Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Version of document from 2018-10-19 to 2018-12-10:

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Information Production Order



Registration 2018-10-19

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Information Production Order

The Minister of the Environment, pursuant to subsections 197(2) and (3) of the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing ActFootnote a, makes the annexed Greenhouse Gas Emissions Information Production Order.

Gatineau, October 17, 2018

La ministre de l’Environnement,
blank line
Catherine McKenna
Minister of the Environment


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Definitions

  •  (1) The following definitions apply in this Order.


    Act means the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act. (Loi)

    authorized official

    authorized official means

    • (a) in respect of a person responsible for a regulated facility who is an individual, that individual or another individual who is authorized to act on their behalf;

    • (b) in respect of a person responsible for a regulated facility that is a corporation, an officer of the corporation who is authorized to act on its behalf; and

    • (c) in respect of a person responsible for a regulated facility that is another entity, an individual who is authorized to act on its behalf. (agent autorisé)


    biomass means plants or plant materials, animal waste or any product made of either of these, including wood and wood products, bio-charcoal, agricultural residues, biologically derived organic matter in municipal and industrial wastes, landfill gas, bio-alcohols, pulping liquor, sludge digestion gas and fuel from animal or plant origin. (biomasse)

    Directive 017

    Directive 017 means the directive entitled Directive 017: Measurement Requirements for Oil and Gas Operations, published by Alberta Energy Regulator on March 31, 2016. (Directive 017)

    Directive PNG017

    Directive PNG017 means the directive entitled Directive PNG017: Measurement Requirements for Oil and Gas Operations, published by Government of Saskatchewan on August 1, 2017. (Directive 017)


    facility means

    • (a) all of the following, that are operated in an integrated way to carry out an industrial activity, and are owned or operated by the same person or that have at least one owner or operator in common when there is more than one owner or operator:

      • (i) a site, or multiple sites, at which an industrial activity is carried out, and the buildings, equipment, and other structures and stationary items located on those sites, and

      • (ii) any other sites used in conjunction with the industrial activity, including a quarry, tailings pond, wastewater lagoon or pond and landfill; or

    • (b) the portion of a natural gas transmission pipeline system within a province, used to transmit processed natural gas, of which the pipelines and associated installations or equipment – including compressor stations, storage installations and compressors – are owned or operated by the same person or have at least one owner or operator in common when there is more than one owner or operator, but excludes pipelines, installations or equipment that are used in the local distribution of natural gas, downstream of a metering station. (installation)

    flaring emissions

    flaring emissions means controlled emissions of gases from industrial activities as a result of the combustion of a gas or liquid stream produced at a facility, the purpose of which is not to produce useful heat. It does not include emissions from the flaring of landfill gas. (émissions de torchage)

    gaseous fuel

    gaseous fuel means a fossil fuel that is gaseous at a temperature of 15°C and an absolute pressure of 101.325kPa. (combustible gazeux)


    GHG means greenhouse gas. (English version only)


    GHGRP means the guidelines entitled Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program, Canada’s Greenhouse Gas Quantification Requirements, published by the Department of the Environment in 2017. (Méthode de ECCC)

    global warming potential

    global warming potential or GWP means the global warming potential set out in column 2 of Schedule 3 to the Act for the greenhouse gas set out in column 1 of that Schedule. (PRP ou potentiel de réchauffement planétaire)


    HFC means the hydrofluorocarbons referred to in items 6 to 24 of Schedule 3 to the Act. (HFC)

    industrial process emissions

    industrial process emissions means emissions from an industrial process that involves a chemical or physical reaction other than combustion and the purpose of which is not to produce useful heat. (émissions liées aux procédés industriels)

    industrial product use emissions

    industrial product use emissions means emissions from the use of a product in an industrial process that does not involve a chemical or physical reaction and does not react in the process, including emissions from the use of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), HFCs and PFCs as cover gases and the use of HFCs and PFCs in a foam-blowing process. (émissions associées à l’utilisation de produits industriels)

    IPCC Guidelines

    IPCC Guidelines means the guidelines entitled 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, published by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies in 2006. (Lignes directrices du GIEC)

    ISO Standard 14064-3:2006

    ISO Standard 14064-3:2006 means the standard ISO 14064-3:2006 entitled Greenhouse gases — Part 3: Specification with guidance for the validation and verification of greenhouse gas assertions, published by the International Organization for Standardization. (Norme ISO 14064-3:2006)

    ISO Standard 14065:2013

    ISO Standard 14065:2013 means the standard ISO 14065:2013 entitled Greenhouse gases — Requirements for greenhouse gas validation and verification bodies for use in accreditation or other forms of recognition, published by the International Organization for Standardization. (Norme ISO 14065:2013)

    leakage emissions

    leakage emissions means uncontrolled emissions. It does not include industrial process emissions and industrial product use emissions. (émissions dues aux fuites)

    liquid fuel

    liquid fuel means a fossil fuel that is liquid at a temperature of 15°C and an absolute pressure of 101.325kPa. (combustible liquide)

    on-site transportation emissions

    on-site transportation emissions means emissions from registered or unregistered vehicles and other machinery used at the facility for the transport of substances, materials, equipment or products that are used in a production process or for the transport of people. (émissions liées au transport sur le site)


    operator means a person who has the charge, management or control of a facility. (exploitant)


    PFC means the perfluorocarbons referred to in items 25 to 33 of Schedule 3 to the Act. (PFC)

    regulated facility

    regulated facility means a facility referred to in subsection 4(1). (installation réglementée)

    solid fuel

    solid fuel means a fossil fuel that is solid at a temperature of 15°C and an absolute pressure of 101.325kPa. (combustible solide)

    specified emission types

    specified emission types means the types listed in subsection 4(3). (types d’émissions visés)

    stationary fuel combustion emissions

    stationary fuel combustion emissions means emissions from stationary devices that combust solid fuels, liquid fuels, gaseous fuels, or tires or asphalt shingles, whether in whole or in part, for the purpose of producing useful heat. (émissions de combustion stationnaire de combustible)

    venting emissions

    venting emissions means controlled emissions that occur due to the design of a facility, to procedures used in the manufacture or processing of a substance or product or to pressure exceeding the capacity of the equipment at the facility. (émissions d’évacuation)

    waste emissions

    waste emissions means emissions that result from waste disposal activities at a facility, including the landfilling of solid waste, the biological treatment or incineration of waste and the flaring of landfill gas. It does not include emissions from the combustion of tires or asphalt shingles, whether in whole or in part, to produce useful heat or on-site transportation emissions. (émissions des déchets)

    wastewater emissions

    wastewater emissions means emissions resulting from industrial wastewater and industrial wastewater treatment at a facility. (émissions des eaux usées)

    WCI Method

    WCI Method means the method entitled Final Essential Requirements of Mandatory Reporting, published on December 17, 2010 by the Western Climate Initiative. (Méthode de la WCI)

  • Marginal note:Interpretation — Facility

    (2) With respect to a facility

    • (a) any part of a public road or of a railway track that is bordered on both sides by the facility and used to carry out the facility’s industrial activities is deemed to be part of the facility;

    • (b) for greater certainty, any part of a railway track that is used exclusively to carry out the facility’s industrial activities is part of the facility;

    • (c) for greater certainty, buildings that are used for legal, administrative or management purposes and that are not located where an industrial activity is carried out are not included for the purposes of the definition of facility; and

    • (d) if two or more of the portions of a natural gas transmission pipeline system within a province , are owned or operated by the same person or have at least one owner in common but are not contiguous, each of those portions constitute a separate facility.

  • Marginal note:Incorporation by reference

    (3) A reference to a standard or method that is incorporated by reference into this Order, except ISO Standard 14065:2013, ISO Standard 14064-3:2006 and GHGRP, is incorporated as amended from time to time.

PART 1General


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Purpose

 This Order establishes a requirement for a person responsible for a regulated facility to quantify the GHGs emitted from that facility, to quantify production amounts and to produce reports.


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Parts 1 and 21

  •  (1) Part 1 sets out general provisions for regulated facilities, including requirements for the person responsible for those facilities to quantify the GHGs emitted, to comply with the sampling, analysis and measurement requirements and to quantify production in compliance with Parts 2 to 20. It also sets out the requirement to make and keep records and to produce a verified annual report. Part 21 sets out the day on which this Order comes into force.

  • Marginal note:Parts 2 to 20

    (2) Each of Parts 2 to 20 applies to regulated facilities engaged in the industrial activity that is covered by that Part and sets out specific requirements for how to quantify the GHGs emitted, to comply with the sampling, analysis and measurement requirements and to quantify production.


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Regulated facilities

  •  (1) This Order applies to the person that is responsible for a facility that meets the criteria set out in section 2 of the Notice Establishing Criteria Respecting Facilities and Persons and Publishing Measures or in respect of which a covered facility certificate has been issued by the Minister under section 171 of the Act.

  • Marginal note:Greenhouse gases

    (2) The GHGs that must be quantified under this Order are the GHGs listed in Schedule 3 to the Act.

  • Marginal note:Specified emission types

    (3) The following emission types are those for which the GHGs must be quantified:

    • (a) stationary fuel combustion emissions;

    • (b) industrial process emissions;

    • (c) industrial product use emissions;

    • (d) venting emissions;

    • (e) flaring emissions;

    • (f) leakage emissions;

    • (g) on-site transportation emissions;

    • (h) waste emissions; and

    • (i) wastewater emissions.

Person Responsible

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Owner or operator

 For the purpose of this Order, the person that is responsible for a regulated facility is the owner or operator of that facility.

Quantification Requirements


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Regulated facilities referred to in Parts 2 to 7 or 9 to 20

  •  (1) The person responsible for a regulated facility whose industrial activity is referred to in any of Parts 2 to 7 or 9 to 20 must

    • (a) quantify the GHGs emitted by the regulated facility, in a calendar year, for the specified emission types in accordance with the requirements set out in the Part that is applicable to the facility based on the industrial activity of the regulated facility; and

    • (b) comply with the sampling, analysis and measurement requirements for the GHGs and specified emission types, set out in the Part that is applicable to the facility based on the industrial activity of the regulated facility.

  • Marginal note:Missing data

    (2) For the purpose of subsection (1), if, for any reason beyond the control of the person responsible for a regulated facility, the data required to quantify the GHG emissions are missing for a given period in a calendar year, replacement data for the given period must be calculated in accordance with the methods set out in the Part that is applicable to the regulated facility based on the industrial activity of the facility.

  • Marginal note:More than one industrial activity

    (3) For the purpose of subsection (1) and subject to subsection (4), if more than one industrial activity referred to in any of Parts 2 to 7 or 9 to 20 is carried out at a regulated facility, the person responsible for the regulated facility must quantify the GHGs emitted for the specified emissions types for each industrial activity, in accordance with the requirements set out in the Part that is applicable to the facility based on the industrial activity in question.

