Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Region of Waterloo International Airport Zoning Regulations (SOR/2006-78)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-17 and last amended on 2009-03-19. Previous Versions

SCHEDULE(Subsection 1(1) and section 2)

In this schedule, all grid coordinates are in metres (m) and refer to the 1983 North America Datum (GRS80 Ellipsoid, 1989 adjustment), Zone 17, Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection. Grid coordinates have been computed using a combined average scale factor of 0.9995876.

In this schedule, all elevation values are in metres (m) and refer to the Canadian Geodetic Vertical Datum — CGVD28, 1978 Adjustment.

PART 1Description of Airport Reference Point

The airport reference point, shown on Waterloo Regional Airport Zoning Plan No. 30-035 02-020, Sheet 15, dated April 30, 2003, is a point that may be located by:

commencing at a point referred to as threshold 25, having grid coordinates of 551 298.78 E and 4 812 764.72 N, located on the centreline and at the eastern end of runway 07-25;

thence westerly along the centreline of runway 07-25, a distance of 1 341.15 m to a point;

thence southerly and perpendicular to the centreline of runway 07-25, a distance of 50.00 m to the airport reference point, having grid coordinates of 550 107.96 E and 4 812 146.94 N.

PART 2Description of Take-off/Approach Surfaces

The elevation of a take-off/approach surface at any point is equal to the elevation of the nearest point on the centreline of that take-off/approach surface.

The elevation of a take-off/approach surface centreline is calculated from the elevation of the end of the abutting strip surface and increasing at a constant ratio as provided in this Part.

The take-off/approach surfaces, shown on Waterloo Regional Airport Zoning Plan No. 30-035 02-020, Sheets 1 to 27, dated April 30, 2003, are surfaces abutting each end of the strip surfaces associated with runways 07-25 and 14-32, and are described as follows:

  • (a) the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07 end of the strip surface associated with runway 07-25, consisting of an inclined surface having a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 50.000 m measured horizontally, rising to the outer edge of the take-off/approach surface drawn at right angles to the projected centreline of the strip surface and distant 15 000.000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip surface; the outer edge having a length of 2 400.000 m on either side of the projected centreline and an elevation being 300.000 m above the elevation at the end of the strip surface;

  • (b) the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25 end of the strip surface associated with runway 07-25, consisting of an inclined surface having a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 50.000 m measured horizontally, rising to the outer edge of the take-off/approach surface drawn at right angles to the projected centreline of the strip surface and distant 15 000.000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip surface; the outer edge having a length of 2 400.000 m on either side of the projected centreline and an elevation being 300.000 m above the elevation at the end of the strip surface;

  • (c) the take-off/approach surface abutting the 14 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32, consisting of an inclined surface having a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 50.000 m measured horizontally, rising to the outer edge of the take-off/approach surface drawn at right angles to the projected centreline of the strip surface and distant 3 000.000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip surface; the outer edge having a length of 600.000 m on either side of the projected centreline and an elevation being 60.000 m above the elevation at the end of the strip surface;

  • (d) the take-off/approach surface abutting the 32 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32, consisting of an inclined surface having a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 50.000 m measured horizontally, rising to the outer edge of the take-off/approach surface drawn at right angles to the projected centreline of the strip surface and distant 3 000.000 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip surface; the outer edge having a length of 600.000 m on either side of the projected centreline and an elevation being 60.000 m above the elevation at the end of the strip surface.

PART 3Description of Outer Surface

The outer surface, shown on Waterloo Regional Airport Zoning Plan No. 30-035 02-020, Sheets 07, 08, 09, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21 and 22, dated April 30, 2003 is an imaginary surface established at a constant elevation of 45.000 m above the assigned elevation of the airport reference point except that, where that surface is less than 9.000 m above the surface of the ground, the outer surface is located at 9.000 m above the surface of the ground. The boundary of the outer surface is described as follows:

