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Income Earned in Quebec Income Tax Remission Order, 1982 (SOR/83-96)

Regulations are current to 2024-09-16

Income Earned in Quebec Income Tax Remission Order, 1982




Registration 1983-01-21

Order Respecting the Remission of Income Tax in Respect of Certain Income of Individuals Earned in the Province of Quebec, 1982

P.C. 1983-105 1983-01-20

His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Finance and the Treasury Board, pursuant to section 17 of the Financial Administration Act and section 221 of the Income Tax Act, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Order respecting the remission of Income tax in respect of certain income of individuals earned in the Province of Quebec, 1982.

Short Title

 This Order may be cited as the Income Earned in Quebec Income Tax Remission Order, 1982.


 In this Order,


Act means the Income Tax Act; (Loi)


Regulations means the Income Tax Regulations. (règlement)

Remission to Individuals Who Did Not Reside in Canada at Any Time in a Taxation Year

 Remission is hereby granted to any individual who did not reside in Canada at any time in a taxation year, in respect of his income in that taxation year, of income tax in an amount equal to the amount by which

  • (a) the income tax paid or payable under the Act by that individual in respect of that taxation year,


  • (b) the income tax that would have been payable by that individual in respect of that taxation year if, for the purpose of determining his income earned in that year in the Province of Quebec, section 2602 of the Regulations read as follows:

    • “2602 (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), where an individual did not reside in Canada at any time in a taxation year, his income earned in the taxation year in a particular province is the aggregate of

      • (a) that part of the amount of his income from an office or employment that is included in computing his taxable income earned in Canada for the year by virtue of subparagraph 115(1)(a)(i) of the Act that is reasonably attributable to the duties performed by him in the province;

      • (b) his income for that year earned in the province as determined in the manner set forth in section 4 of the Income Earned in Quebec Income Tax Remission Order, 1982;

      • (c) his income for that year from carrying on business earned in the province, determining as hereinafter set forth in this Part; and

      • (d) the taxable capital gains in the province included in computing his taxable income earned in Canada for the year by virtue of subparagraph 115(1)(a)(iii) of the Act from dispositions of property each of which was a disposition of a property or an interest therein that was

        • (i) real property situated in the province or an option in respect thereof, or

        • (ii) any other capital property used by him in carrying on a business in the province,

        determined as hereinafter set forth in this Part.

    • (2) Where the aggregate of the amount of an individual’s income as determined under subsection (1) for all provinces for a taxation year exceeds his income described in subsection 115(1) of the Act, the amount of his income earned in the taxation year in a particular province shall be that proportion of his income so described that the amount of his income earned in the taxation year in the province as determined under subsection (1) is of the aggregate of all such amounts.

    • (3) Where, in a taxation year, a non-resident individual has disposed of real property situated in a particular province or an interest therein, or an option in respect thereof, any taxable capital gain from such disposition shall be a taxable capital gain in that particular province.

    • (4) Except as provided in subsection (5), where, in a taxation year, a non-resident individual has disposed of any capital property, other than property referred to in subsection (3), used by him in carrying on a business in Canada, the proportion of any taxable capital gain from such disposition that

      • (a) his income for the year from carrying on that business in a particular province

      is of

      • (b) his income for the year from carrying on that business in Canada,

      shall be a taxable capital gain in the particular province.

    • (5) Where in a taxation year a non-resident individual

      • (a) had no permanent establishment in Canada, and

      • (b) disposed of any capital property, other than property referred to in subsection (3), used by him in a previous year in carrying on a business in Canada,

      the proportion of any taxable capital gain from such disposition that

      • (c) his income from carrying on that business in a particular province for the last preceding taxation year in which he had income from carrying on that business in a province

      is of

      • (d) his income for the year referred to in paragraph (c) from carrying on that business in Canada,

      shall be a taxable capital gain in the particular province.”

 Where an individual who did not reside in Canada at any time in a taxation year was

  • (a) a student in full-time attendance at an educational institution in the Province of Quebec that is a university, college or other educational institution providing courses at a post-secondary school level,

  • (b) a student attending, or a teacher teaching at, an educational institution outside Canada that is a university, college or other educational institution providing courses at a post-secondary school level who had, in any previous year, ceased to be resident in the Province of Quebec in the course of or subsequent to moving to attend or to teach at, as the case may be, that institution,

  • (c) an individual who had, in any previous year, ceased to be resident in the Province of Quebec in the course of or subsequent to moving to carry on research or any similar work under a grant received by him to enable him to carry on that research or work, or

  • (d) an individual who had, in any previous year, ceased to be resident in the Province of Quebec and who was, in the taxation year, in receipt of remuneration in respect of an office or employment that was paid to him directly or indirectly by

    • (i) the Province of Quebec,

    • (ii) any corporation, commission or association, the shares, capital or property of which were at least 90 per cent owned by the Province of Quebec, or a wholly-owned corporation subsidiary to such a corporation, commission or association, on condition that no person other than Her Majesty in right of the Province of Quebec had any right to the shares, capital or property of such corporation, commission, association or subsidiary or a right to acquire the shares, capital or property,

    • (iii) an educational institution, other than an educational institution of the Government of Canada, in the Province of Quebec that was

      • (A) a university, college or other educational institution providing courses at a post-secondary school level that received or was entitled to receive financial support from the Province of Quebec,

      • (B) a school operated by the Province of Quebec, or by a municipality thereof or by a public body thereof performing a function of government, or a school operated on behalf of that province, municipality or public body, or

      • (C) a secondary school providing courses leading to a certificate or diploma that was a requirement for entrance to a college or university, or

    • (iv) an institution in the Province of Quebec, other than an institution of the Government of Canada, supplying health services or social services or both that received or was entitled to receive financial support from the Province of Quebec,

    there shall be included, for the purposes of this Order, in computing his income earned in the taxation year in the Province of Quebec the aggregate of

  • (e) the amount of any remuneration in respect of an office or employment that was paid to him directly or indirectly by the Province of Quebec or any corporation, commission, association or institution referred to in paragraph (d), other than an institution of the Government of Canada, or from a wholly-owned corporation subsidiary to such corporation, commission or association and was received by the individual who did not reside in Canada in the year except to the extent that such remuneration was attributable to the duties of an office or employment performed by him outside Canada, and

    • (i) is subject to an income or profits tax imposed by the government of a country other than Canada, or

    • (ii) is paid in connection with the selling of property, the negotiating of contracts or the rendering of services for his employer, or a foreign affiliate of his employer, or any other person with whom his employer does not deal at arm’s length, in the ordinary course of a business carried on by his employer, that foreign affiliate or that person,

  • (f) amounts that would be required by paragraph 56(1)(n) or (o) of the Act to be included in computing his income for the year if he were resident in Canada throughout the year and the references in subparagraph 56(1)(n)(i) of the Act and paragraph 56(1)(o) of the Act to “received by the taxpayer in the year” were read as references to “received by the taxpayer in the year from the Province of Quebec or any corporation, commission, association or institution referred to in paragraph 4(d) of the Income Earned in Quebec Income Tax Remission Order, 1982, other than an institution of the Government of Canada, or from a wholly-owned corporation subsidiary to such corporation, commission or association”, and the reference to “$500” in subparagraph 56(1)(n)(ii) of the Act were read as a reference to “the proportion of $500 that the amount that would be determined under subparagraph 56(1)(n)(i) of the Act if the requirements of this paragraph were taken into account is of the amount determined under subparagraph 56(1)(n)(i) of the Act without taking the requirements of this paragraph into account”,

  • (g) amounts that would be required by subsection 56(5) or (8) of the Act to be included in computing his income for the year if he were resident in Canada throughout the year, and

  • (h) amounts that would be required by paragraph 56(1)(q) of the Act to be included in computing his income for the year if he were resident in Canada throughout the year,

minus the amount that would be deductible in computing his income for the year by virtue of section 62 of the Act if

  • (i) that section were read without reference to paragraph (1)(a) thereof,

  • (j) that section were applicable in computing the taxable income of individuals who did not reside in Canada, and

  • (k) the amounts described in subparagraph (1)(f)(ii) thereof were the amounts described in paragraph (f).

Remission to Individuals Who Did Not Reside in a Province, the Northwest Territories or the Yukon Territory on the Last Day of the Taxation Year

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), remission is hereby granted to any individual who did not reside in a province, the Northwest Territories or the Yukon Territory on the last day of a taxation year, in respect of his income in that taxation year, of income tax equal to the amount by which

    • (a) the income tax paid or payable under the Act by that individual in respect of that taxation year,


    • (b) the income tax that would have been payable by that individual in respect of that taxation year if the individual had resided in the Province of Quebec on the last day of the taxation year.