  • Marginal note:Additional generation of electricity

    (4) For the purposes of subsection (1) if a regulated facility generates electricity in addition to engaging in any other industrial activity set out in Parts 2 to 7 or 9 to 20, the person responsible for a regulated facility must quantify the GHGs emitted for the specified emissions types, attributable to the generation of electricity, for each industrial activity in accordance with the methods that are applicable to those industrial activities.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Regulated facility referred to in Part 8

  •  (1) The person responsible for a regulated facility whose industrial activity is referred to in Part 8 must

    • (a) quantify the GHGs emitted by each unit of the regulated facility, in a calendar year, for the specified emission types in accordance with the requirements set out in Part 8; and

    • (b) comply with the sampling, analysis and measurement requirements for the GHGs and specified emission types, set out in Part 8.

  • Marginal note:Missing data

    (2) For the purpose of subsection (1), if, for any reason beyond the control of the person responsible for the regulated facility, the data required to quantify the GHG emissions are missing for a given period in a calendar year, replacement data for the given period must be calculated in accordance with the methods set out in Part 8.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Alternative method

 Despite sections 6 and 7, the person responsible for a regulated facility whose industrial activity is referred to in any of Parts 2 to 19 may use the IPCC Guidelines instead of the methods prescribed in those sections if

  • (a) it is not technically feasible to meet the sampling, measurement and analysis requirements set out in the part that is applicable to the facility, based on the industrial activity of the regulated facility, for the 2019 calendar year; or

  • (b) the quantity of a GHG for a specified emission type from the regulated facility for a calendar year is less than 20kt of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) and is less than 3% of the total GHGs emissions for the facility for the calendar year.


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Regulated facilities referred to in Parts 2 to 7 or 9 to 20

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), the person responsible for a regulated facility referred to in any of Parts 2 to 7 or 9 to 20 must quantify the facility’s production, for the calendar year, in accordance with the requirements set out in the Part that is applicable to the facility based on the industrial activity of the regulated facility, with a margin of error of ±5%.

  • Marginal note:Additional generation of electricity

    (2) If a regulated facility generates electricity in addition to engaging in any other industrial activity, the person responsible a regulated facility must quantify the amount of fossil fuel-fired electricity generated in accordance with the requirements set out in section 103, with a margin of error of ±5%.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Regulated facility referred to in Part 8

 The person responsible for a regulated facility referred to in Part 8 must quantify production for each unit within the regulated facility, for the calendar year, in accordance with the requirements set out in that Part, with a margin of error of ±5%.

Records and Reports


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Information

 The person responsible for a regulated facility must keep a record of the following information related to the regulated facility and each unit within it, if applicable:

  • (a) total emissions for each specified emission type and GHG, if applicable;

  • (b) all data used in the quantification, including data used to estimate missing data, for each specified emission type and GHG, as the case may be;

  • (c) all sampling, analysis and measurement data for each specified emission type and GHG, if applicable;

  • (d) where an alternative method was used for the quantification, sampling, analysis and measurement of a specified emission type, a detailed description of that method;

  • (e) a log relating to each year, documenting all procedural changes made in data collection and calculations and changes to instruments used in quantifying GHGs or production;

  • (f) all methods and data used to quantify production;

  • (g) the total carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions not included in the total quantity of emissions under section 15;

  • (h) the quantity of CO2 that was captured, transported, injected at long-term geological sites and permanently stored in those sites, expressed in tonnes and the data used to quantify that CO2; and

  • (i) the quantity of steam and heat, expressed in megajoules (MJ), purchased and sold.

Annual Report

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Regulated facilities referred to in Parts 2 to 7 or 9 to 20

 The person responsible for a regulated facility referred to in any of Parts 2 to 7 or 9 to 20 must prepare an annual report, for each facility for which they are responsible, that includes

  • (a) the information listed in Schedule 1;

  • (b) the total GHG emissions for the calendar year from all industrial activities, expressed in tonnes of CO2e, determined by the formula

    The summation of the products of Ej and GWPj for each greenhouse gas “j”, summed for all specified emissions types “i”.


    is the total emissions of each GHG type “j” for a calendar year from all industrial activities in accordance with section 6,
    is the global warming potential of the GHG type “j”,
    is the jth GHG type, where “j” goes from 1 to m and where m is the number of greenhouse gases, and
    is the ith specified emission type, where “i” goes from 1 to n and where n is the number of specified emission types at the facility; and
  • (c) the amount of each type of product produced by the regulated facility in the calendar year quantified in accordance with section 9.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Electricity generation facility

 The person responsible for a regulated facility referred to in Part 8 must prepare an annual report, for each facility for which they are responsible, that includes

  • (a) the information listed in Schedule 1;

  • (b) the total quantity of GHG emissions from each unit within a facility for the calendar year, expressed in tonnes of CO2e, determined by the formula

    The summation of the products of Ej and GWPj for each greenhouse gas “j”, summed for all specified emissions types “i”.


    is the total emissions of each GHG type “j” for a calendar year from all industrial activities in accordance with section 7,
    is the global warming potential of the GHG type “j”,
    is the jth GHG type, where “j” goes from 1 to m and where m is the number of greenhouse gases, and
    is the ith specified emission type, where “i” goes from 1 to n and where n is the number of specified emission types;
  • (c) the gross amount of electricity generated from gaseous fuel, liquid fuel and solid fuel by each unit within a facility in the calendar year, in accordance with section 10, expressed separately;

  • (d) the sum of the total GHG emissions from each unit within the facility, for the calendar year, expressed in tonnes of CO2e ; and

  • (e) the sum of the total electricity generated from each unit within the facility, for the calendar year.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Excluded emissions

 The following are not included in the total quantity of emissions in a calendar year that are determined in accordance with paragraph 12(b) or 13(b):

  • (a) CO2 emissions from the combustion of biomass; and

  • (b) CO2 emissions from the decomposition of biomass.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Excluded emissions — minimum

 The combined total of the CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions, expressed in tonnes of CO2e, from stationary fuel combustion emissions is not included in the determination made under paragraphs 12(b) and 13(b) if that combined total does not exceed 0.5% of the total regulated facility CO2e emissions from all fuels combusted.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Rounding

 For the purpose of sections 12 and 13, any result included in the report that arises from a calculation required by this Order is to be rounded to the nearest whole number and, if the number is equidistant between two whole consecutive numbers, to the higher number.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:CO2 capture, transport, injection and storage

 The person responsible for a regulated facility must quantify the CO2 captured, transported, injected or permanently stored at long-term geological sites — other than CO2 from the combustion or decomposition of biomass — using the quantification method described in section 1 of the GHGRP.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Submission of annual report

 A person responsible for a regulated facility must submit their annual report to the Minister, on or before June 1 of each calendar year following the calendar year for which the report is made, along with a verification report prepared in accordance with section 20.

Verification of Annual Report

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Verification of report

  •  (1) The person responsible for a regulated facility must have the annual report verified by a verification body that meets

    • (a) the following accreditation requirements:

      • (i) it is accredited as a verification body to the ISO Standard 14065:2013 by the Standards Council of Canada, the American National Standards Institute or any other accreditation organization recognized by the International Accreditation Forum, and

      • (ii) it is not under investigation or suspended by an accreditation organization that issued an accreditation; and

    • (b) the following verification process requirements:

      • (i) it conducts the verification in accordance with ISO Standard 14064-3:2006, excluding clauses 4.3.1 and 4.3.5,

      • (ii) it conducts by applying methods that allow it to make a determination to a reasonable level of assurance, as defined in ISO Standard 14064-3:2006, on whether the report contains a material discrepancy in the total GHG emissions determined under paragraph 12(b) or 13(d), as the case may be, or the amount of a type of product produced determined under paragraph 12(c) or 13(e), as the case may be, and

      • (iii) if it has verified six consecutive annual reports prepared, with respect to the facility, pursuant to this Order, it has been more than three years since the last of those reports.

  • Marginal note:Conflict of interest

    (2) The person responsible for a regulated facility must ensure that there exists no current or potential conflict of interest between the person and the accredited verification body, including members of the verification team and any individual or corporate entity associated with the verification body, that is a threat to or compromises the accredited verification body’s impartiality that cannot be effectively managed.

  • Marginal note:Facility visit

    (3) The person responsible for a regulated facility must ensure that its facility is visited by a verification body for the purpose of clauses 4.5 and 4.6 of ISO Standard 14064-3:2006.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Content of verification report

  •  (1) A verification report must be prepared by the verification body in relation to the annual report and any related records, and must include

    • (a) the information listed in items 1 and 2 and paragraphs 3(a) to (n) of Schedule 2;

    • (b) a verification statement with respect to the quantification of a regulated facility’s reported GHG emissions for the calendar year in respect of which the annual report was made, as referred to in paragraph 3(o) of Schedule 2; and

    • (c) a verification statement with respect to the quantification of a regulated facility’s production of each product that must be quantified under this Order for the calendar year in respect of which the annual report was made, as referred to in paragraph 3(p) of Schedule 2.

  • Marginal note:Material discrepancy

    (2) For the purpose of the verification of a regulated facility’s annual report, a material discrepancy exists when

    • (a) with respect to GHG emissions from regulated facilities that have an annual quantity of emissions of GHG of less than 500 kt of CO2e, the result determined in accordance with the following formula is equal to or greater than 5%:

      A/B × 100


      is the net result of summing overstatements and understatements resulting from errors or omissions, identified and quantified during the verification, related to GHG emissions, expressed in tonnes of CO2e, and
      is the total quantity of GHG emissions, expressed in tonnes of CO2e;
    • (b) with respect to GHG emissions from regulated facilities that have an annual quantity of emissions of GHG that is equal to or greater than 500 kt of CO2e, the result determined in accordance with the following formula is equal to or greater than 2%:

      A/B × 100


      is the net result of summing overstatements and understatements resulting from errors or omissions, identified and quantified during the verification, related to GHG emissions, expressed in tonnes of CO2e, and
      is the total quantity of GHG emissions, expressed in tonnes of CO2e; and
    • (c) with respect to the amount of each product that must be quantified under this Order, the result determined in accordance with the following formula is equal to or greater than 0.1%:

      A/B × 100


      is the net result of summing overstatements and understatements resulting from errors or omissions, identified and quantified during the verification, related to the quantification of the product, and
      is the amount of the product produced.


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Electronic submission

  •  (1) Any information that is required to be provided to the Minister under this Order with respect to a regulated facility must be submitted electronically in the form and format specified by the Minister and must bear the electronic signature of the person responsible for the facility or of their authorized official.

