Prohibition of Asbestos and Products Containing Asbestos Regulations (SOR/2018-196)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2018-12-30. Previous Versions
SCHEDULE 2(Subsection 14(4))Labelling Requirements
1 The following requirements apply to processed asbestos fibres that are imported for use in diaphragms that are used by a chlor-alkali facility:
(a) the words “CONTAINS ASBESTOS/CONTIENT DE L’AMIANTE” must be printed in capital letters and in bold face on the surface of the asbestos container or on a label attached to the container; and
(b) the letters must be of the minimum size set out in column 2 of the table to this section that corresponds to the area of the principal display panel or the label set out in column 1.
Column 1 Column 2 Item Area of Main Display Panel on Container or Attached Label (cm2) Minimum Size of Letters (mm) 1 ≤ 250 2 2 > 250 but ≤ 1 000 3 3 > 1 000 but ≤ 3 500 12 4 > 3 500 24
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