when not diving
(1) Jan. 1 to March 31
(2) Hand and hand-held tools, when diving
(2) Jan. 1 to March 31
(3) Drag rake
(3) Jan. 1 to March 31
(4) Hydraulic device
(4) Jan. 1 to March 31
(5) Mechanical device
(5) Jan. 1 to March 31
(6) Any other method
(6) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
(4) Soft-shell clam
(1) Hand and hand-held tools, when not diving
(1) Jan. 1 to March 31
(2) Hand and hand-held tools, when diving
(2) Jan. 1 to March 31
(3) Drag rake
(3) Jan. 1 to March 31
(4) Hydraulic device
(4) Jan. 1 to March 31
(5) Mechanical device
(5) Jan. 1 to March 31
(6) Any other method
(6) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
3 Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. (1) Bar clam
(1) Hand and hand-held tools, when not diving
(1) Jan. 1 to March 31
(2) Hand and hand-held tools, when diving
(2) Jan. 1 to March 31
(3) Drag rake
(3) Jan. 1 to March 31
(4) Hydraulic device
(4) Jan. 1 to March 31
(5) Mechanical device
(5) Jan. 1 to March 31
(6) Any other method
(6) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
(2) Bay quahaug
(1) Hand and hand-held tools, when not diving
(1) Jan. 1 to March 31
(2) Hand and hand-held tools, when diving
(2) Jan. 1 to March 31
(3) Drag rake
(3) Jan. 1 to March 31
(4) Hydraulic device
(4) Jan. 1 to March 31
(5) Mechanical device
(5) Jan. 1 to March 31
(6) Any other method
(6) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
(3) Razor clam
(1) Hand and hand-held tools, when not diving
(1) Jan. 1 to March 31
(2) Hand and hand-held tools, when diving
(2) Jan. 1 to March 31
(3) Drag rake
(3) Jan. 1 to March 31
(4) Hydraulic device
(4) Jan. 1 to March 31
(5) Mechanical device
(5) Jan. 1 to March 31
(6) Any other method
(6) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
(4) Soft-shell clam
(1) Hand and hand-held tools, when not diving
(1) Jan. 1 to March 31
(2) Hand and hand-held tools, when diving
(2) Jan. 1 to March 31
(3) Drag rake
(3) Jan. 1 to March 31
(4) Hydraulic device
(4) Jan. 1 to March 31
(5) Mechanical device
(5) Jan. 1 to March 31
(6) Any other method
(6) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
- SOR/2001-452, s. 11
Quotas and Length Restrictions
33 No person engaged in recreational fishing for clams by hand or with hand-held tools shall catch and retain, in any day, more than 300 clams in the aggregate from any or all of the following species:
(a) bar clam;
(b) bay quahaug;
(c) razor clam; and
(d) soft-shell clam.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 12
34 No person shall catch and retain from the waters set out in column I of an item of the table to this section any clam of a species set out in column II of that item the length of which is less than the minimum length for that species set out in column III of that item.
Item | Column I | Column II | Column III |
Waters | Species | Minimum Length | |
Nova Scotia | |||
1 | Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia. |
| ||
| ||
New Brunswick | |||
2 | Inland and tidal waters of that portion of New Brunswick that borders on the Bay of Fundy. |
| ||
| ||
3 | Inland and tidal waters of that portion of New Brunswick that borders on the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Northumberland Strait. |
| ||
| ||
Prince Edward Island | |||
4 | Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. |
| ||
35 In this Part,
- eel pot
eel pot means a type of fishing gear used to catch eels without enmeshing them that
(a) contains bait which attracts eels into it through one or more openings, and
(b) does not have a leader of any kind; (nasse à anguille)
- eel trap
eel trap means any fishing gear used to catch eels without enmeshing them and includes a fyke net and eel weir but does not include a dip net, eel pot, longline, set line, spear or angling gear; (trappe à anguille)
- elver
elver means an eel that is less than 10 cm in length. (civelle)
Gear Restrictions
36 No person shall fish for eels except by angling or with an eel pot, eel trap, dip net, longline, set line or spear.
Close Times
37 (1) No person shall engage in recreational fishing for eels in the waters set out in column I of the table to this subsection by a method set out in column II during the close time set out in column III.
Item Column I Column II Column III Column IV Waters Method Close Time Minimum Length Nova Scotia 1 Inland waters of Nova Scotia. (1) Eel traps
(1) Nov. 1 to Aug. 14
20 cm (2) Eel pots
(2) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31
(3) Spears
(3) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
2 Tidal waters of Nova Scotia. (1) Eel traps
(1) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31
20 cm (2) Eel pots
(2) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31
(3) Spears
(3) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31
New Brunswick 3 Inland waters of New Brunswick. (1) Eel traps
(1) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
20 cm (2) Eel pots
(2) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31
(3) Spears
(3) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
4 Tidal waters of the Tabusintac River. (1) Eel traps
(1) Dec. 1 to July 31
20 cm (2) Eel pots
(2) Dec. 1 to July 31
(3) Spears
(3) Sept. 1 to Nov. 15
5 Tidal waters of New Brunswick not set out in item 4. (1) Eel traps
(1) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31
20 cm (2) Eel pots
(2) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31
(3) Spears
(3) Sept. 1 to Nov. 15
Prince Edward Island 6 Inland waters of Prince Edward Island. (1) Eel traps
(1) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
46 cm (2) Eel pots
(2) Dec. 1 to Aug. 15
(3) Spears
(3) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
7 Tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. (1) Eel traps
(1) Dec. 1 to Aug. 15
46 cm (2) Eel pots
(2) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31
(3) Spears
(3) From 17:00 h each day to 07:00 h on the following day from Sept. 1 to Dec. 31
(1.1) No person shall engage in fishing for commercial purposes for eels in the waters set out in column I of the table to subsection (1) by a method set out in column II during the close time set out in column III.
(2) Every person who fishes for eels with an eel trap in the inland waters of Nova Scotia shall, during the period beginning at sunrise and ending at sunset,
(a) in the case of an eel trap other than a fyke net, provide an opening at least 90 cm wide in the part of the trap that is situated in the deepest water to allow fish to escape; and
(b) in the case of a fyke net, render the net incapable of catching fish.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 13
Quotas and Length Restrictions
38 No person engaged in recreational fishing for eels by any method in the waters set out in column I of the table to this section shall catch and retain, in any day, more eels than the fishing quota set out in column II.
Item | Column I | Column II |
Waters | Fishing Quota | |
1 | Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia. | 10 |
2 | Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick. | 10 |
3 | Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. | 10 |
- SOR/2001-452, s. 14
38.1 (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall catch and retain any eel from the waters set out in column I of the table to subsection 37(1) the length of which is less than the minimum length set out in column IV.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person who holds an eel fishing licence that specifically authorizes the taking of elvers.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 14
PART VGaspereau
39 In this Part,
- dip stand
dip stand means a location specified in a commercial fishing licence where the licence holder is permitted to take gaspereau with a dip net; (poste de pêche à l’épuisette)
- square net fixture
square net fixture means a structure consisting of three walls that is placed in the water and into which a square net is lowered and raised to catch gaspereau. (installation de pêche au carrelet)
Gear Restrictions
40 No person shall fish for gaspereau except by angling or with a dip net, gill net, square net, trap net or weir.
Close Times
41 (1) No person shall engage in recreational fishing for gaspereau in the waters set out in column I of Schedule V
(a) by a method set out in column II during the yearly close time set out in column III; or
(b) by a method set out in column II during the weekly close time set out in column IV.
(2) No person shall engage in fishing for commercial purposes for gaspereau in the waters set out in column I of Schedule V
(a) by a method set out in column II during the yearly close time set out in column III; or
(b) by a method set out in column II during the weekly close time set out in column IV.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 15
41.1 No person engaged in recreational fishing for gaspereau by any method in the waters set out in column I of the table to this section shall catch and retain, in any day, more gaspereau than the fishing quota set out in column II.
Item | Column I | Column II |
Waters | Fishing Quota | |
1 | Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia. | 20 |
2 | Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick. | 20 |
3 | Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. | 20 |
- SOR/2001-452, s. 15
Mesh Sizes
42 (1) No person shall fish for gaspereau with a gill net that has a mesh size of more than 89 mm.
(2) No person shall fish for gaspereau in the inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick with a gill net that has a mesh size of less than 38 mm.
Provisions Specific to Nova Scotia
43 (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall fish for gaspereau in the inland waters of Nova Scotia by any means other than angling during the period beginning at sunset and ending at sunrise.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply in the inland waters of Halifax and Yarmouth Counties to a person who holds a licence to fish for gaspereau with a dip net at a dip stand.
44 No person shall, in the inland waters of any river in Nova Scotia,
(a) fish for gaspereau with a square net that is more than 3.65 m2; or
(b) erect or use a square net fixture that extends more than one third of the way across the width of the river or that has an outside wall of more than 9 m in length.
45 Every holder of a licence to fish for gaspereau with a square net in the inland waters of a river in Nova Scotia shall
(a) during the applicable weekly close time for gaspereau in those waters set out in column IV of Schedule V, remove the square net from the water; and
(b) provide an opening that is at least 60 cm wide and 60 cm high in the wall of the square net fixture that extends across the river.
46 No person shall fish for gaspereau in the inland waters of Inverness County with a trap net that is more than 15 m in length, measured from the upstream end of the trap net to the downstream end and including any leader that is attached to it.
47 No person shall fish for gaspereau in the Gaspereau River, Kings County, Nova Scotia,
(a) with a dip net the opening of which has a circumference of more than 190 cm;
(b) upstream from the mouth of Deep Hollow Brook, except by angling or with a dip net or square net;
(c) from the White Rock power house to a point 640 m downstream from that power house; or
(d) from a point 183 m downstream from the Trunk 12 highway bridge upstream to the Lanes Mill fish ladder.
48 No person shall fish for gaspereau in the Tusket River, Nova Scotia, from the Route 423 highway bridge upstream to the power house.
PART VILandlocked Salmon
49 This Part does not apply in respect of recreational fishing for landlocked salmon
(a) by angling or with set lines in the waters set out in Schedule IX during the period beginning on January 1 and ending on March 31; or
(b) in the waters set out in section 116.
Gear Restrictions
50 No person shall fish for landlocked salmon except by angling.
Close Times
51 No person shall fish for landlocked salmon in the waters set out in column I of an item of the table to this section during the close time set out in column II of that item.
Item | Column I | Column II |
Waters | Close Time | |
Nova Scotia | ||
1 | Guysborough River, upstream from the highway bridge at Milford Haven, not including tributaries. | Oct. 1 to Apr. 30 |
2 | Tidal waters of Bras d’Or Lake, Great Bras d’Or (Channel), St. Patricks Channel, St. Andrews Channel and Sydney River between the dam and a straight line drawn from Point Edward to Liscomb Point. | Oct. 16 to Apr. 14 |
3 | Inland and tidal waters of the Counties of Antigonish, Cape Breton, Colchester, Cumberland, Halifax, Hants, Inverness, Pictou, Richmond and Victoria, except the waters
| Oct. 1 to Apr. 14 |
4 | Ramsey Lake, Annapolis County, and Sunken Lake, Kings County. | Nov. 1 to May 14 |
5 | Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia not set out in items 1 to 4. | Oct. 1 to Mar. 31 |
New Brunswick | ||
6 | First Green Lake, Madawaska County. | Sept. 1 to Apr. 30 |
7 | Restigouche River, Restigouche County, downstream from the CN Railway bridge between Quebec and New Brunswick, not including tributaries. | Nov. 1 to Apr. 14 |
8 | Inland waters of lakes, reservoirs and ponds in the Counties of Gloucester, Madawaska, Northumberland, Restigouche and Victoria not set out in item 6. | Sept. 16 to May 14 |
9 | Inland and tidal waters of the Counties of Gloucester, Madawaska, Northumberland, Restigouche and Victoria not set out in items 6 to 8. | Sept. 16 to Apr. 30 |
10 | Surface mine ponds in Queens and Sunbury Counties between Lat. 46º00′N. and Lat. 46º10′N. and between Long. 65º50′W. and Long. 66º10′W. | Oct. 16 to Apr. 14 |
11 | Shepody River and its tributaries upstream from the flood gate at Harvey Bank, not including MacFadden Lake, Fenton Pond and Alcorn Pond. | Oct. 1 to May 7 |
12 | Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick not set out in items 6 to 11. | Sept. 16 to Apr. 14 |
Prince Edward Island | ||
13 | Glenfinnan, O’Keefes and Afton Lakes, Queens County. | Oct. 16 to Apr. 14 |
14 | Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island not set out in item 13. | Oct. 1 to Apr. 14 |
Quotas and Length Restrictions
52 (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall catch and retain in any day from the waters set out in column I of an item of the table to this subsection
(a) more landlocked salmon than the fishing quota set out in column II of that item; or
(b) any landlocked salmon the length of which is
(i) less than the minimum length set out in column III of that item, or
(ii) more than the maximum length set out in column IV of that item.
Item Column I Column II Column III Column IV Waters Fishing Quota Minimum Length Maximum Length 1 Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia. 2 35 cm 63 cm 2 Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick. 2 35 cm 63 cm 3 Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. 1 35 cm 63 cm (2) No person shall catch and retain in any day more than two landlocked salmon from any combination of waters set out in items 2 to 4 of the table to subsection (1).
- SOR/2001-452, s. 16
53 [Repealed, SOR/2022-196, s. 43]
PART VI.1Muskellunge
53.1 This Part does not apply in respect of recreational fishing for muskellunge
(a) by angling or with set lines in the waters set out in Schedule IX during the period beginning on January 1 and ending on March 31; or
(b) in the waters set out in section 116.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 17
Gear Restrictions
53.2 No person shall fish for muskellunge except by angling.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 17
Close Times
53.3 No person shall fish for muskellunge in the waters set out in column I of the table to this section during the close time set out in column II.
Item | Column I | Column II | Column III | Column IV | Column V |
Waters | Close Time | Fishing Quota | Minimum Length | Maximum Length | |
1 | Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia. | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 | 1 | 10 cm | 150 cm |
2 | Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick. | Sept. 16 to May 14 | 5 | 10 cm | 150 cm |
3 | Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 | 1 | 10 cm | 150 cm |
- SOR/2001-452, s. 17
Quotas and Length Restrictions
53.4 No person shall catch and retain in any day from the waters set out in column I of the table to section 53.3
(a) more muskellunge than the fishing quota set out in column III; or
(b) any muskellunge the length of which is less than the minimum length set out in column IV, or more than the maximum length set out in column V.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 17
Gear Restrictions
54 No person shall fish for mussels except by hand, with hand-held tools, with a drag rake, hydraulic device or mechanical device or by diving.
Close Times
55 (1) No person shall engage in recreational fishing for mussels in the waters set out in column I of the table to this section by a method set out in column II during the close time set out in column III.
(2) No person shall engage in fishing for commercial purposes for mussels in the waters set out in column I of the table to this section by a method set out in column II during the close time set out in column III.
Item Column I Column II Column III Waters Method Close Time Nova Scotia 1 Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia. (1) Hand and hand-held tools, when not diving
(1) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31
(2) Hand and hand-held tools, when diving
(2) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31
(3) Drag rake
(3) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31
(4) Hydraulic device
(4) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31
(5) Mechanical device
(5) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31
New Brunswick 2 Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick. (1) Hand and hand-held tools, when not diving
(1) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31
(2) Hand and hand-held tools, when diving
(2) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31
(3) Drag rake
(3) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31
(4) Hydraulic device
(4) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31
(5) Mechanical device
(5) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31
Prince Edward Island 3 Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. (1) Hand and hand-held tools, when not diving
(1) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31
(2) Hand and hand-held tools, when diving
(2) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31
(3) Drag rake
(3) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31
(4) Hydraulic device
(4) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31
(5) Mechanical device
(5) Dec. 30 to Dec. 31
- SOR/2001-452, s. 18
55.1 No person engaged in recreational fishing for mussels by any method in the waters set out in column I of the table to this section shall catch and retain, in any day, more mussels than the fishing quota set out in column II.
Item | Column I | Column II |
Waters | Fishing Quota | |
1 | Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia. | 300 |
2 | Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick. | 300 |
3 | Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. | 300 |
- SOR/2001-452, s. 19
Gear Restrictions
56 No person shall fish for oysters
(a) by diving in a leased oyster area in the inland or tidal waters of Prince Edward Island; or
(b) in a public oyster-fishing area, except with tongs or rakes that are operated by hand without mechanical assistance.
Close Times
57 No person shall, unless authorized under a licence set out in item 7 of the table to section 5, fish for oysters in an area set out in column I of the table to this section
(a) by a method set out in column II of that item during the yearly close time set out in column III of that item; or
(b) during the weekly close time set out in column IV of that item.
Item | Column I | Column II | Column III | Column IV |
Area | Method | Yearly Close Time | Weekly Close Time | |
Nova Scotia | ||||
1 | Public oyster-fishing areas in the inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia. | Tongs or rakes | Dec. 1 to Sept. 14 | From sunset to sunrise from Monday to Saturday and all day Sunday |
2 | Leased oyster areas in the inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia. | Any method | Dec. 30 to Dec. 31 | n/a |
New Brunswick | ||||
3 | Public oyster-fishing areas in the inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick. | Tongs or rakes | Jan. 1 to Sept. 30 | From sunset to sunrise from Monday to Saturday and all day Sunday |
4 | Leased oyster areas in the inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick. | Any method | Dec. 30 to Dec. 31 | n/a |
Prince Edward Island | ||||
5 | Public oyster-fishing areas in the inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. | Tongs or rakes | Dec. 1 to Sept. 14 | From sunset to sunrise from Monday to Saturday and all day Sunday |
6 | Leased oyster areas in the inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. | Any method | May 1 to Aug. 14 | From sunset to sunrise from Monday to Saturday and all day Sunday |
- SOR/2001-452, s. 20
Length Restriction
58 No person shall catch and retain or possess an oyster that is less than 76 mm in length.
59 In this Part,
- Salmon Fishing Area
Salmon Fishing Area means a Salmon Fishing Area illustrated and enumerated in Schedule VI and includes the waters of any province that flow into such an Area. (zone de pêche du saumon)
Gear Restrictions
60 No person shall fish for salmon except by angling with an artificial fly.
Close Times
61 Subject to subsection 66(1), no person shall fish for salmon in the waters set out in column I of an item of Schedule VII during the close time set out in column II of that item.
Quotas for Specific Waters
62 No person shall catch and retain from the waters set out in column I of an item of Schedule VII
(a) more salmon in any day than the daily catch and retain quota set out in column III of that item; or
(b) more salmon in any year than the yearly fishing quota set out in column V of that item.
Aggregate Quotas and Length Restrictions by Province
63 No person shall catch and retain from the waters set out in column I of an item of the table to this section
(a) more salmon in any day than the daily catch and retain quota set out in column II of that item;
(b) more salmon in any year than the yearly fishing quota set out in column IV of that item; or
(c) any salmon the length of which is less than the minimum length set out in column V of that item.
Item | Column I | Column II | Column III | Column IV | Column V |
Waters | Daily Catch and Retain Quota | Daily Catch and Release Quota | Yearly Fishing Quota | Minimum Length | |
Nova Scotia | |||||
1 | Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia. | 2 | 4 | 10, of which only 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer | 35 cm |
New Brunswick | |||||
2 | Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick. | 2 | 4 | 10, of which only 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer | 35 cm |
Prince Edward Island | |||||
3 | Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. | 1 | 4 | 5, of which only 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer | 35 cm |
Catch and Release Provisions for Specific Waters
64 (1) No person shall, during any day, continue to angle for salmon in the waters set out in column I of an item of Schedule VII after that person has
(a) caught and retained from those waters the daily catch and retain quota set out in column III of that item; or
(b) subject to subsection 66(2), caught and released in those waters the daily catch and release quota set out in column IV of that item.
(2) No person shall, during any year, continue to angle for salmon in the waters set out in column I of an item of Schedule VII after that person has caught and retained from those waters the yearly fishing quota set out in column V of that item.
Catch and Release Provisions by Province
65 (1) No person shall, during any day, continue to angle for salmon in the waters set out in column I of an item of the table to section 63 after that person has
(a) caught and retained from those waters the daily catch and retain quota set out in column II of that item; or
(b) subject to subsection 66(2), caught and released in those waters the daily catch and release quota set out in column III of that item.
(2) No person shall, during any year, continue to angle for salmon in the waters set out in column I of an item of the table to section 63 after that person has caught and retained from those waters the yearly fishing quota set out in column IV of that item.
66 (1) A person may, during the period beginning on April 15 and ending on May 15, fish for or catch and retain salmon from the inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick other than
(a) the waters of the Restigouche River upstream from the J.C. Van Horne Bridge in Campbellton; and
(b) the waters of the Nepisiguit River upstream from a straight line drawn from grid reference 01487695 to grid reference 01157740 as found on the map Bathurst 21 P/12.
(2) Where a person who is fishing for salmon pursuant to subsection (1) has not caught and retained the applicable daily or yearly fishing quota for salmon, the person may catch and release any number of salmon in any day.
67 (1) Every person who catches and retains a salmon in accordance with these Regulations shall forthwith securely lock or seal on the salmon a salmon tag, as specified in subsection (2), that has been issued to that person and shall do so in accordance with the design of the tag and so that it cannot be removed without tampering with the lock or seal, breaking or cutting the tag or cutting or tearing any part of the salmon.
(2) A salmon tag that is affixed to a salmon shall be
(a) a blue tag, where the salmon was caught and retained by angling, and shall be a tag specific to a salmon 63 cm or more in length where the salmon is 63 cm or more in length; and
(b) a brown tag, where the salmon was caught and retained under a written permission referred to in section 4 of the Act or was taken from an aquaculture area or site or a privately owned fish pond.
(c) [Repealed, SOR/93-335, s. 6]
- SOR/93-335, s. 6
68 No person shall import a salmon into a province unless
(a) an import tag issued with a licence to import salmon set out in item 9 of the table to section 5 is affixed to that salmon in the manner described in subsection 67(1) prior to its entry into the province or immediately upon its entry into the province; or
(b) it bears a salmon tag.
69 No person shall have on board any vessel for which a registration card has been issued any salmon to which a blue salmon tag is affixed.
70 (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall possess a salmon unless a salmon tag is affixed thereto.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person who is cooking or smoking a salmon if the tag that was removed from it at the time cooking or smoking commenced is readily available for inspection by a fishery officer or fishery guardian.
71 (1) Subject to subsection (2), where a salmon is caught by angling and retained, the person who hooked the salmon, whether or not that person landed the salmon, shall be regarded as having caught and retained it, and shall tag it in accordance with section 67.
(2) Where a fishing guide who is authorized to provide guide services under an Act of the legislature of a province hooks a salmon on behalf of a person who has a licence to fish for salmon and who has paid the fishing guide for guide services, subsection (1) does not apply to the fishing guide and the person shall, for the purposes of that subsection, be considered to have hooked the salmon.
- SOR/94-441, s. 1
71.1 Sections 67, 70 and 71 do not apply in respect of salmon caught under the authority of a licence issued under the Aboriginal Communal Fishing Licences Regulations.
- SOR/93-335, s. 7
Gear Restrictions
72 No person shall fish for shad except by angling or with a dip net, gill net, square net or trap net.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 21(F)
Close Times
73 (1) No person shall engage in recreational fishing for shad in the waters set out in column I of Schedule VIII
(a) by a method set out in column II during the yearly close time set out in column III; or
(b) by a method set out in column II during the weekly close time set out in column IV.
(1.1) No person shall engage in fishing for commercial purposes for shad in the waters set out in column I of Schedule VIII
(a) by a method set out in column II during the yearly close time set out in column III; or
(b) by a method set out in column II during the weekly close time set out in column IV.
(2) No person shall fish for shad in the inland waters of Nova Scotia by any means other than angling during the period beginning at sunset and ending at sunrise.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 22
73.1 No person engaged in recreational fishing for shad by any method in the waters set out in column I of the table to this section shall catch and retain, in any day, more shad than the fishing quota set out in column II.
Item | Column I | Column II |
Waters | Fishing Quota | |
1 | Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia. | 5 |
2 | Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick. | 5 |
3 | Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. | 5 |
- SOR/2001-452, s. 23
Mesh Size
74 No person shall fish for shad with a gill net that has a mesh size of less than 127 mm.
PART XISilversides
Gear Restrictions
75 No person shall fish for silversides except by angling or with a dip net or trap net.
Close Times
76 No person shall fish for silversides in the waters set out in column I of an item of the table to this section by a method set out in column II of that item during the close time set out in column III of that item.
Item | Column I | Column II | Column III |
Waters | Method | Close Time | |
Nova Scotia | |||
1 | Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia. |
| ||
New Brunswick | |||
2 | Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick. |
| ||
Prince Edward Island | |||
3 | Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. |
Mesh Size
77 No person shall fish for silversides with a trap net that has a mesh size of more than 65 mm.
PART XIISmallmouth Bass
78 This Part does not apply in respect of recreational fishing for smallmouth bass
(a) by angling or with set lines in the waters set out in Schedule IX during the period beginning on January 1 and ending on March 31; or
(b) in the waters set out in section 116.
Gear Restrictions
79 No person shall fish for smallmouth bass except by angling.
Close Times
80 No person shall fish for smallmouth bass in the waters set out in column I of an item of the table to this section during the close time set out in column II of that item.
Item | Column I | Column II | Column III | Column IV | Column V |
Waters | Close Time | Fishing Quota | Minimum Length | Maximum Length | |
1 | Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia. | Nov. 1 to Mar. 31 | 5 | 10 cm | 60 cm |
2 | Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick. | July 1 to Sept. 15 | 2 | 30 cm | 60 cm |
3 | Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. | Sept. 16 to Apr. 14 | 10 | 23 cm | 60 cm |
- SOR/2001-452, s. 24
Quotas and Length Restrictions
81 No person shall catch and retain in any day from the waters set out in column I of an item of the table to section 80
(a) more smallmouth bass than the fishing quota set out in column III of that item; or
(b) any smallmouth bass the length of which is less than the minimum length set out in column IV, or more than the maximum length set out in column V.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 25
82 This Part does not apply in respect of recreational fishing for smelt
(a) by angling or with set lines in the waters set out in Schedule IX during the period beginning on January 1 and ending on March 31; or
(b) in the waters set out in section 116.
Gear Restrictions
83 No person shall fish for smelt except by angling or with a bag net, box net, dip net, gill net or spear.
84 No person shall fish for smelt with a bag net, box net or gill net that has a mesh size of less than 31 mm.
85 No person shall fish for smelt with a bag net or box net having a leader that is more than 31 m in length.
86 No person shall fish for smelt in the inland or tidal waters of Prince Edward Island with a bag net that has a leader.
87 No person engaged in recreational fishing for smelt with a dip net, by angling, or with a spear shall catch and retain more than 60 smelt in any day.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 26
Close Times
88 No person shall fish for smelt in the waters set out in column I of an item of the table to this section by a method set out in column II of that item during the close time set out in column III of that item.
Item | Column I | Column II | Column III |
Waters | Method | Close Time | |
Nova Scotia | |||
1 | Tidal waters of Nova Scotia. |
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
2 | Inland waters of Nova Scotia. |
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
New Brunswick | |||
3 | Tidal waters of New Brunswick. |
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
4 | Inland waters of New Brunswick. |
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
Prince Edward Island | |||
5 | Tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. |
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
6 | Inland waters of Prince Edward Island. |
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
- SOR/2001-452, s. 27
PART XIVStriped Bass
89 This Part does not apply in respect of recreational fishing for striped bass by angling or with set lines in the waters set out in Schedule IX during the period beginning on January 1 and ending on March 31.
Gear Restrictions
90 No person shall fish for striped bass except by angling or with a bow net.
Close Times
91 No person shall fish for striped bass in the waters set out in column I of an item of the table to this section
(a) by a method set out in column II of that item during the yearly close time set out in column III of that item; or
(b) with a bow net during the weekly close time set out in column IV of that item.
Item | Column I | Column II | Column III | Column IV |
Waters | Method | Yearly Close Time | Weekly Close Time | |
Nova Scotia | ||||
1 | The Annapolis River from grid reference 16716671 at Hebbs Landing upstream to the highway bridge at Lawrencetown (Refer to map Bridgetown 21 A/14) |
| n/a |
| |||
2 | Tidal waters of Nova Scotia not set out in item 1. |
| n/a |
| |||
3 | Inland waters of Nova Scotia not set out in item 1 |
| n/a |
| |||
New Brunswick | ||||
4 | Tidal waters of Kent County. |
| From 08:00 h each Saturday to 08:00 h on the following Monday |
| |||
5 | Tidal waters of New Brunswick not set out in item 4. |
| n/a |
| |||
6 | Inland waters of New Brunswick. |
| n/a |
| |||
Prince Edward Island | ||||
7 | Tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. |
| n/a |
| |||
8 | Inland waters of Prince Edward Island. |
| n/a |
Mesh Size
92 No person shall fish for striped bass with a bow net that has a mesh size of less than 127 mm.
Quotas and Length Restrictions
93 No person shall catch and retain from the waters set out in column I of an item of the table to this section by a method set out in column II of that item
(a) more striped bass in any day than the fishing quota set out in column III of that item; or
(b) any striped bass the length of which is less than the minimum length set out in column IV, or more than the maximum length set out in column V.