All those lands situate in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge and in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Kitchener, all in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo and described as follows:

commencing at the northeast corner of Lot 105, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich (see Sheet 08);

thence southerly along the eastern limit of Lot 105 to the northwest corner of Lot 86, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich (see Sheet 08);

thence easterly along the northern limit of Lot 86 to the northeast corner of Lot 86, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (see Sheet 09);

thence southerly along the limits of Lots 86, 87, 88, 89 and 127, German Company Tract to the southeast corner of Lot 127, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (see Sheet 16);

thence westerly along the southern limit of Lot 127 to the northwest corner of Lot 128, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge;

thence southerly along the western limit of Lot 128 and its production southerly to the intersection of the production southerly of the western limit of Lot 128 with the southern limit of the Bricker Lot or Lot 1, Middle Block, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge (see Sheet 16);

thence westerly along the southern limit of the Bricker Lot or Lot 1, Middle Block, to the northeast corner of Lot 13, Concession 1, Beasley’s Lower Block, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge (see Sheet 22);

thence southerly along the eastern limits of Lots 13 and 12 to the southeast corner of Lot 12, Concession 1, Beasley’s Lower Block, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge;

thence westerly along the southern limit of Lot 12 to the southwest corner of Lot 12, Concession 1, Beasley’s Lower Block, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge, being also a point on the eastern limit of Lot 30, Beasley’s Broken Front Concession;

thence southerly along the eastern limit of Lot 30, Beasley’s Broken Front Concession, to the southeast corner of Lot 30, Beasley’s Broken Front Concession, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge (see Sheet 22);

thence westerly along the southern limit of Lot 30 to the southwest corner of Lot 30, Beasley’s Broken Front Concession, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge, being also a point on the eastern limit of Lot 19, Beasley’s Broken Front Concession (see Sheet 21);

thence southerly along the eastern limit Lot 19, Beasley’s Broken Front Concession, to the southeast corner of Lot 19, Beasley’s Broken Front Concession, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge;

thence westerly along the southern limit of Lot 19 to the southwest corner of Lot 19, Beasley’s Broken Front Concession, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge;

thence northerly along the western limit Lot 19 to the southeast corner of Lot 15, Beasley’s Broken Front Concession, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge;

thence westerly along the southern limit of Lot 15 and its production westerly to the intersection of the production westerly of the southern limit of Lot 15, Beasley’s Broken Front Concession, with the centreline of the Grand River, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge, Regional Municipality of Waterloo;

thence northerly along the centreline of the Grand River to the intersection of the centreline of the Grand River with the production easterly of the southern limit of Lot 53, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Kitchener, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (see Sheet 21);

thence westerly along the production easterly of the southern limit of Lot 53 and along the southern limit of Lot 53, German Company Tract, to the intersection of the southern limit of Lot 53, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Kitchener, with the easterly limit of Registered Plan 1692, in the City of Kitchener (see Sheet 20);

thence southerly along the eastern limit of Registered Plan 1692 to the southeast corner of Registered Plan 1692, in the City of Kitchener;

thence westerly along the southerly limit of Registered Plan 1692 to the southwest corner of Lot 70, Registered Plan 1692, in the City of Kitchener;

thence westerly in a straight line to the southeast corner of Lot 304, Registered Plan 1340, in the City of Kitchener;

thence northerly along the southeastern limit of Lot 304 to the southwestern limit of Morrison Road as widened by Block N, Registered Plan 1340, in the City of Kitchener;

thence northwesterly along the southwestern limit of Morrison Road as widened by Block N, Registered Plan 1340, to the most northerly corner of Lot 295, Registered Plan 1340, being also the southeastern corner of Parcel Index Block 22555, in the City of Kitchener;

thence northerly along the eastern limit of Parcel Index Block 22555 to the northeastern corner of Parcel Index Block 22555, in the City of Kitchener;

thence westerly along the northern limit of Parcel Index Block 22555 to the southeastern corner of Parcel Index

