Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Aveos Pension Plan Regulations (SOR/2013-132)

Regulations are current to 2024-06-20

SCHEDULE(Section 2)

FORM 1Transfer Request

Request to transfer

I, blank line,

(check (a) or (b))

(a) former member of the Aveos Fleet Performance Inc. pension plan, (certificate of registration number 57573 issued by the Superintendent of Financial Institutions and Canada Revenue Agency registration number 1198944), request to transfer the assets of the plan that are attributable to me,

(check (i) or (ii))

(b) survivor of blank line, former member of the Aveos Fleet Performance Inc. pension plan, (certificate of registration number 57573 issued by the Superintendent of Financial Institutions and Canada Revenue Agency registration number 1198944), request to transfer the assets of the plan that are attributable to the former member,

(check (i) or (ii))


I understand that even if the future investment performance equals or exceeds the return that was expected, it is possible that the income produced following the transfer of the assets of the plan will be insufficient to provide the same lifetime retirement income that I, or my spouse or common-law partner, if applicable, would otherwise have received if I had not elected to make the transfer.

In choosing this transfer, I understand that if the future investment performance is lower than expected, the amount of pension income that I, or my spouse or common-law partner, if applicable, will receive could be significantly reduced.


Signature of requester blank line

Name of requester blank line

Signature of witness blank line

Name of witness blank line

Address of witness blank line

Signed at on the day of blank line, 20blank line.

Confirmation of receipt of the request by the administrator of the plan

blank line (name of the administrator of the plan) confirm receipt of the request of (name of requester) for the

(check (a) or (b))

  • (a) blank line transfer of the assets of the plan that are attributable to the former member to a locked-in registered retirement savings plan of the kind described in the Aveos Pension Plan Regulations;

  • (b) blank line transfer of the assets of the plan that are attributable to the former member to a life income fund of the kind described in the Aveos Pension Plan Regulations.


Signature of administrator of the plan blank line

Name of administrator of the plan blank line

Signed at on the day of blank line, 20blank line.

FORM 2Consent of Spouse or Common-Law Partner

I, blank line, certify that I am the spouse or common-law partner (as those terms are defined in the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985) of blank line.

I understand that my spouse or common-law partner has elected to transfer the assets of the Aveos Fleet Performance Inc. pension plan, (certificate of registration number 57573 issued by the Superintendent of Financial Institutions and Canada Revenue Agency registration number 1198944), that are attributable to him or her, and that my written consent is required to enable my spouse or common-law partner to do so.

I understand that

(a) the transferred funds may be used to purchase a life annuity at a later date;

(b) if the transferred funds are used to purchase a life annuity, the life annuity must be in the joint and survivor form unless I waive my entitlements by signing a separate waiver form within 90 days before the start of the annuity;

(c) a transfer of the assets of the plan into a life income fund under the Aveos Pension Plan Regulations will allow my spouse or common-law partner to withdraw some of the money each year, subject to minimum and maximum withdrawal limits as prescribed by the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 and the Income Tax Act;

(d) the amount of pension income or the amount available to me on the death of my spouse or common-law partner may be significantly reduced if

(i) my spouse or common-law partner elects to withdraw the maximum amount permitted each year, or

(ii) the investment performance is lower than expected; and

  • (e) it is possible that the income produced following the transfer of the assets of the plan will be insufficient to provide the same lifetime retirement income I would otherwise have received had my spouse or common-law partner not elected to make the transfer.

Nevertheless, I consent to the transfer and certify that

(a) I have read this form and understand it;

(b) neither my spouse or common-law partner nor anyone else has put any pressure on me to sign this form;

(c) my spouse or common-law partner is not present while I am signing this form; and

(d) I realize that

(i) this form only gives a general description of the legal rights I have under the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985, the Pension Benefits Standards Regulations, 1985 and the Aveos Pension Plan Regulations,

(ii) if I wish to understand exactly what my legal rights are I must read the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985, the Pension Benefits Standards Regulations,1985 and the Aveos Pension Plan Regulations, or seek legal advice, or both, and

  • (iii) I am entitled to a copy of this consent form.

To consent to the transfer, I sign this consent form at on the day of blank line, 20blank line.

Signature of spouse or common-law partner blank line

Address of spouse or common-law partner blank line

(home telephone number) blank line

(work telephone number) blank line


I certify that

(a) My full name is blank line

(b) My address is blank line

(c) I witnessed the signing of this consent by in the absence of his/her spouse or common-law partner.

Signature of witness blank line

(home telephone number) blank line

(work telephone number) blank line


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