Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Nunavut Waters Regulations (SOR/2013-69)

Regulations are current to 2025-01-22

SCHEDULE 1(Section 1 and paragraph 12(1)(b))

Classification of Undertakings

ItemColumn 1Column 2
Type of UndertakingDescription of Undertaking
1Industrial undertakingManufacturing processes, hydrostatic testing, quarrying and gravel washing, petroleum and gas exploration, the production, processing, refining or storage of petroleum, petroleum products or gas, cooling systems, food processing, tanneries, the smelting or refining of minerals, metal finishing, the restoration of the site of an industrial undertaking and any other industrial activity
2Mining undertakingExploration or prospecting — including bulk sampling — for minerals other than petroleum or gas, the operation of a mine, the processing of minerals other than petroleum or gas, the restoration of the site of a mine and any other mining activity other than an industrial activity described in item 1, column 2
3Municipal undertakingA waste disposal or water system for a municipality
4Power undertakingAuthorized hydro, geothermal or nuclear electrical generation of
  • (a) Class 0

150 kW or less per day
  • (b) Class 1

More than 150 kW per day but less than 5 000 kW per day
  • (c) Class 2

5 000 kW or more per day but less than 10 000 kW per day
  • (d) Class 3

10 000 kW or more per day but less than 20 000 kW per day
  • (e) Class 4

20 000 kW or more per day but less than 50 000 kW per day
  • (f) Class 5

50 000 kW or more per day but less than 100 000 kW per day
  • (g) Class 6

100 000 kW or more per day
5Agricultural undertakingNourishing crops or providing water for livestock
6Conservation undertakingWorks for the preservation, protection or improvement of the natural environment
7Recreational undertakingA commercial or public recreational development, including camps and tourist lodges
8Other undertakingResearch projects and any undertaking other than an undertaking set out in any of items 1 to 7

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