Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Canadian Aviation Regulations

Version of section 521.160 from 2019-06-14 to 2024-12-08:

  •  (1) An applicant for the approval of a change to the type design of an aeronautical product shall

    • (a) demonstrate to the Minister that the product conforms to the certification basis established by the Minister under section 521.157 by conducting the inspections and tests referred to in section 521.44;

    • (b) submit to the Minister a declaration attesting to the demonstration of conformity of the product with its certification basis;

    • (c) make available to the Minister the means by which conformity is established;

    • (d) in the case of an aircraft, record the noise levels in its flight manual or in a supplement to that manual using the Guidelines for the Administration of Noise Certification Documentation set out in Attachment G of Annex 16, Volume I to the Convention;

    • (e) submit a signed undertaking to carry out the responsibilities specified in Division VIII; and

    • (f) submit to the Minister for approval any manual, instructions and limitations that are required by the certification basis established in respect of the product.

  • (2) An applicant for the approval of a change to the type design of an aeronautical product other than a restricted category aircraft shall demonstrate to the Minister that

    • (a) in the case of an aircraft, no feature or characteristic makes the aircraft unsafe, taking into account the category in which certification is requested; and

    • (b) the type design of the product provides a level of safety at least equivalent to that provided by the certification basis that applied before the change was undertaken.

  • (3) An applicant for the approval of a change to the type design of a restricted category aircraft shall demonstrate to the Minister that

    • (a) no feature or characteristic makes the aircraft unsafe when that aircraft is operated within the limitations specified for its intended use; and

    • (b) the aircraft has a type design that conforms to its certification basis.

  • SOR/2009-280, s. 26
  • SOR/2019-119, s. 22(F)

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