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Radiation Protection Regulations (SOR/2000-203)

Regulations are current to 2025-02-04 and last amended on 2021-01-01. Previous Versions

Dosimetry Services

Application for Licence to Operate

 An application for a licence to operate a dosimetry service must contain the following information in addition to the information required by section 3 of the General Nuclear Safety and Control Regulations:

  • (a) a description of the proposed operation of the dosimetry service;

  • (b) the proposed management system;

  • (c) the types of dosimetry services proposed to be provided;

  • (d) the precision, accuracy and reliability of the dosimetry services to be provided; and

  • (e) the proposed qualification requirements and training program for workers.

Obligations of Licensees

 Every licensee who operates a dosimetry service shall file with the National Dose Registry of the Department of Health, at a frequency specified in the licence and in a form compatible with the Registry, the following information with respect to each nuclear energy worker for whom it has measured and monitored a dose of radiation:

  • (a) the worker’s given names, surname and any previous surname;

  • (b) the worker’s Social Insurance Number;

  • (c) the worker’s gender;

  • (d) the worker’s job category;

  • (e) the date, province and country of birth of the worker;

  • (f) the amount of exposure of the worker to radon progeny; and

  • (g) the effective dose and equivalent dose received by and committed to the worker.

Labelling and Signs

Labelling of Containers and Devices

  •  (1) No person shall possess a container or device that contains a nuclear substance unless the container or device is labelled with

    • (a) the radiation warning symbol set out in Schedule 3 and the words “RAYONNEMENT — DANGER — RADIATION”; and

    • (b) the name, quantity, date of measurement and form of the nuclear substance in the container or device.

  • (2) Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of a container or device

    • (a) that is an essential component for the operation of the nuclear facility at which it is located;

    • (b) that is used to hold nuclear substances for current or immediate use and is under the continuous direct observation of the licensee;

    • (c) in which the quantity of nuclear substances is less than or equal to the exemption quantity; or

    • (d) that is used exclusively for transporting nuclear substances and labelled in accordance with the Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations, 2015; and

    • (e) that contains a radium luminous compound, provided that radium is the only nuclear substance in the device and the device is intact and has not been tampered with.

  • (3) Paragraph (1)(b) does not apply in respect of a container that is used to temporarily hold nuclear substances.

Posting of Signs at Boundaries and Points of Access

  •  (1) Every licensee must post and keep posted, at the boundary of and at every point of access to an area, room, vehicle or enclosure, a durable and legible sign that bears the radiation warning symbol set out in Schedule 3 and the words “RAYONNEMENT — DANGER — RADIATION”, if

    • (a) there is a nuclear substance in a quantity greater than 100 times its exemption quantity in the area, room, vehicle or enclosure; or

    • (b) there is a reasonable probability that a person in the area, room, vehicle or enclosure will be exposed to a dose rate greater than 25 µSv/h.

  • (2) Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of a vehicle containing a consignment, as defined in the Packaging and Transport of Nuclear Substances Regulations, 2015.

Use of Radiation Warning Symbol

 Whenever the radiation warning symbol set out in Schedule 3 is used,

  • (a) it shall be

    • (i) fully visible,

    • (ii) of a size appropriate for the size of the container or device to which it is affixed or attached, or the area, room or enclosure in respect of which it is posted,

    • (iii) in the proportions depicted in Schedule 3, and

    • (iv) oriented with one blade pointed downward and centred on the vertical axis; and

  • (b) no wording shall be superimposed on it.

  • SOR/2007-208, s. 10

Frivolous Posting of Signs

 No person shall post or keep posted a sign that indicates the presence of radiation, a nuclear substance or prescribed equipment at a place where the radiation, nuclear substance or prescribed equipment indicated on the sign is not present.

Records to Be Kept by Licensees

  • SOR/2020-237, s. 21(F)
  •  (1) Every licensee must keep a record of the name and job category of each nuclear energy worker.

  • (2) Every licensee must keep a record of doses of radiation and retain it for a period ending on the fifth anniversary of the day on which the information is collected.

Radiation Detection and Measurement Instrumentation

 Every licensee must ensure that instruments and equipment that are used for radiation measurements are selected, tested and calibrated for their intended use.

Coming into Force

 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are approved by the Governor in Council.


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