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Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission By-laws (SOR/2000-212)

Regulations are current to 2024-09-16

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission By-laws



Registration 2000-05-31

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission By-laws

The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, pursuant to section 15 of the Nuclear Safety and Control ActFootnote a, hereby makes the annexed Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission By-laws.

Ottawa, May 31, 2000


 The definitions in this section apply in these By-laws.


Act means the Nuclear Safety and Control Act. (Loi)


Commission means the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission established by section 8 of the Act. (Commission)


meeting means a meeting of the members of the Commission or a panel held for the conduct of the Commission’s affairs. (réunion)


member means a member of the Commission appointed under section 10 of the Act. (commissaire)


panel means a panel of the Commission consisting of one or more members established by the President under section 22 of the Act. (formation)


President means the President of the Commission designated under subsection 10(3) of the Act. (président)


Secretary means the Secretary of the Commission appointed under section 16 of the Act. (secrétaire)


 These By-laws apply to the management and conduct of the affairs of the Commission, including any panel, and to the procedures to be followed in proceedings other than those prescribed in the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Rules of Procedure.

Signing Officers

 If the President is absent or incapacitated or the office of President is vacant and the Commission has not designated a replacement under subsection 12(2) of the Act, the Secretary or, in the absence of the Secretary, a Director General, on behalf of the Commission, shall sign any transfer, assignment, contract, certificate, permit, licence, approval, order, direction or other instrument authorized to be issued or made by the Commission.


  •  (1) The Secretary shall keep the corporate seal of the Commission and affix it to any record that the Commission directs.

  • (2) The Secretary shall carry out the duties that are required by the President or under these By-laws.

Meetings and Decisions

 Meetings are convened by the Commission or by the President and are held at any time and place that the convenor determines.

 Meetings are held in public or in closed session.

 Notice of the time and place of a meeting shall be given to each member, and if the meeting is to be held in public, the notice shall be published in the manner that the Commission determines.

 When urgent matters of business require it, a meeting may be convened without prior notice.

 If a meeting is to be held in public, the Secretary shall make the meeting agenda publicly available at least 30 days before the meeting.

 Failure to give proper or any notice of a meeting does not invalidate the meeting.

 A meeting may be adjourned from time to time and from place to place, and those in attendance shall be notified of the time and place the meeting will be reconvened.

 A member who participates at a meeting or in a decision of the Commission is deemed to have voted in the affirmative on any decision or action taken, or resolution or vote passed, unless the member enters a dissent or an abstention on the record.

 The record of every meeting shall be approved at the next meeting.

 If a meeting is held in public, the approved record of the meeting shall be made publicly available in the manner that the Commission determines.


 Quorum for a meeting of the Commission is three members.

 Quorum for a meeting of a panel is

  • (a) for a panel of one or two members, one member;

  • (b) for a panel of three or four members, two members; and

  • (c) for a panel of more than four members, three members.



Coming into Force

 These By-laws come into force on the day on which they are made by the Commission.

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