Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Federal Courts Citizenship, Immigration and Refugee Protection Rules (SOR/93-22)

Regulations are current to 2024-09-16 and last amended on 2021-06-17. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE(Subrules 5(1), 8(1), 8.1(1), 9(1) and 20(1))

Form IR-1 (Rule 5)

Court File No.



(Insert, as applicable, the full name of party, the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration or each Minister responsible for the administration of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act in respect of the matter for which leave is sought.)



(Insert, as applicable, the full name of party, the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration or each Minister responsible for the administration of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act in respect of the matter for which leave is sought.)


Application for Leave and for Judicial Review



(Select the provision under which this application is made.)

UNLESS A JUDGE OTHERWISE DIRECTS, THIS APPLICATION FOR LEAVE will be disposed of without personal appearance by the parties, in accordance with paragraph 22.1(2)(c) of the Citizenship Act or paragraph 72(2)(d) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, as the case may be.

IF YOU WISH TO OPPOSE THIS APPLICATION FOR LEAVE, you or a solicitor authorized to practise in Canada and acting for you must prepare a Notice of Appearance in Form IR-2 prescribed by the Federal Courts Citizenship, Immigration and Refugee Protection Rules, serve it on the tribunal and each applicant’s solicitor or, in the case where an applicant does not have a solicitor, serve it on the applicant, and file it, with proof after service, in the Registry, within 10 days after the day on which this application for leave is served.

IF YOU FAIL TO DO SO, the Court may dispose of this application for leave and, if the leave is granted, of the subsequent application for judicial review without further notice to you.

  • Note: 
    Copies of the relevant Rules of Court, information on the local office of the Court and other necessary information may be obtained from any local office of the Federal Court or the Registry in Ottawa (telephone: 613-992-4238).

The applicant seeks leave of the Court to commence an application for judicial review of:

(Set out the date and details of the matter — the decision or order made, measure taken or question raised — in respect of which a judicial review is sought and the date on which the applicant was notified or otherwise became aware of the matter.)

(Set out the name, address and telephone number of the tribunal and, if the tribunal was composed of more than one person, the name of each person who was on the tribunal.)

(Set out the tribunal’s file number(s), if applicable.)

(Add the following paragraph, if applicable.)

[The applicant also applies to the Court for an extension of time to file and serve the application under paragraph 22.1(2)(b) of the Citizenship Act or under paragraph 72(2)(c) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, as the case may be, for the following special reasons:

(Set out the special reasons for the request for the extension of time.)]

The application for leave was prepared by:

(As applicable, set out the name of the solicitor or party signed below or the name, address and telephone number of any other person who, for a fee or other consideration, prepared the application for leave.)

The applicant’s electronic address for the service of documents is: (Set out the electronic address for the service of documents specified in Form 141A of the Federal Court Rules, if any.)

If the application for leave is granted, the applicant seeks the following relief by way of a judicial review:

(Set out the precise relief sought should leave be granted, including any statutory provision or rule relied on.)

If the application for leave is granted, the application for judicial review is to be based on the following grounds:

(Set out the grounds to be argued, including a reference to any statutory provision or rule to be relied on.)

The applicant (has or has not) received written reasons from the tribunal.

If the application for leave is granted, the applicant proposes that the application for judicial review be heard at blank line (place), in the (English and/or French) language.

blank line
(Signature of solicitor or applicant)
(Name, address and telephone number of solicitor or applicant)

To: (Name(s) and address(es) of respondent(s))

Form IR-2 (Rule 8)

Registry No.






Notice of Appearance

THE RESPONDENT(S) (name(s)) intend(s) to respond to this application for leave.

The tribunal’s file number(s), as set out in the application for leave is (are)


(Name, address and telephone number of respondent’s solicitor, or respondent if acting in person)

  • TO: 
    (Name and address of applicant’s solicitor, or applicant if acting in person)
  • AND TO: 
    (Name and address of tribunal)

Form IR-3 (Subrule 9(1))

Court File No.






Request to Tribunal

  • TO: 
    (Name and address of tribunal)
  • RE: 
    (Set out the complete particulars of the matter — decision or order made, measure taken or question raised — as they appear in the application, with the tribunal’s file number(s), if any.)


In an application filed on blank line, 20 blank line, the applicant set out that he or she had not received written reasons for the above-captioned matter.

In accordance with rule 9 of the Federal Courts Citizenship, Immigration and Refugee Protection Rules, you are requested to send, without delay,

  • (a) a copy of the decision or order at issue and the written reasons for it, duly certified by an appropriate officer to be correct, to each of the parties and two copies to the Registry; or

  • (b) a written notice to each of the parties and to the Registry indicating that no reasons were given or reasons were given but not recorded, as the case may be.

blank line

(Signature of Registry Officer)

Name of Registry Officer

Telephone Number

Form IR-4 (Subrule 20(1))

Court File No.




(Applicant (or Respondent) in the Federal Court)




(Applicant (or Respondent) in the Federal Court)

Notice of Appeal

THE APPELLANT (name) appeals from the judgment of the Honourable (name of judge) of the Federal Court, delivered on (date).

The following serious question(s) of general importance was (were) certified:

(Set out the question(s) certified.)

The question(s) was (were) certified under:

(Select the appropriate provision.)

The appellant seeks the following relief on the determination of the question(s) under section 52 of the Federal Courts Act:

(Set out the relief sought, with reference to the specific provisions in section 52 of the Federal Courts Act relied on.)

The appellant requests that this appeal be heard atblank line (place), in the (English and/or French) language.

Dated at blank line, this blank line of blank line, 20 blank line.

(Name, address and telephone number of appellant’s solicitor)

  • TO: 
    (Name and address of respondent’s solicitor, or respondent if acting in person)

Form IR-5 (Subrules 8.1(1) and (2))

Court File No.






Anonymity Order Notice

The (identify party)

  • [ ] requests that the Court make an order that all documents that are prepared by the Court and which may be made available to the public be amended and redacted to the extent necessary to make the identity of (insert name) anonymous;

  • [ ] objects to the request for an anonymity order made by (identify party) on (date).

The grounds for the (request or objection) are the following: (Set out grounds)

Dated at blank line, this blank line of blank line, 20 blank line.

(Name, address and telephone number of party, if acting in person, or the party’s solicitor)


Date modified: