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On Board Trains Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (SOR/87-184)

Regulations are current to 2024-09-16 and last amended on 2023-12-15. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE(Section 4.4)

Maximum Duration of Exposure to A-Weighted Sound Pressure Levels in the Work Place

Column IColumn II
A-weighted sound pressure level (dBA)Maximum duration of exposure in hours per employee per 24-hour period
  • SOR/2015-143, s. 19

PART VElectrical Safety


 In this Part,

control device

control device means a device that will safely disconnect electrical equipment from its source of energy; (dispositif de commande)


guarded means, in respect of electrical equipment, equipment that is

  • (a) covered, shielded, enclosed or otherwise protected in a manner that prevents injury to an employee who touches or goes near the equipment, or

  • (b) in a place inaccessible to employees. (protégé)

Safety Procedures

  •  (1) Where work, other than the work referred to in subsection (2), is performed on electrical equipment, the employer shall adopt and implement Part VIII of the Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.

  • (2) Where an employee is required to throw switches, change light bulbs or fuses or perform other work that requires no electrical training, the following procedures apply:

    • (a) where electrical equipment is live or may become live, no employee shall work on the equipment unless the employer has instructed the employee in procedures that are safe for work on live conductors;

    • (b) subject to paragraph (c), where an employee is working on or near electrical equipment that is live or may become live, the electrical equipment shall be guarded; and

    • (c) if it is not feasible for electrical equipment referred to in paragraph (b) to be guarded, the employer shall take measures to protect the employee from injury by insulating the equipment from the employee or the employee from the ground.

Switches and Control Devices

  •  (1) Every control device shall be so designed and located as to permit quick and safe operation at all times.

  • (2) The path of access to every electrical switch, control device or meter shall be free from obstruction.

  • (3) Where an electrical switch or other control device controlling the supply of electrical energy to electrical equipment is operated only by a person authorized to do so by the employer, the switch or control device shall be fitted with a locking device that only the authorized person can activate.

PART VISanitation


  • SOR/2015-143, s. 20(F)

 In this Part, food preparation area includes an area used for the storage of food.

  • SOR/2015-143, s. 21


  •  (1) Every employer shall maintain each on-board accommodation and food preparation area used by employees in a clean and sanitary condition.

  • (2) On-board accommodation and food preparation areas shall be so used by employees that the accommodation or areas remain as clean and in as sanitary a condition as is possible.

  • SOR/95-105, s. 9(E)

 All janitorial work that may cause dusty or unsanitary conditions shall be carried out in a manner that will prevent the contamination of the air by dust or other substances injurious to health.

 All on-board accommodation and toilet rooms shall be constructed and maintained in a manner that prevents adverse health and safety conditions.

  • SOR/95-105, s. 10(F)
  •  (1) In rolling stock on which there is on-board accommodation, the food preparation area shall be separated from the sleeping quarters.

  • (2) In every on-board accommodation,

    • (a) garbage disposal facilities shall be provided to prevent the accumulation of garbage; and

    • (b) potable water, heating, ventilation and sanitary sewage systems shall be provided.

  • SOR/95-105, s. 11(E)
  • SOR/2015-143, s. 22
  •  (1) Each garbage container that is used for solid or liquid waste in a work place shall

    • (a) be equipped with a tight-fitting cover;

    • (b) be so constructed that it can easily be cleaned and maintained in a sanitary condition; and

    • (c) be leak-proof.

  • (2) Each garbage container referred to in subsection (1) shall be emptied at least once every day that it is used.

  •  (1) An employer shall ensure that each enclosed part of a work place and each on-board accommodation, toilet room and food preparation area is constructed, equipped and maintained in a manner that will prevent the entrance of vermin.

  • (2) If vermin enter any enclosed part of a work place or any on-board accommodation, toilet room or food preparation area, the employer shall without delay take all steps necessary to eliminate the vermin and prevent any further entries.

  • SOR/2015-143, s. 23

 No person shall use on-board accommodation, a toilet room or a food preparation area for the purpose of storing equipment unless

  • (a) a storage closet fitted with a door is provided in the on-board accommodation, toilet room or food preparation area; or

  • (b) the equipment is secured in a manner that protects employees from injury.

 In each on board accommodation, toilet room and food preparation area, the temperature, measured one metre above the floor in the centre of the room or area, shall, if feasible, be maintained at a level of not less than 18°C and not more than 29°C.

  •  (1) In each on-board accommodation, toilet room and food preparation area, the floors, partitions and walls shall be so constructed that they can be easily washed and maintained in a sanitary condition.

  • (2) The floor and lower 150 mm of any walls and partitions that are in contact with the floor in any food preparation area or toilet room shall be water-tight and impervious to moisture.

  • SOR/95-105, s. 13(F)

Toilet Rooms

  •  (1) If feasible, every employer shall provide a toilet room on rolling stock, other than rolling stock designed for transporting freight and maintenance of way equipment.

  • (2) If it is not feasible to provide a toilet room in accordance with subsection (1), the employer shall provide a toilet room that is readily accessible to employees and is

    • (a) off the rolling stock; or

    • (b) coupled to the rolling stock.

 Every toilet room shall be fitted on the inside with a locking device that can be opened from the outside in an emergency.

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), where a toilet room is provided pursuant to section 6.11 and employees of both sexes are employed at the same work place, an employer shall provide a separate toilet room for employees of each sex.

  • (2) An employer may provide only one toilet room for employees of both sexes if the toilet room is completely enclosed with solid material that is non-transparent from the outside.

  • (3) Where separate toilet rooms are provided for employees of each sex, each toilet room shall be equipped with a door that is clearly marked to indicate the sex of the employees for whom the room is provided.

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), the toilet provided in a toilet room shall

    • (a) in the case of a locomotive, be of the self-contained chemical flush type; and

    • (b) in the case of a caboose, be of such a type and construction that waste is not deposited on the track bed or on any part of the caboose.

  • (2) Outside flush or dryhopper type toilets that are suitable for year-round use may be used in a locomotive or caboose if they were installed in that locomotive or caboose prior to May 1, 1969.

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), every toilet room shall be provided with

    • (a) toilet paper on a holder or in a dispenser; and

    • (b) hand cleaning and drying supplies.

  • (2) An employer may provide toilet paper and hand cleaning and drying supplies to each individual employee.

  • (3) In or adjacent to every toilet room, a non-combustible container shall be provided for the disposal of hand cleaning and drying supplies.

  • (4) The employer shall provide the following in each toilet room:

    • (a) menstrual products, including clean and hygienic tampons and menstrual pads; and

    • (b) a covered container or bag that is impervious to moisture, for the disposal of menstrual products.

  • (5) If it is not feasible to provide menstrual products in a toilet room, the employer shall provide them in another location in the same work place that is controlled by the employer, accessible by employees at all times and offers a reasonable amount of privacy.

 Every employer shall, if feasible, provide at each washbasin in a toilet room hot and cold running water.

 Hot water that is provided to employees for personal washing shall be maintained at a temperature of not less than 35°C and not more than 43°C and shall not be heated by mixing with steam.

  • SOR/2015-143, s. 24

 In every toilet room that contains a washbasin, the employer shall provide soap or another cleaning agent in a dispenser at the washbasin.

Potable Water

 Potable water that is provided to employees for drinking, personal washing and food preparation shall meet the standards set out in the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality – Summary Table, prepared by the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committee on Drinking Water of the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committee on Health and the Environment and published by the Department of Health, as amended from time to time.

  • SOR/95-105, s. 17
  • SOR/2015-143, s. 25

 Where it is necessary to transport water for drinking, personal washing or food preparation, only sanitary portable water containers shall be used.

 Where a portable storage container for drinking water is used,

  • (a) the container shall be securely covered and closed;

  • (b) the container shall be used only for the purpose of storing potable water;

  • (c) the container shall not be stored in a toilet room; and

  • (d) where the container is not a single-use storage container, water shall be drawn from it by

    • (i) a tap,

    • (ii) a ladle used only for the purpose of drawing water from the container, or

    • (iii) any other means that precludes the contamination of the water.

 Except where drinking water is supplied by a drinking fountain or a single-use portable storage container, sanitary single-use drinking cups shall be provided.

 Any ice that is added to drinking water or used for the contact refrigeration of foodstuffs shall be

  • (a) made from potable water; and

  • (b) stored and handled in a manner that prevents contamination.


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