  • Marginal note:Provision on paper

    (2) If the Minister has not specified an electronic form and format or if it is not feasible to submit the information in accordance with subsection (1) because of circumstances beyond the control of the person that is responsible for the facility, the information must be submitted on paper, signed by the person that is responsible for the facility or their authorized official, in the form and format specified by the Minister. However, if no form and format has been so specified, it may be in any form and format.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Length of time for retaining records

  •  (1) Every person responsible for a regulated facility that makes a record or submits information to the Minister under this Order must retain that record or a copy of that information and any supporting documents, including any calculations, measurements and other data on which the information is based, for a period of at least seven years beginning on the day on which a record was made or the day on which the information was made or submitted.

  • Marginal note:Location of records

    (2) The records, copies of information submitted to the Minister and supporting documents, must be retained at the person responsible for the regulated facility’s principal place of business in Canada or, on notification to the Minister, at any other place in Canada where they can be inspected.

  • Marginal note:Relocation of records

    (3) If the records, copies of information submitted to the Minister or supporting documents are moved, the person responsible for the regulated facility must notify the Minister, in writing, of the civic address of the new location within 30 days after the day of the move.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:30 days

 If there is a change to any administrative information required under sections 1 and 2 of Schedules 1 and 2, the person responsible for the regulated facility must notify the Minister, in writing, within 30 days of the change.

PART 2Base Metals Facility


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Covered industrial activities

 This Part applies to regulated facilities that smelt or refine, from feedstock that comes primarily from ore, at least one of the following metals:

  • (a) nickel;

  • (b) copper;

  • (c) zinc;

  • (d) lead;

  • (e) cobalt.

Quantification of Emissions and Production

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Emissions from certain specified emission types

  •  (1) The GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be quantified for the specified emission types set out in column 1 in accordance with the method for calculating GHG emissions set out in column 3. The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements that apply to those GHGs and specified emissions types are set out in column 4.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Calculating GHG EmissionsSampling, Analysis and Measurement Requirements
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4, and N2OGHGRP 2.A and 2.B, except, for diesel, instead of emission factors in table 2-6 of section 2.B, use 0.133 kg/kL for CH4 and 0.4 kg/kL for N2OGHGRP 2.C
    2Industrial process emissions from
    • (a) lead production

    CO2WCI Method WCI.163WCI Method WCI.164
    • (b) zinc production

    CO2WCI Method WCI.243WCI Method WCI.244
    • (c) copper and nickel production

    CO2WCI Method WCI.263WCI Method WCI.264
    3On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A.1.c, 2.A.1.d, 2.A.2.e and 2.BGHGRP 2.C
  • Marginal note:Replacement data

    (2) Replacement data for the GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be calculated for the specified emission type set out in column 1 using the method for estimating missing analytical data set out in column 3.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Estimating Missing Analytical Data
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
    2Industrial process emissions from
    • (a) lead production

    CO2WCI Method WCI.165
    • (b) zinc production

    CO2WCI Method WCI.245
    • (c) copper and nickel production

    CO2WCI Method WCI.265
    3On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Other emissions

  •  (1) All GHGs, other than those set out in column 2 of the table to subsection 25(1), for any specified emission type set out in column 1 and all GHGs for all other specified emission types not set out in column 1, must be quantified in accordance with:

    • (a) the GHGRP or the WCI Method, if those methods are applicable to the industrial activity of the facility; or

    • (b) the IPCC Guidelines, if the methods referred to in paragraph (a) are not applicable.

  • Marginal note:Sampling, analysis and measurement

    (2) The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements set out in the methods used under subsection (1) apply to the GHGs and specified emission types.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Production

 Production by the regulated facility must be quantified in tonnes of the individual base metals or nickel matte produced, separately.

PART 3Bitumen and Heavy Oil Upgrading Facilities


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Covered industrial activities

 This Part applies to regulated facilities at which bitumen or heavy oil is upgraded in order to produce synthetic crude oil.

Quantification of Emissions and Production

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Emissions from certain specified emission types

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (3), the GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be quantified for the specified emission types set out in column 1 in accordance with the method for calculating GHG emissions set out in column 3. The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements that apply to those GHGs and specified emissions types are set out in column 4.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Calculating GHG EmissionsSampling, Analysis and Measurement Requirements
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A and 2.B, except, for diesel, instead of the emission factors in table 2-6 of 2.B, use 0.133 kg/kL for CH4 and 0.4 kg/kL for N2ODirective 017 or Directive PNG017
    2Industrial process emissions from
    • (a) hydrogen production

    CO2WCI Method WCI.133WCI Method WCI.134
    • (b) sulphur recovery

    CO2WCI Method WCI.203(d)WCI Method WCI.204(d)
    • (c) catalyst regeneration

    CO2, CH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.203(a)WCI Method WCI.204(a)
    3Flaring emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.203(e)WCI Method WCI.204(e)
    4Venting emissions from
    • (a) process vents

    CO2 and N2OWCI Method WCI.203(b)WCI Method WCI.204(b)
    • (b) uncontrolled blowdown

    CO2 and N2OWCI Method WCI.203(k)WCI Method WCI.204(b)
    5Wastewater emissions from
    • (a) anaerobic wastewater treatment

    CH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.203(g)WCI Method WCI.204(g)
    • (b) oil-water separators

    CH4WCI Method WCI.203(h)WCI Method WCI.204(h)
    6On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A.1.c, 2.A.1.d, 2.A.2.e and 2.BGHGRP 2.C
  • Marginal note:Replacement data

    (2) Replacement data for the GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be calculated for the specified emission type set out in column 1 using the method for estimating missing analytical data set out in column 3.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGMethod for Estimating Missing Analytical Data
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
    2Industrial Process emissions from
    • (a) hydrogen production

    CO2WCI Method WCI.135
    • (b) sulphur recovery

    CO2WCI Method WCI.205
    • (c) catalyst regeneration

    CO2, CH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.205
    3Flaring emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.205
    4Venting emissions from
    • (a) process vents

    CO2 and N2OWCI Method WCI.205
    • (b) uncontrolled blowdown

    CO2 and N2OWCI Method WCI.205
    5Wastewater emissions from
    • (a) anaerobic wastewater treatment

    CH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.205
    • (b) oil-water separators

    CH4WCI Method WCI.205
    6On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
  • Marginal note:Methane

    (3) The requirements in subsection (1) do not apply to the quantification of CH4 from venting or leakage emissions.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Other emissions

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (3), all GHGs, other than those set out in column 2 of the table to subsection 29(1), for any specified emission type set out in column 1 and all GHGs for all other specified emission types not set out in column 1, must be quantified in accordance with:

    • (a) the GHGRP or the WCI Method, if those methods are applicable to the industrial activity of the facility; or

    • (b) the IPCC Guidelines, if the methods referred to in paragraph (a) are not applicable.

  • Marginal note:Sampling, analysis and measurement

    (2) The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements set out in the methods used under subsection (1) apply to the GHGs and specified emission types.

  • Marginal note:Methane

    (3) The requirements in subsection (1) do not apply to the quantification of CH4 from venting or leakage emissions.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Production

 Production by the regulated facility must be quantified in barrels of synthetic crude oil.

PART 4Cement Manufacturing Facility


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Definitions

 The following definitions apply in this Part.

grey cement

grey cement means cement that is produced from clinker that contains more than 0.5% by weight of ferric oxide. (ciment gris)

white cement

white cement means cement that is produced from clinker that contains 0.5% or less by weight of ferric oxide. (ciment blanc)

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Covered industrial activities

 This Part applies to regulated facilities that produce grey cement or white cement.

Quantification of Emissions and Production

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Emissions from certain specified emission types

  •  (1) The GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be quantified for the specified emission types set out in column 1 in accordance with the method for calculating GHG emissions set out in column 3. The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements that apply to those GHGs and specified emissions types are set out in column 4.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Calculating GHG EmissionsSampling, Analysis and Measurement Requirements
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A and 2.B, except, for diesel, instead of the emission factors in table 2-6 of 2.B, use 0.133 kg/kL for CH4 and 0.4 kg/kL for N2OGHGRP 2.C
    2Industrial process emissionsCO2GHGRP 4.AGHGRP 4.B
    3On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A.1.c , 2.A.1.d, 2.A.2.e and 2.BGHGRP 2.C
  • Marginal note:Replacement data

    (2) Replacement data for the GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be calculated for the specified emission type set out in column 1 using the method for estimating missing analytical data set out in column 3.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Estimating Missing Analytical Data
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
    2Industrial process emissionsCO2GHGRP 4.C
    3On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Other emissions

  •  (1) All GHGs, other than those set out in column 2 of the table to subsection 34(1), for any specified emission type set out in column 1 and all GHGs for all other specified emission types not set out in column 1, must be quantified in accordance with:

    • (a) the GHGRP or the WCI Method, if those methods are applicable to the industrial activity of the facility; or

    • (b) the IPCC Guidelines, if the methods referred to in paragraph (a) are not applicable.

  • Marginal note:Sampling, analysis and measurement

    (2) The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements set out in the methods used under subsection (1) apply to the GHGs and specified emission types.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Production

 The quantity of grey cement or white cement produced by the regulated facility, the quantity of clinker produced by the facility and the quantity of gypsum and limestone added to the clinker, must be quantified in tonnes, separately.

PART 5Coal Mining Facility


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Covered industrial activities

 This Part applies to regulated facilities that produce coal by mining coal deposits.

Quantification of Emissions and Production

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Emissions from certain specified emission types

  •  (1) The GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be quantified for the specified emission types set out in column 1 in accordance with the method for calculating GHG emissions set out in column 3. The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements that apply to those GHGs and specified emissions types are set out in column 4.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Calculating GHG EmissionsSampling, Analysis and Measurement Requirements
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A and 2.B, except, for diesel, instead of the emission factors in table 2-6 of 2.B, use 0.133 kg/kL for CH4 and 0.4 kg/kL for N2OGHGRP 2.C
    2Leakage emissions from
    • (a) coal storage

    CH4WCI Method WCI.103WCI Method WCI.104
    • (b) underground coal mining

    CH4WCI Method WCI.253WCI Method WCI.254
    3On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A.1.c , 2.A.1.d, 2.A.2.e and 2.BGHGRP 2.C
  • Marginal note:Leakage emissions – surface coal mining

    (2) The CH4 leakage emissions from surface coal mining must be quantified by multiplying the quantity of coal extracted by the applicable emission factor set out in column 3 of the table to this subsection, according to the province of extraction set out in column 1 and the type of coal set out in column 2.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemProvinceCoal TypeEmission Factor
    1Nova ScotiaBituminous0.07
    2New BrunswickBituminous0.07
    6British ColumbiaBituminous0.86
  • Marginal note:Replacement data

    (3) Replacement data for the GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be calculated for the specified emission type set out in column 1 using the method for estimating missing analytical data set out in column 3.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Estimating Missing Analytical Data
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
    2Leakage emissions from
    • (a) coal storage

    CH4WCI Method WCI.105
    • (b) underground coal mining

    CH4WCI Method WCI.255
    3On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Other emissions

  •  (1) All GHGs, other than those set out in column 2 of the table to subsection 38(1), for any specified emission type set out in column 1 and all GHGs for all other specified emission types not set out in column 1, must be quantified in accordance with:

    • (a) the GHGRP or the WCI Method, if those methods are applicable to the industrial activity of the facility; or

    • (b) the IPCC Guidelines, if the methods referred to in paragraph (a) are not applicable.

  • Marginal note:Sampling, analysis and measurement

    (2) The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements set out in the methods used under subsection (1) apply to the GHGs and specified emission types.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Emissions — exclusions

 GHG emissions associated with the process of producing activated carbon and the process of producing char are not covered by this Part.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Production

 Production by the regulated facility must be quantified in tonnes of thermal coal and metallurgical coal, separately.

PART 6Scrap Based Steelmaking Facility


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Covered industrial activities

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), this Part applies to regulated facilities that produce steel from feedstock that comes primarily from scrap iron or steel.

  • Marginal note:Non-application

    (2) This Part does not apply to a regulated facility that produces metal ingots or uses moulds to produce metal products of a specific shape or design the intended use of which when in that form is dependent in whole or in part on its shape or design.

Quantification of Emissions and Production

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Emissions from certain specified emission types

  •  (1) The GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be quantified for the specified emission types set out in column 1 in accordance with the method for calculating GHG emissions set out in column 3. The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements that apply to those GHGs and specified emissions types are set out in column 4.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Calculating GHG EmissionsSampling, Analysis and Measurement Requirements
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A and 2.B, except, for diesel, instead of the emission factors in table 2-6 of 2.B, use 0.133 kg/kL for CH4 and 0.4 kg/kL for N2OGHGRP 2.C
    2Industrial process emissions from
    • (a) electric arc furnace

    CO2GHGRP 6.A.5GHGRP 6.C.1
    • (b) argon-oxygen decarburization vessels or vacuum degassing

    CO2GHGRP 6.A.6GHGRP 6.C.1
    • (c) ladle furnace

    CO2GHGRP 6.A.9GHGRP 6.C.1
    3On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A.1.c , 2.A.1.d, 2.A.2.e and 2.BGHGRP 2.C
  • Marginal note:Replacement data

    (2) Replacement data for the GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be calculated for the specified emission type set out in column 1 using the method for estimating missing analytical data set out in column 3.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Estimating Missing Analytical Data
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
    2Industrial process emissions from
    • (a) electric arc furnace

    CO2GHGRP 6.D
    • (b) argon-oxygen decarburization vessels or vacuum degassing

    CO2GHGRP 6.D
    • (c) ladle furnace

    CO2GHGRP 6.D
    3On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Other emissions

  •  (1) All GHGs, other than those set out in column 2 of the table to subsection 43(1), for any specified emission type set out in column 1 and all GHGs for all other specified emission types not set out in column 1, must be quantified in accordance with:

    • (a) the GHGRP or the WCI Method, if those methods are applicable to the industrial activity of the facility; or

    • (b) the IPCC Guidelines, if the methods referred to in paragraph (a) are not applicable.

  • Marginal note:Sampling, analysis and measurement

    (2) The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements set out in the methods used under subsection (1) apply to the GHGs and specified emission types.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Production

 Production by the regulated facility must be quantified in tonnes of cast steel and rolled steel, separately.

PART 7Ethanol Facility


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Covered industrial activities

 This Part applies to regulated facilities that produce grain ethanol for use in industrial applications or as fuel.

Quantification of Emissions and Production

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Emissions from certain specified emission types

  •  (1) The GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be quantified for the specified emission types set out in column 1 in accordance with the method for calculating GHG emissions set out in column 3. The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements that apply to those GHGs and specified emissions types are set out in column 4.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Calculating GHG EmissionsSampling, Analysis and Measurement Requirements
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A and 2.B, except, for diesel, instead of the emission factors in table 2-6 of 2.B, use 0.133 kg/kL for CH4 and 0.4 kg/kL for N2OGHGRP 2.C
    2On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A.1.c, 2.A.1.d, 2.A.2.e and 2.BGHGRP 2.C
  • Marginal note:Replacement data

    (2) Replacement data for the GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be calculated for the specified emission type set out in column 1 using the method for estimating missing analytical data set out in column 3.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Estimating Missing Analytical Data
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
    2On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Other emissions

  •  (1) All GHGs, other than those set out in column 2 of the table to subsection 47(1), for any specified emission type set out in column 1 and all GHGs for all other specified emission types not set out in column 1, must be quantified in accordance with:

    • (a) the GHGRP or the WCI Method, if those methods are applicable to the industrial activity of the facility; or

    • (b) the IPCC Guidelines, if the methods referred to in paragraph (a) are not applicable.

  • Marginal note:Sampling, analysis and measurement

    (2) The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements set out in the methods used under subsection (1) apply to the GHGs and specified emission types.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Production

 Production by the regulated facility must be quantified in litres of absolute ethanol for both industrial ethanol and fuel ethanol, separately.

PART 8Electricity Generation Facility


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Definitions

 The following definitions apply in this Part.

boiler unit

boiler unit has the same meaning as subsection 2(1) of the Regulations Limiting Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Natural Gas-fired Generation of Electricity. (groupe chaudière )

combustion engine

combustion engine means an engine, other than an engine that is self-propelled or designed to be propelled while performing its function, that

  • (a) operates according to the Brayton thermodynamic cycle and combusts fossil fuels to produce a net amount of motive power; or

  • (b) combusts fossil fuels and uses reciprocating motion to convert thermal energy into mechanical work. (moteur à combustion)

combustion engine unit

combustion engine unit has the same meaning as subsection 2(1) of the Regulations Limiting Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Natural Gas-fired Generation of Electricity. (groupe moteur à combustion)


unit means an assembly comprised of a boiler or combustion engine and any other equipment that is physically connected to either, including duct burners and other combustion devices, heat recovery systems, steam turbines, generators and emission control devices, and that operate together to generate electricity and, if applicable, produce useful thermal energy, from the combustion of fossil fuels. (groupe)

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Covered industrial activities

 This Part applies to regulated facilities that generate electricity as their main activity, that are used to generate electricity from fossil fuels and that are comprised of one unit or a group of units.

Quantification of Emissions and Production

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Hybrid configuration

 If a combustion engine unit and a boiler unit share the same steam turbine, the provisions of this Part apply as follows:

  • (a) with respect to a combustion engine unit, they apply to the assembly comprised of combustion engines and any other equipment connected to them, including the steam turbine that it shares with the boiler unit; and

  • (b) with respect to a boiler unit, they apply to the assembly comprised of boilers and any other equipment connected to them, including the steam turbine that it shares with the combustion engine unit.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Stationary fuel combustion emissions

  •  (1) CO2, CH4 and N2O from stationary fuel combustion emissions must be quantified by unit in accordance with the following:

    • (a) for CO2,

      • (i) in the case of any unit that has obtained a registration number under the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations, sections 20 to 26 of those Regulations,

      • (ii) in the case of any unit that has not obtained a registration number under the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations and that generates electricity from the combustion of natural gas, sections 12 to 18 of the Regulations Limiting Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Natural Gas-fired Generation of Electricity, and

      • (iii) in the case of any other unit, GHGRP 2.A; and

    • (b) for CH4 and N2O, in the case of all units, GHGRP 2.B.

  • Marginal note:Combustion of diesel — emission factors

    (2) For the purpose of paragraph (1)(b), for the stationary combustion of diesel, the following emission factors must be used instead of those in table 2-6 of 2.B of GHGRP:

    • (a) for CH4, 0.133 kg/kL and

    • (b) for N2O, 0.4 kg/kL.

  • Marginal note:Sampling, analysis and measurement

    (3) The following sampling, analysis and measurement requirements apply to stationary fuel combustion emissions for each unit:

    • (a) for CO2,

      • (i) in the case of any unit that has obtained a registration number under the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations, section 27 of those Regulations,

      • (ii) in the case of any unit that has not obtained a registration number under the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations and that generates electricity from the combustion of natural gas, section 19 of the Regulations Limiting Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Natural Gas-fired Generation of Electricity, and

      • (iii) in the case of any other unit, GHGRP 2.C; and

    • (b) for CH4 and N2O, in the case of all units, GHGRP 2.C.

  • Marginal note:Replacement data

    (4) Replacement data for stationary fuel combustion emissions must be calculated in accordance with the following:

    • (a) for CO2,

      • (i) in the case of any unit that has obtained a registration number under the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations, section 28 of those Regulations,

      • (ii) in the case of any unit that has not obtained a registration number under the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations and that generates electricity from the combustion of natural gas, section 20 of the Regulations Limiting Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Natural Gas-fired Generation of Electricity, and

      • (iii) in the case of any other unit, GHGRP 2.D; and

    • (b) for CH4 and N2O, in the case of all units, GHGRP 2.D.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Emissions from certain specified emission types

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (3), the GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be quantified for the specified emission types set out in column 1 in accordance with the method for calculating GHG emissions set out in column 3. The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements that apply to those GHGs and specified emissions types are set out in column 4.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Calculating GHG EmissionsSampling, Analysis and Measurement Requirements
    1Leakage emissions from coal storageCH4WCI Method WCI.103WCI Method WCI.104
    2Industrial process emissions, from acid gas scrubbers and acid gas reagentCO2WCI Method WCI. 43(c)WCI Method WCI.44
    3Industrial product use emissions from
    • (a) electrical equipment

    SF6 and PFCsWCI Method WCI.233WCI Method WCI.234
    • (b) cooling units

    HFCsWCI Method WCI.43(d)WCI Method WCI.44
    4On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A.1.c , 2.A.1.d, 2.A.2.e and 2.BGHGRP 2.C
  • Marginal note:Replacement data

    (2) Replacement data for the GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be calculated for the specified emission type set out in column 1 using the method for estimating missing analytical data set out in column 3.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Estimating Missing Analytical Data
    1Leakage emissions from coal storageCH4WCI Method WCI.105
    2Industrial process emissions from acid gas scrubbers and acid gas reagentCO2WCI Method WCI.45
    3Industrial product use emissions from
    • (a) electrical equipment

    SF6 and PFCsWCI Method WCI.235
    • (b) cooling units

    HFCsWCI Method WCI.45
    4On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
  • Marginal note:Apportioning emissions

    (3) If the GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to subsection (1) emitted for the specified emission types set out in column 1 can only be quantified for the facility as a whole, those emissions must be apportioned to the facility’s units on the basis of each unit’s total generation of electricity relative to the facility’s total generation of electricity.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Other emissions

  •  (1) All GHGs, other than those set out subsection 53(1) or in column 2 of the table to subsection 54(1), for any specified emission type set out in column 1 and all GHGs for all other specified emission types not set out in column 1, must be quantified in accordance with:

    • (a) the GHGRP or the WCI Method, if those methods are applicable to the industrial activity of the facility; or

    • (b) the IPCC Guidelines, if the methods referred to in paragraph (a) are not applicable.

  • Marginal note:Sampling, analysis and measurement

    (2) The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements set out in the methods used under subsection (1) apply to the GHGs and specified emission types.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Production — fossil fuel

  •  (1) Subject to section 57, if a unit uses only one fossil fuel to generate electricity, production of electricity must be quantified in GWh of gross electricity generated by the unit, measured at the electrical terminals of the generators of each unit using meters that comply with the requirements of the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and the Electricity and Gas Inspection Regulations.

  • Marginal note:Production — fossil fuel and biomass

    (2) Subject to section 57, if a unit uses a mixture of fossil fuels or a mixture of biomass and fossil fuels to generate electricity, the gross electricity generated by the unit is to be determined separately for the gaseous fuels, liquid fuels and solid fuels, in accordance with the following formula and expressed in GWh:

    Gu is multiplied by a quotient where the numerator is HFFk, and the denominator is HB plus the summation of HFFk for each gaseous fuels, liquid fuels and solid fuels “k”.


    is the gross quantity of electricity generated by the unit in the calendar year, as measured at the electrical terminals of the generators of the unit using meters that comply with the requirements of the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and the Electricity and Gas Inspection Regulations, expressed in GWh;
    is determined in accordance with the following formula, calculated separately for gaseous fuels, liquid fuels and solid fuels “k”:
    The summation of the products of QFFk,j and HHVk,j for each fossil fuel type “j”.


    is the quantity of gaseous, liquid or solid fuel, as the case may be, type “j” combusted in the unit during the calendar year, determined in accordance with subsection (3)
    is the higher heating value of the gaseous, liquid or solid fuel, as the case may be, type “j” combusted in the unit. Each HHVj is determined in accordance with subsection 24(1) of the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations, and
    is the jth fossil fuel type combusted in the unit during the calendar year, where “j” goes from 1 to m and where m is the number of types of gaseous, liquid or solid fuel, as the case may be, combusted; and
    is determined in accordance with the following formula
    The summation of the products of QBi and HHVi for each biomass fuel type “i”.


    is the quantity of biomass fuel type “i” combusted in the unit during the calendar year, determined in accordance with the subsection (3),
    is the higher heating value of for the biomass fuel type “i” combusted in the unit. Each HHVi is determined in accordance with subsection 24(1) of the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations, and
    is the ith biomass fuel type combusted in the unit during the calendar year, where “i” goes from 1 to n and where n is the number of types of biomass fuels combusted.
  • Marginal note:Quantity of fuel

    (3) The quantity of fuel for QFFj or QBi is determined on the following basis:

    • (a) for a solid fuel, the mass of the fuel combusted, on a wet or dry basis, expressed in tonnes and measured by a measuring device;

    • (b) for a liquid fuel, the volume of the fuel combusted, expressed in kL and measured using a flow meter; and

    • (c) for a gaseous fuel, the volume of the fuel combusted, expressed in standard m3 and measured using a flow meter.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Production — hybrid configuration

 If a facility generates electricity using a combustion engine unit and a boiler unit that share the same steam turbine, the quantity of electricity generated by a given unit is determined in accordance with subsection 11(2) of the Regulations Limiting Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Natural Gas-fired Generation of Electricity.

PART 9Food Processing Facility


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Covered industrial activities

 This Part applies to regulated facilities engaged in the industrial processing of potatoes or oilseeds for human or animal consumption.

Quantification of Emissions and Production

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Emissions from certain specified emission types

  •  (1) The GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be quantified for the specified emission types set out in column 1 in accordance with the method for calculating GHG emissions set out in column 3. The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements that apply to those GHGs and specified emissions types are set out in column 4.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Calculating GHG EmissionsSampling, Analysis and Measurement Requirements
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A and 2.B, except, for diesel, instead of the emission factors in table 2-6 of 2.B, use 0.133 kg/kL for CH4 and 0.4 kg/kL for N2OGHGRP 2.C
    2Wastewater emissionsCH4WCI Method WCI.203(g)WCI Method WCI.204(g)
    3On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A.1.c , 2.A.1.d, 2.A.2.e and 2.BGHGRP 2.C
  • Marginal note:Replacement data

    (2) Replacement data for the GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be calculated for the specified emission type set out in column 1 using the method for estimating missing analytical data set out in column 3.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Estimating Missing Analytical Data
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
    2Wastewater emissionsCH4WCI Method WCI.205
    3On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Other emissions

  •  (1) All GHGs, other than those set out in column 2 of the table to subsection 59(1), for any specified emission type set out in column 1 and all GHGs for all other specified emission types not set out in column 1, must be quantified in accordance with:

    • (a) the GHGRP or the WCI Method, if those methods are applicable to the industrial activity of the facility; or

    • (b) the IPCC Guidelines, if the methods referred to in paragraph (a) are not applicable.

  • Marginal note:Sampling, analysis and measurement

    (2) The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements set out in the methods used under subsection (1) apply to the GHGs and specified emission types.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Production

 Production must be quantified in tonnes of potatoes used as a raw material for regulated facilities engaged in the industrial processing of potatoes and tonnes of finished products for regulated facilities engaged in the processing of oilseeds.

PART 10Iron Ore Pelletizing Facility


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Covered industrial activities

 This Part applies to regulated facilities that produce iron ore pellets from iron ore concentrate.

Quantification of Emissions and Production

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Emissions from certain specified emission types

  •  (1) The GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be quantified for the specified emission types set out in column 1 in accordance with the method for calculating GHG emissions set out in column 3. The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements that apply to those GHGs and specified emissions types are set out in column 4.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Calculating GHG EmissionsSampling, Analysis and Measurement Requirements
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A and 2.B, except, for diesel, instead of the emission factors in table 2-6 of 2.B, use 0.133 kg/kL for CH4 and 0.4 kg/kL for N2OGHGRP 2.C
    2Industrial process emissions (induration furnace)CO2GHGRP 6.A.1GHGRP 6.C
    3On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A.1.c, 2.A.1.d, 2.A.2.e and 2.BGHGRP 2.C
  • Marginal note:Replacement data

    (2) Replacement data for the GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be calculated for the specified emission type set out in column 1 using the method for estimating missing analytical data set out in column 3.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Estimating Missing Analytical Data
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
    2Industrial process emissions (induration furnace)CO2GHGRP 6.D
    3On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Other emissions

  •  (1) All GHGs, other than those set out in column 2 of the table to subsection 63(1), for any specified emission type set out in column 1 and all GHGs for all other specified emission types not set out in column 1, must be quantified in accordance with:

    • (a) the GHGRP or the WCI Method, if those methods are applicable to the industrial activity of the facility; or

    • (b) the IPCC Guidelines, if the methods referred to in paragraph (a) are not applicable.

  • Marginal note:Sampling, analysis and measurement

    (2) The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements set out in the methods used under subsection (1) apply to the GHGs and specified emission types.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Production

 Production by the regulated facility must be quantified in tonnes of flux pellets and tonnes of pellets other than flux pellets, separately.

PART 11Metal or Diamond Mining Facility


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Covered industrial activities

 This Part applies to regulated facilities that produce metal or diamonds from the mining or milling of ore or kimberlite.

Quantification of Emissions and Production

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Emissions from certain specified emission types

  •  (1) The GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be quantified for the specified emission types set out in column 1 in accordance with the method for calculating GHG emissions set out in column 3. The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements that apply to those GHGs and specified emissions types are set out in column 4.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Calculating GHG EmissionsSampling, Analysis and Measurement Requirements
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A and 2.B, except, for diesel, instead of the emission factors in table 2-6 of 2.B, use 0.133 kg/kL for CH4 and 0.4 kg/kL for N2OGHGRP 2.C
    2On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A.1.c , 2.A.1.d, 2.A.2.e and 2.BGHGRP 2.C
  • Marginal note:Replacement data

    (2) Replacement data for the GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be calculated for the specified emission type set out in column 1 using the method for estimating missing analytical data set out in column 3.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Estimating Missing Analytical Data
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
    2On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Other emissions

  •  (1) All GHGs, other than those set out in column 2 of the table to subsection 67(1), for any specified emission type set out in column 1 and all GHGs for all other specified emission types not set out in column 1, must be quantified in accordance with:

    • (a) the GHGRP or the WCI Method, if those methods are applicable to the industrial activity of the facility; or

    • (b) the IPCC Guidelines, if the methods referred to in paragraph (a) are not applicable.

  • Marginal note:Sampling, analysis and measurement

    (2) The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements set out in the methods used under subsection (1) apply to the GHGs and specified emission types.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Production

 Production of diamonds and metals by the regulated facility must be quantified

  • (a) in carats, for diamonds;

  • (b) in kilograms, for gold, silver, platinum or palladium, separately; and

  • (c) in tonnes, for each metal other than those referred to in paragraph (b).

PART 12Lime Manufacturing Facility


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Definitions

 The following definitions apply in this Part.

dolomitic lime

dolomitic lime means lime derived from limestone other than high-calcium lime. (chaux dolomitique)

high-calcium lime

high-calcium lime means lime derived from limestone that contains less than 5% magnesium carbonate. (chaux forte en calcium)

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Covered industrial activities

 This Part applies to regulated facilities that produce dolomitic lime or high-calcium lime using a kiln.

Quantification of Emissions and Production

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Emissions from certain specified emission types

  •  (1) The GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be quantified for the specified emission types set out in column 1 in accordance with the method for calculating GHG emissions set out in column 3. The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements that apply to those GHGs and specified emissions types are set out in column 4.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Calculating GHG EmissionsSampling, Analysis and Measurement Requirements
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A and 2.B, except, for diesel, instead of the emission factors in table 2-6 of 2.B, use 0.133 kg/kL for CH4 and 0.4 kg/kL for N2OGHGRP 2.C
    2Industrial process emissionsCO2GHGRP 3.AGHGRP 3.B
    3On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A.1.c , 2.A.1.d, 2.A.2.e and 2.BGHGRP 2.C
  • Marginal note:Replacement data

    (2) Replacement data for the GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be calculated for the specified emission type set out in column 1 using the method for estimating missing analytical data set out in column 3.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Estimating Missing Analytical Data
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
    2Industrial process emissionsCO2GHGRP 3.C
    3On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Other emissions

  •  (1) All GHGs, other than those set out in column 2 of the table to subsection 72(1), for any specified emission type set out in column 1 and all GHGs for all other specified emission types not set out in column 1, must be quantified in accordance with:

    • (a) the GHGRP or the WCI Method, if those methods are applicable to the industrial activity of the facility; or

    • (b) the IPCC Guidelines, if the methods referred to in paragraph (a) are not applicable, .

