Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Arctic Shipping Safety and Pollution Prevention Regulations (SOR/2017-286)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2023-06-07. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE 1(Subsections 8(1) and (4) and 10(1))

ItemColumn 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6Column 7Column 8Column 9Column 10Column 11Column 12Column 13Column 14Column 15Column 16Column 17
CategoryZone 1Zone 2Zone 3Zone 4Zone 5Zone 6Zone 7Zone 8Zone 9Zone 10Zone 11Zone 12Zone 13Zone 14Zone 15Zone 16
1Arctic Class 10, CAC 1All yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll year
2Arctic Class 8, CAC 2Jul. 1 to Oct. 15.All yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll year
3Arctic Class 7Aug. 1 to Sept. 30Aug. 1 to Nov. 30Jul. 1 to Dec. 31Jul. 1 to Dec. 15Jul. 1 to Dec. 15All yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll year
4Arctic Class 6, CAC 3Aug. 15 to Sept. 15Aug. 1 to Oct. 31Jul. 15 to Nov. 30Jul. 15 to Nov. 30Aug. 1 to Oct. 15Jul. 15 to Feb. 28Jul. 1 to Mar. 31Jul. 1 to Mar. 31All yearAll yearJul. 1 to Mar. 31.All yearAll yearAll yearAll yearAll year
5Arctic Class 4Aug. 15 to Sept. 15Aug. 15 to Oct. 15Jul. 15 to Oct. 31Jul. 15 to Nov. 15Aug. 15 to Sept. 30Jul. 20 to Dec. 31Jul. 15 to Jan. 15Jul. 15 to Jan. 15Jul. 10 to Mar. 31Jul. 10 to Feb. 28Jul. 5 to Jan. 15June 1 to Jan. 31June 1 to Feb. 15June 15 to Feb. 15June 15 to Mar. 15June 1 to Feb. 15
6Arctic Class 3, CAC 4Aug. 20 to Sept. 15Aug. 20 to Sept. 30Jul. 25 to Oct. 15Jul. 20 to Nov. 5Aug. 20 to Sept. 25Aug. 1 to Nov. 30Jul. 20 to Dec. 15Jul. 20 to Dec. 31Jul. 20 to Jan. 20Jul. 15 to Jan. 25Jul. 5 to Dec. 15June 10 to Dec. 31June 10 to Dec. 31June 20 to Jan. 10June 20 to Jan. 31June 5 to Jan. 10
7Arctic Class 2No EntryNo EntryAug. 15 to Sept. 30Aug. 1 to Oct. 31No EntryAug. 15 to Nov. 20Aug. 1 to Nov. 20Aug. 1 to Nov. 30Aug. 1 to Dec. 20Jul. 25 to Dec. 20Jul. 10 to Nov. 20June 15 to Dec. 5June 25 to Nov. 22June 25 to Dec. 10June 25 to Dec. 20June 10 to Dec. 10
8Arctic Class 1ANo EntryNo EntryAug. 20 to Sept. 15Aug. 20 to Sept. 30No EntryAug. 25 to Oct. 31Aug. 10 to Nov. 5Aug. 10 to Nov. 20Aug. 10 to Dec. 10Aug. 1 to Dec. 10Jul. 15 to Nov. 10Jul. 1 to Nov. 10Jul. 15 to Oct. 31Jul. 1 to Nov. 30Jul. 1 to Dec. 10June 20 to Nov. 30
9Arctic Class 1No EntryNo EntryNo EntryNo EntryNo EntryAug. 25 to Sept. 30Aug. 10 to Oct. 15Aug. 10 to Oct. 31Aug. 10 to Oct. 31Aug. 1 to Oct. 3115 juil. au 20 oct.Jul. 1 to Oct. 31Jul. 15 to Oct. 15Jul. 1 to Nov. 30Jul. 1 to Nov. 30June 20 to Nov. 15
10Type ANo EntryNo EntryAug. 20 to Sept. 10Aug. 20 to Sept. 20No EntryAug. 15 to Oct. 15Aug. 1 to Oct. 25Aug. 1 to Nov. 10Aug. 1 to Nov. 20Jul. 25 to Nov. 20Jul. 10 to Oct. 31June 15 to Nov. 10June 25 to Oct. 22June 25 to Nov. 30June 25 to Dec. 5June 20 to Nov. 20
11Type BNo EntryNo EntryAug. 20 to Sept. 5Aug. 20 to Sept. 15No EntryAug. 25 to Sept. 30Aug. 10 to Oct. 15Aug. 10 to Oct. 31Aug. 10 to Oct. 31Aug. 1 to Oct. 31Jul. 15 to Oct. 20Jul. 1 to Oct. 25Jul. 15 to Oct. 15Jul. 1 to Nov. 30.Jul. 1 to Nov. 30June 20 to Nov. 10
12Type CNo EntryNo EntryNo EntryNo EntryNo EntryAug. 25 to Sept. 25Aug. 10 to Oct. 10Aug. 10 to Oct. 25Aug. 10 to Oct. 25Aug. 1 to Oct. 25Jul. 15 to Oct. 15Jul. 1 to Oct. 25Jul. 15 to Oct. 10Jul. 1 to Nov. 25Jul. 1 to Nov. 25June 25 to Nov. 10
13Type DNo EntryNo EntryNo EntryNo EntryNo EntryNo EntryAug. 10 to Oct. 5Aug. 15 to Oct. 20Aug. 15 to Oct. 20Aug. 5 to Oct. 20Jul. 15 to Oct. 10Jul. 1 to Oct. 20Jul. 30 to Sept. 30Jul. 10 to Nov. 10Jul. 5 to Nov. 10Jul. 1 to Oct. 31
14Type ENo EntryNo EntryNo EntryNo EntryNo EntryNo EntryAug. 10 to Sept. 30Aug. 20 to Oct. 20Aug. 20 to Oct. 15Aug. 10 to Oct. 20Jul. 15 to Sept. 30Jul. 1 to Oct. 20Aug. 15 to Sept. 20Jul. 20 to Oct. 31Jul. 20 to Nov. 5Jul. 1 to Oct. 31

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