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Textile Labelling Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. T-10)

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Act current to 2025-01-22 and last amended on 2019-06-21. Previous Versions

Textile Labelling Act

R.S.C., 1985, c. T-10

An Act respecting the labelling, sale, importation and advertising of consumer textile articles

Short Title

Marginal note:Short title

 This Act may be cited as the Textile Labelling Act.

  • R.S., c. 46(1st. Supp.), s. 1


Marginal note:Definitions

 In this Act,


advertise means make any representation to the public by any means whatever, except a representation on a label, for the purpose of promoting directly or indirectly the sale of a textile fibre product; (publicité ou annonce)


analyst means a person designated as an analyst by the Commissioner pursuant to section 7; (analyste)


apply means, in respect of a label, to attach to, imprint on, include in or cause to accompany in any other way a textile fibre product; (Version anglaise seulement)


Commissioner means the Commissioner of Competition appointed under the Competition Act; (commissaire)

consumer textile article

consumer textile article means

  • (a) any textile fibre, yarn or fabric, or

  • (b) any product made in whole or in part from a textile fibre, yarn or fabric

that is in the form in which it is or is to be sold to any person for consumption or use, other than consumption or use in the manufacturing, processing or finishing of any product for sale; (article textile de consommation)


dealer means a person who is a manufacturer, processor or finisher of a textile fibre product or a person who is engaged in the business of importing or selling any textile fibre product; (fournisseur)


fabric means any material woven, knitted, crocheted, knotted, braided, felted, bonded, laminated or otherwise produced from, or in combination with, a textile fibre; (tissu)


inspector means a person designated as an inspector pursuant to the Department of Industry Act for the purpose of the enforcement of this Act; (inspecteur)


label means any label, mark, sign, device, imprint, stamp, brand or ticket; (Version anglaise seulement)


Minister means the Minister of Industry; (ministre)


prescribed means prescribed by the regulations; (Version anglaise seulement)


sell includes

  • (a) offer for sale, expose for sale and have in possession for sale, and

  • (b) display in such manner as to lead to a reasonable belief that the product so displayed is intended for sale; (vendre)

textile fibre

textile fibre means any natural or manufactured matter that is capable of being made into a yarn or fabric and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes human hair, kapok, feathers and down and animal hair or fur that has been removed from an animal skin; (fibre textile)

textile fibre product

textile fibre product means

  • (a) any consumer textile article, or

  • (b) any textile fibre, yarn or fabric used or to be used in a consumer textile article. (produit de fibres textiles)

  • R.S., 1985, c. T-10, s. 2
  • 1992, c. 1, s. 145(F)
  • 1995, c. 1, ss. 62, 63
  • 1999, c. 2, ss. 52, 53


Marginal note:Prohibition respecting consumer textile articles

 No dealer shall sell, import into Canada or advertise

  • (a) a prescribed consumer textile article unless the article has applied to it a label containing a representation with respect to the textile fibre content of the article; or

  • (b) any consumer textile article that has applied to it a label containing a representation with respect to the textile fibre content of the article unless the label is applied to it in accordance with and complies with all applicable provisions of this Act.

  • R.S., c. 46(1st Supp.), s. 3

Marginal note:Prohibition respecting advertising

 No dealer shall, in advertising a consumer textile article, make any representation with respect to the textile fibre content of the article except in accordance with the regulations.

  • R.S., c. 46(1st Supp.), s. 4

Marginal note:Representations relating to consumer textile articles

  •  (1) No dealer shall apply to a consumer textile article a label, or sell, import into Canada or advertise a consumer textile article that has applied to it a label containing any false or misleading representation that relates to or may reasonably be regarded as relating to the article.

  • Marginal note:Representations relating to textile fibre products

    (2) No dealer shall, by means of a label, advertising or otherwise, make any false or misleading representation that relates to or may reasonably be regarded as relating to a textile fibre product.

  • Marginal note:Definition of “false or misleading representation”

    (3) For the purposes of this section, false or misleading representation includes

    • (a) any representation in which expressions, words, figures, depictions or symbols are arranged or shown in a manner that may reasonably be regarded as likely to deceive any person with respect to textile fibre content;

    • (b) any expression, word, figure, depiction or symbol that implies or may reasonably be regarded as implying that a textile fibre product contains any fibre, fur or hair not contained in the product; and

    • (c) any description of the type, quality, performance, origin or method of manufacture or production of a textile fibre product that may reasonably be regarded as likely to deceive any person with respect to the matter so described.

  • R.S., c. 46(1st Supp.), s. 5


Marginal note:Label containing representation respecting textile fibre content

 Each label containing a representation with respect to the textile fibre content of the consumer textile article to which it is applied shall

  • (a) be applied to the article in such form and manner as may be prescribed; and

  • (b) show, in such form and manner as may be prescribed,

    • (i) the generic name of each textile fibre comprising five per cent or more by mass of the total fibre mass of the article,

    • (ii) subject to the regulations, such percentage by mass of the total fibre mass of the article as each textile fibre named pursuant to subparagraph (i) comprises,

    • (iii) the identity of the person by or for whom the consumer textile article was manufactured or made, and

    • (iv) such other information and representations as may be required by the regulations to be included in the label.

  • R.S., 1985, c. T-10, s. 6
  • 1993, c. 34, s. 119


Marginal note:Designation of analysts by Commissioner

 The Commissioner may designate as an analyst for the purposes of this Act any person who, in his opinion, is qualified to be so designated.

  • R.S., 1985, c. T-10, s. 7
  • 1999, c. 2, s. 53


Marginal note:Powers of inspectors

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (1.1), an inspector may at any reasonable time enter any premises of a dealer or any other place in which the inspector believes on reasonable grounds there is any textile fibre product that is owned by a dealer and may

    • (a) examine any textile fibre product found therein;

    • (b) open and examine any package found therein that the inspector believes on reasonable grounds contains any textile fibre product; and

    • (c) examine any books, reports, test data, records, shipping bills and bills of lading or other documents or papers that the inspector believes on reasonable grounds contain any information relevant to the enforcement of this Act and make copies thereof or extracts therefrom.

  • Marginal note:Warrant required to enter dwelling-house

    (1.1) Where any place or premises referred to in subsection (1) is a dwelling-house, an inspector may not enter that dwelling-house without the consent of the occupant except under the authority of a warrant issued under subsection (1.2).

  • Marginal note:Authority to issue warrant

    (1.2) Where on ex parte application a justice of the peace is satisfied by information on oath

    • (a) that the conditions for entry described in subsection (1) exist in relation to a dwelling-house,

    • (b) that entry to the dwelling-house is necessary for any purpose relating to the administration or enforcement of this Act, and

    • (c) that entry to the dwelling-house has been refused or that there are reasonable grounds for believing that entry thereto will be refused,

    the justice of the peace may issue a warrant under his hand authorizing the inspector named therein to enter that dwelling-house subject to such conditions as may be specified in the warrant.

  • Marginal note:Use of force

    (1.3) In executing a warrant issued under subsection (1.2), the inspector named therein shall not use force unless the inspector is accompanied by a peace officer and the use of force has been specifically authorized in the warrant.

  • Marginal note:Certificate to be produced

    (2) An inspector shall be furnished with a certificate of his designation as an inspector and, on entering any place described in subsection (1), shall, if so required, produce the certificate to the person in charge of that place.

  • Marginal note:Assistance to inspectors

    (3) The owner or person in charge of a place referred to in subsection (1) and every person found in that place shall give the inspector all reasonable assistance to enable the inspector to carry out his duties and functions under this Act and shall furnish the inspector with any information he may reasonably require with respect to the administration of this Act and the regulations.

  • R.S., 1985, c. T-10, s. 8
  • R.S., 1985, c. 31 (1st Supp.), s. 24

Marginal note:Obstruction

  •  (1) No person shall obstruct or hinder an inspector in the carrying out of his duties and functions under this Act.

  • Marginal note:False statements

    (2) No person shall knowingly make any false or misleading statement, either orally or in writing, to an inspector engaged in carrying out his duties and functions under this Act.

  • Marginal note:Interference

    (3) Except with the authority of an inspector, no person shall remove, alter or interfere in any way with any textile fibre product or other thing detained by an inspector pursuant to the regulations.

  • R.S., c. 46(1st Supp.), s. 9

Marginal note:Seizure

  •  (1) Where an inspector believes on reasonable grounds that any provision of this Act or the regulations has been contravened, the inspector may seize and detain any textile fibre product or any labelling, packaging or advertising material by means of or in relation to which the inspector believes on reasonable grounds the contravention was committed.

  • Marginal note:Detention

    (2) A textile fibre product or other thing seized and detained pursuant to subsection (1) shall not be detained after

    • (a) the provisions of this Act or any regulations that are applicable to the textile fibre product or other thing have, in the opinion of the inspector, been complied with, or

    • (b) the expiration of ninety days after the day of seizure or such longer period as may be prescribed with respect to any textile fibre product,

    unless before that time proceedings have been instituted in respect of the contravention, in which event the textile fibre product or other thing may be detained until the proceedings are finally concluded.

  • R.S., c. 46(1st Supp.), s. 10

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