  • (2) Subsection (1) is applicable to an individual who

    • (a) sojourned in the Province of Quebec for a period of, or periods the aggregate of which is 183 days or more and was ordinarily resident outside Canada;

    • (b) was at any time in the year an agent-general, officer or servant of the Province of Quebec and was resident in the Province of Quebec immediately prior to his appointment or employment by that province;

    • (c) performed services at any time in the year under an international development assistance program prescribed under Part XXXIV of the Regulations and who was at any time

      • (i) in the three months period preceding the day on which such services commenced, resident in the Province of Quebec, and

      • (ii) in the six months period preceding the day on which such services commenced, an officer or servant of

        • (A) the Province of Quebec,

        • (B) any corporation, commission or association, the shares, capital or property of which were at least 90 per cent owned by the Province of Quebec, or a wholly-owned corporation subsidiary to such a corporation, commission or association, on condition that no person other than Her Majesty in right of the Province of Quebec had any right to the shares, capital or property of such corporation, commission, association or subsidiary or a right to acquire shares, capital or property,

        • (C) an educational institution, other than an educational institution of the Government of Canada, in the Province of Quebec that was

          • (I) a university, college or other educational institution providing courses at a post-secondary school level that received or was entitled to receive financial support from the Province of Quebec,

          • (II) a school operated by the Province of Quebec, or by a municipality thereof or by a public body thereof performing a function of government, or a school operated on behalf of that province, municipality or public body, or

          • (III) a secondary school providing courses leading to a certificate or diploma that was a requirement for entrance to a college or university, or

        • (D) an institution in the Province of Quebec, other than an institution of the Government of Canada, supplying health services or social services or both that received or was entitled to receive financial support from the Province of Quebec;

    • (d) was resident in Canada in any previous year and was, at any time in the year, the spouse of a person described in paragraph (b) or (c) living with that person; or

    • (e) was, at any time in the year, a child described in paragraph 109(1)(d) of the Act of a person described in paragraph (b) or (c).

  • (3) Paragraph (2)(d) is not applicable where the spouse of an individual described in paragraph (2)(c) is also an individual described in paragraph (2)(c).

Remission to Individuals Who Resided in the Province of Quebec on the Last Day of a Taxation Year

  •  (1) Remission is hereby granted to any individual who resided in the Province of Quebec on the last day of a taxation year, in respect of his income in that taxation year, of income tax equal to the amount by which

    • (a) the income tax paid or payable under the Act by that individual in respect of that taxation year


    • (b) the income tax that would have been payable by that individual in respect of that taxation year if

      • (i) subsections 2601(1) and (2) of the Regulations read as follows:

        • “2601 (1) Notwithstanding subsection (4) and section 2603, where an individual resided in a particular province on the last day of a taxation year and had no income for the year from a business with a permanent establishment in another province, his income earned in the taxation year in the province is his income for the year.

        • (2) Notwithstanding subsection (4) and section 2603, where an individual resided in a particular province on the last day of a taxation year and had income for the year from a business with a permanent establishment in any other province, his income earned in the taxation year in the province is the amount, if any, by which

          • (a) his income for the year


          • (b) the aggregate of his income for the year from carrying on business earned in each other province, determined as hereinafter set forth in this Part.”,

      • (ii) paragraph 126(7)(a) of the Act read as follows:

        • “(a) business-income tax paid by a taxpayer for a taxation year in respect of businesses carried on by him in a country other than Canada (in this paragraph referred to as the “business Country”) means such portion of 55/100ths of any income or profits tax paid by him for the year to the government of any country other than Canada or to the government of a state, province or other political subdivision of any such country as may reasonably be regarded as tax in respect of the income of the taxpayer from any business carried on by him in the business country;”, and

      • (iii) paragraph 126(7)(d) of the Act read as follows:

        • “(d) tax for the year otherwise payable under this Part means the tax for the taxation year otherwise payable under this Part after taking into account the requirements of subparagraph 6(1)(b)(i) of the Income Earned in Quebec Income Tax Remission Order, 1982, but before making any deduction under sections 121, 126 and 127.”

  • (2) In subsection (1), a reference to the “last day of a taxation year” shall, in the case of an individual who resided in the Province of Quebec at any time in the year and ceased to reside in Canada before the end of the year, be deemed to be a reference to the last day in the year in which he resided in Canada.

Remission of Penalty

 Where, in respect of any individual,

  • (a) a remission of any amount of the tax that would have been paid or payable by him if this Order had not been applicable is granted to him for a taxation year pursuant to section 3, 5 or 6, and

  • (b) a penalty has been imposed on him under the Act in respect of the tax referred to in paragraph (a),

remission is hereby granted of the penalty referred to in paragraph (b) in an amount not exceeding the amount by which

  • (c) the penalty referred to in paragraph (b)


  • (d) the penalty that would have been imposed if the amount of tax so remitted had not been taken into account in computing the penalty.


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