Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Northwest Territories Mining Regulations (SOR/2014-68)

Regulations are current to 2024-09-16 and last amended on 2017-06-19. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE 2(Subsections 15(2) and (8), 41(1) and 44(1))Reports


  • Marginal note:Definitions

    1 The following definitions apply in this Schedule.


    identifier means a set of alphabetic, numeric or alphanumeric characters used to uniquely identify a sample, a prospecting permit zone or an electronic storage medium. (identificateur)


    map includes a plan, graphical image or three-dimensional model in electronic or paper form. (carte)


    preparation includes drying, fractioning, sieving and panning. (préparation)


    sample includes a sample fraction, processed sample, analyzed sample, duplicate sample, blank sample, quality control sample and each of multiple samples from one location. (échantillon)


    section, except when used to refer to a legislative provision, includes a cross-section, inclined section and longitudinal section in electronic or paper form. (coupe)

PART 1General Requirements

  • Marginal note:Paper or electronic format

    • 2 (1) A report must be submitted in paper format, in electronic format or in a combination of paper and electronic formats.

    • Marginal note:Report submitted in electronic format

      (2) The electronic format in which any part of a report — other than the raw data specified in paragraph 4(s) — is submitted must be such that the report can be read using the Mining Recorder’s computer systems.

  • Marginal note:Identifying information

    • 3 (1) The following identifying information must be provided:

      • (a) a statement of the types of work being reported on;

      • (b) the name of the permittee or of the holder of the recorded claim, as the case may be;

      • (c) a list of the prospecting permits or recorded claims in respect of which the work was done, and setting out for each one

        • (i) if a prospecting permit, its identification number, and

        • (ii) if a claim, its identification tag number and the name associated with it, if any;

      • (d) the number of the National Topographic System of Canada 1:50 000 map sheet that shows the area covered by the permit or claim;

      • (e) the four values representing either

        • (i) the maximum and minimum latitude and longitude of the area covered by the permit or claim, or

        • (ii) the maximum and minimum Northings and Eastings UTM coordinates of the area covered by the permit or claim;

      • (f) the name of the individual who prepared and signed the report;

      • (g) for each period that work was done in the field, the first date and last date that work in the field was done;

      • (h) the date of the report;

      • (i) for a report submitted in paper format in more than one volume, the volume number and total number of volumes in the report; and

      • (j) for a report submitted on more than one electronic medium, the number of media submitted and the identifiers for each.

    • Marginal note:Where information is provided

      (2) The information referred to in subsection (1) must appear

      • (a) for the parts of a report submitted in paper format, on the front cover of each volume of the report; and

      • (b) for the parts of a report submitted in electronic format,

        • (i) on a label affixed to, or on a sheet of paper inserted into, each container submitted, or

        • (ii) in a file named “Readme - Lisez-moi” stored on each electronic medium submitted.

  • Marginal note:Details of contents

    4 A report must include the following:

    • (a) a table of contents;

    • (b) a list of the electronic media submitted and their identifiers;

    • (c) a list of the tables, charts, diagrams, maps, sections and images presented in the report and the location of each in the report;

    • (d) a list of the permits or claims in respect of which the work was done, setting out for each one

      • (i) if a prospecting permit, its identification number and date of issue,

      • (ii) if a claim, its identification tag number, recording date and the name, if any, associated with it,

      • (iii) the area in hectares of the lands covered,

      • (iv) the number of the National Topographic System of Canada 1:50 000 map sheet in which it is located, and

      • (v) the name of the permittee or holder of the recorded claim;

    • (e) a bibliography setting out the sources and references used in the report;

    • (f) an alphabetized list of definitions for all abbreviations used in the report;

    • (g) a brief description of the regional geology of the area in which the work was done;

    • (h) a statement of the purpose of the work being reported on;

    • (i) a summary of the previous work that was done in the lands covered by the prospecting permit or claim, and in the lands adjacent to those lands, that is relevant to the purpose of the work being reported on;

    • (j) a summary and a detailed description of the work being reported on;

    • (k) if sampling was performed, a description of the sampling methodology and a statement of the number of samples analyzed;

