Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Scott Islands Protected Marine Area Regulations (SOR/2018-119)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2018-06-27. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE / ANNEXE(Subection 2(2) / paragraphe 2(2))Map of the Flight Restriction Zone in the Protected Marine Area/Carte de la zone de restriction de vol dans la zone marine protégée

The schedule is a map depicting the location of the flight restriction zone within the Scott Islands Protected Marine Area. The map includes three tables, the first is the legend, the second provides the geographical coordinates of the flight restriction zone, and the third situates the flight restriction zone at a larger scale.

In this schedule, the lines connecting the points are rhumb lines. / Dans la présente annexe, les points sont reliés entre eux par des loxodromies.


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