Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada

Version of the schedule from 2006-03-22 to 2006-10-12:

FORM 14Rule 14Notice of Bilingual Name

(General Heading — Use Form 22)

TAKE NOTICE that (name) is registered in accordance with (name federal or provincial Act) as follows:
(Set out the name of the party in both official languages)
Dated at (place and province or territory) this (date) day of (month), (year).
SIGNED BY (signature of counsel or party filing notice or agent)
blank lineblank line
Counsel or party filing noticeAgent
(Counsel’s (or party’s, if unrepresented) name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))(Agent’s name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))
COPIES TO:         (Name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any), of every party)

FORM 16Rule 16Notice of Agent Representing Two Opposing Parties

(General Heading — Use Form 22)

TAKE NOTICE that I (name), agent for (name parties), have advised these parties that I am representing two opposing parties before this Court and that these parties consent.
Dated at (place and province or territory) this (date) day of (month), (year).
blank line
COPIES TO:           (Name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any), of every party)

FORM 20Rule 20Affidavit of Service

(General Heading — Use Form 22)

I, (name of deponent), (profession of deponent), of (place, province or territory), MAKE OATH AND SAY AS FOLLOWS:
THAT on the (date) day of (month), (year), I did personally serve (name of person served), of (address of person served), with the annexed (identify document served) by delivering to the said person a true copy thereof.
Sworn (or Affirmed) before me at
the (City, Town, etc.) of (name) in the (Province or Territory) of (name), this ___ day of ______, 20__.

A Commissioner of Oaths

(Signature of deponent)

FORM 22Rule 22General Heading File Number:________

Applicant (on application for leave) or
Appellant (on appeal)
(status of party in court appealed from)
(status of party in court appealed from)
blank line
(section of the act or these Rules on which document is based)
blank line
NOTE:1) The style of cause shall name only those listed under subrule 22(2) or (3), as the case may be.
2) Where two or more applicants or appellants each file their own notice of application for leave to appeal or notice of appeal, as the case may be, the style of cause in subsequent documents shall be set out as follows:


(Style of cause setting out name of applicant or appellant and respondent)


(Style of cause setting out name of other applicant or appellant and respondent)

FORM 23Rule 23Cover

(General Heading — Use Form 22)

(Insert, for each of the parties named in the style of cause, the following:)
(Name and status of party)Agent
(Counsel’s (or party’s, if unrepresented) name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))(Agent’s name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))

FORM 25ARule 25Notice of Application for Leave To Appeal

(General Heading — Use Form 22)

TAKE NOTICE that (name) hereby applies for leave to appeal to the Court, pursuant to (cite the section of the act or these Rules under which the application for leave is made), from the judgment of the (name of the court appealed fromand file number from that court) made (date), and for (insert the nature of order or relief sought) or such further or other order that the said Court may deem appropriate;
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that this application for leave is made on the following grounds: (set out concisely and number each ground on which the application is made).
Dated at (place and province or territory) this (date) day of (month), (year).
SIGNED BY (signature of counsel or party or agent)
blank lineblank line
ApplicantAgent (if any)
(Counsel’s (or party’s, if unrepresented) name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))(Agent’s name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))
COPIES TO:(Name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any), of every party and all other parties and interveners in the court appealed from)
NOTICE TO THE RESPONDENT: A respondent may serve and file a memorandum in response to this application for leave to appeal within 30 days after service of the application. If no response is filed within that time, the Registrar will submit this application for leave to appeal to the Court for consideration pursuant to section 43 of the Supreme Court Act.

FORM 25BRule 25Certificate (Applicant or Appellant)

(General Heading — Use Form 22)

I (name), (counsel or agent) for the (name of applicant or appellant), hereby certify that (state whether or not there is a sealing order or ban on the publication of evidence or the names or identity of a party or witness in this case, and give details of sealing order or ban (if any)).
Dated at (place and province or territory) this (date) day of (month), (year).
(Counsel or agent) for the (applicant or appellant)
blank line
COPIES TO:        (Name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any), of every party)
(Include a copy of any written order)

FORM 29Rule 29Notice of Application for Leave To Cross-Appeal

(General Heading — Use Form 22 and style of cause for application for leave or appeal, as the case may be)

TAKE NOTICE that (name) hereby applies for leave to cross-appeal to this Court, pursuant to (cite the section of the act or these Rules under which the application for leave to cross-appeal is made), from the judgment of the (name of the court appealed from and file number from that court) made (date) and for (insert the nature of order or relief sought) or such further or other order that the said Court may deem appropriate;
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that this application for leave to cross-appeal is made on the following grounds: (set out concisely and number each ground on which the application is made).
Dated at (place and province or territory) this (date) day of (month), (year).
SIGNED BY (signature of counsel or party or agent)
blank lineblank line
RespondentAgent (if any)
(Counsel’s (or party’s, if unrepresented) name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))(Agent’s name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))
COPIES TO:        (Name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any), of every party and all other parties and interveners in the court appealed from)
NOTICE TO THE APPLICANT: An applicant may serve and file a memorandum in response to this application for leave to cross-appeal within 30 days after service of the application for leave to cross-appeal.

FORM 33Rule 33Notice of Appeal

(General Heading — Use Form 22)

TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to leave granted by this Court on (date), (name) hereby appeals to the Supreme Court of Canada from the judgment of the (name of the court appealed from) made on (date);
TAKE NOTICE that (name) hereby appeals as of right to the Supreme Court of Canada from the judgment of the (name of the court appealed from) made on (date) pursuant to (set out the provision(s) of the statute that authorizes the appeal);
(In the case of an appeal under paragraphs 691(1)(a), 691(2)(a), 692(3)(a) or 693(1)(a) of the Criminal Code, state the following:)
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the dissenting judgment of the court appealed from is, in whole or in part, based on the following questions of law: (as specified in the judgment issued pursuant to section 677 of the Criminal Code)
Dated at (place and province or territory) this (date) day of (month), (year).
SIGNED BY (signature of counsel or party or agent)
blank lineblank line
(Counsel’s (or party’s, if unrepresented) name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))(Agent’s name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))
COPIES TO:        (Name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any), of every party and all other parties and interveners in the court appealed from)
(In the case of an appeal as of right, include a copy of the judgment and reasons for judgment appealed from and a copy of the certificate in Form 25B)

FORM 38Rule 38Certificate of Counsel (Appellant)

(General Heading — Use Form 22)

I (name), (counsel or agent) for the appellant, hereby certify that the annexed record contains the judgment appealed from and only so much of the pleadings, evidence, affidavits and other documents as is necessary to raise the question for the decision of the Court and that all recorded reasons for judgments and orders are included in the said record.
And I do further certify that I have closely examined the record and verily believe that it is a true and correct reproduction of the originals and that the same has been proofread.
Dated at (place and province or territory) this (date) day of (month), (year).
(Counsel or agent) for the appellant
blank line

FORM 39Rule 39Certificate of Counsel (Respondent)

(General Heading — Use Form 22)

I (name), (counsel or agent) for the respondent, hereby certify that the annexed record contains the judgment appealed from and only so much of the pleadings, evidence, affidavits and other documents as is necessary to raise the question for the decision of the Court and that all recorded reasons for judgments and orders are included in the said record.
And I do further certify that I have closely examined the record and verily believe that it is a true and correct reproduction of the originals and that the same has been proofread.
Dated at (place and province or territory) this (date) day of (month), (year).
(Counsel or agent) for the respondent
blank line

FORM 46Rule 46Notice of Reference

(General Heading — Use Form 22)

TAKE NOTICE that the said reference is filed pursuant to (cite the section of the act or these Rules under which the reference is made).
Dated at (place and province or territory) this (date) day of (month), (year).
SIGNED BY (signature of counsel or agent)
blank lineblank line
(Counsel’s name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))(Agent’s name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))
(Attach Order in Council)

FORM 47Rule 47Notice of Motion to a Judge or the Registrar

(General Heading — Use Form 22 and style of cause for application for leave or appeal, as the case may be)