Item | Column I | Column II | Column III | Column IV | Column V |
Waters | Method | Fishing Quota | Minimum Length | Maximum Length | |
Nova Scotia | |||||
1 | The Annapolis River upstream from Goat Island. | Angling | 1 | 68 cm | 150 cm |
2 | Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia not set out in item 1. | Angling | 1 | 68 cm | 150 cm |
New Brunswick | |||||
3 | Tidal waters of Kent County. |
| ||
4 | Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick not set out in item 3. | Angling | 1 | 68 cm | 150 cm |
Prince Edward Island | |||||
5 | Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. | Angling | 1 | 30 cm | 150 cm |
- SOR/2001-452, s. 28
PART XVSturgeon
Gear Restrictions
94 No person shall fish for sturgeon except by angling or with a gill net.
Close Times
95 No person shall fish for sturgeon in the waters set out in column I of an item of the table to this section by a method set out in column II of that item during the close time set out in column III of that item.
Item | Column I | Column II | Column III |
Waters | Method | Close Time | |
Nova Scotia | |||
1 | Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia. |
| ||
New Brunswick | |||
2 | Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick. |
| ||
Prince Edward Island | |||
3 | Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. |
Mesh Size
96 No person shall fish for sturgeon with a gill net that has a mesh size of less than 330 mm.
Length Restriction
97 No person shall catch and retain or possess any sturgeon that is less than 120 cm in length.
98 This Part does not apply in respect of recreational fishing for tomcod by angling or with set lines in the waters set out in Schedule IX during the period beginning on January 1 and ending on March 31.
Gear Restrictions
99 No person shall fish for tomcod except by angling or with a bag net, box net, gill net or spear.
100 No person shall fish for tomcod with a bag net, box net or gill net that has a mesh size of less than 31 mm.
101 No person shall fish for tomcod with a bag net or box net having a leader that is more than 31 m in length.
102 No person shall fish for tomcod in the inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island with a bag net that has a leader.
Close Times
103 No person shall fish for tomcod in the waters set out in column I of an item of the table to this section by a method set out in column II of that item during the close time set out in column III of that item.
Item | Column I | Column II | Column III |
Waters | Method | Close Time | |
Nova Scotia | |||
1 | Tidal waters of Nova Scotia. |
| ||
| ||
| ||
2 | Inland waters of Nova Scotia. |
| ||
| ||
| ||
New Brunswick | |||
3 | Tidal waters of the Saint John River upstream from a straight line drawn from Partridge Island light to Red Head. |
| ||
| ||
| ||
4 | Tidal waters of that portion of New Brunswick that borders on the Bay of Fundy not set out in item 3. |
| ||
| ||
| ||
5 | The Miramichi River upstream from the Morrissy Bridge in Newcastle. |
| ||
| ||
| ||
6 | Tidal waters of that portion of New Brunswick that borders on the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Northumberland Strait not set out in item 5. |
| ||
| ||
| ||
7 | Inland waters of New Brunswick not set out in item 5. |
| ||
| ||
| ||
Prince Edward Island | |||
8 | Tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. |
| ||
| ||
| ||
9 | Inland waters of Prince Edward Island. |
| ||
| ||
104 This Part does not apply in respect of recreational fishing for trout
(a) by angling or with set lines in the waters set out in Schedule IX during the period beginning on January 1 and ending on March 31; or
(b) in the waters set out in section 116.
Gear Restrictions
105 No person shall fish for trout except by angling.
Close Times
106 No person shall fish for trout in the waters set out in column I of an item of the table to this section during the close time set out in column II of that item.
Item | Column I | Column II |
Waters | Close Time | |
Nova Scotia | ||
1 | Guysborough River, upstream from the highway bridge at Milford Haven, not including tributaries. | Oct. 1 to Apr. 30 |
2 | Tidal waters of Bras d’Or Lake, Great Bras d’Or (Channel), St. Patricks Channel, St. Andrews Channel and Sydney River between the dam and a straight line drawn from Point Edward to Liscomb Point. | Oct. 16 to Apr. 14 |
3 | Inland and tidal waters of the Counties of Antigonish, Cape Breton, Colchester, Cumberland, Halifax, Hants, Inverness, Pictou, Richmond and Victoria, except the waters
| Oct. 1 to Apr. 14 |
4 | Ramsey Lake, Annapolis County, and Sunken Lake, Kings County. | Nov. 1 to May 14 |
5 | Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia not set out in items 1 to 4. | Oct. 1 to Mar. 31 |
New Brunswick | ||
6 | First Green Lake, Madawaska County. | Sept. 1 to Apr. 30 |
7 | Restigouche River, Restigouche County, downstream from the CN Railway bridge between Quebec and New Brunswick, not including tributaries. | Nov. 1 to Apr. 14 |
8 | Inland waters of lakes, reservoirs and ponds in the Counties of Gloucester, Madawaska, Northumberland, Restigouche and Victoria not set out in item 6. | Sept. 16 to May 14 |
9 | Inland and tidal waters of the Counties of Gloucester, Madawaska, Northumberland, Restigouche and Victoria not set out in items 6 to 8. | Sept. 16 to Apr. 30 |
10 | Surface mine ponds in Queens and Sunbury Counties between Lat. 46º00′N. and Lat. 46º10′N. and between Long. 65º50′W. and Long. 66º10′W. | Oct. 16 to Apr. 14 |
11 | Shepody River and its tributaries upstream from the flood gate at Harvey Bank, not including MacFadden Lake, Fenton Pond and Alcorn Pond. | Oct. 1 to May 7 |
12 | Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick not set out in items 6 to 11. | Sept. 16 to Apr. 14 |
Prince Edward Island | ||
13 | Glenfinnan, O’Keefes and Afton Lakes, Queens County. | Oct. 16 to Apr. 14 |
14 | Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island not set out in item 13. | Oct. 1 to Apr. 14 |
Quotas and Length Restrictions
107 (1) No person shall catch and retain from the waters set out in column I of the table to this section
(a) in any day, more trout of a species than the fishing quota for that species set out in column II; or
(b) a trout of a species set out in column II the length of which is less than the minimum length for that species set out in column III or more than the maximum length for that species set out in column IV.
(2) No person shall catch and retain in any day more than
(a) five trout in the aggregate from any combination of the waters set out in column 1 of items 1 and 2 of the table to this section; or
(b) 10 trout in the aggregate from the waters set out in column 1 of item 3 of the table to this section.
Item Column I Column II Column III Column IV Waters Fishing Quota Minimum Length Maximum Length 1 Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia. (1) 5 Arctic char
(1) 10 cm
(1) 100 cm
(2) 5 brook trout
(2) 10 cm
(2) 100 cm
(3) 5 brown trout
(3) 10 cm
(3) 100 cm
(4) 5 lake trout
(4) 10 cm
(4) 100 cm
(5) 5 rainbow trout
(5) 10 cm
(5) 100 cm
2 Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick. (1) 5 Arctic char
(1) 10 cm
(1) 100 cm
(2) 5 brook trout
(2) 10 cm
(2) 100 cm
(3) 5 brown trout
(3) 35 cm
(3) 63 cm
(4) 2 lake trout
(4) 45 cm
(4) 150 cm
(5) 5 rainbow trout
(5) 10 cm
(5) 100 cm
(6) 1 splake
(6) 35 cm
(6) 100 cm
3 Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. (1) 10 Arctic char
(1) 10 cm
(1) 100 cm
(2) 10 brook trout
(2) 10 cm
(2) 100 cm
(3) 10 brown trout
(3) 35 cm
(3) 63 cm
(4) 5 rainbow trout
(4) 10 cm
(4) 100 cm
- SOR/93-55, err.(F), Vol. 127, No. 16
- SOR/2001-452, s. 29
PART XVII.1Whitefish
107.1 This Part does not apply in respect of recreational fishing for whitefish
(a) by angling or with set lines in the waters set out in Schedule IX during the period beginning on January 1 and ending on March 31; or
(b) in the waters set out in section 116.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 29
Gear Restrictions
107.11 No person shall fish for whitefish except by angling.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 29
Close Times
107.12 No person shall fish for whitefish in the waters set out in column I of the table to this section during the close time set out in column II.
Column I | Column II | Column III | Column IV | Column V | |
Item | Waters | Close Time | Fishing Quota | Minimum Length | Maximum Length |
1 | Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia. | Oct. 1 to Mar. 31 | 8 | 10 cm | 60 cm |
2 | Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick. | Sept. 16 to May 14 | 8 | 10 cm | 60 cm |
3 | Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 | 1 | 10 cm | 60 cm |
- SOR/2001-452, s. 29
Quotas and Length Restrictions
107.13 No person shall catch and retain in any day from the waters set out in column I of the table to section 107.12
(a) more whitefish than the fishing quota set out in column III; or
(b) any whitefish the length of which is less than the minimum length set out in column IV, or more than the maximum length set out in column V.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 29
PART XVII.2White Perch
107.2 This Part does not apply in respect of recreational fishing for white perch
(a) by angling or with set lines in the waters set out in Schedule IX during the period beginning on January 1 and ending on March 31; or
(b) in the waters set out in section 116.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 29
Gear Restrictions
107.21 No person shall fish for white perch except by angling.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 29
Close Times
107.22 No person shall fish for white perch in the waters set out in column I of the table to this section during the close time set out in column II.
Item | Column I | Column II | Column III | Column IV | Column V |
Waters | Close Time | Fishing Quota | Minimum Length | Maximum Length | |
1 | Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia. | Oct. 1 to Mar. 31 | 100 | 10 cm | 45 cm |
2 | Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick. | Sept. 16 to May 14 | 25 | 10 cm | 45 cm |
3 | Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. | Sept. 16 to Apr. 14 | 100 | 10 cm | 45 cm |
- SOR/2001-452, s. 29
Quotas and Length Restrictions
107.23 No person shall catch and retain in any day from the waters set out in column I of the table to section 107.22
(a) more white perch than the fishing quota set out in column III; or
(b) any white perch the length of which is less than the minimum length set out in column IV, or more than the maximum length set out in column V.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 29
PART XVII.3Yellow Perch
107.3 This Part does not apply in respect of recreational fishing for yellow perch
(a) by angling or with set lines in the waters set out in Schedule IX during the period beginning on January 1 and ending on March 31; or
(b) in the waters set out in section 116.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 29
Gear Restrictions
107.31 No person shall fish for yellow perch except by angling.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 29
Close Times
107.32 No person shall fish for yellow perch in the waters set out in column I of the table to this section during the close time set out in column II.
Item | Column I | Column II | Column III | Column IV | Column V |
Waters | Close Time | Fishing Quota | Minimum Length | Maximum Length | |
1 | Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia. | Oct. 1 to Mar. 31 | 100 | 10 cm | 45 cm |
2 | Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick. | Sept. 16 to May 14 | 100 | 10 cm | 45 cm |
3 | Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. | Sept. 16 to Apr. 14 | 100 | 10 cm | 45 cm |
- SOR/2001-452, s. 29
Quotas and Length Restrictions
107.33 No person shall catch and retain in any day from the waters set out in column I of the table to section 107.32
(a) more yellow perch than the fishing quota set out in column III; or
(b) any yellow perch the length of which is less than the minimum length set out in column IV, or more than the maximum length set out in column V.
- SOR/2001-452, s. 29
PART XVIIIWinter Fishing in New Brunswick
108 This Part applies in respect of recreational fishing by angling and with set lines in the waters set out in Schedule IX during the period beginning on January 1 and ending on March 31.
Gear Restrictions
109 No person shall fish except
(a) through a man-made hole in the ice; or
(b) from shore through a natural opening in the ice.
110 (1) No person shall fish with more than five set lines.
(2) Every person who fishes with set lines shall attend those lines and maintain an unobstructed view of those lines.
Close Times
111 No person shall fish during the period beginning on March 30 and ending on March 31.
112 No person shall fish in Lac Baker, Madawaska County, during the period beginning on Monday and ending on Friday in any week.
113 No person shall, except in the waters set out in items 4, 7, 13, 14, 16, 20, 21, 28 and 60 of Schedule IX, fish during the period beginning one-half hour after sunset and ending one-half hour before sunrise.
Quotas and Length Restrictions
114 (1) No person shall catch and retain
(a) in any day more fish of a species set out in column I of an item of the table to this subsection than the fishing quota set out in column II of that item; or
(b) any fish of a species set out in column I of an item of the table to this subsection the length of which is less than the minimum length set out in column III of that item.
Item Column I Column II Column III Species Fishing Quota Minimum Length 1 Arctic char The lesser of 5 fish and 3.5 kg plus 1 fish 15 cm 2 Brook trout The lesser of 5 fish and 3.5 kg plus 1 fish 15 cm 3 Brown trout The lesser of 5 fish and 3.5 kg plus 1 fish 15 cm 4 Lake trout The lesser of 5 fish and 3.5 kg plus 1 fish 45 cm 5 Rainbow trout The lesser of 5 fish and 3.5 kg plus 1 fish 15 cm 6 Landlocked salmon The lesser of 5 fish and 3.5 kg plus 1 fish 35 cm 7 Smallmouth bass The lesser of 5 fish and 3.5 kg plus 1 fish 30 cm 8 Striped bass The lesser of 5 fish and 3.5 kg plus 1 fish n/a 9 Smelt 60, except from the waters set out in items 4, 7, 13, 14, 16, 20, 21, 28 and 60 of Schedule IX n/a 10 Whitefish The lesser of 5 fish and 3.5 kg plus 1 fish n/a
(2) No person shall catch and retain in any day more sport fish and striped bass in the aggregate than the lesser of five fish and 3.5 kg plus one fish.
Provisions Specific to Nictau Lake
115 No person who fishes in Nictau Lake, Restigouche County, shall
(a) fish with more than one set line;
(b) use any fish as bait;
(c) catch and retain any landlocked salmon that is less than 50 cm in length or more than 63 cm in length;
(d) catch and retain any brook trout that is less than 25 cm in length;
(e) in any day, catch and retain more than one landlocked salmon; or
(f) continue to fish in that lake on any day after catching and retaining two sport fish in that day.
