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Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (S.C. 1998, c. 25)

Act current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2024-11-27. Previous Versions

PART 3Land and Water Regulation (continued)

Compensation — Gwich’in and Sahtu First Nations

Marginal note:Conditions for licence

 The Gwich’in Land and Water Board or the Sahtu Land and Water Board may not issue, amend or renew a licence pursuant to section 76 unless

  • (a) the applicant and the first nation enter into an agreement to compensate the first nation for any loss or damage resulting from any substantial alteration to the quality, quantity or rate of flow of waters when on or flowing through its first nation lands, or waters adjacent to its first nation lands; or

  • (b) the applicant or the first nation applies to the board for a determination pursuant to subsection 79(1).

  • 1998, c. 25, s. 77
  • 2005, c. 1, s. 41

Marginal note:Application to water authority

  •  (1) If the Gwich’in Land and Water Board or the Sahtu Land and Water Board determines that a use of waters or a deposit of waste that is proposed, in an application made to a water authority, to be carried out in

    would be likely to substantially alter the quality, quantity or rate of flow of waters when on or flowing through first nation lands of the Gwich’in or Sahtu First Nation or waters adjacent to those first nation lands, the board shall notify the water authority in writing of its determination.

  • Marginal note:Access to information

    (2) A water authority shall provide a board with such information in its possession as the board requires in order to make a determination under subsection (1).

  • Marginal note:Conditions for authorization

    (3) Notwithstanding any other Act, a water authority that is notified by a board under subsection (1) may not authorize the proposed use of waters or deposit of waste unless

    • (a) the applicant and the first nation have entered into an agreement to compensate the first nation for any loss or damage resulting from the alteration; or

    • (b) the applicant or the first nation applies to the board for a determination pursuant to subsection 79(1).

  • 1998, c. 15, s. 48, c. 25, s. 78
  • 2000, c. 32, s. 54
  • 2005, c. 1, s. 42

Marginal note:Referral of compensation to board

  •  (1) If a compensation agreement referred to in section 77 or 78 is not entered into within the period allowed by the rules of the Gwich’in Land and Water Board or the Sahtu Land and Water Board, as the case may be, the applicant or the first nation may apply to the board for a determination of compensation.

  • Marginal note:Determination of compensation

    (2) On an application pursuant to subsection (1), the board shall determine the compensation payable in respect of the proposed use of waters or deposit of waste, taking into consideration

    • (a) the effect of the proposed use or deposit on

      • (i) the first nation’s use of waters when on or flowing through its first nation lands or waters adjacent to its first nation lands, and

      • (ii) its first nation lands, taking into account any cultural or special value of those lands to the first nation;

    • (b) the nuisance or inconvenience to the first nation, including noise, that may result on first nation lands;

    • (c) the effect on wildlife harvesting carried on by the first nation; and

    • (d) any other factor that the board considers relevant in the circumstances.

  • 1998, c. 25, s. 79
  • 2005, c. 1, s. 43

Compensation — Tlicho First Nation

Marginal note:Conditions for licence

 The Wekeezhii Land and Water Board may not issue, amend or renew a licence for the use of waters or the deposit of waste if, in its opinion, that use or deposit is likely to substantially alter the quality, quantity or rate of flow of waters when on or flowing through Tlicho lands or waters adjacent to Tlicho lands unless

  • (a) the Board is satisfied that there is no alternative that could reasonably satisfy the requirements of the applicant and that there are no reasonable measures by which the applicant could avoid the alteration; and

  • (b) the applicant has entered into an agreement with the Tlicho Government to compensate the Tlicho First Nation for any loss or damage that may be caused by the alteration, or the applicant or the Tlicho Government has applied to the Board under subsection 79.3(1) for a determination of compensation for that loss or damage.

  • 2005, c. 1, s. 44

Marginal note:Application to water authority

  •  (1) If the Wekeezhii Land and Water Board determines that a use of waters or a deposit of waste that is proposed, in an application made to a water authority, to be carried out in

    would be likely to substantially alter the quality, quantity or rate of flow of waters when on or flowing through Tlicho lands or waters adjacent to Tlicho lands, the Board shall notify the water authority in writing of its determination.

  • Marginal note:Access to information

    (2) A water authority shall provide the Board with any information in its possession that the Board requires in order to make a determination under subsection (1).

  • Marginal note:Conditions for authorization

    (3) Despite any other Act, a water authority that is notified by the Board under subsection (1) may not authorize the proposed use of waters or deposit of waste unless

    • (a) the applicant and the Tlicho Government have entered into an agreement to compensate the Tlicho First Nation for any loss or damage that may be caused by the alteration; or

    • (b) the applicant or the Tlicho Government applies to the Board under subsection 79.3(1) for a determination.

  • 2005, c. 1, s. 44

Marginal note:Referral of compensation to Wekeezhii Board

  •  (1) If a compensation agreement referred to in paragraph 79.1(b) or 79.2(3)(a), as the case may be, is not entered into, the applicant or the Tlicho Government may, after having participated in mediation under chapter 6 of the Tlicho Agreement, apply to the Wekeezhii Land and Water Board for a determination of compensation.

  • Marginal note:Determination of compensation

    (2) On an application under subsection (1), the Board shall determine the compensation payable in respect of the proposed use of waters or deposit of waste, taking into consideration

    • (a) the effect of the proposed use or deposit on

      • (i) the use by Tlicho citizens of waters when on or flowing through Tlicho lands, or waters adjacent to Tlicho lands,

      • (ii) Tlicho lands, taking into account any cultural or special value of those lands to the Tlicho First Nation, and

      • (iii) wildlife harvesting carried on by Tlicho citizens;

    • (b) the nuisance or inconvenience, including noise, caused by the proposed use or deposit to Tlicho citizens on Tlicho lands; and

    • (c) any other factor that the Board considers relevant in the circumstances.

  • Marginal note:Form of compensation

    (3) The compensation may be in the form of a lump sum payment or periodic payments or non-monetary compensation, including replacement of, or substitution for, damaged or lost property or relocation of Tlicho citizens or their property, or any combination of those forms of compensation.

  • 2005, c. 1, s. 44

Cost Recovery

Marginal note:Obligation to pay

  •  (1) The applicant or a licensee shall pay to the federal Minister the following amounts and costs relating to the consideration of an application for a licence or for the amendment, renewal or cancellation of a licence:

    • (a) any amounts that are prescribed by the regulations and that are related to the exercise of the powers and performance of the duties and functions of a board or of its members;

    • (b) any costs incurred by a board for services that are prescribed by the regulations and that are provided to it by a third party; and

    • (c) any amounts that are prescribed by the regulations and that are related to the exercise of the powers and performance of the duties and functions of the federal Minister.

  • Marginal note:Debt due to Her Majesty

    (2) The amounts and costs that a person is to pay under subsection (1) constitute a debt due to Her Majesty in right of Canada and may be recovered as such in any court of competent jurisdiction.

Access to Construction Materials

Marginal note:Duty to supply

  •  (1) The Gwich’in or Sahtu First Nation shall supply and permit access to sand, gravel, clay and like construction materials situated on its first nation lands to any person or any department or agency of the federal or territorial government that requests the same where no alternate source of supply is reasonably available in the surrounding area.

  • Marginal note:Compensation

    (2) The Gwich’in or Sahtu First Nation is entitled to fair and reasonable compensation for any construction materials supplied or obtained from its first nation lands.

  • Marginal note:Reference to Board

    (3) On application by the person or department or agency requesting the supply or access, the Gwich’in Land and Water Board or the Sahtu Land and Water Board, as the case may be, shall

    • (a) determine whether an alternate source of supply is reasonably available in the surrounding area; or

    • (b) resolve any dispute concerning terms or conditions of supply or access or priorities between a first nation and other users of the construction materials.

  • Marginal note:Settlement lands outside settlement area

    (4) Where first nation lands from which construction materials are requested are situated outside the first nation’s settlement area but within the Northwest Territories, the board shall consult the resource management authority having jurisdiction in respect of those lands before making any determination under subsection (3).

  • 1998, c. 25, s. 80
  • 2005, c. 1, s. 45

Marginal note:Duty to supply — Tlicho Government

  •  (1) The Tlicho Government shall supply, and permit access to, sand, gravel, clay and like construction materials situated on Tlicho lands to any person that requests it, including any department or agency of the federal or territorial government or any local government of a Tlicho community.

  • Marginal note:Exception

    (2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the materials are to be used on lands other than Tlicho lands, unless no alternate source of supply is reasonably available in an area closer to the lands where the materials are to be used.

