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National Parks of Canada Camping Regulations (SOR/80-127)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2024-12-04. Previous Versions

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National Parks of Canada Camping Regulations



Registration 1980-02-11

National Parks of Canada Camping Regulations

P.C. 1980-418 1980-02-08

His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of the Environment, pursuant to subsection 7(1) of the National Parks Act, is pleased hereby to revoke the National Parks Camping Regulations, C.R.C., c. 1116, and to make the annexed Regulations governing the use of public lands in the National Parks of Canada for camping purposes, in substitution therefor.

 [Repealed, SOR/2009-322, s. 12]


 In these Regulations,

camping permit

camping permit means a permit issued pursuant to section 4; (permis)


campsite means an area of land in a public campground designated by the superintendent for use by the holders of camping permits; (emplacement de camping)

Category A public campground

Category A public campground[Revoked, SOR/91-236, s. 1]

Category B public campground

Category B public campground[Revoked, SOR/91-236, s. 1]

Category C public campground

Category C public campground[Revoked, SOR/91-236, s. 1]


Minister[Revoked, SOR/91-236, s. 1]


Park[Revoked, SOR/91-236, s. 1]

portable cabin

portable cabin means a structure mounted on skids designed for use as living quarters; (chalet transportable)

public campground

public campground means an area in a Park designated by the superintendent for use by the public for camping purposes; (terrain de camping public)

public picnic ground

public picnic ground means an area in a Park designated by the superintendent for use by the public for picnic purposes; (terrain de pique-nique public)

seasonal camping

seasonal camping means the occupancy of a campsite by the use of a portable cabin or trailer for a period not exceeding 24 weeks during a calendar year; (camping saisonnier)

serviced public campground

serviced public campground means a public campground having central fixed structures equipped with cooking, washing and toilet facilities; (terrain de camping public aménagé)


Superintendent[Revoked, SOR/91-236, s. 1]


tent means a portable and collapsible shelter made from

  • (a) canvas, cloth, synthetic or similar materials and supported by a pole, poles or ropes, or

  • (b) a pliable membrane that achieves and maintains its shape and support by internal air pressure; (tente)


trailer means a vehicle that is designed to be attached to or drawn by another vehicle, and is licensed under the laws of a province or under the laws of a country other than Canada and includes any vehicle that is designed, constructed or equipped to be used as living quarters or a sleeping place either permanently or temporarily; (roulotte)


vehicle means a device in, on or by which any person or property may be transported or drawn on land. (véhicule)

  • SOR/85-427, s. 1
  • SOR/86-706, s. 1
  • SOR/89-142, s. 1
  • SOR/91-236, s. 1
  • SOR/93-166, ss. 9(E), 10(F)


 These Regulations do not apply in the Town of Banff or in the Town of Jasper.

  • SOR/90-235
  • SOR/2010-23, s. 4

Prohibition of Use of Public Lands

  •  (1) No person shall use or occupy or reside or camp on any public land in a Park or park any vehicle on such land for the purpose of camping unless he is

    • (a) the holder of a valid camping permit authorizing him to use that land for that purpose; or

    • (b) a member of a group in respect of which a camping permit has been issued and is still valid.

  • (2) No person shall locate, erect or use in a Park a portable cabin, storage shed, tent, trailer or other similar structure except as provided in these Regulations.

  • (3) Nothing in this section prevents a person from using the facilities provided in a public picnic ground for the preparation and consumption of meals.

  • SOR/91-236, s. 2(F)
  • SOR/93-166, s. 10(F)

Camping Permits

  •  (1) On receipt of an application for a camping permit, the superintendent shall, subject to subsections (2) and (3), issue a camping permit to the applicant authorizing the following persons to camp at the campsite specified in the camping permit:

    • (a) the applicant, or

    • (b) where the applicant represents a group, the group.

  • (2) No person who holds a camping permit is eligible to apply for another camping permit for the period or any part of the period for which his camping permit is valid.

  • (3) The superintendent may refuse to issue a camping permit where, in his opinion, it is necessary to do so for the preservation, control or management of the Park or for the safety of the public.

  • (4) to (7) [Revoked, SOR/91-236, s. 3]

  • SOR/86-706, s. 2
  • SOR/87-271, s. 1
  • SOR/91-236, ss. 3, 10(F), 11(F)
  • SOR/93-166, ss. 1, 9(E)
  • SOR/94-439, s. 1

 [Revoked, SOR/91-236, s. 4]

  •  (1) In every camping permit, the superintendent shall

    • (a) specify the campsite to which the permit applies; and

    • (b) specify the period for which the permit is valid.

  • (2) On a notice located at the entrance to a public campground or in a camping permit, the superintendent may

    • (a) prescribe conditions under which the holder of a camping permit may keep a domestic animal in the public campground; or

    • (b) set out any prohibitions made pursuant to section 13.

  • (3) No person shall camp in a public campground except in compliance with any conditions prescribed pursuant to paragraph (2)(a) and any prohibitions set out pursuant to paragraph (2)(b).

  • (4) The superintendent may, in a camping permit, authorize

    • (a) in Riding Mountain National Park or in Prince Albert National Park, seasonal camping; or

    • (b) in any Park, the erection of a tent and the parking of a motor vehicle or trailer on the campsite to which the camping permit applies.

  • SOR/91-236, ss. 5(F), 10(F), 11(F)
  • SOR/93-166, s. 9(E)
  •  (1) A camping permit is not transferable and is valid only during such period as the campsite to which the camping permit applies is occupied.

  • (2) For the purposes of subsection (1) and paragraph 16(a), the campsite to which a camping permit applies is deemed to be not occupied where a tent or trailer has been unoccupied for a period exceeding 48 hours or has been removed from the campsite for a period exceeding 24 hours.

  • SOR/91-236, s. 10(F)

 A camping permit expires

  • (a) on the expiry date specified therein; and

  • (b) at the time specified therein or at the time specified by the superintendent on a notice located at the entrance to the public campground.

  • SOR/91-236, s. 11(F)
  • SOR/93-166, s. 9(E)

 [Revoked, SOR/94-439, s. 2]

 The holder of a camping permit shall, at all times, maintain the campsite to which the permit applies in a condition satisfactory to the superintendent.

  • SOR/91-236, ss. 10(F), 11(F)
  • SOR/93-166, s. 9(E)

Reservation Service

  •  (1) The superintendent may establish and operate a service for the reservation of campsites located within a public campground.

  • (2) The superintendent shall, through the media and by posting notices in conspicuous places in the Park, advise the public of those public campgrounds for which a reservation service is available.

  • (3) and (4) [Revoked, SOR/94-439, s. 3]

  • SOR/86-706, s. 3
  • SOR/87-271, s. 3
  • SOR/89-142, s. 3
  • SOR/91-236, s. 11(F)
  • SOR/91-530, s. 1
  • SOR/92-252, s. 1
  • SOR/93-166, s. 9(E)
  • SOR/94-439, s. 3


 No person shall

  • (a) use or occupy any kitchen shelter, service building, pavilion or other public building in a Park for sleeping accommodation;

  • (b) erect or affix any tarpaulin, blanket, structure of wood, wood products, metal or other material to the walls or superstructure of any public building in a Park;

  • (c) leave any food, equipment or personal effects in a kitchen shelter or on a picnic table, grill, stove, barbecue or fireplace provided by the superintendent for public use in a Park, except during such reasonable period as such facilities are required for the purpose of preparing and consuming a meal or for cleaning up immediately thereafter;

  • (d) use the campsite to which a camping permit applies or any public building, structure or appurtenance on the campsite to the detriment or inconvenience of other persons in a Park;

  • (e) attempt to kindle, renew or maintain any fire or allow any fire to burn in the open in a public campground or in a public picnic ground except

    • (i) in a grill, stove, barbecue or fireplace provided by the superintendent for public use,

    • (ii) in a privately owned barbecue, hibachi or portable stove when used at a location satisfactory to the superintendent, or

    • (iii) when in possession of a permit issued under the National Parks Fire Protection Regulations; or

  • (f) locate or erect more than one portable cabin, or a tent or trailer on the campsite to which a camping permit applies except as authorized by the superintendent.

  • SOR/91-236, s. 11(F)
  • SOR/93-166, s. 9(E)
  •  (1) No person shall use fuel provided by the superintendent in a Park except in a grill, stove, barbecue or fireplace provided by the superintendent for public use.

  • (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the holder of a camping permit, other than a camping permit for seasonal camping, may use fuel provided by the superintendent in a privately owned barbecue, hibachi or portable stove when such fuel is made available by the superintendent for such purpose in the public campground to which the holder’s permit applies.

  • SOR/91-236, ss. 7(F), 10(F), 11(F)
  • SOR/93-166, s. 9(E)

 No person shall, on a campsite,

  • (a) remove the wheels or understructure from a trailer or mount or erect a trailer on blocks or any other foundation; or

  • (b) extend, construct or otherwise alter a portable cabin, a trailer, a storage shed or any other structure without first obtaining an authorization or permit issued under the National Parks of Canada Land Use Planning Regulations.

Powers of the Superintendent

  • SOR/91-236, s. 11(F)

 The superintendent may, at any time and for such period as he deems necessary for the management and control of a public campground, prohibit

  • (a) the use within the campground of any radio, musical instrument or anything whatever that causes excessive noise;

  • (b) the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages in the campground;

  • (c) any conduct or behaviour in the campground that unreasonably disturbs other persons in the Park or unreasonably interferes with their enjoyment of the Park;

  • (d) any action in the campground that unreasonably interferes with fauna or the natural beauty of the Park; or

  • (e) the keeping of domestic animals in the campground.

  • SOR/91-236, s. 11(F)
  • SOR/93-166, s. 9(E)

 The superintendent may

  • (a) specify, on a notice located at the entrance to a public campground or in a camping permit

    • (i) the hours during which any public building or facility provided in the campground for the use of camping permit holders may be used, and

    • (ii) the hours during which quiet shall be maintained in the campground;

  • (b) require that a public campground be vacated in an emergency or for any reason that in the opinion of the superintendent requires such action;

  • (c) designate areas of land in a Park as public campgrounds;

  • (d) designate areas of land within public campgrounds as campsites;

  • (e) designate public campgrounds for use by groups equipped with tents or bed rolls for the purpose of group tenting;

  • (f) designate public campgrounds that are equipped with fixed-structure facilities for cooking, eating and sleeping for use by groups for the purpose of group camping subject to advance reservation;

  • (f.1) designate any public campground that is not accessible by road and that has a source of potable water, pit toilets and other basic campground amenities, as a primitive campground;

  • (f.2) designate an area in a Park as a public picnic-ground;

  • (g) at any time enter any campsite for the inspection thereof;

  • (h) order the removal from a Park, or the repair or alteration of any portable cabin, trailer or other vehicle or structure thereon that, in the opinion of the superintendent, is unsightly or a health or fire hazard or is likely to cause injury to persons or damage to other property;

  • (i) require that any outside wall or side of a portable cabin, trailer or any other structure be erected at a fixed or minimum distance from a boundary of the campsite to which a camping permit applies or from any other structure or vehicle on that campsite or structures on an adjoining campsite;

  • (j) notwithstanding paragraph 10(e), prohibit the use of or specify the conditions under which a stove or other device used for cooking or heating may be used on a campsite;

  • (k) require that all washing of clothes and other laundering operations be carried out at designated locations in a Park; and

  • (l) require that clothes, blankets or other articles be aired or dried only at the rear of any structure erected in a campsite to which a camping permit applies.

  • SOR/86-706, s. 4
  • SOR/91-236, ss. 8, 10(F), 11(F)
  • SOR/93-166, ss. 9(E), 10(F)

 The superintendent may refuse entry to or remove from a public campground any person who is unable to demonstrate to the superintendent that he is a person described in paragraph 3(1)(a) or (b).

