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United Nations University International Network on Water, Environment and Health – Privileges and Immunities Order



Registration 2018-03-07

United Nations University International Network on Water, Environment and Health – Privileges and Immunities Order

P.C. 2018-198 2018-03-06

Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Finance, pursuant to subsections 5(1)Footnote a and (2)Footnote b and 13(3)Footnote c of the Foreign Missions and International Organizations ActFootnote d, makes the annexed United Nations University International Network on Water, Environment and Health – Privileges and Immunities Order.


Marginal note:Definitions

 The following definitions apply in this Order.


Act means the Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act. (Loi)


Agreement means the Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the United Nations University Concerning the United Nations University International Network on Water, Environment and Health set out in Schedule IV to the Act. (Accord)

United Nations Convention

United Nations Convention means the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations set out in Schedule III to the Act. (Convention des Nations Unies)


Director has the meaning assigned by the definition the Director in Article I of the Agreement. (Directeur)


experts has the same meaning as in Article I of the Agreement. (experts)

International Network on Water, Environment and Health

International Network on Water, Environment and Health or INWEH has the same meaning as in Article I of the Agreement. (Réseau international pour l’eau, l’environnement et la santé ou RIEES)


officials has the same meaning as in Article I of the Agreement. (fonctionnaires)

personnel of INWEH

personnel of INWEH has the same meaning as in Article I of the Agreement. (personnel du RIEES)


University has the meaning assigned by the definition the University in Article I of the Agreement. (Université)

Vienna Convention

Vienna Convention means the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations set out in Schedule I to the Act. (Convention de Vienne)

Privileges and Immunities

Marginal note:INWEH

  •  (1) INWEH shall have the legal capacity of a body corporate and the privileges and immunities set out in Articles II and III of the United Nations Convention.

  • Marginal note:Director and family

    (2) The Director and members of his or her family that form part of his or her household, unless they are Canadian citizens or permanent residents in Canada as defined by applicable Canadian legislation, shall have privileges and immunities comparable to those accorded to diplomatic agents, and members of their families forming part of their households, under the Vienna Convention.

  • Marginal note:Officials of the University – Section 19

    (3) Officials of the University within the scope of Section 19 of Article V of the United Nations Convention and members of their families that form part of their households shall have, to the extent set out in Sections 18 and 19 of Article V and Article VII of the United Nations Convention, the privileges and immunities comparable to those accorded to diplomatic agents, and members of their families forming part of their households, under the Vienna Convention.

  • Marginal note:Officials of the University

    (4) Officials of the University shall have the privileges and immunities set out in Section 18 of Article V of the United Nations Convention.

  • Marginal note:Experts

    (5) Experts of the University shall have the privileges and immunities set out in Article VI of the United Nations Convention.

  • Marginal note:Personnel of INWEH

    (6) Personnel of INWEH shall have, to the extent set out in section 4 of Article IX of the Agreement, privileges and immunities comparable to those accorded to diplomatic agents under Articles 31 and 35 and paragraph (1)(b) of Article 36 of the Vienna Convention.

Consequential Amendment to the Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act


Coming into Force

Marginal note:Registration

 This Order comes into force on the day on which it is registered.

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