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Version of document from 2024-01-01 to 2024-09-16:

By-laws of the College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents



Registration 2023-04-12

By-laws of the College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents

The Board of Directors of the College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents makes the annexed By-laws of the College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents under

Ottawa, April 4, 2023

Le président du Conseil d’administration du Collège des agents de brevets et des agents de marques de commerce,
blank line
Thomas G. Conway
Chairperson, Board of Directors
College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents



Marginal note:Definitions

 The following definitions apply in these By-laws.


Act means the College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents Act. (Loi)


CEO means the individual appointed by the Board under section 23 of the Act. (premier dirigeant)


CIPO means the Canadian Intellectual Property Office and includes the Patent Office and the Office of the Registrar of Trademarks. (OPIC)

class 1 licence

class 1 licence means a patent agent licence issued under subsection 26(1) of the Act or a trademark agent licence issued under subsection 29(1) of the Act that is not a class 2 or class 4 licence. (permis de catégorie 1)

class 2 licence

class 2 licence means a patent agent licence issued under subsection 26(1) of the Act or a trademark agent licence issued under subsection 29(1) of the Act that is subject to the restriction set out in section 47. (permis de catégorie 2)

class 3 licence

class 3 licence means a patent agent in training licence issued under subsection 26(2) of the Act or a trademark agent in training licence issued under subsection 29(2) of the Act. (permis de catégorie 3)

class 4 licence

class 4 licence means a patent agent licence issued under subsection 26(1) of the Act or a trademark agent licence issued under subsection 29(1) of the Act, to an individual who is not practising as a patent agent or a trademark agent and who is not providing any services in that capacity to the public or in connection with their employment. (permis de catégorie 4)


Code means the Code of Professional Conduct for Licensees established under subsection 33(1) of the Act. (Code)

foreign practitioner

foreign practitioner means an individual who is described in subsection 19(1) or 20(1) of the Regulations. (praticien étranger)

professional regulatory body

professional regulatory body means a body that has a statutory duty to regulate a profession, other than under the Act. (organisme de réglementation professionnelle)


Register means the Register of Patent Agents, referred to in section 28 of the Act, or the Register of Trademark Agents, referred to in section 31 of the Act. (registre)


Regulations means the College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents Regulations. (Règlement)


supervisor means an individual who is authorized under section 64 to act as the supervisor of a class 3 licensee. (superviseur)

Marginal note:Definition of incompetence

  •  (1) For the purposes of the Act, incompetence means the failure of a licensee to apply relevant knowledge, skills or judgment in a manner consistent with the standards of competence set out in the Code while practising as a patent agent or trademark agent.

  • Marginal note:Definition of professional misconduct

    (2) For the purposes of the Act, professional misconduct means conduct by a licensee that is inconsistent with the standards of professional conduct set out in the Code and that would reasonably be regarded as unprofessional or that may discredit the profession and includes any of the following:

    • (a) contravening the Act, the Regulations, these By-laws or the Code;

    • (b) exhibiting behaviour while practising as a patent agent or trademark agent that tends to bring discredit to the profession or undermines public confidence in it;

    • (c) being convicted of or pleading guilty to an offence described in paragraph 73(d); and

    • (d) being found by a professional regulatory body to have committed professional misconduct or to be incompetent, incapacitated or unfit to practise within the meaning of the statute under which the body made its finding.


Organization of the College

Fiscal Year

Marginal note:Fiscal year

 The fiscal year of the College begins on January 1 and ends on December 31 of the same calendar year.

Annual General Meeting

Marginal note:Notice of meeting

 At least 60 days before the day on which the annual general meeting is to take place, the CEO must give public notice of the meeting that sets out the date of the meeting, the means of attendance and, if applicable, the location.

Marginal note:Agenda

 The agenda for an annual general meeting must include the following items:

  • (a) the CEO’s presentation of the College’s annual report and audited financial statements;

  • (b) the Chairperson’s address to the meeting;

  • (c) questions from the licensees to the Board; and

  • (d) any additional matter that the Board adds to the agenda.

Board of Directors

Marginal note:Duties of Board

  •  (1) The Board has the following duties on behalf of the College:

    • (a) on an annual basis, appoint an independent auditor to audit the accounts of the College and approve the audited financial statements;

    • (b) monitor the College’s financial performance;

    • (c) designate any bank listed in Schedule I to the Bank Act as a bank for the College;

    • (d) ensure multi-year financial planning by approving the College’s budgets in advance of each fiscal year;

    • (e) establish and publish an investment policy and appoint an investment dealer, on the recommendation of the CEO;

    • (f) approve terms of reference and a skills matrix for committees of the College;

    • (g) in accordance with the Board’s policies, consult with any working groups that the Board establishes to assist with its duties and functions; and

    • (h) ensure that the College’s and CEO’s actions are compliant with all legal requirements.

  • Marginal note:Duties of Board — CEO

    (2) The Board has the following duties with respect to the CEO:

    • (a) provide direction to the work of the CEO by establishing performance expectations, providing regular performance reviews and undertaking succession planning;

    • (b) develop standards, principles and regulatory objectives;

    • (c) establish working groups to assist the CEO in carrying out the CEO’s work;

    • (d) monitor the performance of the CEO and of the working groups; and

    • (e) oversee the CEO’s effectiveness with respect to engagement with members and with the public.

Marginal note:Remuneration

  •  (1) The College must pay to each director the remuneration set out in Schedule 2.

  • Marginal note:Reimbursement of expenses

    (2) Every director is entitled to the reimbursement of reasonable expenses that they incur in performing their duties and functions as directors.

Marginal note:Term of office of elected directors

 The term of office of each elected director begins at the conclusion of the first annual general meeting following their election and ends on the earlier of

  • (a) the day after the third anniversary of the day on which the term began, and

  • (b) the conclusion of the fourth annual general meeting following their election.

Election of Directors

Marginal note:Election process to be published

 The Board must publish the process for the election of directors on the College’s website.

Marginal note:Distribution of elected directors

 The number of directors elected to the Board is to be divided evenly between patent agents and trademark agents.

Marginal note:Vacancies

 Each year, the CEO determines if any elected director positions will be vacant at the conclusion of the next annual general meeting. If any positions will be vacant, an election must be held before that meeting to elect the appropriate number of patent agents and trademark agents to satisfy the requirements of section 10.

Marginal note:Election Commissioner

  •  (1) The Board must, on the recommendation of the CEO, appoint an Election Commissioner to address any issues that arise concerning the election process, including to rule on

    • (a) any dispute concerning the ineligibility of a nominee; and

    • (b) any other dispute that arises during the election period or regarding the election results.

  • Marginal note:No review by Board

    (2) A ruling of the Election Commissioner is not reviewable by the Board.

Marginal note:Ineligibility criteria

 For the purposes of subparagraphs 14(f)(ii) and 17(h)(iii) of the Act, an individual is not eligible to be an elected director if

  • (a) in the five years immediately before the day of the election, they have been found to have committed professional misconduct or to be incompetent by the Discipline Committee;

  • (b) in the five years immediately before the day of the election, they have been found by a professional regulatory body to have committed professional misconduct or to be incompetent within the meaning of the statute under which the body made its finding;

  • (c) they are the subject of an action taken by the Investigations Committee under subsection 37.1(1) of the Act;

  • (d) they are the subject of an application to the Discipline Committee by the Investigations Committee under subsection 49(1) of the Act;

  • (e) they have already served as a director for a period of six years and, on the date of the election, less than two years have elapsed since the end of that period;

  • (f) they are employed by a department, as defined in section 2 of the Financial Administration Act;

  • (g) they have not provided the CEO with a declaration regarding conflicts of interest; or

  • (h) they have not attended an orientation for prospective candidates for election.

Marginal note:Conflict of interest

 An individual must not be appointed or elected or continue as a director if doing so would place them in a conflict of interest.

Marginal note:Confirmation of nominations

  •  (1) The CEO must confirm the eligibility of every nominee to become a candidate for election as a director in accordance with the criteria set out in section 14 of the Act and sections 13 and 14 of these By-laws.

  • Marginal note:Disputes about eligibility

    (2) The CEO must refer any dispute about the eligibility of a nominee to the Election Commissioner, who will make a decision regarding the nominee’s eligibility on the basis of the CEO’s reasons and a submission from the nominee.

  • Marginal note:Equal number of eligible nominees and positions

    (3) If, at the end of the nominations period, the number of eligible nominees for election is less than or equal to the number of vacant director positions, the CEO is to declare those nominees elected and notify the nominees and the members accordingly.

Marginal note:Notice of withdrawal by candidate

 A candidate who withdraws from an election must give notice to the CEO in writing.

Marginal note:Voting

  •  (1) A licensee whose licence is not suspended is eligible to vote in an election for directors.

  • Marginal note:Electronic voting

    (2) Voting during an election of directors is to be done by electronic means.

Marginal note:Disputes concerning election results

  •  (1) If a candidate asserts that there are reasonable grounds to dispute the validity of the election results, the candidate may file a notice of dispute with the Election Commissioner that must include the procedural defect being alleged.

  • Marginal note:Time limit for filing

    (2) The notice of dispute must be filed within five days after the day on which the election results are published on the College’s website.

  • Marginal note:Inquiry by Election Commissioner

    (3) The Election Commissioner must hold an inquiry if they find that the notice of dispute demonstrates reasonable grounds to doubt the validity of the election process.

  • Marginal note:Report and recommendations

    (4) The Election Commissioner must prepare a written report of their findings and recommendations and submit it to the Board.

Marginal note:Declaration by Board

  •  (1) The Board may, after reviewing the Election Commissioner’s report and recommendations, take either of the following actions:

    • (a) declare the election result to be valid; or

    • (b) declare the election result to be invalid and

      • (i) declare another candidate to have been elected, or

      • (ii) direct that another election be held.

  • Marginal note:Minor procedural defect

    (2) An election result is not invalid based solely on a minor procedural defect.

Marginal note:Removal — elected directors

  •  (1) The directors may, by resolution, remove an elected director from office for cause if

    • (a) a motion is made to remove the director and at least two-thirds of the directors in attendance at a meeting vote in favour of the removal; and

    • (b) notice of the intention to make the motion is provided to the Board and to the director at least two weeks in advance of the vote on the motion.

  • Marginal note:Removal — appointed directors

    (2) The directors may, by resolution, request that the Minister remove an appointed director from office for cause if

    • (a) a motion is made to remove the director and at least two-thirds of the directors in attendance at a meeting vote in favour of the removal; and

    • (b) notice of the intention to make the motion is provided to the Board and to the director at least two weeks in advance of the vote on the motion.

Marginal note:Ineligibility due to absences

 An elected director who, without a valid reason, is absent from two consecutive Board meetings has met the ineligibility criteria for the purpose of subparagraph 17(h)(iii) of the Act.

Board Meetings

Marginal note:Frequency of meetings

  •  (1) The Board is to meet at least four times each year. The Board sets the location of the meeting or the electronic means to be used in order to hold the meeting.

  • Marginal note:Electronic means

    (2) A Board meeting held by electronic means must be conducted by any means that permits all persons who are participating in the meeting to communicate with each other simultaneously.

Marginal note:Quorum

 The quorum for a Board meeting is five directors.

Marginal note:Rules of order

 The Board must adopt rules of order for the conduct of its meetings.

Marginal note:Notice of meeting

  •  (1) At least seven days before a Board meeting, the CEO must publish on the College’s website

    • (a) the agenda and any meeting materials that are not confidential; and

    • (b) any information that enables the public to participate in the meeting, including how to access the meeting if it is to be held by electronic means.

  • Marginal note:Failure to publish notice

    (2) Failure of the CEO to publish the notice does not invalidate the meeting.

Marginal note:Agenda

 The agenda for a Board meeting must relate only to the Board’s work.