Block 22554, in the City of Kitchener (see Sheet 20);

thence northwesterly along the northeastern limit of Parcel Index Block 22554, being also partly the limits of Old Chicopee Trail, Daimler Drive and Old Chicopee Drive, to the northeastern corner of Parcel Index Block 22554, in the City of Kitchener (see Sheet 14);

thence northwesterly along the northeastern limit of Parcel Index Block 22553, being also the limit of Old Chicopee Drive, to the southwestern corner of Parcel Index Block 22550, being also the production southwesterly of the southeastern limit of Edenbridge Drive, in the City of Kitchener;

thence northeasterly and easterly along the southeastern and southern limits of Edenbridge Drive to the intersection of the southern limit of Edenbridge Drive with the western limit of Oldfield Drive, in the City of Kitchener;

thence northerly along the western limit of Oldfield Drive to the intersection of the western limit of Oldfield Drive with the southwestern limit of Shaftsbury Drive, in the City of Kitchener;

thence northwesterly along the southwestern limit of Shaftsbury Drive to the most southerly corner of Parcel Index No. 22551-0006, in the City of Kitchener;

thence northeasterly along the southeastern limit of Parcel Index Nos. 22551-0006 and 22551-0005, being also the limit of Sheldon Avenue to the most easterly corner of Parcel Index No. 22551-0005, in the City of Kitchener;

thence northwesterly along the northeastern limits of Parcel Index Nos. 22551-0005 and 22551-0004, being also the limit of Natchez Road to the most northerly corner of Parcel Index No. 22551-0004, in the City of Kitchener;

thence northeasterly along the southeastern limit of Parcel Index No. 22535-0002, being also the limit of Ottawa Street to the most easterly corner of Parcel Index No. 22535-0002, in the City of Kitchener;

thence northwesterly along the northeastern limit of Parcel Index Blocks 22535 and 22538, being also partly the limit of Heritage Drive to the most northerly corner of Parcel Index Block 22538, in the City of Kitchener;

thence northeasterly along the southeastern limit of Parcel Index Block 22545, being also partly the limit of Lorraine Avenue to the intersection of the southern limit of Lorraine Avenue with the western limit of Lackner Boulevard, in the City of Kitchener;

thence northerly and northwesterly along the western and southwestern limits of Lackner Boulevard to the intersection of the southwestern limit of Lackner Boulevard with the southeastern limit of Victoria Street North, in the City of Kitchener, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (see Sheet 14);

thence northeasterly and easterly along the southeastern and southern limits of Victoria Street North (The King’s Highway No. 7) to the intersection of the southern limits of Victoria Street North (The King’s Highway No. 7) with the eastern limit of Lot 107, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (see Sheets 07 and 08);

thence southerly along the eastern limit of Lot 107 to the northwest corner of Lot 105, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich;

thence easterly along the northern limit of Lot 105 to the northeast corner of Lot 105, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich, Regional Municipality of Waterloo, being the point of commencement (see Sheet 08).

PART 4Description of Strip Surfaces

The elevation of a strip surface at any point is equal to the elevation of the nearest point on the centreline of that strip surface.

The elevation of the strip surface centreline between the strip surface end and the closest strip surface threshold is equal to the elevation of the strip surface end. The elevation of the strip surface centreline between the strip surface thresholds is calculated using a constant ratio between the elevations of the strip surface thresholds or points along the runway centreline as provided herein.

The strip surfaces, shown on Waterloo Regional Airport Zoning Plan No. 30-035 02-020, Sheet 15, dated April 30, 2003, are described as follows:

  • (a) the strip surface associated with runway 07-25 is 300.000 m in total width, being 150.000 m on either side of the centreline of the runway. The strip surface commences 60.000 m to the west of threshold 07 and ends 60.000 m to the east of threshold 25, having a total length of 2 253.600 m. The 07 end of the strip surface has an elevation of 311.700 m and the 25 end of the strip surface has an elevation of 321.500 m. The azimuth of the centreline from threshold 07 to threshold 25 is 64°42′56″. Threshold 07 has grid coordinates of 549 370.38 E and 4 811 853.80 N and threshold 25 has grid coordinates of 551 298.78 E and 4 812 764.72 N. The points between thresholds along runway 07-25 that control the elevation of the runway centreline are:

    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemThreshold NumberDistance from Threshold to Point along Runway CentrelineElevation of Point
    107200.00 m312.60 m
    207336.96 m312.80 m
    3071 033.60 m314.70 m
    4071 583.60 m317.10 m
  • (b) the strip surface associated with runway 14-32 is 300.000 m in total width, being 150.000 m on either side of the centreline of the runway. The strip surface commences 60.000 m to the northwest of threshold 14 and ends 60.000 m to the southeast of threshold 32, having a total length of 1 370.360 m. The 14 end of the strip surface has an elevation of 313.000 m and the 32 end of the strip surface has an elevation of 312.500 m. The azimuth of the centreline from threshold 14 to threshold 32 is 127°59′51″. Threshold 14 has grid coordinates of 549 214.88 E and 4 812 357.07 N and threshold 32 has grid coordinates of 550 199.80 E and 4 811 587.63 N. The points between thresholds along runway 14-32 that control the elevation of the runway centreline are:

