Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Canada Elections Act (S.C. 2000, c. 9)

Full Document:  

Act current to 2025-02-17 and last amended on 2023-06-22. Previous Versions

PART 10Advance Polling (continued)

Establishment of Advance Polling Stations (continued)

Transfer Certificates

Marginal note:Transfer certificate for candidate

  •  (1) A candidate whose name appears on the revised list of electors for an advance polling station is entitled on request to receive a transfer certificate to vote at another advance polling station in the same electoral district.

  • Marginal note:Transfer certificate for election officer

    (2) An election officer who is assigned to an advance polling station shall issue a transfer certificate to any person — other than himself or herself — whose name appears on the revised list of electors for the advance polling station and who has been appointed to act as an election officer for another advance polling station.

  • Marginal note:Condition

    (3) A transfer certificate issued under subsection (2) authorizes the person to vote at the advance polling station named in it only if, on one of the days of advance polling, the person performs the duty specified in the certificate at the place mentioned in the certificate.

  • Marginal note:Transfer certificate for elector whose advance polling station has moved

    (4) If an elector’s advance polling station moves to another location after the notice of confirmation of registration has been sent, an elector who attends at the advance polling station set out in the notice is entitled on request to receive a transfer certificate to vote at that advance polling station.

Marginal note:Transfer certificate for elector with disability

  •  (1) An elector who has a disability and is therefore unable to vote without difficulty in his or her advance polling station may apply for a transfer certificate to vote at another advance polling station in the same electoral district.

  • Marginal note:Application requirements

    (2) The application shall be made in accordance with the Chief Electoral Officer’s instructions.

  • Marginal note:Issue of transfer certificate to elector with disability

    (3) An election officer shall issue a transfer certificate in the prescribed form, and provide the certificate to the person who submitted the application to the officer, if the officer is satisfied that the elector’s name appears on the revised list of electors for the electoral district.

Marginal note:Signing, numbering and recording transfer certificate

 The election officer who issues a transfer certificate shall

  • (a) fill in and sign the certificate and mention on it the date of its issue;

  • (b) consecutively number the certificate in the order of its issue;

  • (c) keep a record of the certificate in the order of its issue on the prescribed form;

  • (d) not issue the certificate in blank; and

  • (e) if possible, send a copy of the certificate to an election officer who is assigned to the advance polling station on whose list of electors appears the name of the person to whom the certificate has been issued.


Marginal note:Registration at advance polling station

  •  (1) Every elector whose name is not on the revised list of electors may register in person, at the advance polling station where the elector is entitled to vote, before an election officer who is assigned to that advance polling station.

  • Marginal note:Conditions

    (2) An elector shall not be registered unless he or she

    • (a) provides as proof of his or her identity and residence the piece or pieces of identification referred to in paragraph 143(2)(a) or (b), respectively, the piece or one of those pieces containing an address that proves his or her residence; or

    • (b) proves his or her identity and residence by making the solemn declaration referred to in subsection 549.1(1) in writing and is accompanied by another elector whose name appears on the list of electors for the same polling station and who

      • (i) provides the piece or pieces of identification referred to in paragraph 143(2)(a) or (b), respectively, the piece or one of those pieces containing either an address that proves that other elector’s residence or an address that is consistent with information related to that other elector that appears on the list of electors, and

      • (ii) vouches for the elector by making the solemn declaration referred to in subsection 549.1(2) in writing.

  • Marginal note:Vouching for electors in long-term care institution

    (2.01) If an elector who resides in an institution for seniors or persons with a disability wishes to prove his or her identity and residence under subsection (2), the other elector referred to in paragraph (2)(b) who accompanies him or her may be an employee of the institution who resides — despite that paragraph — in any polling division in the elector’s electoral district or an adjacent electoral district.

  • Marginal note:Definition of employee

    (2.02) In subsection (2.01), employee includes an owner of the institution and any person who occupies a management position at the institution.

  • Marginal note:Examination of identification documents

    (2.1) The representative of a candidate may examine but not handle any piece of identification provided by the elector.

  • Marginal note:Registration certificate

    (3) If the elector satisfies the requirements of subsection (2), an election officer who is assigned to the advance polling station shall complete a registration certificate in the prescribed form authorizing the elector to vote and the elector shall sign it. The registration certificate shall include a solemn declaration made by the elector that he or she is qualified as an elector under section 3.

  • Marginal note:Entry

    (4) An election officer who is assigned to the advance polling station shall indicate on the prescribed form the names of the electors who are permitted to vote under this section.

