Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Defence Services Pension Part V Regulations (SOR/55-416)

Regulations are current to 2024-09-16

Administration (continued)

Payment of Arrears of Contributions during Pension Suspension

  •  (1) Where by reason or appointment to a position in the public service of Canada, the pension of a pensioner is totally suspended and there are arrears of contributions outstanding with respect to such pension, the pensioner may inform the Chief Treasury Officer in writing and elect to pay such arrears, under the same conditions as if his pension were in payment to him, during that period of appointment.

  • (2) The manner and time of making the instalments in payment of the arrears provided for in subsection (1) shall be at the discretion of the Chief Treasury Officer, and the payment of any such instalments shall be credited by the Chief Treasury Officer towards the abatement of arrears outstanding upon the pension but shall be deemed to be payments on account only and shall not necessarily be in full satisfaction of any particular instalment of arrears for any particular period owing upon the pension.

  • (3) The election made by the pensioner as provided for in subsection (1) shall be revocable at the discretion of the pensioner upon thirty days’ notice in writing to the Chief Treasury Officer to that effect, and the Chief Treasury Officer shall have the right to refuse to accept any instalment for any reason which to him shall seem to be good and sufficient, and upon the revocation of an election or the refusal to accept any instalment, payment of arrears shall cease until such time as the pensioner again elects, the Chief Treasury Officer accepts an application from the pensioner for reinstatement of his payments or the pension becomes payable in whole or in part to the pensioner.

Payments Otherwise than by Monthly Instalments

 Where a pensioner or a recipient of a pension requests that a pension be paid otherwise than in equal monthly instalments, or where the Minister is of opinion that the payment of a pension in equal monthly instalments is not practical, he may direct, if such direction does not result in the payment of an aggregate amount greater than the aggregate amount of equal monthly instalments otherwise payable in accordance with section 57 of the Act, that the pension shall be paid in arrears

  • (a) in equal instalments quarterly or semi-annually; or

  • (b) annually.


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