    • (l) identification of quality control samples submitted to laboratories, along with the elemental concentration of each sample;

    • (m) a description of the methods of preparation, processing and analysis applied to samples and the calculations used to arrive at the results of geochemical analyses;

    • (n) specification of the cutoff grades used for the results of geochemical analyses shown on maps and sections;

    • (o) a description of any geophysical or remote sensing anomalies and any anomalous results of geochemical analysis, with an explanation of the criteria used to define them;

    • (p) interpretation of the data collected and of observations made during the work;

    • (q) conclusions and recommendations resulting from the interpretation of the data and of observations made during the work;

    • (r) if geochemical analyses were performed, copies of all resulting analytical certificates and laboratory reports;

    • (s) an electronic copy of the raw data that was acquired in electronic format during the work; and

    • (t) if environmental baseline studies were conducted, an appendix that sets out the results of the studies.

  • Marginal note:Maps or sections

    5 A report must include the following maps or sections:

    • (a) a regional geological map that is marked to indicate the area in which the work was done and that is published by the Geological Survey of Canada, the Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, the Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office or other source of geoscientific publications;

    • (b) a map that shows the area in which the work was done, the regional infrastructure (including roads, airfields, ports and mine sites) and, if the scale of the map permits, the communities and boundaries of Northwest Territories;

    • (c) one or more maps on which the following elements are indicated:

      • (i) the boundaries of the recorded claim or prospecting permit zone where the work was done and,

        • (A) the type of work being reported on,

        • (B) the location of the work with respect to the boundaries of the recorded claim or prospecting permit zone where the work was done,

        • (C) the identification number of each prospecting permit, and

        • (D) the identification tag number of each claim and, if available, the name of each claim or group of claims,

      • (ii) the location and type of the previous work that was done in the lands covered by the prospecting permit or claim, and the lands adjacent to those lands, that is relevant to the purpose of the work being reported on,

      • (iii) all surface and underground workings that are not part of the work being reported on,

      • (iv) the boundaries of each prospecting permit zone or recorded claim, whether leased or not, that is adjacent to the boundaries of the prospecting permit zone or recorded claim on which the work was done, and

      • (v) the infrastructure, hydrography and natural landmarks within the boundaries referred to in subparagraphs (i) and (iv);

    • (d) one or more maps or sections with a symbol indicating every site at which samples or data were collected, and a sample identifier for each sample; and

    • (e) one or more maps or sections indicating any geochemical or geophysical anomalies.

Geographic Location and Coordinates

  • Marginal note:Sample sites — coordinate systems

    • 6 (1) All coordinates used in a report to locate the sites where samples or data were collected — including those in sections, maps, tables and lists — must be geographic coordinates or UTM coordinates.

    • Marginal note:Coordinate system specified on map

      (2) The geodetic reference system — and, for UTM coordinates, the zone number — must be indicated for each map, section and table in which that coordinate system is used.

    • Marginal note:Geodetic coordinates

      (3) The geodetic reference system must be one of the following:

      • (a) North American Datum 1927 (NAD 27);

      • (b) North American Datum 1983 (NAD 83);

      • (c) Canadian Spatial Reference System (NAD 83 (CSRS));

      • (d) World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84).

  • Marginal note:Method for determination of location

    7 For each location where work was done, a report must specify how the location was determined for each type of work, using one or more of the following methods:

    • (a) a satellite positioning system, indicating the geodetic reference system used and, if UTM coordinates are used, the zone number;

    • (b) a map, indicating the scale, the geodetic reference system used and, if UTM coordinates are used, the zone number;

    • (c) surveying, together with a description of the surveying equipment and method used.

  • Marginal note:Elevation coordinates

    8 If elevation coordinates are used with respect to the work, those coordinates and their zero reference level must be specified in the report.

Maps, Sections and Samples

  • Marginal note:Coordinates for geographic locations

    • 9 (1) Each map and section submitted with a report must have the location it represents indicated on it in geographical or UTM coordinates that are shown by means of a grid or by a specification of those coordinates that is sufficient to allow the location of any point on the map.

    • Marginal note:Requirements respecting grid lines

      (2) If grid lines were used to perform the work, at least one map of each grid must be submitted showing the name of the grid, its geographic location and the coordinates established to identify each of the grid lines.

    • Marginal note:Requirements for maps and sections

      (3) Each map and section must

      • (a) be legible;

      • (b) have its scale set out on it using a bar scale in metric units;

      • (c) have a geographic north indicator;

      • (d) have a legend; and

      • (e) indicate the units of measure used on it.

    • Marginal note:Elevation coordinates

      (4) Each map and section must show the relevant elevation coordinates.

  • Marginal note:Location of data collection sites

    10 Every table or list that contains data with respect to a site (including sample data) must set out the location of the data collection site specified in geographic or UTM coordinates.

  • Marginal note:Cross-referencing of sample identifiers

    • 11 (1) If an identifier used in a report to identify a sample, such as in an analytical certificate, is not the same as the corresponding sample identifier shown on the sample location maps or sections required under paragraph 5(1)(d), a table that makes a cross-reference between the two identifiers must be provided.

    • Marginal note:Sample identifiers

      (2) Data about samples must set out one of the following identifiers for each sample:

      • (a) the sample identifier shown on a map or section as required under paragraph 5(1)(d);

      • (b) the identifier cross-referenced, in accordance with subsection (1), to the sample identifier mentioned in paragraph (a).

Information About Types of Work

  • Marginal note:Excavation

    12 Reporting on excavation work must include the following:

    • (a) maps and sections showing the location, dimensions and orientation of each of the workings, including stripped areas, trenches, open pits, shafts, adits, drifts and ramps;

    • (b) maps or sections showing any anomalous results of geochemical analyses;

    • (c) a description of

      • (i) the excavation methods and the equipment used,

      • (ii) the samples or groups of samples collected from each of the workings,

      • (iii) the geological observations and any geotechnical observations,

      • (iv) the results of any geophysical surveys, and

      • (v) the results of geoscientific investigations; and

    • (d) a copy of any log made respecting excavation of overburden or extraction of bedrock.

  • Marginal note:Drilling

    13 Reporting on drilling work must include the following:

    • (a) maps showing the locations of drill hole collars and traces;

    • (b) sections showing

      • (i) the overburden thickness,

      • (ii) the geological units intersected,

      • (iii) the locations where samples were taken, and

      • (iv) all anomalous results of geochemical analyses;

    • (c) a description of

      • (i) the drilling methods and the equipment used,

      • (ii) the samples and their down-hole intervals,

      • (iii) the geological observations and any geotechnical observations,

      • (iv) the results of any geophysical surveys, and

      • (v) the results of geoscientific investigations; and

    • (d) drill logs setting out for each drill hole

      • (i) the hole number,

      • (ii) the hole or core diameter,

      • (iii) the date of drilling, the date logged, the geographic or UTM coordinates of the collar, initial azimuth and inclination, final hole length and the results of any down-hole tests, and

      • (iv) the overburden thickness.

  • Marginal note:Geological mapping

    14 Reporting on geological mapping work must include the following:

    • (a) a table setting out the geological formations of the area mapped, if the information on those formations is published by the Geological Survey of Canada, the Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, the Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office or other source of geoscientific publications;

    • (b) maps or sections showing geological units, structural data, areas of mineralization, locations of rock outcrops and mineralized erratic blocks, anomalous results of geochemical analyses, locations of any trenches, stripped areas, drill holes and other workings referred to in the report, and, if applicable, indicators of the direction of ice movement;

    • (c) a description of the features of geological interest, such as overburden, rock types, structures, veins, areas of mineralization, mineralized erratic blocks, altered zones, anomalous results of geochemical analyses, and, if applicable, indicators of the direction of ice movement; and

    • (d) the results of geoscientific investigations, including the results of any petrographic studies, and any interpretation that has been made of the glacial history based on the geological mapping work.

  • Marginal note:Sampling and geochemistry

    15 Reporting on sampling and geochemical analysis must include the following:

    • (a) complete results of geochemical analyses;

    • (b) a geological description of the samples or group of samples;

    • (c) a description of the sampling methodologies, including any pattern of sample collection;

    • (d) the dates the samples or group of samples were collected and the dates that any preparation or processing of the samples was done in the field or in a laboratory;

    • (e) a description of any preparation or processing of samples or group of samples that was done in the field or in a laboratory;

    • (f) a description of the methods of geochemical analysis used on each sample or group of samples, including a list of the elements and compounds for which the analysis was done and the limits for their detection;

    • (g) a description of any statistical methods used and the results obtained;

    • (h) the results of the geochemistry survey, represented on maps or sections; and

    • (i) if any geoscientific investigation of surficial deposits was performed, an interpretation of the sources from which the indicator minerals came, a description of the methods used to determine the direction of movement of ice, water or other transport medium for those minerals and any interpretation of the glacial history revealed by the investigation.

  • Marginal note:Geophysics or remote sensing work

    • 16 (1) Reporting on geophysical analysis or remote sensing work must be accompanied by the following information and documents:

      • (a) the type of survey performed;

      • (b) the dates that the survey started and ended;

      • (c) if the work was done using a grid, the distance between the lines, the azimuth and the length of the lines surveyed and the total distance surveyed;

      • (d) a copy of each report respecting geophysics or remote sensing made by a contractor, together with all maps and sections produced and data collected in connection with the report;

      • (e) a description of the survey methods, including

        • (i) the characteristics of the equipment used,

        • (ii) the characteristics of the instruments and sensors used, including their precision,

        • (iii) the positioning system used to record the location of data collection points, and

        • (iv) a description of any methods used to make corrections to the data;

      • (f) a description of the methods of analysis applied to the data;

      • (g) a database or spreadsheet containing the geographic coordinates of each ground data collection site, the raw measurements, the measurements used to correct the raw measurements, the corrected measurements and calculated results used for interpretations; and

      • (h) the results of the geophysical or remote sensing survey, represented on maps, sections, pseudo-sections or profiles.

    • Marginal note:Down-hole geophysical survey

      (2) If a down-hole geophysical survey was performed, the section required under paragraph (1)(h) must show

      • (a) the hole number;

      • (b) the date the hole was drilled;

      • (c) the location of the drill hole collar and trace;

      • (d) the geographic or UTM collar coordinates;

      • (e) the initial azimuth and inclination of the hole; and

      • (f) the length of the hole.

    • Marginal note:Electromagnetic survey

      (3) If an electromagnetic survey was performed, the map required under paragraph (1)(h) must show the projection of the surveyed drill hole to the surface and the location and configuration of the transmitter and receiver.

    • Marginal note:Geophysical survey grids

      (4) If a ground-based, waterborne or airborne geophysical survey was performed, it must be presented in the report accompanied by a map showing the surveyed lines.

    • Marginal note:Underground geophysical survey

      (5) If an underground geophysical survey was performed, it must be presented in the report accompanied by a map showing the location of the geophysical survey, the surveyed lines and the location, dimensions and orientation of the underground workings.

PART 2Simplified Report

  • Marginal note:Simplified report

    17 A simplified report provided for under subsection 15(2) or 41(1) of these Regulations must be prepared in accordance with sections 2 to 11 of this Schedule, but without the requirements set out in paragraphs 4(g), (m), (o), (p) and (q) and 5(1)(a) and (e), and must contain the following information and documents:

    • (a) a description of

      • (i) each sample or group of samples collected,

      • (ii) methods of preparation, processing and analysis applied to samples,

      • (iii) the excavation methods and the equipment used for the excavation,

      • (iv) the field observations, and

      • (v) the results of the work performed and of geochemical analyses;

    • (b) maps or sections showing

      • (i) the area investigated and the traverses performed,

      • (ii) the locations of rock outcrops investigated,

      • (iii) the locations of the sampling sites, including the locations of any erratic blocks that were sampled,

      • (iv) the locations of any stripped areas and trenches, and

      • (v) features of interest such as significant results of geochemical analyses; and

    • (c) comments respecting follow-up work for the purpose of assessing the mineral potential of the area investigated.


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