  • SOR/81-381, s. 1
  • SOR/91-236, s. 11(F)
  • SOR/93-166, s. 9(E)

Cancellation of Permits

 The superintendent may cancel a camping permit where

  • (a) without the written authorization of the superintendent, the campsite to which the permit applies is not occupied;

  • (b) the holder of the permit fails to keep the campsite to which their permit applies or any portable cabin, trailer or other shelter or structure on that campsite in a satisfactory condition;

  • (c) the holder of the permit has furnished incorrect, false or misleading information to the superintendent in order to secure the permit or maintain it in force; or

  • (d) the holder of the permit fails to comply with

    • (i) the conditions of the permit,

    • (ii) a directive or prohibition of the superintendent made pursuant to these Regulations, or

    • (iii) any notice that has been posted by the superintendent at the entrance, or on the most common means of access, to a public campground.

  • SOR/91-236, ss. 10(F), 11(F)
  • SOR/93-166, s. 9(E)
  • SOR/2009-322, s. 13

 No person, other than the holder of a camping permit for seasonal camping, whose camping permit has been cancelled under section 16 shall, within 48 hours from the time of the cancellation of his camping permit, enter any public campground.

  • SOR/91-236, s. 10(F)
  •  (1) Any person, other than the holder of a camping permit for seasonal camping, whose camping permit has been cancelled under section 16 shall forthwith remove from the campsite to which the permit applies any trailer or other vehicle, structure, chattel or article placed there by him.

  • (2) The superintendent may remove any trailer or other vehicle, structure, chattel or article left in a Park in violation of these Regulations.

  • SOR/91-236, ss. 10(F), 11(F)
  • SOR/93-166, ss. 9(E), 10(F)

Seasonal Camping

  •  (1) The superintendent may, in a camping permit issued for seasonal camping, authorize for a period not exceeding 24 weeks,

    • (a) the use of a portable cabin of one storey in Waskesiu campground in Prince Albert National Park; or

    • (b) the use of a portable cabin of one storey or a trailer in Clear Lake campground in Riding Mountain National Park.

  • (2) No person shall, in seasonal camping, use a portable cabin or trailer that

    • (a) in the opinion of the superintendent is too large for any available campsite; or

    • (b) does not conform to standards required for recreational vehicles or mobile home housing under the National Building Code of Canada or the Dominion Fire Regulations.

  • SOR/89-142, s. 4
  • SOR/91-236, s. 11(F)
  • SOR/93-166, s. 9(E)

 No person shall locate a portable cabin or trailer on a campsite unless there is sufficient space remaining in the campsite to permit the parking of a motor vehicle on the campsite.

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), no holder of a camping permit for seasonal camping shall locate, construct or alter a storage shed in a Park.

  • (2) The superintendent may authorize in writing the holder of a camping permit for seasonal camping to locate, construct or alter a storage shed on a campsite subject to such conditions as the superintendent specifies in the authorization.

  • SOR/91-236, ss. 10(F), 11(F)
  • SOR/93-166, s. 9(E)
  •  (1) Where a camping permit for seasonal camping is cancelled, the superintendent shall give notice of cancellation to the holder of the permit by

    • (a) mailing a copy of the notice to the holder of the permit at his post office address in the Park; or

    • (b) posting a copy of the notice in the vicinity of the entrance to the portable cabin or the trailer on the campsite to which the permit applied.

  • (2) The date of giving notice pursuant to subsection (1) shall be the date the notice was so mailed or posted.

  • (3) Where a notice of cancellation has been given pursuant to subsection (1), the person who was issued the camping permit for seasonal camping shall forthwith remove the portable cabin or trailer and any other vehicles, structures, chattels and articles from the campsite to which the permit applies within 48 hours from the date the notice was given.

  • SOR/91-236, ss. 10(F), 11(F)
  • SOR/93-166, ss. 9(E), 10(F)


[Revoked, SOR/94-439, s. 4]

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