PART XIXBoundary Waters Between New Brunswick and the State of Maine
116 This Part applies in respect of recreational fishing for smelt, whitefish and sport fish, other than salmon, in the following inland waters of New Brunswick that border on waters in the State of Maine:
(a) the St. Francis River and Glasier Lake in Madawaska County and that portion of the Saint John River in Madawaska County;
(b) Monument Brook, North Lake, the Thoroughfare between North Lake and (East) Grand Lake, (East) Grand Lake, Mud Lake, the St. Croix River, Spednic Lake and Palfrey Lake in York County; and
(c) the St. Croix River, Grand Falls Flowage and Woodland Flowage in Charlotte County.
Gear Restrictions
117 (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall
(a) fish for sport fish or whitefish except by angling; or
(b) fish for smelt except by angling or with a dip net.
(2) A person who fishes in accordance with subsection 119(2) may fish with set lines.
118 (1) No person shall fish with more than five set lines.
(2) Every person who fishes with set lines shall attend those lines and maintain an unobstructed view of those lines.
Close Times
119 (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall fish during the period beginning on October 1 and ending on April 14.
(2) A person may, during the period beginning on January 1 and ending on March 31, fish through a man-made hole in the ice in Glasier Lake, North Lake, the Thoroughfare between North Lake and (East) Grand Lake, (East) Grand Lake, Mud Lake, Spednic Lake, Palfrey Lake, Grand Falls Flowage or Woodland Flowage.
(3) No person shall, during the period beginning on January 1 and ending on March 31, fish during the period beginning one-half hour after sunset and ending one-half hour before sunrise.
Daily Quotas
120 (1) No person shall, during the period beginning on April 1 and ending on December 31, catch and retain in any day more fish of a species set out in column I of an item of the table to this section than the daily fishing quota set out in column II of that item.
(2) No person shall, during the period beginning on April 1 and ending on December 31, catch and retain in any day more sport fish in the aggregate than the lesser of five fish and 3.5 kg plus one fish.
(3) No person shall, during the period beginning on January 1 and ending on March 31, catch and retain in any day more fish of a species set out in column I of an item of the table to this section than the daily fishing quota set out in column III of that item.
(4) No person shall, during the period beginning on January 1 and ending on March 31, catch and retain in any day more sport fish in the aggregate than the lesser of three fish and 3.5 kg plus one fish.
Item Column I Column II Column III Column IV Species Daily Fishing Quota April 1 to December 31 Daily Fishing Quota January 1 to March 31 Minimum Length 1 Arctic char The lesser of 5 fish and 3.5 kg plus 1 fish The lesser of 3 fish and 3.5 kg plus 1 fish 15 cm 2 Brook trout The lesser of 5 fish and 3.5 kg plus 1 fish The lesser of 3 fish and 3.5 kg plus 1 fish 15 cm 3 Brown trout The lesser of 5 fish and 3.5 kg plus 1 fish The lesser of 3 fish and 3.5 kg plus 1 fish 15 cm 4 Lake trout The lesser of 2 fish and 3.5 kg plus 1 fish The lesser of 2 fish and 3.5 kg plus 1 fish 45 cm 5 Rainbow trout The lesser of 5 fish and 3.5 kg plus 1 fish The lesser of 3 fish and 3.5 kg plus 1 fish 15 cm 6 Landlocked salmon The lesser of 2 fish and 3.5 kg plus 1 fish The lesser of 2 fish and 3.5 kg plus 1 fish 35 cm 7 Smallmouth bass (1) 1 from April 1 to June 30
The lesser of 3 fish and 3.5 kg plus 1 fish 25 cm (2) 3 from July 1 to December 31
8 Whitefish 8 8 n/a 9 Smelt 200 200 n/a 10 White perch 25 25 10 cm
- SOR/2001-452, s. 30
Length Restrictions
121 No person shall catch and retain a fish of a species set out in column I of an item of the table to section 120 the length of which is less than the minimum length set out in column IV of that item.
SCHEDULE I(Subsection 2(2))
Common and Scientific Names of Fish
Item | Column I | Column II |
Common Name | Scientific Name | |
1 | Atlantic whitefish | Coregonus huntsmani |
2 | Arctic char | Salvelinus alpinus |
3 | Atlantic sturgeon | Acipenser oxyrhynchus |
4 | Bar clam | Spisula solidissima |
5 | Bay quahaug | Mercenaria mercenaria |
6 | Brook trout (Speckled trout) | Salvelinus fontinalis |
7 | Brown trout | Salmo trutta |
8 | Bullhead | Ictalurus nebulosus |
8.1 | Burbot | Lota lota |
9 | Carp | Cyprinus carpio |
9.1 | Chain pickerel | Esox niger |
10 | Eel | Anguilla rostrata |
11 | Gaspereau | Alosa pseudoharengus and Alosa aestivalis |
12 | Goldfish | Carassius auratus |
13 | Lake trout | Salvelinus namaycush |
14 | Lake whitefish | Coregonus clupeaformis |
15 | Landlocked salmon (Ouananiche) | Salmo salar |
16 | Minnows | Families: Cyprinidae, Cyprinodontidae and Gasterosteidae |
16.1 | Muskellunge | Esox masquinongy |
17 | Mussels | Mytilus edulis and Modiolusmodiolus |
18 | Oysters | Crassostrea virginica and Ostrea edulis |
19 | [Repealed, SOR/2001-452, s. 32] | |
20 | Rainbow trout | Oncorhynchus mykiss |
21 | Razor clam | Enis directus |
22 | Round whitefish | Prosopium cylindraceum |
23 | Salmon | Salmo salar |
24 | Shad | Alosa sapidissima |
25 | Shortnose sturgeon | Acipenser brevirostrum |
26 | Silversides | Menidia menidia |
27 | Smallmouth bass (Black bass) | Micropterus dolomieui |
28 | Smelt | Osmerus mordax |
29 | Soft-shell clam | Mya arenaria |
30 | Striped bass | Morone saxatilis and Roccus saxatilis |
31 | Sunfish | Lepomis spp. |
32 | Tomcod | Microgadus tomcod |
33 | White perch | Morone americana |
34 | Yellow perch | Perca flavescens |
- SOR/2001-452, ss. 31 to 33
SCHEDULE II(Subsection 2(1))
Inland Water Boundaries
Item | Column I | Column II |
River, Stream or Brook | Boundary or Reference Point | |
Nova Scotia | ||
Annapolis County | ||
1 | Annapolis River | The highway bridge on Queen Street in Bridgetown. |
2 | Moose River | The Highway 1 bridge. |
Antigonish County | ||
3 | Monastery Brook | The Highway 104 bridge. |
4 | Pomquet River | The CN Railway bridge. |
5 | Rights River | The CN Railway bridge east of Antigonish. |
6 | South River | The Highway 104 bridge. |
7 | Tracadie River | The Highway 104 bridge. |
8 | West River | The CN Railway bridge east of Antigonish. |
Cape Breton County | ||
9 | Catalone River | The highway bridge at Catalone. |
10 | Fifes Brook (Aconi Brook) | The highway bridge at Mill Pond. |
11 | Gerratt Brook (Gerards Brook) | The highway bridge on Main Street in Louisbourg. |
12 | Mira River | The highway bridge at Victoria Bridge. |
13 | Six Mile Brook (Lorraine Brook) | The first bridge upstream from Big Lorraine Harbour. |
14 | Sydney River | The Sysco Dam at Sydney River. |
Colchester County | ||
15 | Bass River | The highway bridge at Bass River. |
16 | Chiganois River | The Highway 2 bridge. |
17 | Debert River | The confluence of the Folly and Debert Rivers. |
18 | Economy River | The highway bridge at Economy. |
19 | Folly River | The confluence of the Debert and Folly Rivers. |
20 | French River | The Highway 6 bridge. |
21 | Great Village River | The aboiteau at the dyke. |
22 | North River | The confluence of the Salmon and North Rivers. |
23 | Portapique River | The highway bridge at Portapique. |
24 | Salmon River | The confluence of the North and Salmon Rivers. |
25 | Stewiacke River | The highway bridge at Stewiacke. |
26 | Waughs River | The Highway 6 bridge. |
Cumberland County | ||
27 | East Apple River | The highway bridge at East Apple River. |
28 | Fox River | The highway bridge at Fox River. |
29 | Harrington River | The Highway 2 bridge. |
30 | Maccan River | The mouth of Reid Brook near South Athol. |
31 | Moose River | The Highway 2 bridge. |
32 | Pugwash River | The highway bridge at Conns Mills. |
33 | Ramshead River | The highway bridge at Diligent River. |
34 | River Hébert | The highway bridge at the mouth of Haycock Brook. |
35 | River Phillip | A line drawn from grid reference 36626778 to grid reference 36726761 at the foot of Hannons Falls. Refer to map Pugwash 11 E/13. |
36 | Sand River | The highway bridge at Sand River. |
37 | Shinimicas River | The highway bridge at Lower Shinimicas. |
38 | Tidnish River | The confluence of the West Branch Tidnish River and the Tidnish River. |
39 | Wallace River | The CN Railway bridge. |
Digby County | ||
40 | Bear River | The bridges at the confluence of the West Branch Bear River and Bear River. |
41 | Mavillette River | The Highway 1 bridge. |
42 | Meteghan River | The foot of Indian Falls. |
43 | Grosses Coques River | The Highway 1 bridge. |
44 | Salmon River | The Leo Deveau Bridge. |
45 | Sissiboo River | The power dam at Sissiboo Falls. |
Guysborough County | ||
46 | Basin Brook | The highway bridge at Gammon Cove. |
47 | Cole Harbour River | The highway bridge at Cole Harbour. |
48 | Country Harbour River | 50 m downstream from the highway bridge at Country Harbour Mines. |
49 | Ecum Secum River | 75 m downstream from the highway bridge nearest to Fleet Settlement. |
50 | Gaspereau Brook (Gaspereaux Brook) | The rapids 140 m downstream from the Highway 7 bridge. |
51 | Indian River | The Highway 211 bridge. |
52 | Isaacs Harbour River | The Highway 316 bridge. |
53 | Larrys River | The highway bridge at Larrys River. |
54 | Liscomb River | 70 m upstream from the highway bridge at Liscomb Mills. |
55 | Milford Haven River (Guysborough River) | The three highway bridges at Guysborough Intervale. |
56 | New Harbour River | Salmon Rock, located on the south side of the river at grid reference 14050961. Refer to maps Country Harbour 21 F/14 and 11 C/13. |
57 | Salmon River | The highway bridge at West Cooks Cove. |
58 | St. Mary’s River | The highway bridge at Sherbrooke. |
Halifax County | ||
59 | Chezzetcook River | The highway bridge at grid reference 81405470. Refer to map West Chezzetcook 11 D/11. |
60 | East River Sheet Harbour | The Department of Fisheries and Oceans barrier dam. |
61 | Ingram River | The Highway 3 bridge at Ingramport. |
62 | Moser River | The highway bridge at Moser River. |
63 | Musquodoboit River | 300 m downstream from the Highway 7 bridge. |
64 | Quoddy River | 90 m upstream from the third highway bridge upstream from Quoddy Harbour. |
65 | Salmon River (Port Dufferin) | The first falls upstream from the highway bridge. |
66 | Ship Harbour River | 365 m downstream from the highway bridge at Ship Harbour. |
67 | Shubenacadie River | The CN Railway bridge at East Milford. |
68 | Tangier River | The Highway 7 bridge. |
69 | West River Sheet Harbour | The concrete piers located downstream from the Highway 7 bridge. |
Hants County | ||
70 | Avon River | The Highway 101 causeway at Windsor. |
71 | Herbert River | The confluence of the Herbert and Meander Rivers. |
72 | Kennetcook River | The highway bridge at Stanley. |
73 | Meander River | The confluence of the Herbert and Meander Rivers. |
74 | St. Croix River | The Highway 101 bridge. |
Inverness County | ||
75 | Cheticamp River | The Cabot Trail highway bridge. |
76 | Fiset Brook | The Cabot Trail highway bridge. |
77 | Mabou River | The CN Railway bridge. |
78 | Margaree River | The highway bridges at East Margaree. |
79 | Southwest Mabou River | 600 m downstream from the CN Railway bridge. |
Kings County | ||
80 | Cornwallis River | The highway bridge on Cornwallis Street in Kentville. |
81 | Dodge Brook (Mill Brook) | The railway bridge in Kentville. |
82 | Gaspereau River | The highway bridge at Melanson. |
Lunenburg County | ||
83 | East River | The Highway 3 bridge. |
84 | Gold River | The Highway 3 bridge. |
85 | LaHave River | The mouth of Silver Hill Brook, located approximately 825 m downstream from the CN railway bridge. |
86 | Martins River | 140 m upstream from the CN Railway bridge. |
87 | Mushamush River | The Highway 3 bridge. |
88 | Middle River | 60 m upstream from the Highway 3 bridge. |
89 | Petite Rivière | 185 m upstream from the Highway 331 bridge. |
Pictou County | ||
90 | Barneys River | 500 m downstream from the Highway 245 bridge. |
91 | East River of Pictou | The highway bridge on George Street in New Glasgow. |
92 | French River | 500 m downstream from the Highway 245 bridge. |
93 | Middle River of Pictou | The sluice fish ladder at the dam near Granton. |
94 | River John | The CN Railway bridge. |
95 | Sutherlands River | The CN Railway bridge. |
96 | West River of Pictou | The Lochbroom Bridge on the Alma Road. |
Queens County | ||
97 | Broad River | The Highway 103 bridge. |
98 | Five Rivers | The bridge at White Point Estates. |
99 | Medway River | The Highway 103 bridge. |
100 | Mersey River | The highway bridge on Bridge Street in Milton. |
Richmond County | ||
101 | Framboise River | The Highway 327 bridge at Framboise. |
102 | Grand River | The highway bridge at Grand River. |
103 | Marie Joseph Brook | The head of Lower Marie Joseph Lake. |
104 | River Inhabitants | The Highway 4 bridge. |
105 | River Tillard | The Highway 4 bridge. |
Shelburne County | ||
106 | Barrington River | The CN Railway bridge. |
107 | Clyde River | The Highway 103 bridge. |
108 | East River | The Highway 3 bridge. |
109 | Jordan River | The CN Railway bridge. |
110 | Roseway River | The Highway 3 bridge. |
111 | Sable River | The footbridge upstream from the CN Railway bridge. |
Victoria County | ||
112 | Baddeck River | The Harris Pool. |
113 | Barrachois River | The Tidal Pool. |
114 | Ingonish River | The Cabot Trail Highway bridge. |
115 | Middle River | The Highway 105 bridge. |
116 | Middle Aspy River | The old Department of Highways causeway. |
117 | North River | The Tidal Pool. |
118 | North Aspy River | Where the North Aspy River empties into North Pond Harbour. |
119 | Washabuck River | The highway bridge near Washabuck Bridge. |
Yarmouth County | ||
120 | Annis River | The Highway 3 bridge. |
121 | Tusket River | The Highway 3 bridge. |
New Brunswick | ||
Albert County | ||
122 | Point Wolfe River | The covered bridge in Fundy National Park. |
123 | Shepody River | The floodgate at Harvey Bank. |
124 | Upper Salmon River | The abutment above the old mill dam in Alma. |
Charlotte County | ||
125 | Digdeguash River | The highway bridge at Digdeguash. |
126 | Magaguadavic River | The Magaguadavic No. 1 highway bridge on South Street in St. George. |
127 | New River | 60 m downstream from the Highway 1 bridge. |
128 | Pocologan River | The Highway 1 causeway at Pocologan. |
129 | St. Croix River | The Ferry Point International bridge in St. Stephen. |
130 | Waweig River | The Highway 1 bridge at Waweig. |
Gloucester County | ||
131 | Bass River | A line drawn from grid reference 06378083 to grid reference 06408083. Refer to map Bathurst 21 P/12. |
132 | Big Tracadie River | The mouth of Aimée Brook. |
133 | Elmtree River | The Basin Road Bridge. |
134 | Haché Brook | A line drawn from grid reference 97658496 to grid reference 97708496. Refer to map Bathurst 21 P/12. |
135 | Little River | The Highway 11 bridge. |
136 | Little Tracadie River | A line drawn from grid reference 49256457 to grid reference 49266457. Refer to map Burnsville 21 P/11. |
137 | Middle River | The CN Railway bridge. |
138 | Millstream River | The CN Railway bridge. |
139 | Nepisiguit River | The Consolidated Bathurst pumping station dam. |
140 | Nigadoo River | The mouth of Comeau Brook. |
141 | North Caraquet River | The mouth of Ruisseau des Prairies. |
142 | Peters River | A line drawn from grid reference 99738268 to grid reference 99788260. Refer to map Bathurst 21 P/12. |
143 | Pokemouche River | The mouth of Pollard Brook. |
144 | South Caraquet River | A line drawn from grid reference 40728827 to grid reference 40748825. Refer to map Burnsville 21 P/11. |
145 | Saint-Simon River | The mouth of Ruisseau de la Cernu. |
146 | Teagues Brook | The highway bridge near Janeville. |
147 | Tetagouche River | The downstream end of Minnie’s Pool. |
Kent County | ||
148 | Buctouche River | The highway bridge at Coates Mills. |
149 | Cocagne River | The Highway 525 bridge. |
150 | Kouchibouguac River | The Highway 11 bridge. |
151 | Kouchibouguacis River | The bridge at Pont-du-Milieu. |
152 | Little Buctouche River | The highway bridge at McKees Mills. |
153 | Richibucto River | The mouth of Coal Branch River. |
154 | Saint-Charles River (Aldouane River) | A line drawn from grid reference 51337357 to grid reference 51227374. Refer to map Richibucto 21 I/10. |
Kings County | ||
155 | Hammond River | The CN Railway bridge at Nauwigewauk. |
156 | Kennebecasis River | The power line crossing at Bloomfield. |
157 | Nerepis River | The Highway 102 bridge. |
Northumberland County | ||
158 | Barnaby River | A line drawn from grid reference 00849654 to grid reference 00939654. Refer to map Newcastle 21 I/13. |
159 | Bartibog River | Egans Quarry. |
160 | Bay du Vin River | Gulliver Bridge at Auburnville. |
161 | Black River | McColl’s Swinging Bridge. |
162 | Burnt Church River | The Highway 11 bridge. |
163 | Little Bartibog River | The Highway 11 bridge at Russellville. |
164 | Little Southwest Miramichi River | The oxbow on the north boundary line of the Red Bank Indian Reserve No. 7. |