  • Marginal note:Prohibition — registration at advance polling station

    (4.1) It is prohibited for any person to

    • (a) knowingly apply to be registered at an advance polling station in a name that is not their own;

    • (b) knowingly apply, except as authorized by this Act, to be registered at an advance polling station to vote in an advance polling district in which they are not ordinarily resident;

    • (c) apply to be registered at an advance polling station to vote in an electoral district knowing that they are not qualified as an elector or entitled to vote in the electoral district; or

    • (d) compel, induce or attempt to compel or induce any other person to make a false or misleading statement relating to that other person’s qualification as an elector for the purposes of the registration of that other person at an advance polling station.

  • (5) [Repealed, 2018, c. 31, s. 117]

  • (6) [Repealed, 2018, c. 31, s. 117]

Marginal note:Requirement before making solemn declaration — elector

  •  (1) If a person decides to prove his or her identity and residence by making the solemn declaration referred to in subsection 549.1(1) in writing, an election officer shall, before the person makes the solemn declaration, advise him or her in writing of the qualifications for electors and the penalty that may be imposed under this Act on a person who contravenes subsection 169(4.1) or 549(3).

  • Marginal note:Requirement before making solemn declaration — vouching for elector

    (2) If a person decides to vouch for an elector by making the solemn declaration referred to in subsection 549.1(2) in writing, an election officer shall, before the person makes the solemn declaration, advise him or her in writing of the penalty that may be imposed under this Act on a person who contravenes any of subsections 282.1(1) to (3) or 549(3).

Marginal note:List deemed to be modified

 When a registration certificate is completed and signed in accordance with subsection 169(3), the list of electors is deemed to have been modified in accordance with the certificate.

Voting Procedure

Marginal note:Conduct of advance polls

  •  (1) Except as provided in this Part, an advance poll shall be conducted in the same manner as the manner in which the vote at a polling station on polling day is conducted and shall be regarded as such for all purposes of this Act.

  • Marginal note:When advance polling stations to be open

    (2) An advance polling station shall be open from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, the 10th, 9th, 8th and 7th days, respectively, before polling day, and shall not be open at any other time.

Marginal note:Notice of advance poll

  •  (1) Each returning officer shall, not later than Saturday, the 16th day before polling day,

    • (a) give a notice, in the prescribed form, in the electoral district of the advance poll, that sets out the following information:

      • (i) the numbers of the polling divisions in every advance polling district established by the returning officer,

      • (ii) the location of each advance polling station,

      • (iii) the place where, for each advance polling station, an election officer who is assigned to the advance polling station shall count the number of votes cast at the advance polling station, and

      • (iv) that the counting of the votes cast shall begin on polling day as soon after the close of the polling stations as possible or, with the Chief Electoral Officer’s prior approval, one hour before the close of the polling stations;

    • (b) send two copies of the notice to each candidate and to the Chief Electoral Officer; and

    • (c) make available to each candidate in the electoral district a map of the electoral district indicating the boundaries of each advance polling district and the location of each advance polling station.

  • Marginal note:Maps made available to registered parties

    (2) The Chief Electoral Officer shall, not later than Saturday, the 16th day before polling day, make available to each registered party maps of each electoral district — in electronic form or in formats that include electronic form — indicating the boundaries of each advance polling district within the electoral district and the location of each advance polling station.

Marginal note:Who may vote at advance polls

  •  (1) An elector whose name is on the revised list of electors for a polling division in an advance polling district may vote at the advance polling station established for the advance polling district.

  • Marginal note:Elector not on the revised list

    (2) An elector whose name is not on the revised list of electors may not vote at an advance polling station unless the elector has obtained a transfer certificate under section 168.1 or 168.2 or a registration certificate under subsection 169(3).

  • Marginal note:Procedure by election officer

    (3) If an elector whose name does not appear on the revised list of electors has voted, an election officer who is assigned to the advance polling station shall indicate on the prescribed form that the elector has voted in accordance with subsection (2).

Marginal note:Duties of election officer

  •  (1) If an elector whose name is on the list of electors makes a request to vote at an advance polling station that is established for his or her polling division, an election officer who is assigned to the advance polling station shall permit the elector to vote unless the elector fails to prove his or her identity and residence in accordance with section 143 or to make a solemn declaration otherwise required by this Act.

  • Marginal note:Number of advance polling district

    (1.1) An election officer who gives an elector a ballot at an advance polling station shall, before providing the ballot, place on the back of the ballot, in the space indicated in Form 3 of Schedule 1 for the polling division number, the number of the elector’s advance polling district.

  • Marginal note:Record of votes cast

    (2) An election officer who is assigned to the advance polling station shall keep a record in duplicate at the advance polling station, in the prescribed form, of the names of all persons who vote at the advance polling station, in the order in which they vote, and shall mark on the record the notations that an election officer who is assigned to a polling station is required by this Act to make opposite an elector’s name at the polling station on polling day.


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