  • Marginal note:Sampling, analysis and measurement

    (2) The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements set out in the methods used under subsection (1) apply to the GHGs and specified emission types.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Production

 Production by the regulated facility must be quantified in tonnes of high-calcium lime produced, dolomitic lime produced and lime kiln dust sold, separately.

PART 13Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline System


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Covered industrial activities

 This Part applies to a regulated facility that is a facility specified in paragraph (b) of the definition of facility in subsection 1(1) that transmits processed natural gas.

Quantification of Emissions and Production

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Emissions from certain specified emission types

  •  (1) The GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be quantified for the specified emission types set out in column 1 in accordance with the method for calculating GHG emissions set out in column 3. The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements that apply to those GHGs and specified emissions types are set out in column 4.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Calculating GHG EmissionsSampling, Analysis and Measurement Requirements
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A and 2.B, except, for diesel, instead of the emission factors in table 2-6 of 2.B, use 0.133 kg/kL for CH4 and 0.4 kg/kL for N2OGHGRP 2.C
    2Flaring emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI. 353(d)Directive 017 or Directive PNG017
  • Marginal note:Replacement data

    (2) Replacement data for the GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be calculated for the specified emission type set out in column 1 using the method for estimating missing analytical data set out in column 3.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Estimating Missing Analytical Data
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
    2Flaring emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.355
The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Other emissions

  •  (1) All GHGs, other than those set out in column 2 of the table to subsection 76(1), for any specified emission type set out in column 1 and all GHGs for all other specified emission types not set out in column 1, must be quantified in accordance with:

    • (a) the GHGRP or the WCI Method, if those methods are applicable to the industrial activity of the facility; or

    • (b) the IPCC Guidelines, if the methods referred to in paragraph (a) are not applicable.

  • Marginal note:Sampling, analysis and measurement

    (2) The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements set out in the methods used under subsection (1) apply to the GHGs and specified emission types.

  • Marginal note:Methane

    (3) The requirements in subsection (1) do not apply to the quantification of CH4 from venting or leakage emissions.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Production

  •  (1) Production by the regulated facility must be expressed in MWh, and is the sum of the results of the following formula for each of the drivers operated by the regulated facility:

    Px × Lx× Hx


    is the rated brake power of driver “x” expressed in megawatts, where “x” goes from 1 to n;
    is the actual annual average percent load of driver “x”, where “x” goes from 1 to n or, if the load is unavailable, the result of the following formula:

    rpmavg /rpmmax


    is the actual annual average speed during operation of driver “x”, expressed in revolutions per minute, and
    is the maximum rated speed of driver “x”, expressed in revolutions per minute;
    is the number of hours during the year that driver “x” was operated, where “x” goes from 1 to n; and
    is the number of drivers operated by the regulated facility.
  • Marginal note:Definitions

    (2) The following definitions apply in this section.


    driver means an electric motor, reciprocating engine or turbine used to drive a compressor. (conducteur)

    rated brake power

    rated brake power means the maximum brake power of a driver as specified by its manufacturer either on its nameplate or otherwise. (puissance au frein nominale)

PART 14Nitrogen-based Fertilizer Facility


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Covered industrial activities

 This Part applies to regulated facilities that manufacture at least one of the following substances:

  • (a) anhydrous ammonia, or aqueous ammonia, produced from steam reforming of a hydrocarbon;

  • (b) nitric acid produced by the catalytic oxidation of ammonia.

Quantification of Emissions and Production

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Emissions from certain specified emission types

  •  (1) The GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be quantified for the specified emission types set out in column 1 in accordance with the method for calculating GHG emissions set out in column 3. The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements that apply to those GHGs and specified emissions types are set out in column 4.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Calculating GHG EmissionsSampling, Analysis and Measurement Requirements
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A and 2.B, except, for diesel, instead of the emission factors in table 2-6 of 2.B, use 0.133 kg/kL for CH4 and 0.4 kg/kL for N2OGHGRP 2.C
    2Industrial process emissions from
    • (a) nitric acid

    N2OWCI Method WCI.313WCI Method WCI.314
    • (b) ammonia- steam reforming

    CO2WCI Method WCI.83WCI Method WCI.84
    3On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A.1.c, 2.A.1.d, 2.A.2.e and 2.BGHGRP 2.C
  • Marginal note:Replacement data

    (2) Replacement data for the GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be calculated for the specified emission type set out in column 1 using the method for estimating missing analytical data set out in column 3.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Estimating Missing Analytical Data
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
    2Industrial process emissions from
    • (a) nitric acid

    N2OWCI Method WCI.315
    • (b) ammonia- steam reforming

    CO2WCI Method WCI.85
    3On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Other emissions

  •  (1) All GHGs, other than those set out in column 2 of the table to subsection 80(1), for any specified emission type set out in column 1 and all GHGs for all other specified emission types not set out in column 1, must be quantified in accordance with:

    • (a) the GHGRP or the WCI Method, if those methods are applicable to the industrial activity of the facility; or

    • (b) the IPCC Guidelines, if the methods referred to in paragraph (a) are not applicable.

  • Marginal note:Sampling, analysis and measurement

    (2) The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements set out in the methods used under subsection (1) apply to the GHGs and specified emission types.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Production

 Production by the regulated facility must be quantified in tonnes of nitric acid, ammonia, urea liquor and all other nitrogen-based fertilizers, separately.

PART 15Natural Gas Processing Plant


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Covered industrial activities

 This Part applies to regulated facilities that process natural gas.

Quantification of Emissions and Production

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Emissions from certain specified emission types

  •  (1) The GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be quantified for the specified emission types set out in column 1 in accordance with the method for calculating GHG emissions set out in column 3. The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements that apply to those GHGs and specified emissions types are set out in column 4.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Calculating GHG EmissionsSampling, Analysis and Measurement Requirements
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A and 2.B, except, for diesel, instead of the emission factors in table 2-6 of 2.B, use 0.133 kg/kL for CH4 and 0.4 kg/kL for N2ODirective 017 or, Directive PNG017
    2Industrial process emissions from acid gas removalCO2WCI Method WCI.363 (c)WCI Method WCI.364
    3Flaring emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.363(k)Directive 017 or Directive PNG017
    4On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A.1.c, 2.A.1.d, 2.A.2.e and 2.BGHGRP 2.C
  • Marginal note:Replacement data

    (2) Replacement data for the GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be calculated for the specified emission type set out in column 1 using the method for estimating missing analytical data set out in column 3.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Estimating Missing Analytical Data
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
    2Industrial process emissions from acid gas removalCO2WCI Method WCI.365
    3Flaring emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.365
    4On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Other emissions

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (3), all GHGs, other than those set out in column 2 of the table to subsection 84(1), for any specified emission type set out in column 1 and all GHGs for all other specified emission types not set out in column 1, must be quantified in accordance with:

    • (a) the GHGRP or the WCI Method, if those methods are applicable to the industrial activity of the facility; or

    • (b) the IPCC Guidelines, if the methods referred to in paragraph (a) are not applicable, .

  • Marginal note:Sampling, analysis and measurement

    (2) The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements set out in the methods used under subsection (1) apply to the GHGs and specified emission types.

  • Marginal note:Methane

    (3) The requirements in subsection (1) do not apply to the quantification of CH4 from venting or leakage emissions.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Production

 The natural gas processed by the regulated facility must be quantified in m3 at a temperature of 15°C and a pressure of 101.325 kPa.

PART 16Bitumen and Other Crude Oil Facilities


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Covered industrial activities

 This Part applies to bitumen and other crude oil regulated facilities engaged in

  • (a) the extraction, processing and production of bitumen or any other heavy crude oil having a density equal to or greater than 940 kg/m3 at 15°C; and

  • (b) the extraction, processing and production of light crude oil having a density of less than 940 kg/m3 at 15°C.

Quantification of Emissions and Production

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Emissions from certain specified emission types

  •  (1) The GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be quantified for the specified emission types set out in column 1 in accordance with the method for calculating GHG emissions set out in column 3. The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements that apply to those GHGs and specified emissions types are set out in column 4.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Calculating GHG EmissionsSampling, Analysis and Measurement Requirements
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A and 2.B, except, for diesel, instead of the emission factors in table 2-6 of 2.B, use 0.133 kg/kL for CH4 and 0.4 kg/kL for N2ODirective 017 or Directive PNG017
    2Flaring emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.363(k)Directive 017 or Directive PNG017
    3Wastewater emissions from
    • (a) anaerobic wastewater treatment

    CH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.203(g)WCI Method WCI.204(g)
    • (b) oil-water separators

    CH4WCI Method WCI.203(h)WCI Method WCI.204(h)
    4On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A.1.c, 2.A.1.d, 2.A.2.e and 2.BGHGRP 2.C
  • Marginal note:Replacement data

    (2) Replacement data for the GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be calculated for the specified emission type set out in column 1 using the method for estimating missing analytical data set out in column 3.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Estimating Missing Analytical Data
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
    2Flaring emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.365
    3Wastewater emissions from
    • (a) anaerobic wastewater treatment

    CH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.205
    • (b) oil-water separators

    CH4WCI Method WCI.205
    4On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Other emissions

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (3), all GHGs, other than those set out in column 2 of the table to subsection 88(1), for any specified emission type set out in column 1 and all GHGs for all other specified emission types not set out in column 1, must be quantified in accordance with:

    • (a) the GHGRP or the WCI Method, if those methods are applicable to the industrial activity of the facility; or

    • (b) the IPCC Guidelines, if the methods referred to in paragraph (a) are not applicable, .

  • Marginal note:Sampling, analysis and measurement

    (2) The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements set out in the methods used under subsection (1) apply to the GHGs and specified emission types.

  • Marginal note:Methane

    (3) The requirements in subsection (1) do not apply to the quantification of CH4 from venting or leakage emissions.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Production

 Production by the regulated facility must be quantified in barrels of combined bitumen and heavy crude oil and in barrels of light crude oil, separately.

PART 17Petroleum Refineries


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Covered industrial activities

 This Part applies to a regulated facility that is engaged in the processing of crude oil, including bitumen, heavy crude oil, light crude oil and synthetic crude oil, or secondary petroleum products and that has a combined annual volume of gasoline, diesel fuel and lubricant basestock produced that is greater than 40% of its annual volume of liquid petroleum products produced.

