Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Selected Listed Financial Institutions Attribution Method (GST/HST) Regulations

Version of section 59 from 2013-11-08 to 2024-06-20:

Marginal note:New non-stratified investment plan — reconciliation method

 If units of a non-stratified investment plan that is a selected listed financial institution are issued, distributed or offered for sale in a particular fiscal year that ends in a particular taxation year of the investment plan, if immediately before the issuance, distribution or offering for sale no units of the investment plan are issued and outstanding and if no election is in effect under section 49, 60 or 61 in respect of the investment plan and the particular fiscal year, the following rules apply:

  • (a) for the purposes of this section,

    • (i) the preceding taxation year is the taxation year of the investment plan preceding the particular taxation year, and

    • (ii) the reconciliation day is the day that is the earlier of

      • (A) the day that is 30 days after the attribution point in respect of the investment plan for the preceding taxation year, and

      • (B) the day preceding the day on which a plan merger of the investment plan and one or more other investment plans first occurs;

  • (b) for each reporting period of the investment plan that precedes the reporting period of the investment plan that includes the reconciliation day, paragraph 228(2.1)(a) of the Act is adapted as follows:

    • (a) the person shall calculate in the interim return the amount (in this Part referred to as the “interim net tax”) that would be the net tax of the person for the reporting period if the description of C in the formula in subsection 225.2(2) were read as “is an estimate of the financial institution’s percentage for the participating province and for the preceding taxation year of the financial institution, as determined by the financial institution”; and

  • (c) for each fiscal quarter of the investment plan that precedes the fiscal quarter of the investment plan that includes the reconciliation day, subsection 237(1) of the Act is adapted as follows:

    • 237 (1) Where the reporting period of a registrant is a fiscal year, the registrant shall, within one month after the end of each fiscal quarter of the registrant ending in the reporting period, pay to the Receiver General an instalment equal to 1/4 of the amount that would be the net tax for the reporting period if the description of C in the formula in subsection 225.2(2) were read as “is an estimate of the financial institution’s percentage for the participating province and for the preceding taxation year of the financial institution, as determined by the financial institution”.

  • (d) if the reconciliation day is not included in the particular fiscal year,

    • (i) for the purposes of these Regulations and the description of C in subsection 225.2(2) of the Act and despite sections 19 and 32, the investment plan’s percentage for a participating province and for the preceding taxation year is equal to whichever of the following is applicable:

      • (A) the estimate of that percentage that was used for the purposes of paragraph 228(2.1)(a) of the Act, as adapted by paragraph (b), in determining the interim net tax for the reporting periods of the investment plan that are included in the particular fiscal year, or

      • (B) the estimate of that percentage that was used for the purposes of subsection 237(1) of the Act, as adapted by paragraph (c), in determining the instalments for the fiscal quarters of the investment plan ending in the particular fiscal year,

    • (ii) for the purposes of these Regulations and the description of C in subsection 225.2(2) of the Act and despite sections 19 and 32, the investment plan’s percentage for a participating province and for the taxation year in which the particular fiscal year ends is equal to

      • (A) if an election under section 50 is in effect throughout the particular fiscal year, the investment plan’s percentage for the participating province and for the preceding taxation year, or

      • (B) if no election under section 50 is in effect throughout the particular fiscal year, the percentage that would be the investment plan’s particular percentage for the participating province and for the preceding taxation year if the particular percentage were determined in accordance with the rules set out in

        • (I) paragraph 60.1(b), if the investment plan has elected in prescribed form containing prescribed information to have that paragraph apply, or

        • (II) paragraph 60.1(c), in any other case, and

    • (iii) for the purposes of the description of G in subsection 225.2(2) of the Act, for the reporting period of the investment plan that includes the reconciliation day, the positive or negative amount determined by the following formula is a prescribed amount:

      A – B


      is the total of all amounts, each of which is an amount that would be the net tax for a reporting period of the investment plan that is included in the particular fiscal year if
      • (A) when no election under section 50 is in effect throughout the particular fiscal year, the investment plan’s percentage for a participating province and for the preceding taxation year were determined in accordance with the rules set out in section 60.1, and

      • (B) when an election under section 50 is in effect throughout the particular fiscal year, the investment plan’s percentage for a participating province and for the taxation year in which the particular fiscal year ends were determined in accordance with the rules set out in section 60.1, and

      is the total of all amounts, each of which is the net tax for a reporting period of the investment plan that is included in the particular fiscal year.
  • SOR/2013-71, s. 2
  • SOR/2013-197, s. 4

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