Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Contraventions Regulations

Version of the schedule from 2020-04-11 to 2025-02-04:

SCHEDULE XI(Sections 1 to 4)Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park Act

Marine Activities in the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park Regulations

ItemColumn IColumn IIColumn III
Provision of Marine Activities in the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park RegulationsShort-Form DescriptionFine ($)
  • (a) Operating a marine tour business without a permit or authorization

  • (b) Operating a cruise ship without a permit or authorization

  • (c) Operating a shuttle service without a permit or authorization

  • (a) Conducting scientific research without a permit or authorization

  • (b) Holding a special activity without a permit or authorization

34Failing to ensure that a vessel is operated in accordance with the Regulations500
46(3)Failing to notify the Minister as soon as feasible of a change in the specified information300
511(1)(a)Failing to notify the Minister of the specified information300
611(1)(b)Transferring a permit without the Minister’s approval300
711.1(1)Failing to ensure that the operator or guide holds the specified certificate300
811.1(4)Engaging in an activity referred to in a permit without carrying the certificate300
911.3(1)Failing to ensure that the vessel’s log book is maintained300
1011.3(2)Failing to record the required information in the logbook300
1111.3(3)Failing to present the log book300
1211.4(1)(a)Failing to ensure that the vessel is equipped with a GPS500
1311.4(1)(b)Failing to ensure that the vessel is equipped with a navigation radar500
1411.4(1) and (2)Failing to ensure that the GPS and radar are in good working order and are turned on when the vessel is in operation500
1512Failing to ensure that the vessel flies the appropriate identification flag in the specified manner300
1613(1)Failing to ensure the display of an approved sign as required300
1714(1)Engaging in behaviour that may kill, injure or disturb a marine mammal500
1814(4)Failing to report an incident involving a marine mammal as required300
1914.2Entering a temporary exclusion area without the required authorization500
2014.4(a)Using a personal watercraft500
2114.4(b)Using an air cushion vehicle500
2214.4(c)Conducting a water sport activity using a specified means as a method of traction500
2314.4(d)Offering any commercial services related to hunting migratory birds500
2415(1)Permitting a specified vessel to approach a cetacean within the specified distance500
2515(2)Placing a specified vessel within the specified distance of the path of a cetacean500
2615(3)Failing to place the engine of a specified vessel in neutral gear500
2715(4)Permitting a specified vessel to approach a cetacean and a calf or a resting cetacean within 200 m500
2815.1(1)Failing to maintain at least 400 m between a vessel and a specified marine mammal500
2915.1(2)Placing a vessel within 400 m of the path of a specified marine mammal500
3015.1(3)Failing to maintain course until a beluga is more than 400 m away from the vessel500
3115.1(4)Failing to place the vessel engine in neutral gear or move the vessel away in the required manner500
3216Permitting a specified vessel to approach a cetacean within 200 m in the specified circumstances500
3317Permitting a specified vessel to enter an observation zone or observation area in the specified circumstances500
  • (a) Flying an aircraft within 609.6 m of the surface of the water without the specified permit

  • (b) Causing an aircraft to take off without the specified permit

  • (c) Landing an aircraft without the specified permit

3519Operating a vessel at a speed greater than 25 knots500
3619.1Operating a vessel at a speed greater than the specified speed during the specified period500
3720Operating a vessel at a speed greater than 10 knots500
3821(a)Operating a specified vessel at a speed greater than the specified speed in the specified circumstances500
3921(b)Stopping or starting a vessel, or changing its direction, in a repetitive manner in the specified circumstances500
4022Failing to reduce the speed of a specified vessel to the specified speed in the specified circumstances500
4123Remaining stationary or failing to operate a vessel at the specified speed in the specified circumstances500
4224Changing the direction of a vessel in a repetitive manner when less than 926 m from a beluga500
  • (a) Keeping a vessel in observation mode for more than one hour

  • (b) Operating a vessel in a specified zone or area for more than one hour

4425(2)Permitting a vessel to re-enter a specified zone or area less than one hour after leaving500
4526(1)(a)Permitting a specified vessel to approach a cetacean within the specified distance for more than the specified periods during an excursion500
4626(1)(b)Permitting a specified vessel to approach a cetacean within the specified distance more than once in the specified zone or area500
4726(2)Failing to notify other nearby vessels in the specified manner and circumstances500
  • (a) Placing a vessel in observation mode

  • (b) Causing a vessel to enter the specified observation zone

  • SOR/2004-25, s. 1
  • SOR/2007-62, s. 3(F)
  • SOR/2019-228, s. 1
  • SOR/2020-86, s. 3

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