    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemThreshold NumberDistance from Threshold to Point along Runway CentrelineElevation of Point
    114100.00 m313.00 m
    214400.00 m312.70 m
    314584.04 m312.80 m
    4141 050.36 m312.80 m

PART 5Description of Transitional Surfaces

The elevation of a point on the lower edge of a transitional surface abutting a strip surface is equal to the elevation of the nearest point on the centreline of the abutting strip surface.

The elevation of a point on the lower edge of a transitional surface abutting a take-off/approach surface is equal to the elevation of the nearest point on the centreline of the abutting take-off/approach surface.

The transitional surfaces, shown on Waterloo Regional Airport Zoning Plan No. 30-035 02-020, Sheets 07, 08, 09, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21 and 22, dated April 30, 2003, are imaginary inclined surfaces that extend upward and outward from the lateral limits of the abutting strip surface and the abutting take-off/approach surface rising at a ratio of 1.000 m measured vertically to 7.000 m measured horizontally and perpendicularly to the centreline of each strip surface and take-off/approach surface, to an intersection with the outer surface or with the transitional surface of an adjoining strip.

PART 6Description of Outer Limit of Land in Respect of Which These Regulations Apply

The outer limit of the land in respect of which these Regulations apply, shown on Waterloo Regional Airport Zoning Plan No. 30-035 02-020, Sheets 1 to 27, dated April 30, 2003, is described as follows:

All those lands situate in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich, in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge, in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Kitchener, in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, in the geographic Township of Wilmot, now in the Township of Wilmot, in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, in the geographic Township of Guelph, now in the Township of Guelph-Eramosa, in the County of Wellington, in the geographic Township of Puslinch, now in the Township of Puslinch, in the County of Wellington and in the geographic Township of Guelph and the geographic Township of Puslinch, now in the City of Guelph and described as follows:

commencing at the northeast corner of Lot 105, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich (see Sheet 08);

thence southerly along the eastern limit of Lot 105 to the northwest corner of Lot 86, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich (see Sheet 08);

thence easterly along the northern limit of Lot 86 to the northeast corner of Lot 86, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich (see Sheet 09);

thence southerly along the eastern limits of Lots 86 and 87, German Company Tract, to the intersection of the eastern limit of Lot 87, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich, with the northwestern limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25 end of the strip surface associated with runway 07-25 of the Waterloo Regional Airport, in the Township of Woolwich, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (see Sheet 09);

thence northeasterly along the northwestern limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25 end of the strip surface associated with runway 07-25, at an azimuth of 56°11′05″, to the most northerly corner of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25 end of the strip surface associated with runway 07-25 of the Waterloo Regional Airport, in the City of Guelph, having grid coordinates of 563 885.73 E and 4 821 363.58 N (see Sheets 10, 03, 04, 01 and 02);

thence southeasterly along the northeastern limit (outer edge) of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25 end of the strip surface associated with runway 07-25, at an azimuth of 154°42′56″, to the most easterly corner of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25 end of the strip surface associated with runway 07-25 of the Waterloo Regional Airport, in the City of Guelph, having grid coordinates of 565 935.04 E and 4 817 025.23 N (see Sheets 05 and 06);

thence southwesterly along the southeastern limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25 end of the strip surface associated with runway 07-25, at an azimuth of 253°14′46″, to the intersection of the southeastern limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 25 end of the strip surface associated with runway 07-25 of the Waterloo Regional Airport with the eastern limit of Lot 88, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (see Sheets 05, 12, 11, 10, 09 and 16);

thence southerly along the eastern limit of Lots 88, 89 and 127, German Company Tract, to the southeast corner of Lot 127, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (see Sheet 16);

thence westerly along the southern limit of Lot 127 to the northwest corner of Lot 128, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge;

thence southerly along the western limit of Lot 128 and its production southerly to the intersection of the production southerly of the western limit of Lot 128 with the southern limit of the Bricker Lot or Lot 1, Middle Block, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge (see Sheet 16);

thence westerly along the southern limit of the Bricker Lot or Lot 1, Middle Block to the northeast corner of Lot 13, Concession 1, Beasley’s Lower Block, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge (see Sheet 22);

thence southerly along the eastern limits of Lots 13 and 12 to the southeast corner of Lot 12, Concession 1, Beasley’s Lower Block, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge;

thence westerly along the southern limit of Lot 12 to the southwest corner of Lot 12, Concession 1, Beasley’s Lower Block, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge, being also a point on the eastern limit of Lot 30, Beasley’s Broken Front Concession;

thence southerly along the eastern limit of Lot 30, Beasley’s Broken Front Concession, to the southeast corner of Lot 30, Beasley’s Broken Front Concession, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge (see Sheet 22);

thence westerly along the southern limit of Lot 30 to the southwest corner of Lot 30, Beasley’s Broken Front Concession, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge, being also a point on the eastern limit of Lot 19, Beasley’s Broken Front Concession (see Sheet 21);

thence southerly along the eastern limit of Lot 19, Beasley’s Broken Front Concession, to the southeast corner of Lot 19, Beasley’s Broken Front Concession, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge;

thence westerly along the southern limit of Lot 19 to the southwest corner of Lot 19, Beasley’s Broken Front Concession, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge;

thence northerly along the western limit of Lot 19 to the southeast corner of Lot 15, Beasley’s Broken Front Concession, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge;

thence westerly along the southern limit of Lot 15 and its production westerly to the intersection of the production westerly of the southern limit of Lot 15, Beasley’s Broken Front Concession, with the centreline of the Grand River, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge, Regional Municipality of Waterloo;

thence northerly along the centreline of the Grand River to the intersection of the centreline of the Grand River with the production easterly of the southern limit of Lot 53, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Kitchener, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (see Sheet 21);

thence westerly along the production easterly of the southern limit of Lot 53 and along the southern limit of Lot 53, German Company Tract, to the intersection of the southern limit of Lot 53, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Kitchener, with the eastern limit of Registered Plan 1692, in the City of Kitchener (see Sheet 20);

thence southerly along the eastern limit of Registered Plan 1692 to the southeast corner of Registered Plan 1692, in the City of Kitchener;

thence westerly along the southern limit of Registered Plan 1692 to the southwest corner of Lot 70, Registered Plan 1692, in the City of Kitchener;

thence westerly in a straight line to the southeast corner of Lot 304, Registered Plan 1340, in the City of Kitchener;

thence northerly along the southeastern limit of Lot 304 to the southwestern limit of Morrison Road as widened by Block N, Registered Plan 1340, in the City of Kitchener;

thence northwesterly along the southwestern limit of Morrison Road as widened by Block N, Registered Plan 1340, to the most northerly corner of Lot 295, Registered Plan 1340, being also the southeastern corner of Parcel Index Block 22555, in the City of Kitchener;

thence northerly along the eastern limit of Parcel Index Block 22555 to the northeastern corner of Parcel Index Block 22555, in the City of Kitchener;

thence westerly along the northern limit of Parcel Index Block 22555 to the southeastern corner of Parcel Index Block 22554, in the City of Kitchener;

thence northwesterly along the northeastern limit of Parcel Index Block 22554, being also partly the limit of Old Chicopee Trail, in the City of Kitchener, to the intersection of the northeastern limit of Parcel Index Block 22554 with the southeastern limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07 end of the strip surface associated with runway 07-25 of the Waterloo Regional Airport, in the City of Kitchener, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (see Sheet 20);

thence southwesterly along the southeastern limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07 end of the strip surface associated with runway 07-25, at an azimuth of 236°11′05″, to the most southerly corner of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07 end of the strip surface associated with runway 07-25 of the Waterloo Regional Airport, in the Township of Wilmot, Regional Municipality of Waterloo, having grid coordinates of 536 783.43 E and 4 803 254.94 N (see Sheets 19, 25, 24, 27 and 26);

thence northwesterly along the southwestern limit (outer edge) of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07 end of the strip surface associated with runway 07-25, at an azimuth of 334°42′56″, to the most westerly corner of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07 end of the strip surface associated with runway 07-25 of the Waterloo Regional Airport, in the Township of Wilmot, Regional Municipality of Waterloo, having grid coordinates of 534 734.13 E and 4 807 593.30 N (see Sheets 23 and 17);

thence northeasterly along the northwestern limit of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07 end of the strip surface associated with runway 07-25, at an azimuth of 73°14′46″, to the intersection of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 07 end of the strip surface associated with runway 07-25 of the Waterloo Regional Airport with the western limit of Oldfield Drive, in the City of Kitchener, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (see Sheets 18, 19, 13 and 14);

thence northerly along the western limit of Oldfield Drive to the intersection of the western limit of Oldfield Drive with the southwestern limit of Shaftsbury Drive, in the City of Kitchener;

thence northwesterly along the southwestern limit of Shaftsbury Drive to the most southerly corner of Parcel Index No. 22551-0006, in the City of Kitchener;

thence northeasterly along the southeastern limit of Parcel Index Nos. 22551-0006 and 22551-0005, being also the limit of Sheldon Avenue, to the most easterly corner of Parcel Index No. 22551-0005, in the City of Kitchener;

thence northwesterly along the northeastern limits of Parcel Index Nos. 22551-0005 and 22551-0004, being also the limit of Natchez Road, to the most northerly corner of Parcel Index No. 22551-0004, in the City of Kitchener;

thence northeasterly along the southeastern limit of Parcel Index No. 22535-0002, being also the limit of Ottawa Street, to the most easterly corner of Parcel Index No. 22535-0002, in the City of Kitchener;

thence northwesterly along the northeastern limit of Parcel Index Blocks 22535 and 22538, being also partly the limit of Heritage Drive, to the most northerly corner of Parcel Index Block 22538, in the City of Kitchener;

thence northeasterly along the southeastern limit of Parcel Index Block 22545, being also partly the limit of Lorraine Avenue, to the intersection of the southern limit of Lorraine Avenue with the western limit of Lackner Boulevard, in the City of Kitchener;

thence northerly and northwesterly along the western and southwestern limits of Lackner Boulevard to the intersection of the southwesterly limit of Lackner Boulevard with the southeastern limit of Victoria Street North, in the City of Kitchener, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (see Sheet 14);

thence northeasterly along the southeastern limit of Victoria Street North (The King’s Highway No. 7) to the intersection of the southeastern limit of Victoria Street North (The King’s Highway No. 7) with the northwestern limit (outer edge) of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 14 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32, in the City of Kitchener (see Sheet 07);

thence northeasterly along the northwestern limit (outer edge) of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 14 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32, at an azimuth of 37°59′51″, to the intersection of the northwestern limit (outer edge) of the take-off/approach surface abutting the 14 end of the strip surface associated with runway 14-32 with the southeastern limit of Victoria Street North (The King’s Highway No. 7), in the City of Kitchener, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (see Sheet 07);

thence northeasterly and easterly along the southeastern and southern limits of Victoria Street North (The King’s Highway No. 7) to the intersection of the southern limits of Victoria Street North (The King’s Highway No. 7) with the eastern limit of Lot 107, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich, Regional Municipality of Waterloo (see Sheets 07 and 08);

thence southerly along the eastern limit of Lot 107 to the northwest corner of Lot 105, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich;

thence easterly along the northern limit of Lot 105 to the northeast corner of Lot 105, German Company Tract, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich, Regional Municipality of Waterloo, being the point of commencement (see Sheet 08).

PART 7Description of Bird Hazard Zone

The bird hazard zone, shown on Waterloo Regional Airport Zoning Plan No. 30-035 02-020, Sheets 07, 08, 09, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21 and 22, dated April 30, 2003, applies to all lands, including public road allowances, adjacent to or in the vicinity of the airport. The boundary of the bird hazard zone is described as follows:

All those lands situate in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the Township of Woolwich, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Cambridge, in the geographic Township of Waterloo, now in the City of Kitchener, all in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, being the same lands as described in Part 3.

  • SOR/2008-112, s. 1

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