Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Marine Machinery Regulations

Version of the schedule from 2021-06-23 to 2024-07-23:

SCHEDULE XIVLubricating Oil and Hydraulic Power Oil Systems

PART I(Section 4)Design Specifications

1Where the ship is to operate in low ambient temperatures, measures shall be taken to maintain essential deck machinery lubricating oil and hydraulic power oil at a viscosity suitable for reliable operation of the machinery.
2No lubricating oil or hydraulic power oil tank shall be located where spillage or leakage from the tanks creates a hazard by falling on heated surfaces.
3No lubricating oil or hydraulic power oil shall be carried in the fore-peak.
4Means shall be provided to prevent over-pressure in
  • (a) any lubricating oil or hydraulic power oil tank by way of flame screened vent pipes terminating in a safe location; and

  • (b) any lubricating oil or hydraulic power oil system by relief valve discharges leading back to suction sides of pumps or to suitable tanks.

5Quantities of lubricating oil or hydraulic power oil in tanks shall be determined by
  • (a) sounding pipes with suitable means of closure at their upper ends that terminate in a safe location;

  • (b) heat resistant gauge glasses protected from mechanical damage and fitted with self-closing valves at the lower end and at the top of the glasses if the valves are connected to the tank below the maximum liquid level; or

  • (c) other safe and efficient means where a supplementary means of manual sounding is fitted.

6Subject to item 7, for ships certificated to carry more than 12 passengers and other ships in excess of 500 tons gross tonnage, every pressurized lubricating oil system pipe which when damaged allows oil to escape from a storage or service tank situated above the double bottom, shall be fitted with a cock or valve on the tank capable of being closed from a safe position outside the space.
7In the case of tanks situated in any shaft or pipe tunnel or similar compact space, cocks or valves shall be fitted on the tanks and remote control may be operated by means of an additional valve outside the compact space.
8Where the additional valve is fitted in the machinery space it shall be operable from outside this space.
Piping and Components
9As far as practicable, all parts of a lubricating oil or hydraulic power oil system containing heated oil under pressure exceeding 180 kPa shall be located so that defects and leakage can readily be observed.
10Machinery space lubricating oil and hydraulic power oil piping and components shall be adequately illuminated.
11Means shall be taken to prevent oil that may escape under pressure from any component from coming into contact with heated surfaces.
12Drip trays with drains leading to a sludge oil tank shall be fitted under all components where leakage may occur.
13Lubricating oil and hydraulic power oil pipes shall be of steel or similar fire and pressure resistant material, except that flexible hoses are permissible in accordance with Schedule IX.
14Sight flow glasses in piping systems shall be of fire resistant types.

PARTS II to IV[Repealed, SOR/2021-135, s. 82]

  • SOR/2015-161, ss. 32, 33(F)
  • SOR/2021-135, s. 82

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