TAKE NOTICE that (name) hereby applies to (a judge or the Registrar of the Court, as the case may be) pursuant to (cite section of the act or these Rules under which the motion is made), for an order for (insert nature of the order or relief sought) or such further or other order as the said (judge or Registrar) may deem appropriate;
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the said motion shall be made on the following grounds:
(set out concisely and number each ground on which the motion is made).
Dated at (place and province or territory) this (date) day of (month), (year).
SIGNED BY (signature of counsel or party or agent)
blank lineblank line
Applicant to the motionAgent
(Counsel’s (or party’s, if unrepresented) name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))(Agent’s name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))
COPIES TO:        (Name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any), of all other parties)
NOTICE TO THE RESPONDENT TO THE MOTION: A respondent to the motion may serve and file a response to this motion within 10 days after service of the motion. If no response is filed within that time, the motion will be submitted for consideration to a judge or the Registrar, as the case may be.
If the motion is served and filed with the supporting documents of the application for leave to appeal, then the Respondent may serve and file the response to the motion together with the response to the application for leave.

FORM 52Rule 52Notice of Motion to the Court

(General Heading — Use Form 22 and style of cause for application for leave or appeal, as the case may be)

TAKE NOTICE that (name) hereby applies to the Court, pursuant to (cite section of the act or these Rules under which the motion is made), for an order for (insert nature of the order or relief sought) or such further or other order as the said Court may deem appropriate;
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the said motion shall be made on the following grounds:
(set out concisely and number each ground on which the motion is made).
Dated at (place and province or territory) this (date) day of (month), (year).
SIGNED BY (signature of counsel or party or agent)
blank lineblank line
Applicant to the motionAgent
(Counsel’s (or party’s, if unrepresented) name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))(Agent’s name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))
COPIES TO:        (Name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any), of all other parties)
NOTICE TO THE RESPONDENT TO THE MOTION: A respondent to the motion may serve and file a response to this motion within 10 days after service of the motion.

FORM 61ARule 61Notice of Constitutional Question

(General Heading — Use Form 22)

TAKE NOTICE that, pursuant to the order of the Chief Justice (or other judge) made on (date), the constitutional question(s) in this appeal from the judgment of the (name of court appealed from) made on (date), are attached hereto;
AND TAKE NOTICE that any notice of intervention in Form 61B in this appeal must be served on all other parties and filed with the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada on or before (date).
Dated at (place and province or territory) this (date) day of (month), (year).
SIGNED BY (signature of counsel or party or agent)
blank lineblank line
Applicant to the motionAgent
(Counsel’s (or party’s, if unrepresented) name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))(Agent’s name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))
COPIES TO:        (Name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any), of attorneys general)
(Attach a copy of the order of constitutional question(s) and reasons for the judgment appealed from)

FORM 61BRule 61Notice of Intervention Respecting Constitutional Question

(General Heading — Use Form 22)

By order of the Chief Justice (or other judge), made on (date), giving notice of the constitutional question(s) raised herein, (the Attorney General of blank line or Minister of Justice of the government of the blank line) intends to intervene, file a factum and (not) participate in oral argument.
Dated at (place and province or territory) this (date) day of (month), (year).
SIGNED BY (signature of counsel for attorney general or agent)
blank lineblank line
Counsel for attorney generalAgent
(Counsel’s name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))(Agent’s name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))
COPIES TO:        (Name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any) of all other parties)

FORM 64Rule 64Notice of Intention To Dismiss Application for Leave for Delay

(General Heading — Use Form 22)

TAKE NOTICE that (name) has not served and filed all the documents required under Rule 25 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada for this application for leave within the later of
  • (a) the time set out in paragraph 58(1)(a) of the Supreme Court Act or the time extended under subsection 59(1) of that Act, and

  • (b) three months after the filing of a notice of application for leave to appeal;

AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Registrar may dismiss the application for leave to appeal as abandoned if the time for serving and filing the materials is not extended by a judge on motion. The applicant must serve and file the motion for an extension of time within 20 days after the receipt of this notice.
Dated at (place and province or territory) this (date) day of (month), (year).
blank line
(Name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))
COPIES TO:    (Name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any) of all other parties)

