Maritime Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (SOR/2010-120)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2024-11-30. Previous Versions
PART 4Sanitation (continued)
Water (continued)
78 Any ice that is added to drinking water or used for the contact refrigeration of foodstuffs must be made from potable water, and stored and handled so as to prevent contamination.
79 If drinking water is supplied by a drinking fountain,
(a) the fountain must meet the standards set out in the Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) standard ARI 1010-2002, entitled Self-Contained, Mechanically-Refrigerated Drinking-Water Coolers, as amended from time to time; and
(b) the fountain must not be installed in a sanitary facility.
Preparation, Handling, Storage and Serving of Food
80 Each food handler must be trained and instructed in food handling practices that prevent the contamination of food.
81 A person who is suffering from a communicable disease must not must work as a food handler.
82 [Repealed, SOR/2024-118, s. 19]
83 (1) Foods that require refrigeration to prevent them from becoming hazardous to health must be maintained at a temperature of 4°C or lower.
(2) Foods that require freezing to prevent them from becoming hazardous to health must be maintained at a temperature of –18°C or lower.
84 All equipment and utensils that come into contact with food must be
(a) designed to be easily cleaned;
(b) smooth, free from cracks, crevices, pitting or unnecessary indentations; and
(c) cleaned and stored to maintain their surfaces in a sanitary condition.
85 No person must eat, prepare or store food in
(a) a place where a hazardous substance may contaminate food, dishes or utensils;
(b) a personal service room that contains a water closet, urinal, tub or shower; or
(c) any other place where food may be contaminated.
86 Food waste or garbage must not be stored in a galley.
87 Garbage must be held in leak-proof, non-absorptive, easily cleaned containers with tight-fitting covers.
88 Dry food waste and garbage must be removed or incinerated.
89 (1) Food waste and garbage containers must be kept covered and the food waste and garbage removed as frequently as is necessary to prevent unsanitary conditions.
(2) Food waste and garbage containers must be cleaned and disinfected in an area separate from the galley each time they are emptied.
PART 5Safe Occupancy of the Work Place
90 [Repealed, SOR/2020-130, s. 49]
Fire Protection Equipment
91 Fire protection equipment must be installed, inspected and maintained on board every vessel.
- SOR/2017-14, s. 414
- SOR/2021-122, s. 32
Emergency Evacuation
92 Emergency evacuation equipment must be installed, inspected and maintained on board every vessel.
Emergency Procedures
93 (1) Every employer must prepare emergency procedures, including evacuation procedures.
(2) Notices that set out the details of the emergency procedures must be posted in conspicuous places that are accessible to every employee in the work place.
Training and Instruction
- SOR/2019-246, s. 259(F)
94 Every employee must be trained and instructed in
(a) the procedures to be followed by an employee in the event of an emergency; and
(b) the location, use and operation of fire protection equipment and emergency equipment provided by the employer.
95 (1) A visual inspection of every vessel must be carried out by a qualified person at least once every six months and must include an inspection of all fire escapes, exits and stairways and fire protection equipment on board the vessel in order to ensure that they are in serviceable condition and ready for use at all times.
(2) A record of each inspection must be dated and signed by the person who carried out the inspection and kept by the employer on board the vessel for a period of two years after the day on which it is signed.
96 [Repealed, SOR/2020-130, s. 50]
97 [Repealed, SOR/2020-130, s. 50]
98 [Repealed, SOR/2020-130, s. 50]
99 [Repealed, SOR/2020-130, s. 50]
100 [Repealed, SOR/2020-130, s. 50]
101 [Repealed, SOR/2020-130, s. 50]
102 [Repealed, SOR/2020-130, s. 50]
103 [Repealed, SOR/2020-130, s. 50]
104 [Repealed, SOR/2020-130, s. 50]
PART 6Medical Care
105 The following definitions apply in this Part.
- detached work place
detached work place means a work place away from a vessel where employees normally employed on the vessel are engaged in work related to the operation of the vessel for extended periods of time. (lieu de travail isolé)
- first aid room
first aid room means a room used exclusively for first aid or medical purposes. (salle de premiers soins)
- health unit
health unit means a consultation and treatment facility that is in the charge of a person who is a registered nurse under the laws of any province. (service de santé)
- medical facility
medical facility means a medical clinic or the office of a physician. (installation médicale)
- medicine chest
medicine chest means a container in which an assortment of medicines is stored. (pharmacie de bord)
106 [Repealed, SOR/2021-122, s. 34]
107 (1) A vessel must carry a complete and up-to-date list of radio stations from which medical advice can be obtained.
(2) If a vessel is equipped with a system of satellite communication, it must carry a complete and up-to-date list of coast earth stations from which medical advice can be obtained.
108 Employees with responsibility for medical care or first aid must be instructed by the employer in the use of the ship’s medical guide and in the medical section of the most recent edition of the International Code of Signals so that they can understand the type of information needed by the advising doctor and the advice received.
