Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Fishing Vessel Safety Regulations (C.R.C., c. 1486)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2023-12-20. Previous Versions

PART IFishing Vessels Exceeding 15 Tons, Gross Tonnage (continued)

  • SOR/2016-163, s. 35(F)

Fuel Systems Including Ventilating Arrangements (continued)

  • SOR/89-283, s. 3

 Every fuel tank on a fishing vessel shall be securely chocked, fastened in place and electrically bonded to the vessel’s ground plate or to the engine.

  • SOR/85-43, s. 2
  • SOR/2016-163, s. 35(F)

 Every fuel tank containing gasoline on a fishing vessel shall be situated remote from heated surfaces.

  • SOR/2016-163, s. 35(F)
  •  (1) Every permanent fuel tank on a fishing vessel shall be

    • (a) bonded electrically to the fuel piping system and engine; and

    • (b) installed and maintained so as to prevent fuel leakage.

  • (2) [Repealed, SOR/2016-163, s. 6]

  • (3) Fuel tank filling arrangements on a fishing vessel shall be such as to prevent spillage into shipboard spaces, including bilges.

  • (4) and (5) [Repealed, SOR/2016-163, s. 6]

  • SOR/89-283, s. 4
  • SOR/2016-163, ss. 6, 35(F)

 Every inboard gasoline-fuelled engine on a fishing vessel shall

  • (a) be equipped to prevent fuel leakage into bilges or enclosed spaces;

  • (b) have a wire gauze-covered drip pan located below the carburetor;

  • (c) where the engine is located below deck or in an enclosure where fuel vapour will not readily dissipate, have an air intake arrangement that will arrest back-fire flame; and

  • (d) where the engine is located in a space required by subsection 12.3(2) to be mechanically ventilated, have a starting switch arrangement that will cause the ventilation fan to operate for a suitable period prior to engine ignition.

  • SOR/89-283, s. 4
  • SOR/2016-163, s. 35(F)
  •  (1) Every space on a fishing vessel in which machinery is located shall be ventilated so that in all weather conditions where the engines and other fuel-burning appliances are operating at full power, an adequate supply of air is maintained to ensure the safety and comfort of the crew and the operation of the engines and appliances.

  • (2) A mechanical ventilation system shall be installed on a fishing vessel in accordance with subsection (3) in

    • (a) every space that is below deck and in which a gasoline-fuelled engine is located; and

    • (b) every other space, including bilges, in which gasoline fuel vapours may collect and may not readily dissipate.

  • (3) The mechanical ventilation system referred to in subsection (2) shall meet the following requirements:

    • (a) the system shall include both inlet and exhaust ducts;

    • (b) the exhaust duct opening shall be located in a low position in the space that permits the most efficient ventilation;

    • (c) the exhaust duct outlet shall lead to a location on the open deck where fumes may safely dissipate;

    • (d) the fan in the exhaust duct shall be spark proof; and

    • (e) where the fan motor is located in an area where ignitable vapours may be generated or collect, the fan motor shall be spark proof.

  • SOR/89-283, s. 4
  • SOR/2016-163, s. 35(F)

Exhaust Pipes

  •  (1) Exhaust pipes from the main engines and from auxiliary engines of a fishing vessel shall be permanently mounted and shall lead to the open air outside the vessel through the uppermost deck or canopy or through the side.

  • (2) Where the exhaust pipes referred to in subsection (1) pass through the uppermost deck or canopy, they shall be of sufficient height to ensure that exhaust gases are prevented from escaping into the fishing vessel.

  • (3) Where the exhaust pipes referred to in subsection (1) pass through the side of a fishing vessel, the connection shall be watertight and provision shall be made to prevent the engine from being flooded.

  • (4) All exhaust pipes on a fishing vessel shall be well secured, shall be clear of all woodwork and other combustible materials, and, if there is a risk of contact with heated surfaces, shall be covered with lagging.

  • SOR/2016-163, ss. 7, 35(F)

Machinery Controls

  •  (1) Means of stopping the propulsion of a fishing vessel, other than by shutting off a valve or cock fitted to the fuel tank, shall be provided outside the space where the machinery is located and such means shall be fire resistant.

  • (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a fishing vessel the construction of which was commenced before June 1, 1974.

  • SOR/82-633, s. 1
  • SOR/95-372, s. 7(F)
  • SOR/2016-163, s. 35(F)

Steering Gear

 Where a manually operated hydraulic steering system is the auxiliary system to a powered hydraulic steering system, the change-over mechanism shall be located in the wheelhouse.

  • SOR/82-129, s. 4

Underwater Fittings

  •  (1) Valves or cocks shall be fitted to all suctions and discharges that pass through the hull of a fishing vessel below the weatherdeck.

  • (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to

    • (a) pump discharges of 38 mm or less in internal diameter that are situated above the load water line;

    • (b) keel cooling systems; or

    • (c) scuppers that pass from the weatherdeck to the ship’s side above the load water line.

