Ontario Fishery Regulations, 2007 (SOR/2007-237)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2024-01-01. Previous Versions
SCHEDULE 1Species of Fish
PART 1Common and Scientific Names of Species of Fish(Subsection 1(3))
Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Item | Common Name | Scientific Name |
1 | Alewife | Alosa pseudoharengus |
2 | American eel | Anguilla rostrata |
3 | American shad | Alosa sapidissima |
4 | Atlantic salmon | Salmo salar |
5 | Aurora trout | Salvelinus fontinalis timagamiensis |
6 | Bowfin | Amia calva |
7 | Brook trout | Salvelinus fontinalis |
8 | Brown trout | Salmo trutta |
9 | Burbot | Lota lota |
10 | Catfish | Family: Ictaluridae |
11 | Channel catfish | Ictalurus punctatus |
11.1 | Cisco (Lake herring) | Coregonus artedi |
12 | Ciscoes (Chubs), except Lake herring | Coregonus hoyi, C. reighardi, C. kiyi, C. nigripinnis and C. zenithicus |
13 | Common carp | Cyprinus carpio |
14 | Crappie (black crappie and white crappie) | Pomoxis nigromaculatus and Pomoxis annularis |
15 | Crayfish | Any species of the genera: Cambarus, Creaserinus, Faxonius, Lacunicambarus and Procambarus |
16 | Darter | Any species of the genera: Ammocrypta, Etheostoma, and Percina native to Ontario |
17 | Freshwater drum | Aplodinotus grunniens |
18 | Gar | Family: Lepisosteidae |
19 | Gizzard shad | Dorosoma cepedianum |
20 | Goldeye | Hiodon alosoides |
21 | Goldfish | Carassius auratus |
22 | Grass pickerel | Esox americanus vermiculatus |
23 | Kokanee | Oncorhynchus nerka |
24 | [Repealed, SOR/2014-311, s. 13] | |
25 | Lake sturgeon | Acipenser fulvescens |
26 | Lake trout | Salvelinus namaycush |
27 | Lake whitefish | Coregonus clupeaformis |
28 | Largemouth bass | Micropterus salmoides |
29 | Minnow | Any species of family: Cyprinidae that is native to Ontario except common carp or goldfish |
30 | Mooneye | Hiodon tergisus |
31 | Mudminnow | Family: Esocidae |
32 | Muskellunge | Esox masquinongy and the hybrid of the muskellunge and the northern pike, E. masquinongy x E. lucius |
33 | Northern pike | Esox lucius |
34 | Pacific salmon
| Any species of the genus Oncorhynchus, except rainbow trout and kokanee salmon
35 | Panfish | Family: Centrarchidae except Micropterus salmoides, M. dolomieu, Pomoxis annularis and P. nigromaculatus |
36 | Rainbow smelt | Osmerus mordax |
37 | Rainbow trout | Oncorhynchus mykiss |
38 | Rock bass | Ambloplites rupestris |
39 | Round whitefish | Prosopium cylindraceum |
40 | Sauger | Sander canadensis |
41 | Sculpin | Family: Cottidae |
42 | Smallmouth bass | Micropterus dolomieu |
43 | Splake (backcross) | The hybrid of the lake trout and the brook trout, S. namaycush x S. fontinalis |
44 | Stickleback | Family: Gasterosteidae |
45 | Sucker | Family: Catostomidae |
46 | Sunfish | Any species of the genus: Lepomis |
47 | Trout-perch | Percopsis omiscomaycus |
48 | Walleye (yellow pickerel) | Sander vitreus and the hybrid of walleye and sauger, S. vitreus x S. canadensis |
49 | White bass | Morone chrysops |
50 | White perch | Morone americana |
51 | Yellow perch | Perca flavescens |
PART 2Species of Baitfish(Subsection 1(1))
Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Item | Common Name | Scientific Name |
1 | Minnows (family Cyprinidae), only the species listed below: | |
| Notropis heterodon | |
| ||
| Notropis heterolepis | |
| Pimephales notatus | |
| Hybognathus hankinsoni | |
| Campostoma anomalum | |
| Luxilus cornutus | |
| Semotilus atromaculatus | |
| ||
| Notropis atherinoides | |
| Semotilus corporalis | |
| Pimephales promelas | |
| Chrosomus neogaeus | |
| Notemigonus crysoleucas | |
| Nocomis biguttatus | |
| Couesius plumbeus | |
| Rhinichthys cataractae | |
| Notropis volucellus | |
| Margariscus nachtriebi | |
| Chrosomus eos | |
| ||
| Lythrurus umbratilis | |
| Nocomis micropogon | |
| Notropis rubellus | |
| Notropis stramineus | |
| Cyprinella spiloptera | |
| Notropis hudsonius | |
| Luxilus chrysocephalus | |
| Rhinichthys obtusus | |
2 | Suckers (family Catostomidae), only the species listed below: | |
| Catostomus catostomus | |
| ||
| ||
| ||
| Catostomus commersonii | |
3 | Pike and Mudminnows (family Esocidae), only the species listed below | |
| Umbra limi | |
4 | Whitefishes (family Salmonidae), only the species listed below | Salmonidae |
| Coregonus artedi | |
5 | Trout-perches (family Percopsidae), only the species listed below | |
| Percopsis omiscomaycus | |
6 | Sticklebacks (family Gasterosteidae), only the species listed below | |
| Culaea inconstans | |
| Pungitius pungitius | |
| ||
7 | [Repealed, SOR/2023-245, s. 19] | |
8 | [Repealed, SOR/2023-245, s. 19] | |
9 | Topminnows (family Fundulidae), only the species listed below | |
| Fundulus diaphanus |
PART 3[Repealed, SOR/2015-121, s. 41]
PART 4Specially Protected Fish(Subsection 1(1))
Column 1 | Column 2 | |
Item | Common Name | Scientific Name |
1 | American eel | Anguilla rostrata |
2 | Cutlip minnow | Exoglossum maxillingua |
3 | Redside dace | Clinostomus elongatus |
- SOR/2014-311, ss. 10 to 14, 15(F), 16(F), 17 to 19, 20(E), 21, 22, 23(F), 24(F), 25, 26(E)
- SOR/2015-121, s. 41
- SOR/2018-216, ss. 28(F), 29(F), 30(E)
- SOR/2023-245, s. 14
- SOR/2023-245, s. 15
- SOR/2023-245, s. 16
- SOR/2023-245, s. 17
- SOR/2023-245, s. 18
- SOR/2023-245, s. 19
- SOR/2023-245, s. 20
- Date modified: