New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers) (SOR/2005-247)
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Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2018-02-02. Previous Versions
New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers)
Registration 2005-08-31
New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers)
P.C. 2005-1484 2005-08-31
Whereas, pursuant to subsection 332(1)Footnote a of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999Footnote b, the Minister of the Environment published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on October 30, 2004, a copy of the proposed New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers), substantially in the annexed form, and persons were given an opportunity to file comments with respect to the proposed Regulations or to file a notice of objection requesting that a board of review be established and stating the reasons for the objection;
Return to footnote aS.C. 2004, c. 15, s. 31
Return to footnote bS.C. 1999, c. 33
Therefore, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Health, pursuant to subsection 89(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999Footnote b, hereby makes the annexed New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers).
Marginal note:Definitions
1 (1) The following definitions apply in these Regulations.
- Act
Act means the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. (Loi)
- animal
animal includes a part of an animal, but does not include an animal or a part of an animal that exists primarily as a single cell and is without the organization that characterizes tissues or organs. (animal)
- anionic polymer
anionic polymer means a polymer that has one or more monomer units that are covalently bound and bear a net negative charge. (polymère anionique)
- biochemical
biochemical means a substance, other than a polymer, that
(a) is produced by a micro-organism; or
(b) is a protein or nucleic acid that is derived from a plant or an animal. (substance biochimique)
- biopolymer
biopolymer means a polymer that
(a) is produced by a micro-organism; or
(b) is a protein or nucleic acid that is derived from a plant or an animal. (biopolymère)
- CAS registry number
CAS registry number means the identification number assigned to a substance by the Chemical Abstracts Service Division of the American chemical Society. (numéro d’enregistrement CAS)
- cationic polymer
cationic polymer means a polymer that has one or more monomer units that are covalently bound and bear a net positive charge. (polymère cationique)
- chemical
chemical means a substance that is not a polymer. (substance chimique)
- consumed
consumed, in respect of a substance, means destroyed or completely converted to another substance. (consommée)
- contained
contained, in respect of a site-limited intermediate substance or an export-only substance, means an absolute release limit of 1 kg per day per site to the aquatic environment after wastewater treatment. (confinée)
DSL means the Domestic Substances List maintained by the Minister under subsection 66(1) of the Act, as amended from time to time. (liste intérieure)
- material safety data sheet
material safety data sheet[Repealed, SOR/2015-19, s. 1]
- micro-organism
micro-organism means a microscopic organism that is
(a) classified in the Bacteria, the Archaea, the Protista, which includes protozoa and algae, or the Fungi, which includes yeasts;
(b) a virus, virus-like particle or sub-viral particle;
(c) a cultured cell of an organism not referred to in paragraph (a) or (b), other than a cell used to propagate the organism; or
(d) any culture other than a pure culture. (micro-organisme)
- monomer unit
monomer unit means the reacted form of a monomer in a polymer. (unité monomère)
NDSL means the Non-domestic Substances List maintained by the Minister under subsection 66(2) of the Act, as amended from time to time. (liste extérieure)
- plant
plant includes a part of a plant, but does not include a plant or part of a plant that exists primarily as a single cell and is without the organization that characterizes tissues or organs. (végétaux)
- polymer
polymer means a substance that consists of
(a) molecules characterized by the sequence of one or more types of monomer units;
(b) greater than 50% by weight of molecules having three or more monomer units that are covalently bound to one or more other monomer units or reactants;
(c) less than 50% by weight of molecules of the same molecular weight; and
(d) molecules distributed over a range of molecular weights whose differences in molecular weights are primarily attributable to differences in the number of monomer units. (polymère)
- reactant
reactant, in respect of a polymer, means a substance that is used in the manufacture of the polymer and becomes part of its chemical composition, and includes a monomer. (réactif)
- reactive functional group
reactive functional group means atoms or an associated group of atoms in a substance that are intended or may reasonably be expected to undergo facile chemical reaction. (groupe fonctionnel réactif)
- reduced regulatory requirement polymer
reduced regulatory requirement polymer means one of the polymers described in section 9. (polymère à exigences réglementaires réduites)
- research and development substance
research and development substance means a substance that is undergoing systematic investigation or research, by means of experimentation or analysis other than test marketing, whose primary objective is any of the following:
(a) to create or improve a product or process;
(b) to determine the technical viability or performance characteristics of a product or process; or
(c) to evaluate the substance prior to its commercialization, by pilot plant trials, production trials, including scale-up, or customer plant trials, so that technical specifications can be modified in response to the performance requirements of potential customers. (destinée à la recherche et au développement)
- safety data sheet
safety data sheet, in respect of a substance, has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Hazardous Products Act. (fiche de données de sécurité)
- site-limited intermediate substance
site-limited intermediate substance means a substance that is consumed in a chemical reaction used for the manufacture of another substance and that is
(a) manufactured and consumed at the site of manufacture;
(b) manufactured at one site and transported to a second site where it is consumed; or
(c) imported and transported directly to the site where it is consumed. (intermédiaire limitée au site)
- test marketing
test marketing, in respect of a product, means the exploration of its market capability in a competitive situation where the creation or improvement of the product is not the primary objective. (test de marché)
Marginal note:Safety data sheet
(1.1) Every safety data sheet referred to in these Regulations must meet the requirements set out in the Hazardous Products Regulations.
Marginal note:Meaning of substance
(2) For greater certainty, substance has the meaning given that word by subsection 3(1) and section 80 of the Act.
Marginal note:Government agencies
(3) The definition of government in subsection 3(1) of the Act does not apply to the expression “government agencies” wherever it appears in these Regulations.
- SOR/2015-19, s. 1
- SOR/2018-11, s. 18
Purpose and Scope
Marginal note:Purpose
2 (1) These Regulations set out the information that a person must provide to the Minister of the Environment under subsection 81(1) of the Act before manufacturing or importing a chemical or polymer that is not on the DSL. The information is required so that the Minister may determine whether the chemical or polymer is toxic or capable of becoming toxic within the meaning of section 64 of the Act. These Regulations set out the periods within which the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Health must assess the information received and the conditions under which the Minister of the Environment must add a chemical or polymer to the DSL under section 87 of the Act.
Marginal note:Contents
(2) The Regulations are divided into 4 Parts: Parts 1 and 2 set out the information requirements; Part 3, administrative matters; Part 4, the obligations of the Ministers. Schedules 1 to 6 and 9 to 11 set out information to be provided, Schedule 7, the types of polymers, Schedule 8, reactants and Schedule 12, flowcharts giving an overview of all the information requirements.
Marginal note:Avoiding regulatory duplication
3 (1) For greater certainty, these Regulations do not apply in respect of a substance that is manufactured or imported for a use that is regulated under any other Act or regulations listed in Schedule 2 to the Act.
Marginal note:Transit
(2) These Regulations also do not apply in respect of a substance that is loaded on a carrier outside Canada and moved through Canada to a location outside Canada, whether or not there is a change of carrier during transit.
Marginal note:Maximum exempt quantities
4 For the purposes of paragraph 81(6)(e) of the Act, a substance is exempt from the application of subsection 81(1) of the Act if it is manufactured or imported in a quantity that does not exceed the quantity that first triggers a requirement to provide information under these Regulations.
PART 1Required Information for Research and Development, Contained Site-limited Intermediate or Contained Export-only Substances
Chemicals and Biochemicals
Marginal note:Quantity greater than 1 000 kg
5 (1) Every person that manufactures or imports a chemical referred to in one of the following paragraphs must provide to the Minister the information specified in Schedule 1 at least 30 days before the day on which the quantity of the chemical exceeds 1 000 kg in a calendar year:
(a) a chemical that is a research and development substance;
(b) a chemical that is a contained site-limited intermediate substance; or
(c) a chemical that is a contained export-only substance.
Marginal note:Biochemical research and development substance
(2) If the chemical is a biochemical research and development substance, the person must provide, with the Schedule 1 information, the information specified in items 1 and 2 of Schedule 2.
Marginal note:Biochemical site-limited intermediate or export-only substance
(3) If the chemical is a biochemical contained site-limited intermediate substance that is not manufactured and consumed at the site of manufacture or is a biochemical contained export-only substance, the person must provide, with the Schedule 1 information, the information specified in items 1 to 4 of Schedule 2 and
(a) if the biochemical is a nucleic acid, the information specified in items 5 and 6 of Schedule 2; and
(b) if the biochemical possesses enzymatic capability, the information specified in items 7 to 13 of Schedule 2.
Marginal note:Biochemical site-limited intermediate substance manufactured and consumed at the site of manufacture
(4) If the chemical is a biochemical contained site-limited intermediate substance that is manufactured and consumed at the site of manufacture, the person must provide, with the Schedule 1 information, the information specified in items 1, 2 and 4 of Schedule 2.
Marginal note:Quantity greater than 10 000 kg
(5) The person must notify the Minister at least 30 days before the day on which the quantity of the chemical manufactured or imported exceeds 10 000 kg in any calendar year and, at that time, update the information previously provided under this section or indicate that there has been no change in the information.
Polymers and Biopolymers
Marginal note:Quantity greater than 10 000 kg
6 (1) Every person that manufactures or imports a polymer referred to in one of the following paragraphs must provide to the Minister the information specified in Schedule 3 at least 30 days before the day on which the quantity of the polymer exceeds 10 000 kg in a calendar year:
(a) a polymer that is a research and development substance;
(b) a polymer that is a contained site-limited intermediate substance; or
(c) a polymer that is a contained export-only substance.
Marginal note:Biopolymer research and development substance
(2) If the polymer is a biopolymer research and development substance, the person must provide, with the Schedule 3 information, the information specified in items 1 and 2 of Schedule 2.
Marginal note:Biopolymer site-limited intermediate or export-only substance
(3) If the polymer is a biopolymer contained site-limited intermediate substance that is not manufactured and consumed at the site of manufacture or is a biopolymer contained export-only substance, the person must provide, with the Schedule 3 information, the information specified in items 1 to 4 of Schedule 2 and, if the biopolymer is a nucleic acid, the information specified in items 5 and 6 of that Schedule.
Marginal note:Biopolymer site-limited intermediate substance manufactured and consumed at the site of manufacture
(4) If the polymer is a biopolymer contained site-limited intermediate substance that is manufactured and consumed at the site of manufacture, the person must provide, with the Schedule 3 information, the information specified in items 1, 2 and 4 of Schedule 2.
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