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An Act to amend certain Acts and to make certain consequential amendments (firearms) (S.C. 2023, c. 32)

Assented to 2023-12-15

R.S., c. C-46Criminal Code (continued)

Amendments to the Act (continued)

  •  (1) The portion of subsection 110(1) of the Act after paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

    • (b) an offence that involves, or the subject-matter of which is, a firearm, a cross-bow, a prohibited weapon, a restricted weapon, a prohibited device, a firearm part, ammunition, prohibited ammunition or an explosive substance and, at the time of the offence, the person was not prohibited by any order made under this Act or any other Act of Parliament from possessing any such thing,

    the court that sentences the person or directs that the person be discharged, as the case may be, shall, in addition to any other punishment that may be imposed for that offence or any other condition prescribed in the order of discharge, consider whether it is desirable, in the interests of the safety of the person or of any other person, to make an order prohibiting the person from possessing any firearm, cross-bow, prohibited weapon, restricted weapon, prohibited device, firearm part, ammunition, prohibited ammunition or explosive substance, or all such things, and if the court decides that it is so desirable, the court shall so order.

  • (2) Subsection (1) comes into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

  •  (1) The Act is amended by adding the following after section 110:

    Marginal note:Application for emergency prohibition order

    • 110.1 (1) Any person may make an ex parte application to a provincial court judge for an order prohibiting another person from possessing any firearm, cross-bow, prohibited weapon, restricted weapon, prohibited device, ammunition, prohibited ammunition or explosive substance, or all such things, if the person believes on reasonable grounds that it is not desirable in the interests of the safety of the person against whom the order is sought or of any other person that the person against whom the order is sought should possess any such thing.

    • Marginal note:Hearing in private

      (2) The provincial court judge may hold the hearing of an application made under subsection (1) in private if the judge considers that it is necessary to protect the security of the applicant or of anyone known to the applicant.

    • Marginal note:Emergency prohibition order

      (3) If, at the conclusion of a hearing of an application made under subsection (1), the provincial court judge is satisfied that the circumstances referred to in that subsection exist and that an order should be made without delay to ensure the immediate protection of any person, the judge shall make an order prohibiting the person against whom the order is sought from possessing any firearm, cross-bow, prohibited weapon, restricted weapon, prohibited device, ammunition, prohibited ammunition or explosive substance, or all such things, for a period not exceeding 30 days, as is specified in the order, beginning on the day on which the order is made.

    • Marginal note:Service of order

      (4) A copy of the order shall be served on the person to whom the order is addressed in the manner that the provincial court judge directs or in accordance with the rules of court.

    • Marginal note:Warrant to search and seize

      (5) If a provincial court judge is satisfied by information on oath that there are reasonable grounds to believe that a person who is subject to an order made under subsection (3) possesses, in a building, receptacle or place, any thing the possession of which is prohibited by the order and that it is not desirable in the interests of the safety of the person, or of any other person, for the person to possess the thing, the judge may issue a warrant authorizing a peace officer to search the building, receptacle or place and seize any such thing, and every authorization, licence or registration certificate relating to any such thing, that is held by or in the possession of the person.

    • Marginal note:Search and seizure without warrant

      (6) If, in respect of a person who is subject to an order made under subsection (3), a peace officer is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds to believe that it is not desirable, in the interests of the safety of the person, or of any other person, for the person to possess any thing the possession of which is prohibited by the order, the peace officer may — if the grounds for obtaining a warrant under subsection (5) exist but, by reason of a possible danger to the safety of the person or any other person, it would not be practicable to obtain a warrant — search for and seize any such thing, and any authorization, licence or registration certificate relating to any such thing, that is held by or in the possession of the person.

    • Marginal note:Return to provincial court judge or justice

      (7) A peace officer who executes a warrant referred to in subsection (5) or who conducts a search without a warrant under subsection (6) shall immediately make a return to the provincial court judge who issued the warrant or, if no warrant was issued, to a justice who might otherwise have issued a warrant, showing

      • (a) in the case of an execution of a warrant, the things or documents, if any, seized and the date of execution of the warrant; and

      • (b) in the case of a search conducted without a warrant, the grounds on which it was concluded that the peace officer was entitled to conduct the search, and the things or documents, if any, seized.

    • Marginal note:Return of things and documents

      (8) Any things or documents seized under subsection (5) or (6) from a person against whom an order has been made under subsection (3) shall be returned to the person and any things or documents surrendered by the person in accordance with the order shall be returned to the person

      • (a) if no date is fixed under subsection 110.4(1) for the hearing of an application made under subsection 111(1) in respect of the person, as soon as feasible after the end of the period specified in the order made against the person under subsection (3);

      • (b) if a date is fixed for the hearing but no order is made against the person under subsection 111(5), as soon as feasible after the final disposition of the application; or

      • (c) despite paragraphs (a) and (b), if the order made against the person under subsection (3) is revoked, as soon as feasible after the day on which it is revoked.