Marginal note:Simple majority

 Subject to sections 20 and 34, a motion or resolution tabled at a Board meeting is decided by a majority vote of the directors who are in attendance at the meeting.

Marginal note:Adjournments

 The Chairperson may, with the consent of a majority of directors who are in attendance at a meeting, adjourn the meeting to a fixed time and place.

Marginal note:In camera meetings

  •  (1) The Board may exclude the public from a Board meeting to discuss any matter if the Board is of the opinion that the harm of public disclosure of the matter under consideration outweighs the benefits of open discussion and attendance by the public.

  • Marginal note:In camera meetings — exclusion of CEO

    (2) The Board may exclude the CEO from an in camera meeting

    • (a) to consider the CEO’s appointment, reappointment, dismissal, performance or terms of office; or

    • (b) to provide an opportunity for the directors to discuss matters relevant only to directors.

Marginal note:Special Board meetings — notice

  •  (1) The Chairperson, or any three directors, may call a special Board meeting to be held by electronic means by providing at least 24 hours’ written notice to the CEO.

  • Marginal note:Receipt of notice

    (2) As soon as feasible after receiving the notice, the CEO must

    • (a) advise the directors and the public of the reason for the meeting, the date and time when it will be held, and the electronic means for participating in the meeting; and

    • (b) publish on the College’s website the agenda and any meeting materials that are not confidential.

  • Marginal note:Failure to publish

    (3) Failure of the CEO to publish the notice does not invalidate the meeting.


Marginal note:Chairperson and CEO

  •  (1) The Chairperson and the CEO are the officers of the College.

  • Marginal note:CEO

    (2) The CEO serves ex officio and does not have a vote at Board meetings.

Marginal note:Duties of Chairperson

 The Chairperson has the following duties:

  • (a) carry out the College’s business;

  • (b) act as the spokesperson for the Board; and

  • (c) participate in the Board’s decision-making.

Marginal note:Election of Chairperson

  •  (1) The Board is to elect a Chairperson from among the directors, for a term of two years.

  • Marginal note:Vacancy — Chairperson

    (2) If the office of Chairperson becomes vacant before the end of the two-year term, the Board is to elect a replacement Chairperson, to hold office until the end of the original term, at which time an election to fill the position must be held.

Marginal note:Removal of Chairperson

 The directors may, by resolution, remove the Chairperson from office if

  • (a) a motion is made to remove the Chairperson and at least two-thirds of the directors in attendance at a meeting vote in favour of the removal; and

  • (b) notice of the intention to make the motion is provided to the Board and the Chairperson at least two weeks in advance of the vote on the motion.

Marginal note:Vice-chairperson

  •  (1) The Board may elect a Vice-chairperson from among the directors, on a temporary basis for a term to be specified by the Chairperson at the time of the election.

  • Marginal note:Duties of Vice-chairperson

    (2) A Vice-chairperson has the following duties:

    • (a) perform the duties of the Chairperson when the Chairperson is absent or otherwise unavailable to act; and

    • (b) carry out any other duties and responsibilities that are assigned by the Board.

Marginal note:Duties of CEO

 The CEO has the following duties:

  • (a) provide leadership, support and strategic advice to the Board to assist the Board in meeting its obligations and objectives;

  • (b) manage, coordinate and maintain the College’s operations, administration, finances and organization;

  • (c) develop operational and management policies for the College;

  • (d) counsel and assist the Board and committees in carrying out their assigned functions;

  • (e) assist the Board in complying with all relevant legislation and policies;

  • (f) administer the election process for the election of directors, including

    • (i) each year, determining whether an election is needed,

    • (ii) confirming the eligibility of nominees to become candidates for election, and

    • (iii) publishing the dates of elections on the College’s website;

  • (g) engage, direct and supervise employees and contractors of the College and develop succession plans for College staff and contracted functions;

  • (h) maintain accurate minutes of Board meetings and have them approved by the Board and maintained by the College;

  • (i) act as the spokesperson for the College;

  • (j) when the College submits its annual report to the Minister, make public the amounts paid to directors and committee members as remuneration and expense reimbursements; and

  • (k) perform all other duties and functions that are assigned by the Board.

Marginal note:Deputy CEO

  •  (1) The Board may appoint a Deputy CEO, who serves as acting CEO during the CEO’s absence.

  • Marginal note:Vacancy of both CEO and Deputy CEO

    (2) If the office of CEO becomes vacant and there is no Deputy CEO, the Board must appoint an individual to serve as acting CEO until a new CEO is appointed.


Marginal note:Duties of Registrar

 The Registrar has the following duties:

  • (a) establish regulatory policies, either on their own initiative or at the request of the Board or a committee, and publish them on the College’s website; and

  • (b) perform all other duties and functions that are assigned by the Board or under the Act, the Regulations or these By-laws.

Marginal note:Deputy Registrar

  •  (1) The Board must appoint a Deputy Registrar, who serves as acting Registrar during the Registrar’s absence.

  • Marginal note:Vacancy of both Registrar and Deputy Registrar

    (2) If the office of Registrar becomes vacant and there is no Deputy Registrar, the Board must appoint an individual to serve as acting Registrar until a new Registrar is appointed.


Marginal note:Committees created

 The following committees are created:

  • (a) the Registration Committee;

  • (b) the Governance Committee; and

  • (c) the Audit and Risk Committee.

Marginal note:Registration Committee

 The Registration Committee is created to, among other things,

  • (a) set the standards for the qualifying examinations and the evaluation of licensees; and

  • (b) review the Registrar’s licensing decisions when a request is made under section 66.

Marginal note:Governance Committee

 The Governance Committee examines governance practices, including Board practices and performance, and makes recommendations to the Board.

Marginal note:Audit and Risk Committee

 The Audit and Risk Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its fiduciary obligations or obligations of loyalty and good faith and its oversight responsibilities relating to financial planning and reporting, the audit process, the system of corporate controls and risk management and, when required, makes recommendations to the Board.

Marginal note:Remuneration of committee members

  •  (1) The College must pay to each member of a committee the remuneration set out in Schedule 2.

  • Marginal note:Reimbursement of expenses

    (2) Every committee member is entitled to reimbursement of reasonable expenses that they incur while performing their duties and functions as committee members.




Class 1 Licence

Marginal note:Application

  •  (1) An applicant for a class 1 licence must submit an application to the Registrar that contains the following information:

    • (a) their name, address, telephone number and email address;

    • (b) proof that they are resident in Canada;

    • (c) their complete professional employment history;

    • (d) proof that they successfully completed the applicable agent training program and the qualifying examinations;

    • (e) proof that, as of the effective date of the licence, they will be insured against professional liability, as required by subsection 34(1) of the Act, or proof that they are exempt from that requirement and the reason for the exemption;

    • (f) any information necessary to assist the Registrar in determining whether the applicant is of good character and fit to practise;

    • (g) a declaration that the applicant will, when licensed, practise with integrity, uphold the independence of the profession and comply with the Code; and

    • (h) any other information that the Registrar requires to determine whether the applicant meets the requirements for the licence.

  • Marginal note:Timing and application fee

    (2) The application must be submitted to the Registrar within six months after the day on which the College advises the applicant of their successful completion of the qualifying examinations and be accompanied by the fee set out in item 1 of Schedule 1, payable to the College.

  • Marginal note:Licence fee

    (3) Before the Registrar issues the licence, the licensee must pay to the College the fee set out in item 10 of Schedule 1, prorated to the number of months remaining in the year following the month in which the licence is issued.

Class 2 Licence

Marginal note:Application

  •  (1) A class 1 licensee who wishes to obtain a class 2 licence must submit an application to the Registrar that contains the following information:

    • (a) their name, address, telephone number and email address;

    • (b) their complete professional employment history;

    • (c) proof that, as of the effective date of the licence, they will be insured against professional liability, as required by subsection 34(1) of the Act, or proof that they are exempt from that requirement and the reason for the exemption; and

    • (d) confirmation of the following:

      • (i) that they have completed all client matters or made arrangements to the satisfaction of their clients to have the clients’ files returned to them or transferred to one or more licensees whose class of licence permits them to proceed with the file or files being transferred,

      • (ii) that they have assigned any matters in progress at CIPO to one or more licensees described in subparagraph (i) and advised the appropriate Office of CIPO in writing of the name of the successor licensee or licensees, and

      • (iii) the location of any of their files that are not returned to the clients or transferred as described in subparagraph (i).

  • Marginal note:Application fee

    (2) The application must be accompanied by the fee set out in item 2 of Schedule 1, payable to the College.

  • Marginal note:Verification of information

    (3) The Registrar may seek independent verification from a successor licensee of the information submitted by a licensee under subparagraph (1)(d)(ii).

  • Marginal note:Licence fee

    (4) Before the Registrar issues the licence, the licensee must pay to the College the fee set out in item 12 of Schedule 1, prorated to the number of months remaining in the year following the month in which the licence is issued.

Marginal note:Restriction on class 2 licences

 A class 2 licensee is not entitled to represent persons in the presentation and prosecution of applications for patents or for the registration of trademarks or in other business before CIPO.

Class 3 Licence

Marginal note:Application

  •  (1) An applicant for a class 3 licence must submit an application to the Registrar that contains the following information:

    • (a) their name, address, telephone number and email address;

    • (b) proof that they are resident in Canada;

    • (c) their complete professional employment history;

    • (d) proof that, as of the effective date of the licence, they will be insured against professional liability, as required by subsection 34(1) of the Act, or proof that they are exempt from that requirement and the reason for the exemption;

    • (e) a criminal record check;

    • (f) records of any disciplinary sanction by an employer, academic institution, professional regulatory body, or any other body or association of which the applicant is or was a member;

    • (g) records of any bankruptcy or insolvency;

    • (h) a declaration that the applicant

      • (i) has not been served with an application for bankruptcy, made an assignment of property for the benefit of creditors or presented a proposal in bankruptcy to creditors under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act,

      • (ii) has not had a judgment entered against them by a court,

      • (iii) is not personally subject to an order for costs,

      • (iv) has not been charged with, pleaded guilty to or been found guilty of any offence under the Criminal Code, the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, the Income Tax Act, the Excise Tax Act, a provincial act respecting securities, employment standards or official languages or any other provincial act that creates an offence that implicates an individual’s integrity, and

      • (v) has not had their professional licence restricted or suspended by a professional regulatory body, or been found by a professional regulatory body to have committed professional misconduct or to be incompetent within the meaning of the statute under which the body would make its finding;

    • (i) a list of any degrees, diplomas and certificates that they have been awarded in or outside Canada and the names of the educational institutions that awarded them;

    • (j) the name of every professional regulatory body under which the applicant is licensed to practise in or outside Canada;

    • (k) evidence that the applicant is proficient in one or both of the official languages;

    • (l) a specimen signature, a current photograph and any other information necessary to confirm their identity;

    • (m) a copy of a training agreement executed by the applicant and their supervisor; and

    • (n) any other information that the Registrar requires to determine whether the applicant meets the requirements for the licence.

  • Marginal note:Application fee

    (2) The application must be accompanied by the fee set out in item 3 of Schedule 1, payable to the College.

  • Marginal note:Licence fee

    (3) Before the Registrar issues the licence, the licensee must pay to the College the fee set out in item 14 of Schedule 1, prorated to the number of months remaining in the year following the month in which the licence is issued.

Marginal note:Conditions on licence

 The following conditions apply to a class 3 licence:

  • (a) the licensee must comply with the terms of the training agreement; and

  • (b) the licensee must not, without the supervision of a class 1 licensee and without a training agreement in effect, represent any person in the presentation or prosecution of an application for a patent or for the registration of a trademark or in any other business before CIPO.

Class 4 Licence

Marginal note:Application

  •  (1) A class 1 licensee or class 2 licensee who wishes to obtain a class 4 licence must submit an application to the Registrar that contains the following information:

    • (a) their name, address, telephone number and email address;

    • (b) their complete professional employment history;

    • (c) a declaration that they are not practising as a patent agent or trademark agent; and

    • (d) confirmation of the following:

      • (i) that they have completed all client matters or made arrangements to the satisfaction of their clients to have the clients’ files returned to them or transferred to one or more licensees whose class of licence permits them to proceed with the file or files being transferred,

      • (ii) that they have assigned to one or more licensees described in subparagraph (i) any matters in progress at CIPO and advised the appropriate Office of CIPO in writing of the name of the successor licensee or licensees, and

      • (iii) the location of any of their files that are not returned to the clients or transferred as described in subparagraph (i).

  • Marginal note:Application fee

    (2) The application must be accompanied by the fee set out in item 4 of Schedule 1, payable to the College.

  • Marginal note:Verification of information

    (3) The Registrar may seek independent verification from a successor licensee of the information submitted by a licensee under subparagraph (1)(d)(ii).

  • Marginal note:Licence fee

    (4) Before the Registrar issues the licence, the licensee must pay to the College the fee set out in item 16 of Schedule 1, prorated to the number of months remaining in the year following the month in which the licence is issued.

Change of Class of Licence

Marginal note:Application

  •  (1) Subject to sections 46 and 50, a class 1 licensee, class 2 licensee or class 4 licensee who wishes to change the class of their licence must submit an application to the Registrar that contains the following information:

    • (a) their name, address, telephone number and email address;

    • (b) the class of licence for which they are applying;

    • (c) their complete professional employment history;

    • (d) in the case of a change to a class 1 licence or class 2 licence, proof that, as of the effective date of the new licence, they will be insured against professional liability, as required by subsection 34(1) of the Act, or proof of exemption from that requirement and the reason for the exemption; and

    • (e) proof that they have complied with any continuing professional development requirements of the new class of licence.

  • Marginal note:Return to practice after three years

    (2) A class 4 licensee who has held a class 4 licence for three years or more and who wishes to obtain either a class 1 licence or class 2 licence must submit an application to the Registrar that contains, in addition to the information required under subsection (1), the following information:

    • (a) any information necessary to assist the Registrar in determining whether the applicant is of good character and fit to practise;

    • (b) a declaration that the applicant will practise with integrity, uphold the independence of their profession and comply with the Code;

    • (c) proof that the applicant has completed any remedial training or examinations specified by the Registrar; and

    • (d) any other information that the Registrar requires to determine whether the applicant meets the requirements of the new class of licence.

  • Marginal note:Application fee

    (3) The application must be accompanied by the applicable fee set out in items 5 to 7 of Schedule 1, payable to the College.

Qualifying Examinations

Marginal note:Process

 The Registrar must publish on the College’s website information about the qualifying examinations that includes

  • (a) the dates of the examinations;

  • (b) the registration process;

  • (c) the examination fee set out in item 8 of Schedule 1;

  • (d) the process for administering examinations;

  • (e) the method of communication of the examination results; and

  • (f) a statement that it is possible to request a re-marking of the examination.

Marginal note:Examination advisory group

 The Registrar may appoint an advisory group composed of any combination of class 1 licensees, class 2 licensees and representatives of CIPO to assist the Registrar in preparing, administering and marking the qualifying examinations.

Marginal note:Training program

 A class 3 licensee may write the qualifying examinations after they have completed a training program approved by the Registrar.

Marginal note:Qualifying examinations

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), a class 3 licensee must write the qualifying examinations at the first sitting of the examinations that follows the completion of their training program.

  • Marginal note:Request for delayed examinations

    (2) If a licensee is not able to write the examinations as required by subsection (1) for a reason beyond their control, the Registrar may, on request of the licensee, allow the licensee to write the examinations at the next following sitting.

  • Marginal note:Examination fees

    (3) The licensee must pay to the College the examination fee set out in item 8 of Schedule 1 to write the qualifying examinations or any part of the examinations.

Marginal note:Re-marking examinations

  •  (1) A licensee who receives less than a passing mark on the qualifying examinations may, on payment to the College of the fee set out in item 9 of Schedule 1, request that their examinations or any part of their examinations be re-marked.

  • Marginal note:Non-application

    (2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the re-marking will not materially affect the outcome and result in a passing mark.

  • Marginal note:Reimbursement of fee

    (3) If the re-marking of a licensee’s examinations results in their receiving a passing mark, the fee for re-marking paid under subsection (1) must be reimbursed to the licensee.

  • Marginal note:No review

    (4) Re-marking results are not reviewable by the Registration Committee under section 66.

Marginal note:Failure in examinations

  •  (1) A licensee who does not initially receive a passing mark on the qualifying examinations may write them only one additional time, and must do so at the first sitting of the examinations that takes place after they receive their examination results or the results of any re-marking under subsection 56(1).

  • Marginal note:Request for delayed examinations

    (2) If a licensee is not able to write the examinations as required by subsection (1) for a reason beyond their control, the Registrar may, on request of the licensee, allow the licensee to write the examinations at the next following sitting.

Marginal note:Undertaking

 A licensee referred to in subsection 57(1) must give an undertaking in writing to the Registrar that they agree not to practise until they have entered into a new training agreement with the same or another supervisor.

Marginal note:Remedial training

  •  (1) If a class 3 licensee does not receive a passing mark on the qualifying examinations within two years after the day on which they complete the training program, they must provide the Registrar with a remedial training and education plan prepared in conjunction with their supervisor or, if they have no supervisor, in accordance with any conditions that the Registrar may impose on their licence.

  • Marginal note:Re-examination

    (2) On completion of the remedial training and education plan, the licensee may, despite subsection 57(1), request to rewrite the qualifying examinations or any part of the examinations, on payment to the College of the fee set out in item 8 of Schedule 1.

Marginal note:Waiver or modification of requirements

 If an applicant for a licence or a licensee is unable to meet any requirement for licensing or training for reasons beyond their control, the Registrar may waive or modify that requirement on request by the applicant or licensee.

Marginal note:Registrar may impose conditions

 The Registrar may impose either or both of the following conditions on a licence at the time of its issuance or reinstatement if it is in the public interest to do so:

  • (a) that the licensee complete any remedial training and examinations specified by the Registrar; and

  • (b) that the licensee work under the supervision of or in conjunction with a class 1 licensee approved by the Registrar, for a specified period.

Marginal note:Effective date

 The Registrar must set the effective date of a licence when it is issued or reinstated.

Marginal note:Accommodation for applicants or licensees

 The Registrar must reasonably accommodate an applicant for a licence or a licensee if they provide the Registrar with satisfactory information that demonstrates the need for an accommodation in order to provide a fair opportunity for the applicant or licensee to successfully complete any of the applicable training, qualifying examinations or other licensing requirements.


Marginal note:Eligibility

  •  (1) The following individuals are eligible to act as the supervisor of a class 3 licensee:

    • (a) a class 1 licensee;

    • (b) subject to subsection (3), a class 2 licensee;

    • (c) a representative of CIPO.

  • Marginal note:Authorization

    (2) The Registrar must authorize an eligible individual set out in subsection (1) to act as the supervisor of a class 3 licensee if they apply to the Registrar and

    • (a) have completed the supervisor training program;

    • (b) demonstrate in their application how they will provide training that focuses on ethical and competent practices;

    • (c) are not the subject of an investigation under section 37 of the Act;

    • (d) are not the subject of an application to the Discipline Committee by the Investigations Committee under subsection 49(1) of the Act; and

    • (e) do not have a suspended licence.

  • Marginal note:Additional requirement — class 2 licensees

    (3) In addition to meeting the requirements of subsection (2), a class 2 licensee must provide the Registrar with a training plan that demonstrates how the class 3 licensee under their supervision will receive training in the areas in which the class 2 licensee’s practice is restricted under section 47.

  • Marginal note:Remedial supervisor training

    (4) A supervisor must retake any part or all of the supervisor training program, as specified by the Registrar, if there are reasonable grounds to believe that the supervisor requires remedial training in some or all aspects of being a supervisor.

Marginal note:Revocation of authorization

 The Registrar must revoke a supervisor’s authorization if

  • (a) the supervisor no longer meets any of the criteria set out in paragraphs 64(2)(b) to (e);

  • (b) the supervisor does not comply with subsection 64(4) when required; or

  • (c) the supervisor’s licence is suspended or revoked.

Review of Registrar’s Decisions with Respect to Licensing

Marginal note:Registrar’s decisions reviewable

 An applicant for a licence or a licensee may request that the Registration Committee review any licensing decision of the Registrar with respect to their application or licence, as applicable.

Marginal note:Registration Committee

  •  (1) On receipt of a request made under section 66, the Registration Committee must consider the request and

    • (a) affirm or vary the Registrar’s decision or dismiss the request; or

    • (b) hold a hearing on the merits of the request and, at the conclusion of the hearing, affirm or vary the Registrar’s decision or dismiss the request.

  • Marginal note:Additional information

    (2) The Registration Committee may request that the Registrar obtain additional information from the applicant or licensee and provide it to the Committee, at any time during the Committee’s consideration of the request, including during any hearing of the request.

  • Marginal note:Written reasons

    (3) The Registration Committee must provide reasons to the applicant or licensee in writing for each action it takes under subsection (1).

  • Marginal note:When Registrar’s decision varied

    (4) If the Registration Committee varies the Registrar’s decision, the Registrar must give effect to the varied decision without delay and notify the applicant or licensee and, if applicable, their supervisor.

  • Marginal note:Decision final

    (5) The Registration Committee’s decision is final and not reviewable by the Board.


Obligations of Licensees


Marginal note:Requirements

 A licensee must meet the following requirements in order to maintain the validity of their licence:

  • (a) have the necessary skills and competencies to practise the profession; and

  • (b) be of good character and remain fit to practise.

Marginal note:Professional liability insurance

  •  (1) The professional liability insurance required by subsection 34(1) of the Act must meet the following requirements:

    • (a) be issued by a company licensed in Canada;

    • (b) cover claims made in and outside Canada;

    • (c) indemnify the licensee for any civil liability that arises from their acting as either a patent agent or a trademark agent; and

    • (d) have coverage limits of no less than $1 million per claim and $2 million aggregate per year.

  • Marginal note:Exemptions

    (2) The following licensees are exempt from the requirement in subsection 34(1) of the Act to be insured against professional liability:

    • (a) a class 3 licensee who has neither a supervisor nor a training agreement in effect and who has given an undertaking under section 58;

    • (b) a class 4 licensee;

    • (c) any licensee who is employed by an employer that carries on business in Canada and who provides patent agent or trademark agent services solely to their employer and not to the public.

    • (d) [Repealed, SOR/2023-73, s. 90]

Marginal note:Annual requirements

 On or before March 31 of each year, every licensee must

  • (a) pay to the College the applicable fee set out in items 10 to 16 of Schedule 1;

  • (b) except for a class 4 licensee, file the annual licensee report with the Registrar;

  • (c) if they are a class 3 licensee, provide the Registrar with the name of their supervisor; and

  • (d) if they are a class 4 licensee, provide the Registrar with their contact information and a declaration that they

    • (i) continue to be resident in Canada,

    • (ii) have complied with the requirements of section 73, and

    • (iii) are not practising as a patent agent or trademark agent.

Marginal note:Annual report

 The annual licensee report must contain all the following information in respect of the licensee:

  • (a) confirmation of the mailing and civic addresses of each location of their business or practice, their email address and telephone number, and, if applicable, the name of their firm;

  • (b) the areas of their practice and the approximate percentage by time or billings associated with each area;

  • (c) the name of any professional regulatory body under which they are licensed;

  • (d) confirmation of their professional liability insurance and the name of the insurer, or confirmation that they are exempt from the requirement to be so insured and the reason for the exemption;

  • (e) the official language or languages in which they are able to practise as a patent agent or trademark agent;

  • (f) their continuing professional development plan for the next year and a declaration that they have completed the previous year’s plan;

  • (g) a declaration that they continue to be resident in Canada;

  • (h) a declaration that they have complied with the requirements of section 73; and

  • (i) any other information or documents that the Registrar determines are necessary to carry on the activities of the College.

Marginal note:Extension of deadlines

 The Registrar may, having regard to the specific circumstances of the licensee, extend the deadline for payment of the licence renewal fees by a licensee and for filing the annual licensee report.

Marginal note:Licensees to advise Registrar

 A licensee must advise the Registrar in writing as soon as feasible after the occurrence of any of the following:

  • (a) they are served with an application for bankruptcy, make an assignment of property for the benefit of creditors or present a proposal in bankruptcy to creditors under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act;

  • (b) they have a judgment entered against them by a court;

  • (c) they are personally subject to an order for costs;

  • (d) they are charged with, plead guilty to or are found guilty of any offence under the Criminal Code, the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, the Income Tax Act, the Excise Tax Act, a provincial act respecting securities, employment standards or official languages or any other provincial act that creates an offence that implicates an individual’s integrity; or

  • (e) they have their professional licence restricted or suspended by a professional regulatory body, or are found by a professional regulatory body to have committed professional misconduct or to be incompetent within the meaning of the statute under which the body made its finding.

Licence Suspension

Marginal note:Notice of suspension

 The Registrar must give the notice under subsection 35(2) of the Act to the licensee at least seven days before the licence suspension is to take effect and must include in the notice the reasons for the suspension.

Marginal note:Lifting of suspension

  •  (1) The Registrar must reinstate a licence suspended under section 35 of the Act if the licensee, within three years after the date of the suspension, corrects the failure that resulted in the suspension and pays to the College the reinstatement fee set out in item 17 of Schedule 1, together with any outstanding fees owed by the licensee.

  • Marginal note:Lifting of suspension after three years

    (2) The Registrar must reinstate a licence that has been suspended under section 35 of the Act for more than three years if the Registrar determines that the licensee is of good character, is fit to practise and has

    • (a) corrected the failure that resulted in the suspension;

    • (b) completed any continuing professional development requirements that the Registrar may specify;

    • (c) completed any further training and examinations that the Registrar may specify to address the failure that resulted in the suspension; and

    • (d) paid to the College the fee set out in item 17 of Schedule 1, together with any outstanding fees owed by the licensee.


Marginal note:Revocation after five-year suspension — notice

 For the purpose of subsection 35(4) of the Act, the Registrar may revoke a licence that has been suspended for at least five years by giving notice to the licensee at their last known email address at least 30 days before the day on which the revocation is to take effect.

Surrender of Licence

Marginal note:Application to surrender — requirements

  •  (1) A licensee who wishes to surrender their licence under section 36 of the Act must submit an application to the Registrar that contains the following information:

    • (a) their current and, if available, future contact information;

    • (b) the reason for the surrender of the licence;

    • (c) their complete professional employment history;

    • (d) confirmation of the following:

      • (i) that they have completed all client matters or made arrangements to the satisfaction of their clients to have the clients’ files returned to them or transferred to one or more licensees whose class of licence permits them to proceed with the file or files being transferred,

      • (ii) that they have assigned to one or more licensees described in subparagraph (i) any matters in progress at CIPO and have advised the appropriate Office of CIPO in writing of the name of the successor licensee or licensees, and

      • (iii) the location of any of their files that are not returned to the clients or transferred as described in subparagraph (i); and

    • (e) the applicable fees set out in items 18 and 19 of Schedule 1, together with any outstanding fees owed by the licensee, payable to the College.

  • Marginal note:Verification of information

    (2) The Registrar may seek independent verification from a successor licensee of the information provided by a licensee under subparagraph (1)(d)(ii).

Marginal note:Surrender — approval and effective date

 The Registrar may approve the surrender of a licence and set the effective date of the surrender if the Registrar is satisfied that the application to surrender the licence is complete and that the licensee is not the subject of

  • (a) an investigation under section 37 of the Act; or

  • (b) an application by the Investigations Committee under subsection 49(1) of the Act.

Marginal note:Deemed surrender

 A licence is deemed to have been surrendered on the appointment of the licensee to the judiciary or on the death of the licensee.


Registers and Certificates

Marginal note:Removal of personal information by Registrar

 The Registrar must not make public in the Registers any of a licensee’s personal information, as defined in section 3 of the Privacy Act, that was added in accordance with section 28 or 31 of the Act.

Marginal note:Registrar’s certificate

 On the request of a licensee and on payment to the College of the fee set out in item 20 of Schedule 1, the Registrar must produce a certificate that sets out the information in respect of the licensee that is contained in the Register.

Marginal note:Foreign practitioners — requirements

  •  (1) A foreign practitioner who makes a request under paragraph 19(1)(b) or 20(1)(b) of the Regulations must pay to the College the fee set out in item 21 of Schedule 1.

  • Marginal note:Foreign practitioners — continued inclusion in Register

    (2) In order to continue to be included in the Register, a foreign practitioner must provide the statement required by subsection 19(2) or 20(2) of the Regulations each year during the period beginning on May 1 and ending on June 30.

  • Marginal note:Additional requirements

    (3) The statement must be accompanied by

    • (a) proof, furnished by the relevant competent authority in the foreign practitioner’s country of residence, that they are authorized to act as a patent agent or as a trademark agent in that country; and

    • (b) the fee set out in item 22 of Schedule 1, payable to the College.

  • Marginal note:Extension of deadlines

    (4) The Registrar may, having regard to the specific circumstances of a foreign practitioner, extend the deadline for payment of the fee referred to in paragraph (3)(b).

Marginal note:Change of status

 A foreign practitioner must notify the Registrar in writing without delay of the occurrence of any of the following:

  • (a) they become a resident of Canada;

  • (b) their country of residence changes, in which case they must provide the name of their new country of residence;

  • (c) the country where they are authorized as a patent agent or trademark agent changes, in which case they must provide proof of the new authorization, furnished by the relevant competent authority; or

  • (d) they cease to be authorized to act as a patent agent or trademark agent in any country.

Marginal note:Removal from Registers

 The Registrar must remove from the Registers the name and contact information of any individual who no longer meets the requirements set out in paragraph 19(1)(a) or 20(1)(a) or subsection 19(2) or 20(2) of the Regulations.



Marginal note:Investigation

 The Registrar must not dismiss a complaint when there are reasonable grounds to believe that the licensee who is the subject of the complaint has committed professional misconduct or was incompetent.

Marginal note:Request for appeal

 A complainant’s request under subsection 38.1(4) of the Act for an appeal of the Registrar’s decision must be made in writing.

Marginal note:Licensee’s application for review of provisional action

  •  (1) An application to the Discipline Committee under subsection 37.2(1) of the Act must be submitted to the Registrar and include a copy of the decision of the Investigations Committee made under subsection 37.1(1) of the Act and a description of the reasons for the appeal.

  • Marginal note:Registrar to forward application

    (2) The Registrar must forward the application for review to the Discipline Committee together with a copy of the decision to be reviewed.

  • Marginal note:Supplementary information

    (3) The Discipline Committee may request

    • (a) that the licensee provide it with any additional information the Committee considers necessary to make its decision under subsection 37.2(2) of the Act; and

    • (b) that the Investigations Committee provide it with any of the information and documents that the Investigations Committee considered in making its decision under subsection 37.1(1) of the Act.

Marginal note:Notice of investigation

 The notice under section 38 of the Act must

  • (a) be made in writing;

  • (b) request that the licensee provide any further representations in writing within 30 days after the day of the notice; and

  • (c) inform the licensee that there is to be no oral hearing in connection with the complaint.



Marginal note:Annual adjustment

 Every fee set out in Schedule 1 is to be adjusted in each fiscal year on January 1 by the percentage change in the October All-items Consumer Price Index for Canada — as published by Statistics Canada under the Statistics Act — between the month of October in the preceding year and the month of October in the year before that year, and rounded to the next highest dollar.


Amendment to These By-laws, Repeals and Coming into Force



Coming into Force

Marginal note:May 1, 2023

  •  (1) These By-laws, other than section 90, come into force on May 1, 2023.

  • Marginal note:January 1, 2024

    (2) Section 90 comes into force on January 1, 2024.

SCHEDULE 1(Subsections 45(2) and (3), 46(2) and (4), 48(2) and (3), 50(2) and (4) and 51(3), paragraph 52(c), subsections 55(3), 56(1) and 59(2), paragraph 70(a), subsection 75(1), paragraphs 75(2)(d) and 77(1)(e), section 81, subsection 82(1), paragraph 82(3)(b) and section 89)


ItemDescriptionFee ($)
1Application for a class 1 licence250
2Application for a class 2 licence150
3Application for a class 3 licence250
4Application for a class 4 licence150
5Change from a class 2 licence to a class 1 licence150
6Change from a class 4 licence to a class 1 licence or class 2 licence, less than three years150
7Change from a class 4 licence to a class 1 licence or a class 2 licence, three years or more250
8Register to write the qualifying examinations or any part of the examinations350
9Request to re-mark failed qualifying examinations, per part of the examinations500
10Issuance or renewal of a class 1 licence1,800
11Renewal of a class 1 licence for a licensee who is both a patent agent and a trademark agent2,700
12Issuance or renewal of a class 2 licence1,500
13Renewal of a class 2 licence for a licensee who is both a patent agent and a trademark agent2,250
14Issuance and first and second renewals of a class 3 licence150
15Renewal of a class 3 licence, third and subsequent renewals200
16Issuance or renewal of a class 4 licence100
17Reinstatement of a suspended licence250
18Application to surrender a class 1 licence or a class 2 licence250
19Application to surrender a class 3 licence or a class 4 licence100
20Issuance of a Registrar’s certificate100
21Foreign practitioner — initial inclusion in the Register250
22Foreign practitioner — maintain name in the Register for one year180

SCHEDULE 2(Subsections 7(1) and 44(1))

Remuneration of Officers, Directors and Committee Members

ItemDescriptionAmount ($)
1Annual remuneration, Chairperson20,000
2Annual remuneration, director5,000
3Monthly remuneration, Vice-chairperson1,250
4Allowance for attendance at a Board meeting, Chairperson — less than four hours525
5Allowance for attendance at a Board meeting, Chairperson — four hours or more1,050
6Allowance for attendance at a Board meeting, Vice-chairperson — less than four hours450
7Allowance for attendance at a Board meeting, Vice-chairperson — four hours or more900
8Allowance for attendance at a Board meeting, director — less than two hours150
9Allowance for attendance at a Board meeting, director — two hours or more but less than four hours350
10Allowance for attendance at a Board meeting, director — four hours or more700
11Allowance for attendance at a committee meeting, committee chairperson — less than four hours525
12Allowance for attendance at a committee meeting, committee chairperson — four hours or more1,050
13Allowance for attendance at a committee meeting, committee member — less than two hours150
14Allowance for attendance at a committee meeting, committee member — two hours or more but less than four hours350
15Allowance for attendance at a committee meeting, committee member — four hours or more700
16Allowance for preparation time by a non-director committee member for a committee meeting, excluding Discipline Committee hearings, of less than two hours150
17Allowance for preparation time by a non-director committee member for a committee meeting, excluding Discipline Committee hearings, of two hours or more but less than four hours350
18Allowance for preparation time by a non-director committee member for a committee meeting, excluding Discipline Committee hearings, of four hours or more700
19Travel allowance to attend a Board meeting or committee meeting — less than four hours of travel time175
20Travel allowance to attend a Board meeting or committee meeting — four hours or more of travel time350
21Allowance for attendance at a Discipline Committee hearing, first and second days — less than four hours350
22Allowance for attendance at a Discipline Committee hearing, first and second days — four hours or more700
23Allowance for attendance at a Discipline Committee hearing, third and subsequent days — less than four hours500
24Allowance for attendance at a Discipline Committee hearing, third and subsequent days — four hours or more1,000

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