  • (3) The cocks or valves required by subsection (1) shall be fitted as close to the side of the fishing vessel as possible.

  • (4) Suction and discharge valves and cocks on a steel fishing vessel shall be attached to the plating of the hull or to the plating of fabricated water boxes by

    • (a) bolts with countersunk heads tapped through the plating, or

    • (b) studs that are screwed into heavy steel pads welded or riveted to the plating and that do not penetrate the plating,

    and such valves or cocks shall be fitted with spigots passing through the plating.

  • (5) Suction and discharge valves and cocks on a wooden fishing vessel shall be attached to the hull by the methods shown in Schedule VII or by any other method that conforms to the recommended practices and standards.

  • SOR/95-372, s. 7(F)
  • SOR/2016-163, ss. 8, 35(F)

Stern Bearings

 Stern bearing assemblies of a fishing vessel shall consist of

  • (a) a stern bearing not less than 3 1/2 shaft diameters in length;

  • (b) a gland situated inside the vessel; and

  • (c) a watertight tube fitted between the bearing and the gland.

  • SOR/2016-163, s. 35(F)

Rudder Stocks

 On a fishing vessel, the diameter of rudder stocks for rudders fitted with bottom pintles shall not be less than

  • (a) as shown in the following table:

    Length of ship in metresDiameter of rudder stock in millimetres
    2482; or
  • (b) that calculated by the following formula:

    D = 16.67 cubic root (A x R x V2)


    D =
    diameter of rudder stock in millimetres,
    A =
    total area of one face of rudder in square metres,
    R =
    average horizontal distance in metres between the trailing edge of rudder and the centre line of stock, and
    V =
    maximum speed of vessel in knots, or eight knots, whichever is the greater.
  • SOR/2016-163, s. 35(F)


  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), where the propulsion shafting of a fishing vessel is driven by a diesel or a gasoline engine, the intermediate shaft shall

    • (a) be made of material having a tensile strength of not less than 372 MPa; and

    • (b) have a diameter not less than that obtained by the following formula:

      d = 106.41 cubic root (H/R) x [cubic root (414/S) or 0.85, whichever is the greater]


      d =
      diameter of the intermediate shaft in millimetres,
      H =
      brake kilowatt power of the engine at continuous rating,
      R =
      revolutions per minute of the intermediate shaft at continuous rating,
      S =
      tensile strength of the intermediate shaft material in megapascals.
  • (2) Where a fishing vessel is operated exclusively in fresh water, the diameter of the intermediate shaft may be 1.75 per cent less than the diameter obtained by the formula set out in subsection (1).

  • (3) Where the propulsion shafting of a fishing vessel is not driven by a diesel or gasoline engine, the size of the intermediate shaft shall conform to the recommended practices and standards.

  • SOR/2016-163, ss. 9, 35(F)
  •  (1) Where the propulsion shafting of a fishing vessel is driven by a gasoline engine, the tailshaft shall

    • (a) be made of material having a tensile strength of not less than 372 MPa; and

    • (b) have a diameter not less than the diameter of the intermediate shaft, but in no case less than 28.5 mm.

  • (2) Where the propulsion shafting of a fishing vessel is driven by a diesel engine, the tailshaft shall

    • (a) be made of material having a tensile strength of not less than 372 MPa; and

    • (b) have a diameter not less than that obtained by the following formula, but in no case less than 32 mm:

      D = 1.05 x 106.41 cubic root (H/R) x [cubic root (414/S) or 0.85, whichever is the greater] + (KP/C)


      D =
      diameter of the tailshaft in millimetres,
      H =
      brake kilowatt power of the engine at continuous rating,
      R =
      revolutions per minute of the intermediate shaft at continuous rating,
      S =
      tensile strength of the tailshaft material in megapascals,
      P =
      diameter of propeller in millimetres,
      K =
      0.00079 P or 1, whichever is the smaller,
      C =
      100 for a carbon steel shaft, and 144 for a shaft
      • (i) fitted with a continuous liner,

      • (ii) running in oil,

      • (iii) made of bronze, monel, stainless steel or other corrosion-resistant alloy, or

      • (iv) fitted with non-continuous liners, when the shaft is completely covered between such liners with rubber or neoprene that has been applied and bonded.

  • (3) Where a fishing vessel is operated exclusively in fresh water, the diameter of the tailshaft may be 1.75 per cent less than the diameter obtained by the formula set out in subsection (2).

  • (4) Where the propulsion shafting of a fishing vessel is not driven by a diesel or gasoline engine, the size of the tailshaft shall conform to the recommended practices and standards.

  • SOR/79-93, s. 1
  • SOR/2016-163, ss. 10, 35(F)
  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), a test certificate in respect of the material used to make the intermediate shaft or tailshaft of a fishing vessel, issued by the manufacturer of that material, shall be provided to the Minister upon request.

  • (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the owner of a fishing vessel that is powered with an engine that does not exceed 373 brake kW continuous rating.

  • 1987, c. 7, s. 84(F)
  • SOR/2016-163, ss. 11, 35(F)

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