Quantification of Emissions and Production

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Emissions from certain specified emission types

  •  (1) The GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be quantified for the specified emission types set out in column 1 in accordance with the method for calculating GHG emissions set out in column 3. The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements that apply to those GHGs and specified emissions types are set out in column 4.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Calculating GHG EmissionsSampling, Analysis and Measurement Requirements
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A and 2.B, except, for diesel, instead of the emission factors in table 2-6 of 2.B, use 0.133 kg/kL for CH4 and 0.4 kg/kL for N2OGHGRP 2.C
    2Venting emissions from
    • (a) process vent

    CO2, CH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.203(b)WCI Method WCI.204(b)
    • (b) asphalt production

    CO2, and CH4WCI Method WCI.203(c)WCI Method WCI.204(c)
    • (c) delayed coking unit

    CH4WCI Method WCI.203(m)WCI Method WCI.204(m)
    3Industrial process emissions from
    • (a) hydrogen production

    CO2WCI Method WCI.133WCI Method WCI.134
    • (b) catalyst regeneration

    CO2, CH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.203(a)WCI Method WCI.204(a)
    • (c) sulphur recovery

    CO2WCI Method WCI.203(d)WCI Method WCI.204(d)
    • (d) coke calcining

    CO2, CH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.203(j)WCI Method WCI.204(i)
    4Flaring emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.203(e)WCI Method WCI.204(e)
    5Leakage emissionsCH4WCI Method WCI.203(i)WCI Method WCI.204(b)
    6Wastewater emissions from
    • (a) anaerobic wastewater treatment

    CH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.203(g)WCI Method WCI.204(g)
    • (b) oil-water separators

    CH4WCI Method WCI.203(h)WCI Method WCI.204(h)
    7On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A.1.c, 2.A.1.d, 2.A.2.e and 2.BGHGRP 2.C
  • Marginal note:Replacement data

    (2) Replacement data for the GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be calculated for the specified emission type set out in column 1 using the method for estimating missing analytical data set out in column 3.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Estimating Missing Analytical Data
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
    2Venting emissions from
    • (a) process vents

    CO2, CH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.205
    • (b) asphalt production

    CO2, and CH4WCI Method WCI.205
    • (c) delayed coking unit

    CH4WCI Method WCI.205
    3Industrial process emissions from
    • (a) hydrogen production

    CO2WCI Method WCI.135
    • (b) catalyst regeneration

    CO2, CH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.205
    • (c) sulphur recovery

    CO2WCI Method WCI.205
    • (d) coke calcining

    CO2, CH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.205
    4Flaring emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.205
    5Leakage emissionsCH4WCI Method WCI.205
    6Wastewater emissions from
    • (a) anaerobic wastewater treatment

    CH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.205
    • (b) oil-water separators

    CH4WCI Method WCI.205
    7On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Other emissions

  •  (1) All GHGs, other than those set out in column 2 of the table to subsection 92(1), for any specified emission type set out in column 1 and all GHGs for all other specified emission types not set out in column 1, must be quantified in accordance with:

    • (a) the GHGRP or the WCI Method, if those methods are applicable to the industrial activity of the facility; or

    • (b) the IPCC Guidelines, if the methods referred to in paragraph (a) are not applicable.

  • Marginal note:Sampling, analysis and measurement

    (2) The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements set out in the methods used under subsection (1) apply to the GHGs and specified emission types.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Production

  •  (1) Production by the regulated facility must be quantified in direct-only complexity weighted barrels (direct-only CWB), in accordance with the method outlined in the directive entitled CAN-CWB Methodology for Regulatory Support: Public Report, published by Soloman Associates in January 2014.

  • Marginal note:Modification

    (2) However, a reference in the method to

    • (a) the value of “Electricity Sales” when used to calculate the “Sales and Exports of Steam and Electricity” , excludes any exported electricity that was generated at the regulated facility;

    • (b)  the value of “EC Reported CO2e Site Emissions”, , excludes the emissions associated with electricity generated at the regulated facility; and

    • (c) the value of “Deemed Indirect CO2e Emissions from imported electricity”, includes emissions associated with electricity that is generated and used at the regulated facility.

PART 18Potash Facility


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Covered industrial activities

 This Part applies to regulated facilities that produce potash by mining and refining potash ore.

Quantification of Emissions and Production

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Emissions from certain specified emission types

  •  (1) The GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be quantified for the specified emission types set out in column 1 in accordance with the method for calculating GHG emissions set out in column 3. The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements that apply to those GHGs and specified emissions types are set out in column 4.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Calculating GHG EmissionsSampling, Analysis and Measurement Requirements
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A and 2.B, except, for diesel, instead of the emission factors in table 2-6 of 2.B, use 0.133 kg/kL for CH4 and 0.4 kg/kL for N2OGHGRP 2.C
    2On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A.1.c, 2.A.1.d, 2.A.2.e and 2.BGHGRP 2.C
  • Marginal note:Replacement data

    (2) Replacement data for the GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be calculated for the specified emission type set out in column 1 using the method for estimating missing analytical data set out in column 3.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Estimating Missing Analytical Data
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
    2On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Other emissions

  •  (1) All GHGs, other than those set out in column 2 of the table to subsection 96(1), for any specified emission type set out in column 1 and all GHGs for all other specified emission types not set out in column 1, must be quantified in accordance with:

    • (a) the GHGRP or the WCI Method, if those methods are applicable to the industrial activity of the facility; or

    • (b) the IPCC Guidelines, if the methods referred to in paragraph (a) are not applicable.

  • Marginal note:Sampling, analysis and measurement

    (2) The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements set out in the methods used under subsection (1) apply to the GHGs and specified emission types.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Production

 Production by the regulated facility must be quantified in tonnes of potash containing at least 90% potassium chloride from a conventional underground mining process or a solution mining process, separately.

PART 19Pulp and Paper Facility


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Covered industrial activities

 This Part applies to regulated facilities that produce

  • (a) pulp from wood, other plant material or paper; or

  • (b) any product derived directly from pulp or a pulping process.

Quantification of Emissions and Production

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Emissions from certain specified emission types

  •  (1) The GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be quantified for the specified emission types set out in column 1 in accordance with the method for calculating GHG emissions set out in column 3. The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements that apply to those GHGs and specified emissions types are set out in column 4.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Calculating GHG EmissionsSampling, Analysis and Measurement Requirements
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissions from
    • (a) boiler, thermal oxidizer, direct-fired turbine, engine, gasifier and any other combustion device that generates heat, steam or energy

    CO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A and 2.B, except,
    • (a) for biomass fuels, other than those specified in table 2-3 and 2-11 of GHGRP, use the emission factors provided in Table 20-2 of WCI Method WCI.20,Footnote for TABLE (a) and

    • (b) for diesel, instead of the emission factors in table 2-6 of 2.B, use 0.133 kg/kL for CH4 and 0.4 kg/kL for N2O

    GHGRP 2.C
    • (b) recovery boiler

    CO2, CH4 and N2OFor fossil fuels, GHGRP 2.A and 2.B, except for diesel, instead of the emission factors in table 2-6 of 2.B, use 0.133 kg/kL for CH4 and 0.4 kg/kL for N2O, and for pulping liquor, WCI Method WCI.213(c)Footnote for TABLE (a)For fossil fuels, GHGRP 2.C, and for pulping liquor, WCI Method WCI.214
    • (c) lime kiln

    • (d) lime kiln

    CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.B, except,
    • (a) use the default emission factors for lime kilns in table 210-1 of WCI Method WCI.213Footnote for TABLE (a), and

    • (b) for diesel, instead of the emission factors in table 2-6 of 2.B, use 0.133 kg/kL for CH4 and 0.4 kg/kL for N2O,

    GHGRP 2.C
    2Industrial process emissions: addition of carbonate compound into a lime kilnCO2WCI Method WCI.213(d)Direct measurement of quantity of carbonate compounds used or indirect measurement using quantity of carbonate compounds according to the quantity on the delivery invoices
    3Wastewater emissionsCH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.203(g)WCI Method WCI.204(g)
    4On site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.A.1.c , 2.A.1.d, 2.A.2.e and 2.BGHGRP 2.C
    • Return to footnote (a)For the combustion of biomass fuels where CH4 and N2O emission factors are not prescribed, an alternative method must be used to estimate these emissions. The alternative method must not be biased toward understatement or overstatement of emissions.

  • Marginal note:Applicable equations

    (2) For the purpose of subsection (1), GHGs emissions from stationary fuel combustion emissions from biomass fuels may be quantified using equations 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-7, 2-8, 2-9, 2-13, 2-14, or 2-18 from GHGRP, if applicable.

  • Marginal note:Replacement data

    (3) Replacement data for the GHGs set out in column 2 of the table to this subsection must be calculated for the specified emission type set out in column 1 using the method for estimating missing analytical data set out in column 3.


    Column 1Column 2Column 3
    ItemSpecified Emission TypesGHGsMethod for Estimating Missing Analytical Data
    1Stationary fuel combustion emissions from
    • (a) boiler, thermal oxidizer, direct-fired turbine, engine, gasifier and any other combustion device that generates heat, steam or energy

    CO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
    • (b) recovery boiler

    CO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D and WCI Method WCI.215
    • (c) lime kiln

    CO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
    2Industrial process emissions: addition of carbonate compound into a lime kilnCO2WCI Method WCI.215
    3Wastewater emissionsCH4 and N2OWCI Method WCI.205
    4On-site transportation emissionsCO2, CH4 and N2OGHGRP 2.D
The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Other emissions

  •  (1) All GHGs, other than those set out in column 2 of the table to subsection 100(1), for any specified emission type set out in column 1 and all GHGs for all other specified emission types not set out in column 1, must be quantified in accordance with:

    • (a) the GHGRP or the WCI Method, if those methods are applicable to the industrial activity of the facility; or

    • (b) the IPCC Guidelines, if the methods referred to in paragraph (a) are not applicable.

  • Marginal note:Sampling, analysis and measurement

    (2) The sampling, analysis and measurement requirements set out in the methods used under subsection (1) apply to the GHGs and specified emission types.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Pulp and paper production

 Production by the regulated facility must be quantified in tonnes of finished product, as follows

  • (a) in the case of pulp

    • (i) if the moisture content exceeds 10%, the weight of the pulp is adjusted so that its moisture content does not exceed 10%, or

    • (ii) if the moisture content is equal to or less than 10%, the weight of the pulp without adjustment;

  • (b) in the case of a product derived directly from pulp or the pulping process, the weight of the product or, if it has been machine dried, its weight after it has been dried.