165 | Napan River | The School Bridge. |
166 | Northwest Millstream River | The Highway 425 bridge. |
167 | Northwest Miramichi River | The downstream end of Scott’s Rapid Pool. |
168 | Oyster River | The Highway 11 bridge. |
169 | Renous River | The Highway 8 bridge. |
170 | Southwest Miramichi River | A line drawn from grid reference 87948796 to grid reference 87048802 (the Oldsquaw Rock above the mouth of the Renous River). Refer to map Newcastle 21 I/13. |
171 | Tabusintac River | Head of Tide Island. |
Queens County | ||
172 | Canaan River | Highway 10 bridges at Coles Island. |
173 | Salmon River | The Highway 123 bridge. |
Restigouche County | ||
174 | Armstrong Brook | The CN Railway bridge. |
175 | Belledune River | A line drawn from grid reference 83751030 to grid reference 83761029. Refer to map Pointe Verte 21 P/13. |
176 | Benjamin River | The CN Railway bridge. |
177 | Charlo River | The CN Railway bridge. |
178 | Eel River | The dam at the mouth of Eel River Cove. |
179 | Jacquet River | The Highway 11 bridge. |
180 | Restigouche River | A line drawn from grid reference 61631743 to grid reference 61631836 (Morrissey Rock). Refer to map Atholville 21 O/15. |
Saint John County | ||
181 | Big Salmon River | 200 m downstream from a line drawn across the river at the mouth of Cranberry Brook. |
182 | Black River | 100 m upstream from the public wharf in the estuary. |
Westmorland County | ||
183 | Aboujagane River | A line drawn from grid reference 91151585 to grid reference 91291585 (Cormier’s Point). Refer to map Port Elgin 21 I/1. |
184 | Gaspereau River | The sign placed by a fishery officer at grid reference 13960166. Refer to map Port Elgin 21 I/1. |
185 | Kinnear River | A line drawn from grid reference 91151585 to grid reference 91291585 (Cormier’s Point). Refer to map Port Elgin 21 I/1. |
186 | Kouchibouguac River | A line drawn from grid reference 95311676 to grid reference 95461680. Refer to map Port Elgin 21 I/1. |
187 | Memramcook River | The causeway at College Bridge. |
188 | Petitcodiac River | The Highway 114 causeway between Moncton and Riverview. |
189 | Scoudouc River | A line drawn from grid reference 81771660 to grid reference 81751652. Refer to map Moncton 21 I/2. |
190 | Shediac River | The covered bridge on the Evangeline Road. |
191 | Tantramar River | The Highway 2 bridge at Sackville. |
York County | ||
192 | Keswick River | The Highway 105 bridge at Mouth of Keswick. |
193 | Nashwaak River | The bridge on Bridge Street in Fredericton. |
194 | Saint John River | A line drawn from grid reference 68429155 at the McKinley Ferry site to grid reference 68229192 on Crocks Point. Refer to map Fredericton 21 G/15. |
Prince Edward Island | ||
Kings County | ||
195 | Marie River | The CN Railway bridge. |
196 | Midgell River | The Highway 2 bridge. |
197 | Morell River | The Highway 2 bridge. |
Prince County | ||
198 | Brae River | The Highway 138 bridge. |
199 | Wilmot River | The Highway 1A bridge. |
Queens County | ||
200 | West River | St. Catherines Bridge on Highway 9. |
- SOR/93-55, err.(E), Vol. 127, No. 7
- SOR/2001-452, s. 34
- SOR/2011-39, ss. 11, 12
SCHEDULE III(Section 20)
General Gear Restrictions
Item | Column I | Column II | Column III |
Waters | Method | Close Time | |
Nova Scotia | |||
Annapolis County | |||
1 | Annapolis River, upstream from a line drawn from Oak Point to Schafners Point. | Nets of any kind, except dip nets | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
Antigonish County | |||
2 | Antigonish Harbour, inside a line drawn from grid reference 86246013 to grid reference 86306000. Refer to map Antigonish 11 F/12. | Nets of any kind, except dip nets, gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
3 | Pomquet Harbour, east of a line drawn from grid reference 94305470 to grid reference 94415461. Refer to map Antigonish 11 F/12. | Nets of any kind, except dip nets | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
4 | Tracadie Harbour, inside a line drawn from grid reference 06355322 to grid reference 06665354. Refer to map Antigonish 11 F/12. | Nets of any kind, except dip nets | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
Cape Breton County | |||
5 | Catalone Lake | Smelt gill nets and smelt dip nets | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
6 | Sydney River, from a line drawn from Battery Point to Amelia Point, upstream to the Sysco Dam. | Nets of any kind, except dip nets, gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
Colchester County | |||
7 | Chiganois River, from the Highway 2 bridge upstream to the CN Railway bridge at Belmont. | Angling | Apr. 15 to May 10 |
8 | Debert River, from Cobequid Bay upstream to the CN Railway bridge. | Angling | Apr. 15 to May 10 |
9 | Economy River, from the highway bridge at Economy upstream to Callaghan Brook. | Angling | Apr. 15 to May 10 |
10 | Folly River, upstream to the CN Railway bridge. | Angling | Apr. 15 to May 10 |
11 | Great Village River, from the aboiteau at the dyke upstream to Spencers Brook. | Angling | Apr. 15 to May 10 |
12 | North River, from its confluence with the Salmon River upstream to the West Branch North River. | Angling | Apr. 15 to May 10 |
13 | Portapique River, from the highway bridge at Portapique upstream to Matheson Brook. | Angling | Apr. 15 to May 10 |
14 | Salmon River, from the Highway 102 bridge upstream to Greenfield Brook. | Angling | Apr. 15 to May 10 |
15 | Stewiacke River, from the CN Railway bridge near McKay Siding upstream to the highway bridge in Middle Stewiacke. | Angling | Apr. 15 to May 10 |
16 | Stewiacke River, upstream from a line drawn from grid reference 70509810 to grid reference 70509835 (Stewiacke Landing). Refer to map Shubenacadie 11 E/3. | Gill nets | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
17 | Shubenacadie River, upstream from the Highway 102 bridge at Shubenacadie East. | Gill nets | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
Cumberland County | |||
18 | Maccan River, from the highway bridge at Maccan upstream to the highway bridge at Southampton. | Angling | Apr. 15 to May 10 |
19 | Pugwash River, from the highway bridge at Pugwash upsteam to the highway bridge at Conns Mills. | Nets of any kind, except dip nets, gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
20 | River Hébert, from the highway bridge at River Hébert upstream to the bridge near the tree nursery in the Chignecto Game Sanctuary. | Angling | Apr. 15 to May 10 |
21 | River Philip, from the highway bridge at Port Philip upstream to the foot of Hannons Falls. | Nets of any kind, except dip nets, gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
22 | Shinimicas River, from the highway bridge at Northport upstream to the highway bridge at Lower Shinimicas. | Nets of any kind, except dip nets, gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
23 | Tidnish River, from the highway bridge at Tidnish Bridge upstream to its confluence with the West Branch Tidnish River. | Nets of any kind, except dip nets, gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
24 | Wallace River, from the highway bridge at Wallace Bridge upstream to the CN Railway bridge. | Nets of any kind, except dip nets, gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
Guysborough County | |||
25 | Ecum Secum Harbour, inside of a line drawn from grid reference 68607850 on Davidson Point, thence to grid reference 65407550 on Ball Gut Island and thence to grid reference 65057575. Refer to map Ecum Secum 11 D/16. | Gill nets | June 15 to Sept. 30 |
26 | Giant Lake. | Angling | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
27 | Liscomb Harbour, inside a line drawn from Redman Head to Smoke Point. | Gill nets and trap nets | June 15 to Aug. 31 |
28 | Magginist Lake. | Angling | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
29 | St. Marys River, upstream from a line drawn from grid reference 87108825 on Black Head to grid reference 87858870. Refer to map Country Harbour 11 F/4. | Gill nets and trap nets | June 15 to Aug. 31 |
30 | Sullivan Lake. | Angling | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
Hants County | |||
31 | Avon River, upstream from a line drawn from grid reference 08808450 to grid reference 10608450. Refer to map Wolfville 21 H/1. | Drift nets | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
Halifax County | |||
32 | Chezzetcook River, upstream from a line drawn from grid reference 80505360 to grid reference 80505350. Refer to map West Chezzetcook 11 D/11. | Gill nets | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
33 | Cole Harbour, inside a line drawn from grid reference 66604335 to grid reference 67354370. Refer to map West Chezzetcook 11 D/11. | Gill nets, except smelt gill nets | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
34 | East River Sheet Harbour, from the power house at Ruth Falls downstream 200 m. | Angling | June 1 to Sept. 30 |
35 | Ingram River, from a point 23 m downstream from the Highway 3 bridge to a point 23 m upstream from that bridge. | Any method | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
36 | Kirby River, from a point 15 m downstream from the Highway 24 bridge to a point 15 m upstream from that bridge. | Angling | June 1 to Sept. 30 |
37 | Kirby River, upstream from a line drawn from grid reference 42906710 to grid reference 42806710. Refer to map Ecum Secum 11 D/16. | Gill nets | June 1 to Oct. 31 |
38 | Musquodoboit Harbour, The Narrows between a line drawn from grid reference 90855350 to grid reference 91205350 and a line from grid reference 90555386 to grid reference 91205386. Refer to map West Chezzetcook 11 D/11. | Gill nets | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
39 | Musquodoboit River, upstream from a line north of Chapel Island drawn from grid reference 89955932 to grid reference 90105940. Refer to map Musquodoboit 11 D/14. | Nets of any kind, except dip nets | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
40 | Necum Teuch Bay and Necum Teuch Harbour, inside a line drawn from grid reference 62307690 to grid reference 58107570. Refer to map Ecum Secum 11 D/16. | Gill nets | June 1 to Sept. 30 |
41 | Nine Mile River, upstream from a line drawn in Shad Bay from grid reference 37303130 to grid reference 36803130. Refer to map Halifax 11 D/12. | Gill nets, except smelt gill nets | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
42 | Porters Lake and waters within a 180 m radius of any outlet or entrance connecting that lake to the Atlantic Ocean. | Gill nets, except smelt gill nets | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
43 | Sackville River, upstream from the CN Railway bridge. | Gill nets | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
44 | Salmon River (Port Dufferin), upstream from a line drawn across Port Dufferin from grid reference 48487280 to grid reference 48907250. Refer to map Ecum Secum 11 D/16. | Gill nets, except smelt gill nets | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
45 | Sheet Harbour, East River Sheet Harbour and West River Sheet Harbour inside a line drawn from grid reference 40586560 on Sober Island to grid reference 36506445 on Malagash Island. See maps Ecum Secum 11 D/16 and Tangier 11 D/15. | Gill nets | June 15 to Sept. 30 |
46 | West River Sheet Harbour, upstream from the Killag Road bridge, not including tributaries. | Angling | June 1 to Sept. 30 |
Inverness County | |||
46.1 | Mabou Harbour, inside a line drawn from grid reference 17620470 to grid reference 17700490. Refer to map Lake Ainslie 11 K/3. | Nets of any kind, except smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
47 | Margaree River, from the breakwater at Margaree Harbour upstream to the highway bridges at East Margaree. | Nets of any kind, except dip nets, gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
48 | Northeast Margaree River, upstream from the bridges at Big Intervale, not including tributaries. | Angling | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
49 | River Denys, inside a line drawn from grid reference 48158110 to grid reference 47808029. Refer to map Whycocomagh 11 F/14. | Nets of any kind | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
50 | Seal Cove, Denys Basin, inside a line drawn from grid reference 47308200 to grid reference 47378223. Refer to map Whycocomagh 11 F/14. | Nets of any kind, except smelt gill nets | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
51 | Trout Brook, upstream from a point 96 m upstream from the highway bridge. | Angling | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
Kings County | |||
52 | Gaspereau River, from a point 152 m downstream from the highway bridge at White Rock to a point 213 m upstream from that bridge. | Angling | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
53 | Gaspereau River, from the White Rock power station upstream to the first highway bridge. | Any method | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
Lunenburg County | |||
54 | Gold River, from a point 200 m upstream from the Highway 3 bridge upstream to the Larder River. | Angling | April 1 to May 9 |
55 | Gold River, the Dipping Pool located between the Cable Pool and the Kill Devil Pool. | Angling | May 10 to Aug. 15 |
56 | LaHave River, from Silver Hill Brook, located 825 m downstream from the CN Railway bridge, upstream to the south end of Wentzells Lake. | Angling | April 1 to May 9 |
57 | LaHave River, from Morgans Falls downstream 90 m. | Angling | June 1 to Dec. 31 |
58 | New Germany Lake. | Angling | April 1 to April 30 |
59 | Petite Rivière, from the Highway 331 bridge upstream to Hebb Lake, not including Fancy Lake. | Angling | April 1 to June 14 |
60 | Texas Lake. | Angling | April 1 to April 30 |
61 | Wallace Brook, from the Petite Rivière at Crousetown upstream 180 m. | Angling | April 1 to Sept. 30 |
62 | Wentzells Lake. | Angling | April 1 to April 30 |
Pictou County | |||
63 | East River of Pictou, not including tributaries, from the bridge on George Street in New Glasgow upstream to the highway bridge in Springville. | Angling | April 15 to May 14 |
64 | East River of Pictou, from a line drawn from Dunbar Point to Pine Point, upstream to the bridge on George Street in New Glasgow. | Nets of any kind | April 1 to Nov. 30 |
65 | Pictou Harbour, tidal waters inside of the Harvey A. Venoit causeway. | Nets of any kind, except dip nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
66 | River John, from the highway bridge in River John upstream to the CN Railway bridge. | Nets of any kind, except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
Queens County | |||
67 | Medway River, from a point 90 m upstream of the highway bridge at Harmony upstream to but excluding McGowan Lake. | Angling | June 1 to Dec. 31 |
Victoria County | |||
68 | Ingonish River, upstream from the Cabot Trail highway bridge. | Angling | April 15 to May 15 |
69 | Middle River, from the Forks Pool upstream to the Cabot Trail highway bridge near Finlayson. | Angling, except with a single-hook lure or with an artificial fly | June 1 to Sept. 30 |
70 | Middle River, upstream from the Cabot Trail highway bridge near Finlayson. | Angling | April 15 to Sept. 30 |
71 | North River, upstream from the highway bridge at North River Bridge to a point at the benches marked by a fishery officer. | Angling | April 15 to May 31 |
72 | North River, upstream from a point at the benches marked by a fishery officer. | Angling | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
Yarmouth County | |||
73 | Eel Lake and La Grande Passe, within 365 m of the Highway 3 bridge at Ste. Anne du Ruisseau. | Nets of any kind | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
74 | Tusket River, from the highway bridge crossing the canal at the southern end of Lake Vaughan downstream to the power house dam. | Angling | April 1 to June 30 |
New Brunswick | |||
Carleton County | |||
75 | Saint John River, from Beechwood Dam downstream approximately 0.8 km to a point marked by a fishery officer. | Angling | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
76 | Saint John River, from a point 50 m downstream from Upper Guisiguit Brook to a point 50 m upstream from Upper Guisiguit Brook. | Angling | July 1 to Dec. 31 |
77 | Saint John River, from the highway bridge at Grafton to the railway bridge at Upper Woodstock. | Angling | June 15 to Dec. 31 |
Gloucester County | |||
78 | Bathurst Harbour, inside a line drawn from Carron Point (Caron Point) to Youghall Point (Alston Point). | Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those waters | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
79 | Caraquet River, upstream from a line drawn across the river from grid reference 45009350 to grid reference 45209290 (approximately 1.2 km downstream from the Highway 11 bridge). Refer to map Grande-Anse 21 P/14. | Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those waters | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
80 | Chaleur Bay, inside of a line drawn from grid reference 99208522 at Millstream Gully, thence to the fairway buoy in Bathurst Harbour and thence to Belloni Point. Refer to map Bathurst 21 P/12. | Nets of any kind | June 1 to Dec. 31 |