  • Marginal note:Compensation — Tlicho Government

    (3) The Tlicho Government is entitled to be paid for the value of materials supplied under subsection (1) and for the exercise of a right of access to the materials under that subsection, unless the materials are to be used for a public purpose on Tlicho lands or in a Tlicho community or for a public road contiguous to Tlicho lands or to a Tlicho community.

  • Marginal note:Reference to Wekeezhii Land and Water Board

    (4) On application by any person, department, agency or government requesting the supply of, or access to, materials under subsection (1) and after the applicant has participated in mediation under chapter 6 of the Tlicho Agreement, the Wekeezhii Land and Water Board shall

    • (a) determine, for the purpose of subsection (2), whether an alternate source of supply is reasonably available in an area closer to the lands where the materials are to be used;

    • (b) determine, for the purpose of subsection (3), whether the materials are to be used for a public purpose on Tlicho lands or in a Tlicho community or for a public road contiguous to Tlicho lands or a Tlicho community;

    • (c) resolve any dispute concerning terms or conditions of supply or access, excluding the amount to be paid under subsection (3); or

    • (d) resolve any dispute concerning conflicting uses of materials referred to in subsection (1) by the applicant and by the Tlicho Government or Tlicho citizens.

  • Marginal note:Reference to Board by Tlicho Government

    (5) In the case of a dispute referred to in paragraph (4)(d), an application for its resolution may also be made to the Board by the Tlicho Government after it has participated in mediation under chapter 6 of the Tlicho Agreement.

  • 2005, c. 1, s. 46

Powers and Duties of Federal Minister

 [Repealed, 2014, c. 2, s. 173]

Marginal note:Consultation with boards

 The federal Minister shall consult the boards with respect to the amendment of this Act or the making or amendment of any instrument under this Act.

Policy Directions

Marginal note:Minister’s policy directions to board

  •  (1) The federal Minister may, after consultation with a board, give written policy directions that are binding on the board with respect to the exercise of any of its functions under this Act. The federal Minister shall also consult the Tlicho Government before giving such written policy directions to the Wekeezhii Land and Water Board.

  • Marginal note:Notice to Déline Got’ine Government

    (1.1) The federal Minister shall inform the Déline Got’ine Government, to the extent provided for in 2.7.1 of the Déline Agreement, of the Minister’s intention to give a written policy direction to the Sahtu Land and Water Board if the policy direction is in relation to the use of land or water or the deposit of waste in the area described in schedule A to the Déline Agreement.

  • Marginal note:Policy directions by the Tlicho Government to the Wekeezhii Board

    (2) The Tlicho Government may, after consultation with the Wekeezhii Land and Water Board and the federal Minister, give written policy directions with respect to the exercise of any of its functions under this Part in relation to the use of Tlicho lands. Policy directions shall be binding on the Board to the extent that compliance with them does not require the Board to exceed its approved budget.

  • Marginal note:Policy directions by Déline Got’ine Government

    (2.1) The Déline Got’ine Government may, after consultation with the Sahtu Land and Water Board and the federal Minister, give written policy directions to the Board with respect to the performance of any of the Board’s functions under this Part in relation to the use of Déline lands. Policy directions are binding on the Board to the extent that compliance with them does not require the Board to exceed its approved budget.

  • Marginal note:Limitation

    (3) Except as provided by subsection (4), policy directions do not apply in respect of any application that, at the time the directions are given, is pending before a board or has been approved by a board and is awaiting approval under section 72.13 or under any territorial law, as the case may be.

  • Marginal note:Exception

    (4) Policy directions apply in respect of an application referred to in subsection (3) if their non-application could result in the inconsistency of a licence, permit or authorization with another Act or with a regulation or order made under another Act.

  • Marginal note:Conflict between policy directions

    (5) If there is a conflict between policy directions given by the federal Minister under subsection (1) and policy directions given by the Tlicho Government under subsection (2) or by the Déline Got’ine Government under subsection (2.1), the policy directions given under subsection (2) or (2.1), as the case may be, prevail to the extent of the conflict.

  • Marginal note:Conflict between legislation and policy directions

    (6) If there is a conflict between policy directions given by the federal Minister, the Tlicho Government or the Déline Got’ine Government under this section and the provisions of any Act of Parliament, of any regulations made under an Act of Parliament or of any territorial law, those provisions prevail to the extent of the conflict.

  • 1998, c. 25, s. 83
  • 2005, c. 1, s. 47
  • 2014, c. 2, s. 175
  • 2015, c. 24, s. 30

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