Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Postage Meter Regulations, 2010 (SOR/2010-220)

Regulations are current to 2024-06-20

Postage Meter Regulations, 2010



Registration 2010-10-21

Postage Meter Regulations, 2010

P.C. 2010-1267 2010-10-21

Whereas, in accordance with subsection 20(1) of the Canada Post Corporation ActFootnote a, a copy of the proposed Postage Meter Regulations, 2010, substantially in the form set out in the annexed regulations, was published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on May 8, 2010 and a reasonable opportunity was thereby afforded to interested persons to make representations to the Minister of Transport with respect to the proposed regulations;

Therefore, His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Transport, pursuant to subsection 19(1)Footnote b of the Canada Post Corporation Act, hereby approves the annexed Postage Meter Regulations, 2010, made by the Canada Post Corporation on August 4th, 2010.


 The following definitions apply in these Regulations.

ascending register

ascending register means the device in a postage meter that records the total accumulated value of postage that has been printed by the meter. (totalisateur)

descending register

descending register means the device in a postage meter that records the value of the remaining postage. (soustracteur)


item means an item of mailable matter. (version anglaise seulement)


lessee means a person who is party to a lease with a supplier authorizing the use of a postage meter. (locataire)

postage meter

postage meter means a machine that contains an ascending and a descending register, has the capacity to connect remotely to a supplier’s system for setting the descending register and exchanging information, is used to print a postage meter impression and may be used to print other words and symbols as well. (machine à affranchir)

postage meter impression

postage meter impression means an impression that is printed by a postage meter and shows a barcode or data matrix code, an amount of postage, the serial number of the meter and the supplier’s identifying mark. (empreinte de machine à affranchir)


supplier means a person who is party to an agreement with the Corporation for the installation of postage meters in Canada. (fournisseur)

Installation of Postage Meters

 No person shall install a model of postage meter for use in Canada unless they

  • (a) are a supplier;

  • (b) have obtained written approval from the Corporation to install that particular model of meter; and

  • (c) have entered into a lease for the use of the meter with the person in control of the premises where it is to be installed.

Setting w Descending Register

 No person, other than a supplier, shall set a descending register.

Using a Postage Meter

 No person shall use a postage meter unless they are a supplier or lessee of the meter or use it under the authority of a supplier or lessee.

 A person who uses a postage meter to print a postage meter impression on an item shall print the impression in fluorescent red ink

  • (a) directly on the mailing cover of the item;

  • (b) on a postage meter tape affixed to the item; or

  • (c) on a label approved by the Corporation that is affixed or attached to the item.

 A person may print a postage meter impression that bears the words “RETURN POSTAGE — PREPAID/PORT DE RETOUR PAYÉ” on an item provided that it is a pre-addressed reply card, label or envelope that is to be mailed by someone else.

 A person may use a postage meter to print words or symbols on an item, including advertisements, slogans or a return address, provided that the words and symbols do not infringe on the area reserved for the postage meter impression.

Posting Items Printed with a Postage Meter Impression

  •  (1) No person shall post an item on a date other than the date shown in the postage meter impression.

  • (2) However, if an item cannot be posted on the date shown in the postage meter impression, a person may print a second impression bearing another date and a zero dollar postage value and may post the item on that other date. The second impression must not be placed so as to infringe on the original.

 When an item bears a postage meter impression with a postal code, no person shall post the item from a location outside the municipality to which the postal code is assigned unless the location has been agreed to in writing by the Corporation.

 If the amount of postage shown in the postage meter impression on an item appears to have been altered, the item shall be dealt with as undeliverable mail in accordance with the Undeliverable and Redirected Mail Regulations.

Lessee’s Duties

 A lessee who intends to move the postage meter to a new address shall inform the supplier of the new address and the date on which the meter will be moved.

 If a lessee becomes aware of a malfunction in the meter or suspects that the meter has been tampered with, they shall immediately inform the supplier, cease to use the meter and make it available to the supplier for inspection.

 A lessee shall immediately inform the supplier if the meter is lost or stolen.

Inspection of Postage Meters

 After receiving reasonable notice from the Corporation, a supplier or lessee shall make any postage meter in its possession available for inspection by the Corporation or a person designated by the Corporation.

Return of Postage Meters

 When the lease of a postage meter expires or is terminated, the lessee shall immediately return the meter to the supplier.

 The Corporation, or a person designated by the Corporation, may require the supplier of a postage meter to immediately repossess the meter if the Corporation has reasonable grounds to believe that the meter has a malfunction or has been tampered with.



Coming into Force

 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered.


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