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Electricity production

  •  (1) If a regulated facility uses only one fossil fuel to generate electricity, production of electricity must be quantified in GWh of gross electricity generated through the use of fossil fuels, measured with meters that comply with the requirements of the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and the Electricity Gas Inspection Regulations.

  • Marginal note:Electricity production — fossil fuel and biomass

    (2) If a regulated facility uses a mixture of fossil fuels or a mixture of biomass and fossil fuels to generate electricity, the gross electricity generated by the facility is to be determined separately for the gaseous fuels, liquid fuels and solid fuels, in accordance with the following formula and expressed in GWh

    Gu is multiplied by a quotient where the numerator is HFFk, and the denominator is HB plus the summation of HFFk for each gaseous fuels, liquid fuels and solid fuels “k”.


    is the gross quantity of electricity generated by the regulated facility in the calendar year, as measured using meters that comply with the requirements of the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act and the Electricity and Gas Inspection Regulations, expressed in GWh.
    is determined in accordance with the following formula, calculated separately for gaseous fuels, liquid fuels and solid fuels “k”:
    The summation of the products of QFFk,j and HHVk,j for each fossil fuel type “j”.


    is the quantity of gaseous, liquid or solid fuel, as the case may be, type “j” combusted in the facility for electricity generation during the calendar year, as determined under subsection (3) and in accordance with GHGRP 2.C.2 of,
    is the higher heating value of the gaseous, liquid or solid fuel, as the case may be, type “j” combusted in the facility for electricity generation in accordance with GHGRP 2.C.1 and 2.C.3 of, and
    is the jth fossil fuel type combusted in the facility during the calendar year, where “j” goes from 1 to m and where m is the number of types of gaseous, liquid or solid fuels combusted;
    is determined in accordance with the following formula
    The summation of the products of QBi and HHVi for each biomass fuel type “i”.


    is the quantity of biomass fuel type “i” combusted in the facility for electricity generation during the calendar year, determined in accordance with subsection (3) and with 2.C.2 of GHGRP and WCI Method, WCI.214,
    is the higher heating value for the biomass fuel type “i” combusted in the facility for electricity generation in accordance with section 2.C.1 and 2.C.3. of GHGRP and WCI Method, WCI.214, and
    is the ith biomass fuel type combusted in the facility during the calendar year, where “i” goes from 1 to n and where n is the number of types of biomass fuels combusted.
  • Marginal note:Quantity of fuel

    (3) The quantity of fuels for QFFj and QBi is determined on the following basis:

    • (a) for a solid fuel, the mass of the fuel combusted, on a wet or dry basis, expressed in tonnes and measured in accordance with GHGRP 2.C.2;

    • (b) for a liquid fuel, the volume of the fuel combusted, expressed in kL and measured in accordance with GHGRP 2.C.2; and

    • (c) for a gaseous fuel, the volume of the fuel combusted, expressed in standard m3 and measure in accordance with GHGRP 2.C.2.

  • SOR/2018-214, err., Vol. 152, No. 24

PART 20Other Regulated Facilities


The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Covered industrial activities

 This Part applies to regulated facilities that are used to carry out an industrial activity not referred to in Parts 2 to 19.

Quantification of Emissions and Production

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Emissions from certain specified emission types

  •  (1) The GHGs that are emitted for specified emission types must be quantified in accordance with the following methods and the sampling, analysis and measurement requirements set out in those methods apply to those emissions:

    • (a) the GHGRP or the WCI Method, if those methods are applicable to the industrial activity of the facility; or

    • (b) the IPCC Guidelines, if the methods referred to in paragraph (a) are not applicable.

  • Marginal note:Replacement data

    (2) Replacement data must be calculated in accordance with the methods used under subsection (1).

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Production

 The quantity of each type of product produced by the regulated facility must be quantified in mass, volume or number of units, according to the units of measure currently used by the industrial sector in question.

PART 21Coming into Force

Marginal note:January 1, 2019

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), this Order comes into force on January 1, 2019.

  • Marginal note:Deferred application

    (2) This Order becomes applicable in Yukon and Nunavut on July 1, 2019.

The following schedule is not in force.

SCHEDULE 1(Paragraphs 12(a) and 13(a))Content of Annual Report on Emissions and Production

  • 1 The following information respecting the person responsible for a regulated facility:

    • (a) an indication as to whether they are the owner or operator of the facility and their name and civic address;

    • (b) the name, title, civic and postal addresses, telephone number and, if any, email address and fax number of their authorized official; and

    • (c) the name, title, civic and postal addresses, telephone number and, if any, email address and fax number of a contact person, if different from the authorized official.

  • 2 The following information respecting the regulated facility:

    • (a) its facility name, the federal Business Number assigned to it by the Canada Revenue Agency, if any, and the civic address of its physical location, if any;

    • (b) its latitude and longitude coordinates using the decimal degrees or degrees, minutes and seconds, unless the regulated facility is a natural gas pipeline transmission system;

    • (c) its six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada code;

    • (d) the Covered Facility Certificate Number that was issued to the regulated facility;

    • (e) if applicable, its National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) identification number assigned by the Minister for the purpose of section 48 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 and, if applicable, its Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program identification number; and

    • (f) in the case of an electricity generation facility,

      • (i) the unique name for each unit,

      • (ii) the unit registration number under the Regulations Limiting Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Natural Gas-fired Generation of Electricity, if any, and

      • (iii) the unit registration number under the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations, if any.

  • 3 The quantity of each greenhouse gas emitted for the calendar year, expressed in tonnes, from each emission type:

    • (a) stationary fuel combustion emissions;

    • (b) industrial process emissions;

    • (c) industrial product use emissions;

    • (d) venting emissions;

    • (e) flaring emissions;

    • (f) leakage emissions;

    • (g) on-site transportation emissions;

    • (h) waste emissions; and

    • (i) wastewater emissions.

  • 4 If an alternative method is used to calculate, sample, measure and analyze in accordance with section 8 of this Order, a description of that method.

  • 5 The quantity of CO2 that was captured, transported, injected at long-term geological sites and that was permanently stored in those sites, expressed in tonnes of CO2, for the calendar year.

  • 6 A list of the methods used to calculate, sample, measure and analyze each specified emission type and greenhouse gas.

  • 7 If steam and heat are sold or purchased, the quantity of steam and heat, expressed in megajoules (MJ), purchased and sold in the calendar year.

The following schedule is not in force.

SCHEDULE 2(Paragraphs 20(1)(a) to (c))Content of Verification Report

  • 1 The following information respecting the person responsible for a regulated facility:

    • (a) an indication as to whether they are the owner or operator of the facility and their name and civic address;

    • (b) the name, title, civic and postal addresses, telephone number and, if any, email address and fax number of their authorized official; and

    • (c) the name, title, civic and postal addresses, telephone number and, if any, email address and fax number of a contact person, if different from the authorized official.

  • 2 The following information respecting the regulated facility:

    • (a) its facility name, the federal Business Number assigned to it by the Canada Revenue Agency, if any, and the civic address of its physical location, if any;

    • (b) its the latitude and longitude coordinates using the decimal degrees or the degrees, minutes and seconds, unless the regulated facility is a natural gas pipeline transmission system;

    • (c) its six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada code;

    • (d) if applicable, its National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) identification number assigned by the Minister for the purpose of section 48 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 and, if applicable, its Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program identification number; and

    • (e) in the case of an electricity generation facility,

      • (i) the unique name for each unit,

      • (ii) the unit registration number under the Regulations Limiting Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Natural Gas-fired Generation of Electricity, if any, and

      • (iii) the unit registration number under the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-fired Generation of Electricity Regulations, if any.

  • 3 The following information respecting the verification:

    • (a) the name and civic address of the verification body along with the name, telephone number and email address of the lead verifier for the verification team that conducted the verification;

    • (b) the name and contact information of the accreditation organization by which the verification body is accredited and the date of the verification body’s accreditation;

    • (c) the names and functions of individual members of the verification team and the name of the peer reviewer;

    • (d) a description of the objectives and scope of the verification and the verification criteria;

    • (e) a description of the data and information supporting the verification report;

    • (f) details of the verification procedures conducted on the data and information supporting the report that are required under this Order, including

      • (i) a summary of the assessments, tests and reviews that were conducted during the verification, and

      • (ii) the date of each visit conducted, for the purpose of subsection 19(3), ;

    • (g) the total greenhouse gas emissions from all industrial activity for the regulated facility for the calendar year and the amount of each type of product produced by the regulated facility, as described in the annual report for the regulated facility;

    • (h) in the case of a verification of an electricity generation facility, the following information as described in the annual report :

      • (i) the total greenhouse gas emissions from each unit and the sum of the total emissions from each unit within the facility for the calendar year, and

      • (ii) the gross amount of electricity generated by each unit from gaseous fuel, liquid fuel and solid fuel and the sum of the total production from each unit that comprise the facility in the calendar year;

    • (i) a record of errors or omissions, identified during the verification, in the data, information or method used in the preparation of the annual report that specifies, for each error or omission, and if the error or omission may be quantified,

      • (i) in the case of an error or omission related to GHG emissions, the number of tonnes of CO2e to which the error or omission corresponds, and a statement indicating whether the error or omission is an understatement or an overstatement of the total quantity, and

      • (ii) in the case of an error or omission related to the production of a given type of product, the quantification of that error or omission, expressed in the applicable unit of measure, and a statement indicating whether the error or omission is an understatement or an overstatement of that amount;

    • (j) a record of any corrections made by the person responsible as a result of the identification of any errors or omissions identified during the verification;

    • (k) an assessment of the GHG information system and its controls;

    • (l) the verification body’s conclusions with respect to the total GHG emissions and the amount of each type of product produced, including any qualifications or limitations;

    • (m) a declaration, signed and dated by the lead verifier, stating that the requirements of subsection 19(2) of this Order are complied with and that any real or potential conflicts of interest have been effectively managed;

    • (n) a declaration, signed and dated by the peer reviewer, stating their approval of the verification report;

    • (o) the verification statement by the verification body with respect to the quantification of GHG emissions, in accordance with the following table, based on the determination made by that verification body:


      Column 1Column 2
      ItemVerification StatementDetermination of Verification Body
      1PositiveThere is a reasonable level of assurance that there is no material discrepancy in the total GHG emissions.
      2AdverseThere is a reasonable level of assurance there is a material discrepancy in the total GHG emissions.
    • (p) the verification statement by the verification body with respect to the quantification of the production of each product that must be quantified under this Order, in accordance with the following table, based on the determination made by that verification body:


      Column 1Column 2
      ItemVerification StatementDetermination of Verification Body
      1PositiveThere is a reasonable level of assurance that there is no material discrepancy in the amount of products produced.
      2AdverseThere is a reasonable level of assurance that there is a material discrepancy in the amount of products produced.

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