109 Every employer must
(a) establish written instructions that provide for the prompt rendering of first aid to an employee for any injury, disabling injury or illness;
(b) make a copy of the instructions readily available for examination by employees; and
(c) if a cargo that is classified dangerous, within the meaning of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992, has not been included in the most recent edition of the Medical First Aid Guide for Use in Accidents Involving Dangerous Goods published by the IMO, ILO and World Health Organization, make readily available to employees the necessary information on the nature of the substances in the cargo, the risks involved, the necessary personal protection equipment required, the relevant medical procedures and specific antidotes.
110 If an employee sustains an injury or becomes aware that they have a disabling injury or illness, the employee must, if feasible, report immediately for first aid to a person who holds a first aid certificate.
111 (1) The employer must ensure that on board every vessel
(a) there is at least one person who holds a first aid certificate and who can immediately render first aid to employees who are injured or ill; and
(b) for every work place at which employees are working on live electrical equipment, there is at least one employee who has, in the 12 months before the performance of the work on the electrical equipment, successfully completed a course in cardiopulmonary resuscitation given by an approved organization.
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to shore-based employees for whom a first aid room, a health unit or a medical facility is provided on shore.
112 Emergency medical and dental care while employees are on board a vessel or landed in a foreign port must be provided free of charge.
Medical Care Ashore
113 Measures must be taken to ensure that employees have access, when in port, to
(a) outpatient treatment for injury and illness;
(b) hospitalization when necessary; and
(c) dental treatment.
First Aid Kit, Medicine Chest, Medical Equipment and Medical Guide
114 (1) The employer must provide and maintain for a work place set out in column 1 of Table 1 to this section the type of first aid kit set out in column 2 and a medical guide.
(2) The first aid kit and its contents, as well as the medical equipment and medical guide carried on board a vessel, must be properly maintained and inspected at regular intervals of not more than 12 months, by a qualified person to ensure that supplies and equipment are properly stored and labelled with directions for their use and their expiry date, that all equipment functions as required and that all supplies have not reached or exceeded their expiry dates and are not set to expire before to the next scheduled inspection date.
(3) Every first aid kit must be
(a) accessible when an employee is on board the vessel; and
(b) clearly identified by a conspicuous sign.
(4) A first aid kit must contain the supplies and equipment set out in column 1 of Table 2 to this section in the applicable quantities set out in column 2.
Requirements for First Aid Kits
Column 1 Column 2 Item Work Place Type of First Aid Kit 1 On a vessel with (a) 1 to 5 employees A (b) 6 to 19 employees B (c) 20 to 49 employees C (d) more than 50 employees D 2 At a detached work place E TABLE 2
First Aid Kit Type, Supplies and Equipment
Column 1 Column 2 Type of First Aid Kit A B C D E Item Supplies and Equipment Quantity per Type of First Aid Kit 1 Antiseptic-wound solution, 60 mL or antiseptic swabs (10-pack) 1 2 3 6 1 2 Applicator-disposable (10-pack) [not needed if antiseptic swabs used] 1 2 4 8 – 3 Bag-disposable, waterproof, emesis 1 2 2 4 – 4 Bandage-adhesive strips 12 100 200 400 6 5 Gauze, Roll 2.5 cm × 10 m 2 6 8 12 – 6 Bandage-triangular-100 cm folded and 2 pins 2 4 6 8 1 7 Container-First Aid Kit 1 1 1 1 1 8 Dressing-compress, sterile 7.5 cm × 12 cm approximately 2 4 8 12 – 9 Dressing-gauze, sterile 10.4 cm × 10.4 cm approximately 4 8 12 18 2 10 Forceps-splinter 1 1 1 1 – 11 Manual-First Aid, English — current edition 1 1 1 1 – 12 Manual-First Aid, French –– current edition 1 1 1 1 – 13 Pad with shield or tape for eye 1 1 2 4 1 14 Record-First Aid (section 119) 1 1 1 1 1 15 Scissors — 10 cm 1 1 1 1 1 16 Tape-adhesive, surgical 1.2 cm × 4.6 m (not needed if ties attached to dressings) 1 1 2 3 – 17 Penlight – – 1 1 – 18 Antipruritic lotion 30 ml or swabs (10 packs) 1 1 1 2 – 19 Bandage-elastic 7.5 cm × 5 m – – 1 2 – 20 Blanket-emergency, pocket size – – – – 1 21 Dressing-burn, sterile, 10 cm × 10 cm 1 1 2 2 – 22 Dressing-burn, sterile, 20 cm × 20 cm – – 1 1 – 23 Hand cleanser or cleaning towelettes, 1 pack 1 1 1 1 – 24 Malleable splint set with padding – 1 1 1 – 25 Stretcher – – 1 1 – 26 Gloves, disposable examination non-latex (pr) 5 10 20 30 5 27 Mask, barrier device for mouth to mouth resuscitation 1 1 2 3 1 28 Tongue depressor, disposable 5 5 10 10 –
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