    • Marginal note:Application of sections 113, 114 and 116

      (9) Sections 113, 114 and 116 apply in respect of every order made under subsection (3).

    • Marginal note:Definition of provincial court judge

      (10) In this section and sections 110.4, 111, 112, 117.0101, 117.0104, 117.011 and 117.012, provincial court judge means a provincial court judge having jurisdiction in the territorial division where the person against whom the application for an order was brought resides.

    Marginal note:Order denying access to information

    • 110.2 (1) If an order is made under subsection 110.1(3), a provincial court judge may, on application by the person who applied for the order or on the judge’s own motion, if the judge considers that it is necessary to protect the security of the person or of anyone known to the person, make an order prohibiting access to, and the disclosure of, any or all of the following:

      • (a) any information relating to the order made under that subsection;

      • (b) any information relating to a warrant issued under subsection 110.1(5);

      • (c) any information relating to a search and seizure conducted without a warrant under subsection 110.1(6); and

      • (d) any information relating to the order made under this subsection.

    • Marginal note:Expiry of order

      (2) Unless an order made under subsection (1) is revoked earlier, it expires on the day on which the order made under subsection 110.1(3) expires or is revoked.

    • Marginal note:Exception

      (3) Despite subsection (2), if, before the order made under subsection 110.1(3) expires or is revoked, a date is fixed under subsection 110.4(1) for the hearing of an application made under subsection 111(1), an order made under subsection (1) ceases to have effect on

      • (a) the date fixed under subsection 110.4(1); or

      • (b) if the order made under subsection 110.1(3) is revoked before that date, the day on which it is revoked.

    • Marginal note:Procedure

      (4) If an order is made under subsection (1), all documents relating to, as the case may be, the order made under that subsection, the order made under subsection 110.1(3), the warrant issued under subsection 110.1(5) or, in the case of a search and seizure conducted without a warrant under subsection 110.1(6), the return made under subsection 110.1(7) shall — subject to any terms and conditions that the provincial court judge considers desirable in the circumstances, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any term or condition concerning partial disclosure of a document, deletion of any information or the occurrence of a condition — be immediately placed in a packet and sealed by the judge, and the packet shall be kept in the custody of the court in a place to which the public has no access or in any other place that the judge may authorize and shall not be dealt with except in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the order or as varied under subsection (5).

    • Marginal note:Revocation or variance of order

      (5) An application to revoke an order made under subsection (1) or vary any of its terms and conditions may be made to the provincial court judge who made the order or to another provincial court judge.

    Marginal note:Order to delete identifying information

    • 110.3 (1) If an order is made under subsection 110.1(3) or 110.2(1), a provincial court judge may, on application by the person who applied for the order referred to in subsection 110.1(3) or on the judge’s own motion, if the judge considers that it is necessary to protect the security of the person or of anyone known to the person, make an order, subject to any terms and conditions that the judge considers desirable in the circumstances, directing that

      • (a) copies be made of any documents relating to the order made under subsection 110.1(3) or 110.2(1), as the case may be, including the order itself;

      • (b) any information that could identify the person who applied for the order referred to in subsection 110.1(3) or anyone known to the person be deleted from those copies; and

      • (c) the documents relating to the order made under subsection 110.1(3) or 110.2(1), as the case may be, including the order itself, to which the public has access or that are made available to or required to be served on any person are to be the edited copies referred to in paragraph (b).

    • Marginal note:Duration of order

      (2) An order made under subsection (1) may be for any period — definite or indefinite — that the provincial court judge considers necessary to protect the security of the person who applied for the order referred to in subsection 110.1(3) or of anyone known to the person.

    • Marginal note:Procedure

      (3) If an order is made under subsection (1), the originals of all documents that are the subject of the order shall — subject to any terms and conditions that the provincial court judge considers desirable in the circumstances — be immediately placed in a packet and sealed by the judge, and the packet shall be kept in the custody of the court in a place to which the public has no access or in any other place that the judge may authorize and shall not be dealt with except in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the order or as varied under subsection (4).

    • Marginal note:Revocation or variance of order

      (4) An application to revoke an order made under subsection (1) or vary any of its terms and conditions may be made to the provincial court judge who made the order or to another provincial court judge.

    • Marginal note:Clarification

      (5) For greater certainty, if a date is fixed under subsection 110.4(1) for the hearing of an application made under subsection 111(1), any order made under this section that is still in force applies in respect of that hearing.

    Marginal note:Order under subsection 111(5)

    • 110.4 (1) If a provincial court judge makes an order under subsection 110.1(3), the judge may, on the judge’s own motion, fix a date for the hearing of an application made under subsection 111(1) and shall direct that notice of the hearing be given, in the manner that the judge may specify, to the person against whom an order under subsection 111(5) is sought.

    • Marginal note:Clarification — application for order

      (2) For the purpose of this section,

      • (a) the application for the order referred to in subsection 110.1(3) is deemed, except for the purpose of subsection 111(2), to be an application made under subsection 111(1); and

      • (b) if a person other than a peace officer, firearms officer or chief firearms officer made the application for the order referred to in subsection 110.1(3), the Attorney General of the province in which the application was made — or, if the application was made in a territory, the Attorney General of Canada — becomes the applicant, in their place, in the application made under subsection 111(1).

    • Marginal note:Date for hearing

      (3) The date fixed for the hearing must be before the end of the period for which the order made under subsection 110.1(3) is in force. However, a provincial court judge may, before or at any time during the hearing, on application by the applicant or the person against whom an order under subsection 111(5) is sought, adjourn the hearing.

    • Marginal note:Requirement — notice

      (4) If the Attorney General becomes, under paragraph (2)(b), the applicant in an application made under subsection 111(1), the provincial court judge shall, as soon as feasible but not later than 15 days before the date fixed under subsection (1), cause notice of that application and of that date to be served on that Attorney General.

    • Marginal note:Cancellation of hearing

      (5) If a provincial court judge revokes an order made under subsection 110.1(3) against a person before the application for an order sought under subsection 111(5) against the person is heard, the judge shall cancel the hearing.

  • (2) Subsection 110.1(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    Marginal note:Application for emergency prohibition order

    • 110.1 (1) Any person may make an ex parte application to a provincial court judge for an order prohibiting another person from possessing any firearm, cross-bow, prohibited weapon, restricted weapon, prohibited device, firearm part, ammunition, prohibited ammunition or explosive substance, or all such things, if the person believes on reasonable grounds that it is not desirable in the interests of the safety of the person against whom the order is sought or of any other person that the person against whom the order is sought should possess any such thing.

  • (3) Subsection 110.1(3) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    • Marginal note:Emergency prohibition order

      (3) If, at the conclusion of a hearing of an application made under subsection (1), the provincial court judge is satisfied that the circumstances referred to in that subsection exist and that an order should be made without delay to ensure the immediate protection of any person, the judge shall make an order prohibiting the person against whom the order is sought from possessing any firearm, cross-bow, prohibited weapon, restricted weapon, prohibited device, firearm part, ammunition, prohibited ammunition or explosive substance, or all such things, for a period not exceeding 30 days, as is specified in the order, beginning on the day on which the order is made.

  • (4) Subsections (2) and (3) come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

  •  (1) Subsection 111(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    Marginal note:Application for prohibition order

    • 111 (1) A peace officer, firearms officer or chief firearms officer may apply to a provincial court judge for an order prohibiting a person from possessing any firearm, cross-bow, prohibited weapon, restricted weapon, prohibited device, firearm part, ammunition, prohibited ammunition or explosive substance, or all such things, if the peace officer, firearms officer or chief firearms officer believes on reasonable grounds that it is not desirable in the interests of the safety of the person against whom the order is sought or of any other person that the person against whom the order is sought should possess any such thing.

  • (2) Subsection 111(5) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    • Marginal note:Prohibition order

      (5) If, at the conclusion of a hearing of an application made under subsection (1), the provincial court judge is satisfied that the circumstances referred to in that subsection exist, the provincial court judge shall make an order prohibiting the person from possessing any firearm, cross-bow, prohibited weapon, restricted weapon, prohibited device, firearm part, ammunition, prohibited ammunition or explosive substance, or all such things, for the period, not exceeding five years, that is specified in the order, beginning on the day on which the order is made.

  • (3) Subsection 111(11) of the Act is repealed.

 Section 112 of the Act is replaced by the following:

Marginal note:Revocation of prohibition order under subsection 110.1(3) or 111(5)

112 A provincial court judge may, on application by the person against whom an order is made under subsection 110.1(3) or 111(5), revoke the order if satisfied that the circumstances for which it was made have ceased to exist.

 Subsection 113(4) of the Act is replaced by the following:

  • Marginal note:When order can be made

    (4) For greater certainty, an order under subsection (1) may be made during proceedings for an order under subsection 109(1), 110(1), 110.1(3), 111(5), 117.05(4) or 515(2), paragraph 732.1(3)(d) or subsection 810(3).


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