81 | Chaleur Bay, in waters that are less than 7.3 m in depth at low tide between the wharf at Grande-Anse, Gloucester County, and the ferry wharf at Dalhousie, Restigouche County. | Nets of any kind | June 1 to Dec. 31 |
82 | Nepisiguit River, from the head of Pabineau Falls Pool downstream 45 m. | Angling | May 1 to Oct. 8 |
83 | Nepisiguit River, within 100 m of the Nepisiguit counting fence. | Angling | May 1 to Dec. 31 |
84 | Pokemouche River, upstream from the CN Railway bridge at Inkerman. | Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those waters | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
85 | Rivière du Nord, upstream from a line drawn across the river from grid reference 44909483 to grid reference 44859412 (approximately 1.2 km downstream from the Highway 11 bridge). Refer to map Grande-Anse 21 P/14. | Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those waters | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
86 | Big Tracadie River, upstream from the Pont-Lafrance bridge. | Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those waters | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
87 | Little Tracadie River, upstream from the Highway 11 bridge. | Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those waters | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
Kent County | |||
88 | Buctouche River, upstream from the Highway 11 bridge. | Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those waters | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
89 | Little Buctouche River, upstream from the Highway 11 bridge. | Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those waters | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
90 | Cocagne River, upstream from the Highway 11 bridge. | Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those waters | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
91 | Kouchibouguacis River, upstream from the Highway 11 bridge. | Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those waters | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
92 | Richibucto River, upstream from the Bass River at grid reference 42475570. Refer to map Rogersville 21 I/11. | Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those waters | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
Kings County | |||
93 | Palmer Brook, from the Hammond River upstream 200 m. | Angling | July 7 to Oct. 31 |
Northumberland County | |||
94 | Bartholomew River, not including tributaries. | Angling | June 20 to Dec. 31 |
95 | Bartibog River, upstream from the Highway 11 bridge. | Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those waters | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
96 | Black River, upstream from the old Victoria Bridge at grid reference 31921118. Refer to map Chatham 21 P/3. | Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those waters | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
97 | Miramichi River, upstream from a line drawn from Oyster River to Point aux Carr. | Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those waters | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
98 | Northwest Miramichi River, within 100 m of the Highway 430 bridge (Miner’s Bridge). | Angling | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
99 | Stewart Brook, from its confluence with the Northwest Miramichi River upstream to a point 90 m upstream of the Miramichi water supply dam. | Any method | Jan. 1. to Dec. 31 |
100 | Tabusintac River, upstream from a line drawn from grid reference 44874642 to grid reference 44904669. Refer to map Tabusintac River 21 P/16. | Nets of any kind | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
101 | Tabusintac River, upstream from a line drawn from grid reference 51784445 on Point of Marsh to grid reference 51464477 on MacEacherns Point to a line drawn from grid reference 44874642 to grid reference 44904669. Refer to maps Tabusintac River 21 P/16 and Wishart Point 21 P/7. |
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Restigouche County | |||
102 | Jacquet River, upstream from a line drawn from grid reference 21351245 to grid reference 22141255. Refer to map Charlo 20 O/16. | Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those waters | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
103 | Restigouche River, upstream from a line drawn from the ferry wharf at Dalhousie to the ferry wharf at Miguasha, Quebec. | Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those waters | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
104 | Restigouche River, from the Van Horne Bridge in Campbellton upstream to a line drawn from grid reference 61631743 to grid reference 61631836 (Morrissey Rock). Refer to map Atholville 21 O/15. | Spears, lights and torches | Apr. 15 to Nov. 15 |
105 | Northwest Upsalquitch River, upstream from Mill Brook, located at grid reference 64857515, not including tributaries of that river. Refer to map Upsalquitch Forks 21 O/10. | Angling | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
106 | Southeast Upsalquitch River, from grid reference 81007970 at Boars Head Pool upstream to the bridge above the dam at Simpsons Field. Refer to map Upsalquitch Forks 21 O/10. | Angling | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
Victoria County | |||
107 | Right Hand Branch Tobique River (Campbell River), from the Mamozekel River upstream to the mouth of Tom Pole Brook, located 200 m upstream from the Tobique Salmon Enhancement Project holding fence. | Angling | July 1 to Dec. 31 |
108 | Tobique River, from a line drawn from grid reference 12107980 at the mouth of Finnemore Brook to grid reference 12008095 at Gladwyn, upstream to a line drawn from grid reference 13728200 to grid reference 13678212. Refer to map Aroostook 21 J/13. | Angling | June 15 to Dec. 31 |
Westmorland County | |||
109 | Scoudouc River, upstream from the Highway 15 bridge. | Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those waters | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
110 | Shediac River, upstream from the old Highway 11 bridge. | Longlines, set lines and nets of any kind, except where a licence expressly permits fishing by one or more of those methods in those waters | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
York County | |||
111 | Nashwaak River, from a point 150 m downstream from Porters Brook to a point 30 m upstream from Porters Brook. | Angling | June 15 to Dec. 31 |
112 | Nashwaak River, Big Basin Pool at grid reference 49422894. Refer to map Coldstream 21 J/6. | Angling | June 15 to Dec. 31 |
113 | Nashwaak River and Youngs Brook, within 15 m of their confluence. | Angling | June 15 to Dec. 31 |
Prince Edward Island | |||
Kings County | |||
114 | Basin Head Harbour, upstream from Basin Head Bridge at grid reference 67503707. Refer to maps Souris 11 L/8 and 11 K/5. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
115 | Big Brook, upstream from the Fortune River at grid reference 43913272. Refer to maps Souris 11 L/8 and 11 K/5. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
116 | Black Pond, upstream from its confluence with the Northumberland Strait at grid reference 64813494. Refer to maps Souris 11 L/8 and 11 K/5. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
117 | Brudenell River, upstream from a line drawn from grid reference 31301549 to grid reference 31571610. Refer to map Montague 11 L/2. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
118 | Boughton River, upstream from the highway bridge at Bridgetown. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
119 | Cardigan River, upstream from the causeway on Highway 311. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
120 | Diligent Pond, upstream from its confluence with the Northumberland Strait at grid reference 77584335. Refer to maps Souris 11 L/8 and 11 K/5. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
121 | East Lake, upstream from its confluence with the Gulf of St. Lawrence at grid reference 75904579. Refer to maps Souris 11 L/8 and 11 K/5. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
122 | Fortune River, upstream from the Highway 2 bridge. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
123 | Fox River, upstream from the Highway 348 bridge. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
124 | Grahams Pond, upstream from the Highway 17 bridge. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
125 | Greek River, upstream from a line drawn from grid reference 35609958 to grid reference 35569928. Refer to map Montague 11 L/2. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
126 | MacVanes Pond, upstream from the Highway 16 bridge. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
127 | McAskill River, upstream from its confluence with the Gulf of St. Lawrence at grid reference 35404594. Refer to map Mount Stewart 11 L/7. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
128 | Mink River, upstream from the Highway 17 bridge. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
129 | Mitchell River, upstream from a line drawn from grid reference 34281898 to grid reference 34601900. Refer to map Montague 11 L/2. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
130 | Montague River, upstream from the Main Street bridge at Montague. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
131 | Murray Harbour, inside the Highway 18 bridge. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
132 | Murray River, upstream from the Highway 4 bridge. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
133 | Naufrage River, upstream from the Highway 16 bridge. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
134 | North Lake, upstream from the Highway 16 bridge. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
135 | Seal River, upstream from the Highway 311 bridge. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
136 | Schooner Creek, upstream from its confluence with the Gulf of St. Lawrence at grid reference 25534490. Refer to map Mount Stewart 11 L/7. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
137 | Souris River, upstream from the culvert on the Gowan Brae Road at grid reference 53653677. Refer to maps Souris 11 L/8 and 11 K/5. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
138 | St. Peters Lake and St. Peters River, upstream from a point in the Gulf of St. Lawrence at grid reference 17094274. Refer to map Mount Stewart 11 L/7. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
139 | Sturgeon River, upstream from the Highway 17 bridge. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
Queens County | |||
140 | Belle River, upstream from the Highway 1 bridge. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
141 | Desable River, upstream from the Highway 1 bridge. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
142 | Hillsborough River, upstream from the CN Railway bridge at Mount Stewart. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
143 | MacPhersons Creek, upstream from its confluence with the Northumberland Strait at grid reference 25208954. Refer to map Pictou Island 11 E/15. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
144 | North River, upstream from the causeway on Highway 1. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
145 | Savage Harbour, upstream from the Highway 350 bridge. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
146 | Seal River, upstream from the Highway 1 bridge. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
147 | Vernon River, upstream from the Vernon Causeway on Highway 1. | Nets of any kind except gaspereau and smelt gill nets and eel traps | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 |
- SOR/2001-452, ss. 35, 36, 37(F)
SCHEDULE IV(Subsection 16(1))
Close Times for Angling
Item | Column I | Column II | Column III |
Waters | Method | Close Time | |
1 | Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia. |
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2 | Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick. |
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3 | Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. |
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- SOR/2001-452, s. 38
SCHEDULE V(Sections 24 and 41)
Gaspereau Close Times
Item | Column I | Column II | Column III | Column IV |
Waters | Method | Yearly Close Time | Weekly Close Time | |
Nova Scotia | ||||
1 | Tidal waters of Kings County and that portion of Hants County west of the West Hants municipal boundary |
| From 08:00 h each Saturday to 08:00 h on the following Monday |
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2 | Inland waters of Kings County and that portion of Hants County west of the West Hants municipal boundary |
| From 21:30 h each Friday to 05:30 h on the following Monday |
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3 | Tidal waters of Digby, Yarmouth and Shelburne Counties |
| From 08:00 h each Friday to 08:00 h on the following Sunday |
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4 | Inland waters of Digby, Yarmouth and Shelburne Counties |
| From 08:00 h each Friday to 08:00 h on the following Sunday |
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5 | Tidal waters of Queens and Lunenburg Counties |
| From 08:00 h each Friday to 08:00 h on the following Sunday |
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6 | Inland waters of Queens County |
| From 21:30 h each Thursday to 10:00 h on the following Sunday and from 21:30 h each day to 10:00 h the next day, Sunday through Thursday |
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7 | Inland waters of Lunenburg County |
| From 08:00 h each Friday to 08:00 h on the following Sunday |
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8 | Tidal waters of Inverness County and that portion of Victoria County west of Cape North that borders on the Gulf of St. Lawrence |
| From 18:00 h each Friday to 18:00 h on the following Sunday |
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9 | Inland waters of Inverness County and Victoria County flowing into the Gulf of St. Lawrence west of Cape North, not referred to in items 10 and 11 |
| From 18:00 h each Friday to 18:00 h on the following Sunday |
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10 | Southwest Margaree River, from the Highway 19 bridge at Southwest Margaree upstream to Lake Ainslie |
| From 18:00 h each Saturday to 08:00 h on the following Monday |
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11 | Inland waters of the Margaree River, the Northeast Margaree River and the Southwest Margaree River downstream from the Highway 19 bridge at Southwest Margaree |
| From 18:00 h each Friday to 18:00 h on the following Sunday |
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12 | Tidal waters of those portions of the Counties of Antigonish, Colchester, Cumberland and Pictou that border on Northumberland Strait |
| From 14:00 h each Friday to 14:00 h on the following Sunday |
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13 | Inland waters of Antigonish, Pictou, Colchester and Cumberland Counties |
| From 14:00 h each Friday to 14:00 h on the following Sunday |
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14 | Tidal waters of Nova Scotia not referred to items 1 to 13 |
| From 08:00 h each Friday to 08:00 h on the following Sunday |
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15 | Inland waters of Nova Scotia not referred to in items 1 to 13 |
| From 08:00 h each Friday to 08:00 h on the following Sunday |
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New Brunswick | ||||
16 | Tidal waters of that portion of New Brunswick that borders on the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Northumberland Strait not referred to in item 17 |
| From 12:00 h each Friday to 18:00 h on the following Sunday |
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17 | Tidal waters of the Miramichi River |
| From 12:00 h each Friday to 18:00 h on the following Sunday |
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18 | Inland waters of New Brunswick that flow into the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Northumberland Strait |
| From 12:00 h each Friday to 18:00 h on the following Sunday |
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19 | Tidal waters of that portion of New Brunswick that borders on the Bay of Fundy |
| From 12:00 h each Friday to 08:00 h on the following Sunday |
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20 | Inland waters of New Brunswick that flow into the Bay of Fundy |
| From 12:00 h each Friday to 08:00 h on the following Sunday |
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Prince Edward Island | ||||
21 | Tidal waters of Prince Edward Island |
| From 08:00 h each Saturday to 08:00 h on the following Monday |
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22 | Inland waters of Prince Edward Island |
| From 08:00 h each Saturday to 08:00 h on the following Monday |