FORM 65Rule 65Notice of Intent To Dismiss Appeal for Delay

(General Heading — Use Form 22)

TAKE NOTICE that (name) has not served and filed a notice of appeal within the time period set out in paragraph 58(1)(b) of the Supreme Court Act or the time extended under subsection 59(1) of that Act;
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a judge may dismiss the appeal as abandoned if the time for serving and filing the notice of appeal is not extended by a judge on motion. The appellant must serve and file the motion for an extension of time within 20 days after service of this notice.
TAKE NOTICE that (name) has not served and filed the appellant’s record and/or factum within the time period set out in Rule 35 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada;
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a judge may dismiss the appeal as abandoned if the time for serving and filing the appellant’s record and factum is not extended by a judge on motion. The appellant must serve and file the motion for an extension of time within 20 days after the receipt of this notice.
Dated at (place and province or territory) this (date) day of (month), (year).
blank line
ORIGINAL TO:    THE APPELLANT    (Name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))
COPIES TO:        (Name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any) of all other parties)

FORM 67Rule 67Notice of Request — Vexatious Proceeding

(General Heading — Use Form 22)

TAKE NOTICE that, pursuant to subrule 67(1) of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada, the Registrar will be requesting a judge to make an order staying the proceedings, and, if the judge is satisfied that (name) is proceeding in a vexatious manner, the judge may order a stay of proceedings.
TAKE NOTICE that, pursuant to subrule 67(1) of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada, the Registrar will be requesting a judge to make an order that no further document be filed relating to the dismissed application for leave to appeal, and, if the judge is satisfied that the filing of further documents would be vexatious or made for an improper purpose, the judge may order that no further documents be filed relating to that application for leave to appeal.
Dated at (place and province or territory) this (date) day of (month), (year).
blank line
ORIGINAL TO:   THE PARTY    (Name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))
COPIES TO:          (Name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any) of all other parties)
NOTICE TO THE PARTIES:The parties may serve and file a response to this notice within 10 days after receipt of this notice.

FORM 69Rule 69Notice of Hearing

(General Heading — Use Form 22)

TAKE NOTICE THAT the above-noted appeal has been scheduled for hearing on (hearing date).
Dated at (place and province or territory) this (date) day of (month), (year).
blank line
COPIES TO:    (Name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any), of every party)

FORM 83ARule 83Notice of Taxation

(General Heading — Use Form 22)

TAKE NOTICE that (name) hereby requests the Registrar for taxation of the attached bill of costs on the (name of parties).
Dated at (place and province or territory) this (date) day of (month), (year).
SIGNED BY (signature of counsel or party requesting taxation or agent)
blank lineblank line
Counsel or party, if unrepresented, requesting taxationAgent if any
(Counsel’s (or party’s, if unrepresented) name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))(Agent’s name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any))
COPIES TO:        (Name, address and telephone number, and fax number and e-mail address (if any), of every party liable to pay)
NOTICE TO THE PARTIES: A party who disputes the taxation of the bill of costs or one of its items shall serve and file a response in letter form to this notice within 10 days after the service of this notice.

FORM 83BRule 83Bill of Costs

(General Heading — Use Form 22)

1.(Insert each applicableitem of the tariff of fees and disbursements pursuant to the tariff set out in Schedule B)$$
(The following to be completed by the Registrar)
Taxed and allowed at the sum of $_______
blank line
This blank line day of blank line 20___.

FORM 95Supreme Court of Canada

Special Session

The Supreme Court of Canada will hold a special session at the City of Ottawa on the ______________ day of __________________20___, for the purpose of hearing causes and disposing of such other business as may be brought before the Court (or for the purpose of hearing election appeals, criminal appeals or appeals in cases of habeas corpus, or for the purpose of giving judgments only, as the case may be).
By order of the Chief Justice, or by order of Justice blank line
blank line
Dated this blank lineday of blank line 20___.

Date modified: