Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Ontario Fishery Regulations, 2007 (SOR/2007-237)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2024-01-01. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE 1Species of Fish

PART 1Common and Scientific Names of Species of Fish(Subsection 1(3))

Column 1Column 2
ItemCommon NameScientific Name
1AlewifeAlosa pseudoharengus
2American eelAnguilla rostrata
3American shadAlosa sapidissima
4Atlantic salmonSalmo salar
5Aurora troutSalvelinus fontinalis timagamiensis
6BowfinAmia calva
7Brook troutSalvelinus fontinalis
8Brown troutSalmo trutta
9BurbotLota lota
10CatfishFamily: Ictaluridae
11Channel catfishIctalurus punctatus
11.1Cisco (Lake herring)Coregonus artedi
12Ciscoes (Chubs), except Lake herringCoregonus hoyi, C. reighardi, C. kiyi, C. nigripinnis and C. zenithicus
13Common carpCyprinus carpio
14Crappie (black crappie and white crappie)Pomoxis nigromaculatus and Pomoxis annularis
15CrayfishAny species of the genera: Cambarus, Creaserinus, Faxonius, Lacunicambarus and Procambarus
16DarterAny species of the genera: Ammocrypta, Etheostoma, and Percina native to Ontario
17Freshwater drumAplodinotus grunniens
18GarFamily: Lepisosteidae
19Gizzard shadDorosoma cepedianum
20GoldeyeHiodon alosoides
21GoldfishCarassius auratus
22Grass pickerelEsox americanus vermiculatus
23KokaneeOncorhynchus nerka
24[Repealed, SOR/2014-311, s. 13]
25Lake sturgeonAcipenser fulvescens
26Lake troutSalvelinus namaycush
27Lake whitefishCoregonus clupeaformis
28Largemouth bassMicropterus salmoides
29MinnowAny species of family: Cyprinidae that is native to Ontario except common carp or goldfish
30MooneyeHiodon tergisus
31MudminnowFamily: Esocidae
32MuskellungeEsox masquinongy and the hybrid of the muskellunge and the northern pike, E. masquinongy x E. lucius
33Northern pikeEsox lucius

Pacific salmon

  • (a) Chinook salmon

  • (b) Coho salmon

  • (c) Pink salmon

Any species of the genus Oncorhynchus, except rainbow trout and kokanee salmon

  • (a) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha

  • (b) Oncorhynchus kisutch

  • (c) Oncorhynchus gorbuscha

35PanfishFamily: Centrarchidae except Micropterus salmoides, M. dolomieu, Pomoxis annularis and P. nigromaculatus
36Rainbow smeltOsmerus mordax
37Rainbow troutOncorhynchus mykiss
38Rock bassAmbloplites rupestris
39Round whitefishProsopium cylindraceum
40SaugerSander canadensis
41SculpinFamily: Cottidae
42Smallmouth bassMicropterus dolomieu
43Splake (backcross)The hybrid of the lake trout and the brook trout, S. namaycush x S. fontinalis
44SticklebackFamily: Gasterosteidae
45SuckerFamily: Catostomidae
46SunfishAny species of the genus: Lepomis
47Trout-perchPercopsis omiscomaycus
48Walleye (yellow pickerel)Sander vitreus and the hybrid of walleye and sauger, S. vitreus x S. canadensis
49White bassMorone chrysops
50White perchMorone americana
51Yellow perchPerca flavescens

PART 2Species of Baitfish(Subsection 1(1))

Column 1Column 2
ItemCommon NameScientific Name
1Minnows (family Cyprinidae), only the species listed below:
  • (1) Blackchin shiner

Notropis heterodon
  • (1.1) [Repealed, SOR/2023-245, s. 16]

  • (2) Blacknose shiner

Notropis heterolepis
  • (3) Bluntnose minnow

Pimephales notatus
  • (4) Brassy minnow

Hybognathus hankinsoni
  • (5) Central stoneroller

Campostoma anomalum
  • (6) Common shiner

Luxilus cornutus
  • (7) Creek chub

Semotilus atromaculatus
  • (8) [Repealed, SOR/2014-311, s. 17]

  • (9) Emerald shiner

Notropis atherinoides
  • (10) Fallfish

Semotilus corporalis
  • (11) Fathead minnow

Pimephales promelas
  • (12) Finescale dace

Chrosomus neogaeus
  • (13) Golden shiner

Notemigonus crysoleucas
  • (14) Hornyhead chub

Nocomis biguttatus
  • (15) Lake chub

Couesius plumbeus
  • (16) Longnose dace

Rhinichthys cataractae
  • (17) Mimic shiner

Notropis volucellus
  • (17.1) Northern pearl dace

Margariscus nachtriebi
  • (18) Northern redbelly dace

Chrosomus eos
  • (19) [Repealed, SOR/2014-311, s. 17]

  • (20) Redfin shiner

Lythrurus umbratilis
  • (21) River chub

Nocomis micropogon
  • (22) Rosyface shiner

Notropis rubellus
  • (23) Sand shiner

Notropis stramineus
  • (24) Spotfin shiner

Cyprinella spiloptera
  • (25) Spottail shiner

Notropis hudsonius
  • (26) Striped shiner

Luxilus chrysocephalus
  • (27) Western blacknose dace

Rhinichthys obtusus
2Suckers (family Catostomidae), only the species listed below:
  • (1) Longnose sucker

Catostomus catostomus
  • (2) [Repealed, SOR/2023-245, s. 17]

  • (3) [Repealed, SOR/2023-245, s. 17]

  • (4) [Repealed, SOR/2023-245, s. 17]

  • (5) White sucker

Catostomus commersonii
3Pike and Mudminnows (family Esocidae), only the species listed below
  • (1) Central mudminnow

Umbra limi
4Whitefishes (family Salmonidae), only the species listed belowSalmonidae
  • (1) Cisco (Lake herring)

Coregonus artedi
5Trout-perches (family Percopsidae), only the species listed below
  • (1) Trout-perch

Percopsis omiscomaycus
6Sticklebacks (family Gasterosteidae), only the species listed below
  • (1) Brook stickleback

Culaea inconstans
  • (2) Ninespine stickleback

Pungitius pungitius
  • (3) [Repealed, SOR/2023-245, s. 18]

7[Repealed, SOR/2023-245, s. 19]
8[Repealed, SOR/2023-245, s. 19]

Topminnows (family Fundulidae), only the species listed below

  • (1) Banded killifish

Fundulus diaphanus

PART 3[Repealed, SOR/2015-121, s. 41]

PART 4Specially Protected Fish(Subsection 1(1))

Column 1Column 2
ItemCommon NameScientific Name
1American eelAnguilla rostrata
2Cutlip minnowExoglossum maxillingua
3Redside daceClinostomus elongatus

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