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- SOR/2001-452, s. 39
SCHEDULE VI(Section 59)Salmon Fishing Areas
SCHEDULE VII(Sections 61, 62, and 64)
Salmon Close Times and Fishing Quotas
Column I | Column II | Column III | Column IV | Column V | |
Item | Waters | Close Time | Daily Catch and Retain Quota | Daily Catch and Release Quota | Yearly Fishing Quota |
Salmon Fishing Area 15 | |||||
1 | Salmon Fishing Area 15, except those waters set out in items 2 to 21 | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
2 | Bass River | Oct. 16 to June 30 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
3 | Benjamin River | Oct. 16 to June 30 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
4 | Caraquet River | Oct. 16 to June 30 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
5 | Charlo River | Oct. 16 to June 30 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
6 | Eel River, Restigouche County | Oct. 16 to June 30 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
7 | Jacquet River | Oct. 16 to June 30 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
8 | Kedgwick River | Sept. 1 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
9 | Little River | Oct. 16 to June 30 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
10 | Little Tracadie River | Oct. 16 to June 30 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
11 | Middle River, Gloucester County | Oct. 16 to June 30 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
12 | Millstream River | Oct. 16 to June 30 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
13 | Nepisiguit River | Oct. 8 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
14 | Nigadoo River | Oct. 16 to June 30 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
15 | Patapedia River | Sept. 1 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
16 | Pokemouche River | Oct. 16 to June 30 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
17 | Restigouche River | Sept. 1 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
18 | South Caraquet River | Oct. 16 to June 30 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
19 | Tetagouche River | Oct. 16 to June 30 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
20 | Tracadie River | Oct. 16 to June 30 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
21 | Upsalquitch River | Sept. 1 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
Salmon Fishing Area 16 | |||||
22 | Salmon Fishing Area 16, except those waters set out in items 23 to 58 | Oct. 1 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
23 | Aboujagane River | Oct. 1 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
24 | Baie Verte Creek | Oct. 1 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
25 | Bartholomew River | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
26 | Bartibog River | Oct. 16 to June 30 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
27 | Bay du Vin River | Oct. 1 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
28 | Big Sevogle River, upstream from Square Forks | Sept. 14 to June 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
29 | Big Sevogle River, downstream from Square Forks | Oct. 1 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
30 | Black River, Kent County | Oct. 1 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
31 | Black River, Northumberland County | Oct. 1 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
32 | Buctouche River | Oct. 16 to June 30 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
33 | Burnt Church River | Oct. 1 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
34 | Cains River | Oct. 16 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
35 | Cocagne River | Oct. 16 to June 30 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
36 | Chockpish River | Oct. 1 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
37 | Dungarvon River, upstream from Furlong Bridge | Sept. 16 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
38 | Dungarvon River, downstream from Furlong Bridge | Oct. 1 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
39 | Gaspereau River, Westmorland County | Oct. 1 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
40 | Kouchibouguac River | Oct. 1 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
41 | Kouchibouguacis River | Oct. 1 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
42 | Little Southwest Miramichi River, upstream from Catamaran Brook | Sept. 16 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
43 | Little Southwest Miramichi River, downstream from Catamaran Brook | Oct. 1 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
44 | Napan River, Northumberland County | Oct. 1 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
45 | North Branch Renous River | Sept. 16 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
46 | Northwest Miramichi River, upstream from Little River | Sept. 1 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
47 | Northwest Miramichi River, downstream from Little River | Oct. 1 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
48 | Renous River, downstream from the confluence of the North Branch Renous and South Branch Renous Rivers | Oct. 1 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
49 | Richibucto River | Oct. 1 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
50 | Rocky Brook, tributary to the Southwest Miramichi River | Sept. 1 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
51 | Scoudouc River | Oct. 1 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
52 | Shediac River | Oct. 1 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
53 | South Branch Renous River | Sept. 16 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
54 | Southwest Miramichi River, upstream from McKiel Brook, not including tributaries | Sept. 16 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
55 | Southwest Miramichi River, downstream from McKiel Brook, not including tributaries | Oct. 1 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
56 | Southwest Miramichi River, all tributaries to that river except Rocky Brook | Sept. 16 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
57 | Tabusintac River | Oct. 22 to June 30 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
58 | Timber River | Oct. 1 to June 7 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
Salmon Fishing Area 17 | |||||
59 | Salmon Fishing Area 17, except those waters set out in items 60 to 62 | Oct. 1 to June 14 | 1 | 2 | 7, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
60 | Midgell River | Oct. 1 to June 14 | 1 | 2 | 7, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
61 | Morell River | Oct. 1 to June 14 | 1 | 2 | 7, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
62 | West River, Queens County | Oct. 1 to June 14 | 1 | 2 | 7, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
Salmon Fishing Area 18 | |||||
63 | Salmon Fishing Area 18, except those waters set out in items 64 to 87 | Nov. 1 to Aug. 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
64 | Barneys River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
65 | East River of Pictou | Nov. 1 to Aug. 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
66 | French River, Colchester County | Nov. 1 to Aug. 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
67 | French River, Pictou County | Nov. 1 to Aug. 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
68 | Mabou River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
69 | Margaree River, that part of the river downstream from Cranton Bridge on the Northeast Margaree River to the highway bridges at East Margaree, not including tributaries | Nov. 1 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
70 | Margaree River, tributaries to that part of the river downstream from Cranton Bridge on the Northest Margaree River to the highway bridges at East Margaree | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
71 | Middle River, Pictou County | Nov. 1 to Aug. 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
72 | Northeast Margaree River, upstream from the bridges at Big Intervale | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
73 | Northeast Margaree River, downstream from the bridges at Big Intervale to Cranton Bridge | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
74 | Pomquet River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
75 | Pugwash River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
76 | River John | Nov. 1 to Aug. 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
77 | River Phillip | Nov. 1 to Aug. 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
78 | Shinimicas River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
79 | South River, Antigonish County | Nov. 1 to Aug. 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
80 | Southwest Margaree River, downstream from the Scotsville highway bridge, not including tributaries | Nov. 1 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
81 | Southwest Margaree River, upstream from the Scotsville highway bridge, not including tributaries | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
82 | Southwest Margaree River, all tributaries of that river | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
83 | Tidnish River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
84 | Wallace River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
85 | Waugh River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
86 | West River, Antigonish County | Nov. 1 to Aug. 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
87 | West River of Pictou | Nov. 1 to Aug. 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
Salmon Fishing Area 19 | |||||
88 | Salmon Fishing Area 19, except those waters set out in items 89 to 107 | Nov. 1 to June 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
89 | Aconi Brook | Nov. 1 to June 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
90 | Baddeck River | Nov. 1 to June 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
91 | Barachois River | Nov. 1 to June 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
92 | Catalone River | Nov. 1 to June 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
93 | Framboise River | Nov. 1 to June 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
94 | Gaspereau River, Cape Breton County | Nov. 1 to June 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
95 | Gerratt Brook | Nov. 1 to June 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
96 | Grand River | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
97 | Indian Brook | Nov. 1 to June 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
98 | Ingonish River | Nov. 1 to June 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
99 | Lorraine Brook | Nov. 1 to June 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
100 | Marie Joseph River | Nov. 1 to June 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
101 | Middle River, Victoria County | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
102 | Mira River | Nov. 1 to June 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
103 | North River, Victoria County | Nov. 1 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
104 | North Aspy River | Nov. 1 to June 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
105 | River Inhabitants | Nov. 1 to June 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
106 | River Tillard | Nov. 1 to June 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
107 | Salmon River, Cape Breton County | Nov. 1 to June 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
Salmon Fishing Area 20 | |||||
108 | Salmon Fishing Area 20, except those waters set out in items 109 to 139 | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
109 | Chezzetcook River | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
110 | Clam Harbour River | Sept. 23 to June 23 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
111 | Cole Harbour River | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
112 | Country Harbour River | Sept. 23 to June 23 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
113 | East River Sheet Harbour | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
114 | Ecum Secum River | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
115 | Gaspereau Brook | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
116 | Gegogan Brook | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
117 | Indian River | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
118 | Isaacs Harbour River | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
119 | Kirby River | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
120 | Larry’s River | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
121 | Liscomb River | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
122 | Little Salmon River (Lake Major) | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
123 | Milford Haven River (Guysborough River) | Sept. 23 to June 23 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
124 | Moser River | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
125 | Musquodoboit River | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
126 | Necum Teuch River | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
127 | New Harbour River | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
128 | Quoddy River | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
129 | Rocky Run (Porters Lake) | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
130 | Salmon River, Guysborough County | Sept. 23 to June 23 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
131 | Salmon River, Halifax County | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
132 | Salmon River (Lawrencetown Lake), Halifax County | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
133 | Salmon River (Port Dufferin), Halifax County | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
134 | Ship Harbour River | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
135 | St. Marys River | Sept. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
136 | Tangier River | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
137 | Taylor Bay Brook | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
138 | Three Fathom Harbour Brook | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
139 | West River Sheet Harbour | Aug. 30 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
Salmon Fishing Area 21 | |||||
140 | Salmon Fishing Area 21, except those waters set out in items 141 to 164 | Aug. 16 to May 9 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
141 | Barrington River | Aug. 16 to May 9 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
142 | Broad River | Aug. 16 to May 9 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
143 | Clyde River | Oct. 16 to May 9 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
144 | East River, Lunenburg County | Aug. 16 to May 9 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
145 | Gold River | Aug. 16 to May 9 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
146 | Ingram River | Aug. 16 to May 9 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
147 | Jordan River | Aug. 16 to May 9 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
148 | LaHave River, downstream from Morgans Falls | Aug. 16 to May 9 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
149 | LaHave River, upstream from Morgans Falls, except as set out in item 150 | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
150 | LaHave River, between the bridge on the Lower Branch Road (Varner’s Bridge #2) in New Germany and Cherryfield Bridge at Cherryfield, not including tributaries | Aug. 16 to May 9 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
151 | Martins River | Aug. 16 to May 9 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
152 | Medway River, downstream from McGowan Lake | Aug. 1 to May 9 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
153 | Medway River, McGowan Lake and all waters upstream of that lake | Jan 1. to Dec. 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
154 | Mersey River | Aug. 16 to May 9 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
155 | Middle River, Lunenburg County | Aug. 16 to May 9 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
156 | Mushamush River | Aug. 16 to May 9 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
157 | Nine Mile River | Aug. 16 to May 9 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
158 | Petite Rivière | Aug. 16 to June 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
159 | Roseway River | Aug. 16 to May 9 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
160 | Sable River | Aug. 16 to May 9 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
161 | Salmon River, Digby County | Aug. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
162 | Sackville River | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
163 | Sissiboo River | Aug. 16 to May 9 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
164 | Tusket River | Aug. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
Salmon Fishing Area 22 | |||||
165 | Salmon Fishing Area 22, except those waters set out in items 166 to 193 | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
166 | Annapolis River | Aug. 16 to May 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
167 | Apple River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
168 | Bass River, Colchester County | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
169 | Bear River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
170 | Chiganois River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
171 | Cornwallis River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
172 | Debert River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
173 | Diligent River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
174 | Economy River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
175 | Folly River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
176 | Gaspereau River, Kings County | Aug. 16 to May 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
177 | Great Village River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
178 | Harrington River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
179 | Kennetcook River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
180 | Lequille River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
181 | Little Bass River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
182 | Maccan River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
183 | Nappan River, Cumberland County | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
184 | Nictaux River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
185 | North River, Colchester County | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
186 | Paradise River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
187 | Portapique River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
188 | River Hébert | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
189 | Round Hill River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
190 | Salmon River, Colchester County | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
191 | Shubenacadie River | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
192 | St. Croix River, Hants County | Nov. 1 to Aug. 14 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
193 | Stewiacke River | Nov. 1 to July 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
Salmon Fishing Area 23 | |||||
194 | Salmon Fishing Area 23, except those waters set out in items 195 to 234 | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
195 | Alma River | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
196 | Big Salmon River, upstream from and including Walton Dam Pool | Sept. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
197 | Big Salmon River, downstream from Walton Dam Pool | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
198 | Black River, Saint John County | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
199 | Canaan River | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
200 | Coverdale River | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
201 | Crooked Creek | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
202 | Demoiselle Creek | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
203 | Digdeguash River | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
204 | Gaspereau River, Queens County | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
205 | Hammond River, upstream from the covered bridge in French Village | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
206 | Hammond River, downstream from the covered bridge in French Village | Nov. 1 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
207 | Irish River | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
208 | Kennebecasis River, upstream from and including Trout Creek | Sept. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
209 | Kennebecasis River, downstream from Trout Creek | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
210 | Keswick River | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
211 | Little River, Saint John County | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
212 | Magaguadavic River | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
213 | Mosher River, Saint John County | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
214 | Nashwaak River, upstream from the bridge at Stanley | Oct. 1 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
215 | Nashwaak River, downstream from the bridge at Stanley | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
216 | Nerepis River | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
217 | New River | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
218 | Oromocto River | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
219 | Petitcodiac River | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
220 | Pocologan River | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
221 | Point Wolfe River | Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
222 | Pollett River | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
223 | Saint John River, upstream from the Grafton Bridge in Woodstock | Oct. 1 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
224 | Saint John River, downstream from the Grafton Bridge in Woodstock to the Reversing Falls Bridge | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
225 | Salmon River, Queens County | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
226 | Salmon River, Victoria County | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
227 | Shepody River | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
228 | St. Croix River | Sept. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
229 | Tantramar River | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
230 | Tobique River | Sept. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
231 | Turtle Creek | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
232 | Waweig River | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
233 | Weldon Creek | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
234 | West River, Albert County | Oct. 16 to May 31 | 2 | 4 | 8, of which not more than 1 may be 63 cm in length or longer |
SCHEDULE VIII(Sections 24 and 73)
Shad Close Times
Item | Column I | Column II | Column III | Column IV |
Waters | Method | Yearly Close Time | Weekly Close Time | |
Nova Scotia | ||||
1 | Tidal waters of the Shubenacadie River and the Stewiacke River from a straight line drawn across the Shubenacadie River from Maitland in Hants County to Black Rock in Colchester County upstream to the Highway 102 bridge crossing the Shubenacadie River at Shubenacadie East and upstream to a straight line drawn across the Stewiacke River from grid reference 70509808 to grid reference 70509835 (Stewiacke Landing). Refer to map Shubenacadie 11 E/3 |
| From 08:00 h each Friday to 08:00 h on the following Sunday |
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
2 | Waters of Cumberland Basin inside of a straight line drawn from Ragged Reef Point, Nova Scotia, to Cape Maringouin, New Brunswick |
| From 08:00 h each Saturday to 08:00 h on the following Monday |
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
3 | Tidal waters of Kings County |
| From 08:00 h each Saturday to 08:00 h on the following Monday |
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
4 | Tidal waters of Nova Scotia not set out in items 1 to 3 |
| From 08:00 h each Friday to 08:00 h on the following Sunday |
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
5 | Inland waters of the Annapolis River |
| From 24:00 h each Tuesday to 06:00 h on the following Monday |
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
6 | Inland waters of Kings County not set out in item 5 |
| From 21:30 h each Friday to 05:30 h on the following Monday |
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
7 | Inland waters of Nova Scotia not set out in item 5 or 6 |
| From 08:00 h each Friday to 08:00 h on the following Sunday |
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
New Brunswick | ||||
8 | Tidal waters of the Saint John River between the Reversing Falls and a straight line drawn from Partridge Island to Red Head |
| From 12:00 h each Friday to 08:00 h on the following Sunday |
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
9 | Tidal waters of the Saint John River above the Reversing Falls |
| From 12:00 h each Friday to 08:00 h on the following Sunday |
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
10 | Waters of Shepody Bay inside of a straight line drawn from Cape Maringouin to Marys Point |
| From 12:00 h each Friday to 08:00 h on the following Sunday |
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
11 | Waters of Cumberland Basin inside of a straight line drawn from Ragged Reef Point, Nova Scotia, to Cape Maringouin, New Brunswick |
| From 08:00 h each Saturday to 08:00 h on the following Monday |
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
12 | Tidal waters of that portion of New Brunswick that borders on the Bay of Fundy not set out in items 8 to 11 |
| From 12:00 h each Friday to 08:00 h on the following Sunday |
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
13 | Tidal waters of that portion of New Brunswick that borders on the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Northumberland Strait |
| From 12:00 h each Friday to 08:00 h on the following Sunday |
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
14 | Inland waters of the Saint John River |
| From 09:00 h each Saturday to 09:00 h on the following Monday |
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
15 | Inland waters of the Southwest Miramichi River |
| From 09:00 h each Saturday to 09:00 h on the following Monday |
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
16 | Inland waters of New Brunswick not set out in item 14 or 15 |
| From 09:00 h each Saturday to 09:00 h on the following Monday |
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
Prince Edward Island | ||||
17 | Tidal waters of Prince Edward Island |
| From 08:00 h each Saturday to 08:00 h on the following Monday |
| |||
| |||
| |||
| |||
18 | Inland waters of Prince Edward Island |
| From 08:00 h each Saturday to 08:00 h on the following Monday |
| |||
| |||
| |||
- SOR/93-55, err.(F), Vol. 127, No. 7
SCHEDULE IX(Paragraph 12(2)(c), subsection 28(3) and sections 30, 31, 49, 53.1, 78, 82, 89, 98, 104, 107.1, 107.2, 107.3 and 108)
Winter Fishing Waters in New Brunswick
Item | Column I | Column II | Column III |
Waters | Grid Reference (Map) | County | |
1 | Lac Baker (Baker Lake) | 23804480 (Lac Baker 21 N/7) | Madawaska |
2 | Bolton Lake | 10286147 (Forest City 21 G/12) | York |
3 | Canoose Flowage | 30403037 (Rollingdam 21 G/6 and 21 G/5) | Charlotte |
4 | Coys Lake (Coy Lake) | 50797809 (Grand Lake 21 G/16) | Queens |
5 | Crocker Lake | 92209650 (Newcastle 21 I/13) | Northumberland |
6 | Despres Lake | 04306900 (Blackville 21 I/12) | Northumberland and Kent |
7 | Douglas Lake | 05763760 (Saint John 21 G/8) | Queens |
8 | Fifth Lake | 22656324 (McAdam 21 G/11) | York |
9 | First Eel Lake | 03647849 (Fosterville 21 G/13) | York |
10 | Fisher Lakes | 30792009 (Saint John 21 G/8) | Saint John |
11 | Foster Lake | 33005343 (McAdam 21 G/11) | York |
12 | Foster Lake | 38681944 (Rollingdam 21 G/6 and 21 G/5) | Charlotte |
13 | French Lake | 91917249 (Fredericton 21 G/15) | Sunbury |
14 | French Lake | 11318783 (Grand Lake 21 G/16) | Sunbury |
15 | Gaspereau Lake | 17352869 (Boiestown 21 J/8) | Sunbury |
16 | Grand Lake | 29488750 (Grand Lake 21 G/16) | Sunbury and Queens |
17 | Grand Falls Headpond between the Highway 2 bridge and the International Bridge at St. Leonard | 87001600 (Grand Falls 21 O/4) | Madawaska |
18 | Grand Falls Flowage | 18941532 (Rollingdam 21 G/6 and 21 G/5) | Charlotte |
19 | Hanson Stream Reservoir | 02491091 (Musquash 21 G/1) | Saint John |
20 | Harts Lake | 19497651 (Grand Lake 21 G/16) | Queens |
21 | Indian Lake | 10809121 (Grand Lake 21 G/16) | Sunbury |
22 | Kilmarnock Deadwater | 18070411 (Millville 21 J/3) | Carleton |
23 | Lake Stream Lake | 09162128 (Salisbury 21 I/3) | Queens |
24 | Lower Nashwaak Lake | 54222632 (Napadogan 21 J/7) | Kent |
25 | Lower Tetagouche Lake | 16508020 (Tetagouche Lake 21 O/9) | Restigouche |
26 | Macs Lake | 13409740 (Kouchibouguac 21 I/14) | Northumberland |
27 | Mactaquac Lake on the Saint John River, from the Mactaquac Dam upstream to the Grafton Bridge in Woodstock | 37599451 (Canterbury 21 G/14) | York and Carleton |
28 | Maquapit Lake | 18388852 (Grand Lake 21 G/16) | Queens and Sunbury |
29 | McManus Lake | 81434650 (Sussex 21 H/12) | Kings |
30 | Middle Lake | 35861937 (Rollingdam 21 G/6 and 21 G/5) | Charlotte |
31 | Middle Tetagouche Lake | 09708020 (Tetagouche Lake 21 O/9) | Restigouche |
32 | Mill Lake | 75410737 (Rollingdam 21 G/6 and 21 G/5) | Charlotte |
33 | Miramichi Lake | 55494683 (Napadogan 21 J/7) | York |
34 | Modsley Lake | 28835366 (MaAdam 21 G/11) | York |
35 | Moores Mills Lake | 35941566 (Rollingdam 21 G/6 and 21 G/5) | Charlotte |
36 | Morice Pond (Silver Lake) | 94508740 (Amherst 21 H/16) | Westmorland |
37 | Chatham Reservoir | 10100860 (Chatham 21 P/3) | Northumberland |
38 | Mud Lake | 02716951 (Codys 21 H/13) | Kings |
39 | Nictau Lake (Big Nictau Lake) | 58505450 (Nepisiguit Lakes 21 0/7) | Restigouche |
40 | North Little River Lake | 16803980 (California Lake 21 O/8E) | Northumberland |
41 | Oromocto Lake | 56694950 (McAdam 21 G/11) | York |
42 | Pabineau Lake | 92206440 (Bathurst 21 P/12) | Gloucester |
43 | Pocowogamis Lake | 07278548 (Fosterville 21 G/13) | York |
44 | Potters Lake | 29550880 (St. Stephen 21 G/3) | Charlotte |
45 | Poucette Lake | 00401230 (Port Elgin 21 I/1) | Westmorland |
46 | Round Lake | 32908920 (Kouchibouguac 21 I/14) | Kent |
47 | Scotch Lake | 56259108 (Fredericton 21 G/15) | York |
48 | Shaddick Lake | 83191880 (Sevogle 21 P/4) | Northumberland |
49 | Sixth Lake | 20196413 (McAdam 21 G/11) | York |
50 | South Little River Lake | 16593662 (Big Bald Mountain 21 O/1) | Northumberland |
51 | Surface mine ponds | Bounded by a line drawn from grid reference 14009800 to grid reference 14001700, thence to grid reference 86001700, thence to grid reference 86009800 and thence to grid reference 14009800. (Chipman 21 I/4 and Minto 21 J/11) | Queens and Sunbury |
52 | Swan Creek Lake | 11298048 (Grand Lake 21 G/16) | Sunbury |
53 | Square Lake | 04001100 (Port Elgin 21 I/1) | Westmorland |
54 | Teagues Lake | 18607620 (Burnsville 21 P/11) | Gloucester |
55 | Thompsons Lake | 27495738 (McAdam 21 G/11) | York |
56 | Tobique Narrows Headpond | 00568288 (Aroostook 21 J/13) | Victoria |
57 | Trousers Lake | 08005500 (Serpentine Lake 21 O/2) | Victoria |
58 | Tuttle Lake | 14305535 (Forestville 21 G/9) | York |
59 | Upper Tetagouche Lake | 07007925 (Tetagouche Lake 21 O/9) | Restigouche |
60 | Washademoak Lake | 32086855 (Hampstead 21 G/9) | Queens |
61 | Wauklahegan Lake | 27175144 (McAdam 21 G/11) | York |
62 | Williamstown Lake | 00082983 (Florenceville 21 J/5) | Carleton |
63 | Windermere Pond | 23007795 (Kedgwick 21 O/11) | Restigouche |
- SOR/2001-452, s. 40
— SOR/2024-237, s. 14
14 (1) Section 37 of the Maritime Provinces Fishery RegulationsFootnote 2 is amended by adding the following before subsection (1):
Return to footnote 2SOR/93-55
(0.1) Despite any provision in these Regulations, no person shall engage in recreational fishing for elvers.
(2) Section 37 of the Regulations is amended by adding the following after subsection (1.1):
(1.2) Subsection (1.1) does not apply to fishing for commercial purposes for elvers.
(1.3) No person shall engage in fishing for commercial purposes for elvers in the waters set out in column I of the table to this subsection by a method set out in column II during the close time set out in column III.
Column I Column II Column III Item Waters Method Close Time 1 Inland and tidal waters of Nova Scotia. (1) Eel trap
(1) Jul. 31 to Mar. 1
(2) Dip net
(2) Jul. 31 to Mar. 1
(3) Any other method
Footnote for TABLE *(3) Jul. 31 to Mar. 1
2 Inland and tidal waters of New Brunswick. (1) Eel trap
(1) Jul. 31 to Mar. 1
(2) Dip net
(2) Jul. 31 to Mar. 1
(3) Any other method
Footnote for TABLE *(3) Jul. 31 to Mar. 1
3 Inland and tidal waters of Prince Edward Island. (1) Eel trap
(1) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
(2) Dip net
(2) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
(3) Any other method
Footnote for TABLE *(3) Jan. 1 to Dec. 31
Return to footnote *If a close time is in respect of more than one fishing method, that close time is deemed to be separately and individually fixed in respect of each of those fishing methods.
— SOR/2024-237, s. 15
15 The portion of subsection 37(2) of the Regulations before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
(2) Every person who fishes for eels, other than elvers, with an eel trap in the inland waters of Nova Scotia shall, during the period beginning at sunrise and ending at sunset,
- Date modified: